16 research outputs found
The article considers urgent issues of organizational reformation of economic entities of the AIC with a view to their optimization to requirements of an advanced development model of the agrarian economy. The importance of mentioned topics is determined by the content and themes of conducted system transformations in the agricultural sector of the agrarian economy towards the formation of a competitive and economically attractive system of management. Research object is subjects of various organizational forms of management in the agrarian sector of the economy in the process of their structural reforming. The purpose of the research is to substantiate development processes of AIC enterprises in a transition economy through the organizational modelling of production organization forms in terms of formation of an advanced model of a reproduction of the agrarian economy. The methodology of the research in this article is formed on the compliance with the economic development demands through the relevant laws. Their requirement is realized through the compliance with the requirements of scientific principles as guiding ideas for the implementation of business practices. The interrelation of management functions and scientific principles allows determining a set of research methods for the stated issue. It should be stressed that scientific methodology of this research also includes the use of factors of placement of agrarian enterprises in space and a set of factors of the external and internal influence that make a direct impact on the efficiency of functioning, in particular, small business forms. As a research result, the paper highlights a bipolar structure of the agrarian sector where powerful agrarian-industrial formations and small agricultural enterprises and households of the population coexist in parallel. It quite clearly distinguishes creation of cooperatives, which are considered a basis and effective form of business in rural areas that ensures rural development. In the authors’ opinion, among the presented business forms in rural areas, which operate in parallel, family farming enterprises can become the most perspective in the future. Today, agricultural enterprises, which, on the basis of mergers or acquisitions, were included in the composition of agricultural holdings, generally do not know their status, and hence they actually lose their economic independence. The practical importance of this publication is the possibility of allocating economically feasible forms of organizational development of the AIC and, on this basis, development and introduction of effective mechanisms for managing their support from the hierarchical authorities
CSIKE-ENC Combined Encryption Scheme with Optimized Degrees of Isogeny Distribution
For the PQC CSIDH and CSIKE algorithms, the advantages of two classes of quadratic and twisted supersingular Edwards curves over complete Edwards curves are justified. These classes form pairs of quadratic twist curves with order p + 1 ≡ 0mod8 over the prime field Fp and double the space of all curves in the algorithms. The randomized algorithms CSIDH and CSIKE are presented. An analysis of the degrees lk isogenies distribution is given, and an optimal distribution within the given conditions is proposed with the degree lmax = 397 instead of lmax = 587 while maintaining the number K = 74 of all degrees. A probabilistic analysis of random odd order points R was carried out, probability estimates are obtained, and it is recommended to avoid isogenies with small values of the degrees lk in algorithms. The features of the CSIKE algorithm with one public key of Bob in the problem of encapsulation by Alice of the secret key κ, which Bob calculates at the stage of decapsulation with his secret key, are considered. A CSIKE-ENC scheme for combined encryption of the key κ and message M based on two asymmetric algorithms CSIDH and CSIKE with Alice’s authentication and the well-known symmetric message encryption standard is proposed. The security aspects of the scheme are discussed
Studija znakova patogenosti kod Pasteurella multocida, izolirane iz životinja različitih vrsta
A significant number of microorganisms in natural and artificial environments exist in a structured formation – biofilm. This formation attaches to a certain surface, particularly the epithelium. The ability to form a similar structure has been observed in Pasteurella multocida, the causative agent of anthropozoonoses that affect domestic and wild animals, birds, companion animals and humans. The spectrum of pathogenetic action of P. multocida is wide and associated with the development of respiratory and multisystemic pathology, bacteraemia and other manifestations. Timely detection of P. multocida and treatment of the diseases it causes in farm and domestic animals is important to limit economic losses and improve social security. The main objective of this study was to determine the pathogenicity of P. multocida, its ability to form a biofilm, its resistance to antibiotics, and to identify the genes responsible for the formation of dermonecrotic toxin and biofilm formation. The paper presents the results of a study of 11 isolates of P. multocida: six isolates (54.5%) from rabbits, two isolates (18.2%) from dogs, two isolates (18.2%) from cats, and one isolate from pigs (9.2%). In all isolates, the gene ptfA was detected. This gene encodes the formation of type 4 fimbriae and participates in the formation of the biofilm, and the studied cultures in vitro formed a biofilm of different densities. The genome of eight isolates (72.7%) included the toxA gene (provides the formation of dermonecrotic toxin), while 45.4% of isolates had a complete set of the studied signs of pathogenicity, both in phenotypic (biofilm formation, mortality for laboratory animals) and genotypic (presence of toxA, ptfA) traits, and three isolates (27.3%) showed signs of multidrug resistance. The virulence of the toxA-negative isolates of P. multocida was lower than in toxA-positive isolates. The culture with the highest virulence (0.5x 101 CFU) and extreme resistance to antibiotics formed a biofilm of the highest density. The association of the gene in the biofilm-producing mechanism needs further evaluation, and further research is needed to identify the relationships between pathogens in Pasteurella multocida isolates from different species of animals and humans.Znatan broj mikroorganizama u prirodnim i umjetnim okruženjima postoji u obliku strukturirane formacije – biofilma i ta se formacija može vezati i na određenu površinu, posebice na epitel. Mogućnost formiranja slične strukture zamijećena je kod Pasteurella multocida, koja je uzročnik antropozoonoza, a pogađa i ljude, kućne ljubimce, ptice i domaće i divlje životinje. Spektar patogenih učinaka P. multocida prilično je širok i povezan je s razvojem respiratorne i multisistemske bolesti, bakterijemije i drugih manifestacija. Pravovremeno otkrivanje P. multocida i liječenje bolesti koje ova bakterija prouzroči u životinja na farmi i domaćih životinja važno je za ograničenje ekonomskih gubitaka i sigurnost društva. Glavni je cilj ove studije bio utvrditi patogenost P. multocida, sposobnost formiranja biofilma, otpornost na antibiotike, ali i identificirati gene odgovorne za formiranje dermonekrotičnog toksina, odnosno formiranje biofilma. Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate studije 11 izolata P. multocida: 6 izolata (54,5 %) izoliranih iz zečeva, 2 (18,2 %) iz pasa, 2 (18,2 %) iz mačaka te 1 izolat izoliran iz svinja (9.2 %). U 100 % proučavanih izolata, otkriven je gen (ptfA) koji kodira formiranje fimbrija tipa 4 i sudjeluje u formiranju biofilma. Ispitane su kulture in vitro formirale biofilm različitih gustoća. U genomu 8 ispitanih izolata (72,7 %) otkrivena je prisutnost toxA gena (koji omogućuje formiranje dermonekrotičnog toksina). 45,4 % ispitanih izolata pokazalo je cijeli set proučavanih znakova patogenosti – fenotispkih (formiranje biofilma, smrtnost za laboratorijske životinje) karakteristika i genotipskih (prisutnost toxA, ptfA) karakteristika. Tri izolata (27,3 %) pokazala su otpornost na više lijekova. Otkriveno je da je kod toxA-negativnih izolata P. multocida virulencija bila niža u usporedbi s toxA-pozitivnim izolatima. Kultura s najvišom virulentnošću (0,5 x 101 CFU) i ekstremnom otpornošću na antibiotike formirala je biofilm najveće gustoće. Asocijacija gena u mehanizmu proizvodnje biofilma zahtijeva dodatnu procjenu, a potrebno je i dodatno istraživanje za identifikaciju odnosa između patogena među izolatima P. multocida izoliranima iz ljudi i različitih vrsta životinja
Advanced Communication Model with the Voice Control and the Increased Security Level
Technologies of voice assistants or assistants are actively used in modern solutions. They are implemented on the basis of software that can perform tasks or provide services based on given voice commands by processing and interpreting human speech. Most communication tools are easy to use, but have typical and limited functionality for commercial use, in particular the implementation of security services. The paper proposes a model of a communication tool with a voice assistant and an increased level of security, which uses an advanced encryption method and a face recognition algorithm to provide security services. To build this model, the internal logic of performing functions and placing objects in systems with the functions of voice assistants or assistants was considered. The proposed solution uses a client-server architecture. As an additional direction of commercial use, the possibility of expanding the capabilities of the communication tool through the integration of auxiliary functionality in the form of a currency exchange module and decentralization of the system is being considered
Relationship between net migration and economic development of European countries: Empirical conclusions
The study aims to investigate the relationships between the volume of net migration and the economic development of individual European countries, which will make it possible to forecast the level of GDP and strengthen their migration policy. Correlation-regression analysis was used based on statistical data from Eurostat and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the period 2014−2021 for selected European countries (the EU-27 member states, Switzerland, and Ukraine). The correlation-regression analysis showed a relationship between the volume of net migration and the level of GDP. The linear correlation equations forecasted the value of the GDP level depending on the influence of a single factor – the volume of net migration. The attention is focused on the importance of migration, which ensures economic growth for Poland. It is attractive due to a simpler mechanism for moving immigrants than in other EU-27 countries, ease of language learning and easier adaptation, territorial proximity, and a higher standard of living compared to neighboring countries that were part of the Soviet Union. Thus, an increase in net migration to Poland by 1% will lead to an increase in gross domestic product by 1.43 million euros. Due to Russia’s war against Ukraine, net migration from Ukraine to Poland has increased significantly, potentially increasing Poland’s GDP in 2023 by 0.08% or 529.54 million euros
Algorithm based high composition-controlled growths of GeSn on GaAs (001) via molecular beam epitaxy
The growth of high-composition GeSn films of the future will likely be guided
via algorithms. In this study we show how a logarithmic-based algorithm can be
used to obtain GeSn compositions up to 16 % on GaAs (001) substrates via
molecular beam epitaxy. Within we demonstrate composition targeting and
logarithmic gradients to achieve pseudomorph GeSn compositions near 11% before
partial relaxation of the structure and a continued gradient to 16 % GeSn.
Using algorithmic-based control and calibration, the ability to consistently
and easily grow GeSn compositions above 20 % will likely become very possible.
In this report, we use X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy to analyze
and demonstrate some of the possible growths that can be produced with the
enclosed algorithm
Information Approach to Evaluating Effectiveness of the Marine Surface Monitoring System Functioning
The article shows that the main purpose of the Border Guard Agency's marine surface monitoring system is the information support of the decision making. To achieve this purpose such tasks were performed: provided rationale for the indicators of the marine surface monitoring system effectiveness; developed the analytical models for determining indicators of reliability, completeness, operational efficiency processed by the marine surface monitoring system; developed an analytical model of the integral indicator of evaluating the efficiency of the marine surface monitoring system functioning; investigated the results of applying the information approach to evaluating the effectiveness of the marine surface monitoring system in different circumstances. The choice of system effectiveness indicators has been justified. It is stated that the composion of indicators of reliability, completeness and operational efficiency corresponds to the properties of the information resource of the marine surface monitoring system. A formal description of these indicators has been made and an integral indicator of the effective functioning of the marine surface monitoring system has been formed. The obtained value of the integral effectiveness indicator allowed to compare the results of modeling with the standard value of the effectiveness indicator and justified the managerial solution on the use of operational resources at the maritime border area.</p
Особливості правових відносин, які виникають в мережі Інтернет
Based on the methodology of system analysis, the article examines the features of legal relations that arise on the Internet. It is defined that Internet legal relations are legally regulated public relations under the state's protection, which arise based on digital technologies in cyberspace. It is stated that there are many entities on the Internet which can be grouped into: technical entities, people responsible for the functioning of the Internet; individual subjects and users; collective subjects, among which are the governmental entities, which provide legal regulation of relations on the Internet, policy development and implementation; non-governmental entities - business; civil society, stakeholders in the expansion of the Internet and infrastructure development; international organizations that coordinate issues, develop technical and legal standards related to the Internet. The legal personality of the subjects of Internet relations is described. It is noted that the subjects exercise the rights that are aimed at certain interest groups: services, goods, information. The specifics of the Internet legal relations are that the rules of administrative, informational, civil, criminal law, etc. will be applied, depending on the object to which the subjects' interests are directed.У статті на основі методології системного аналізу досліджуються особливості правових відносин, які виникають в мережі Інтернет. Зазначено, що інтернет-правовідносини – це регульовані правом суспільні відносини, що знаходяться під охороною держави, які виникають на основі цифрових технологій у віртуальному просторі. Вказано, що в Інтернеті діє безліч суб’єктів, які можна об’єднати в групи: технічні суб’єкти, відповідальні особи за роботу Інтернету; індивідуальні суб’єкти, користувачі; колективні, серед яких державні, що забезпечують нормативно-правове регулювання відносин в Інтернеті, розробку та реалізацію політики; недержавні суб’єкти – бізнес; громадянське суспільство, зацікавлені особи в розширенні можливостей Інтернету і розвитку інфраструктури; міжнародні організації, які забезпечують координацію питань, розробку технічних і правових стандартів, пов’язаних з Інтернетом. Охарактеризовано правосуб’єктність суб’єктів інтернет-відносин. Зазначено, що суб’єкти реалізують права, які спрямовані на певні групи інтересів: послуги, товари, інформацію; специфіка інтернет-правовідносин полягає в тому, що в залежності від об’єкта, на який спрямовані інтереси суб’єктів, будуть діяти норми права адміністративного, інформаційного, цивільного, кримінального тощо
Features of biofilm formation of some pathogenic and commensal escherichia coli isolated from the body of dogs and cats
The relevance of this study is conditioned upon epidemic growth of nosocomial infections, which include Escherichia Coli (E. coli). One of the factors of pathogenicity of such microorganisms is the ability to form a biofilm – a complex community, within which bacteria acquire increased resistance to environmental factors, primarily to antibacterial drugs, which considerably complicates the course of the infectious process. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to determine the features of the formation and dependence of the density of the formed biofilm on the antibiotic resistance of pathogenic and commensal E. coli strains isolated from dogs and cats. The resistance of E. coli isolates to antibacterial drugs was established according to the disk diffusion method, according to EUCAST recommendations. The ability of microorganisms to form biofilms and determine their density was investigated in sterile plastic 96-well plates. The ability to form biofilms was assessed visually and microscopically, the density of biofilms was determined in units, spectrophotometrically, by the optical density of the washing solution. The paper presents the results of a study of 63 samples of pathological (wound infections) and biological material. From them, 10 E. coli isolates were obtained (6 from dogs and 4 from cats), which were selected for further research. It was established that all E. coli isolates had the ability to form phenotypic biofilm. The study investigated the interdependence of antibiotic resistance of E. coli isolates and their ability to form biofilms. Thus, isolates that were parted from pathological material and had a positive reaction on the CHROMagar™ ESBL medium for the determination of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases had greater resistance to various groups of antibacterial drugs and formed high- and medium-density biofilms, while E. coli isolates parted from pathological and biological materials with a negative reaction on CHROMagar™ ESBL medium formed a low-density biofilm and had less resistance to different groups of antibacterial drugs. The results obtained allow searching for innovative, sometimes alternative, methods of treatment and prevention of pathologies caused by the
Immunosuppressive activity of Campylobacter jejuni isolates in relation to the cellular link of the body’s immunoprotection
Global environmental changes have caused transformations in the biology of microorganisms, especially among campylobacter, which are currently associated with food toxic infections. The means of influence of these bacteria on susceptible organisms, namely toxins, have not been finally clarified. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic conditionality of toxin formation in isolates of Campylobacter jejuni and determination of the degree of inhibition of the body’s protective reactions by toxic fractions of Campylobacter protein compounds. The methodology of this study was based on the polymerase chain reaction using primers to indicate the nucleotide sequences of the Campylobacter jejuni genome that encode the synthesis of toxins. Samples from 4 Campylobacter isolates were examined for the content of protein fractions according to the Lowry assay. The analysis of the electropherogram of the results of DNA amplification in a comparative aspect with the data of standard samples allowed establishing the presence of genome elements that indicate the potential ability to produce toxins in Campylobacter jejuni isolates sampled from the material under study. Toxic fractions separated from the supernatant of Campylobacter jejuni broth culture are represented by protein-carbohydrate substances. The obtained peak toxigenic fractions of the dialysate of the bacterial culture sediment contained protein within 9.5-17 μg/ml. In the dialysate of the broth culture supernatant, where 5 groups of toxigenic fractions were distinguished, their protein content ranged within 10-85 μg/ml. By reproducing the opsono-phagocytic reaction involving toxigenic fractions of Campylobacter jejuni, a sufficiently pronounced immunosuppressive effect of these complexes on the body of warm-blooded animals was established with an opsonic index of 2.6 ± 0.03. The obtained results allow clarifying the connection between toxin formation in Campylobacter jejuni and their immunosuppressive effect on the body of warm-blooded animals and humans, which in the future will positively affect the improvement of measures for the prevention and treatment of animals with this patholog