6 research outputs found

    Interfacial Reaction-Driven Formation of Silica Carbonate Biomorphs with Subcellular Topographical Features and Their Biological Activity

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    We report the interfacial reaction-driven formation of micro/nanostructured strontium carbonate (SrCO<sub>3</sub>) biomorphs with subcellular topographical features on strontium zinc silicate (Sr<sub>2</sub>ZnSi<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>) biomedical coatings and explore their potential use in bone tissue engineering. The resulting SrCO<sub>3</sub> crystals build a well-integrated scaffold surface that not only prevents burst release of ions from the coating but also presents nanotopographical features similar to cellular filopodia. The surface with biomorphic crystals enhances osteoblast adhesion, upregulates the alkaline phosphatase activity, and increases collagen production, highlighting the potential of the silica carbonate biomorphs for tissue regeneration

    Modulating the Physicochemical and Structural Properties of Gold-Functionalized Protein Nanotubes through Thiol Surface Modification

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    Biomolecules are advantageous scaffolds for the synthesis and ordering of metallic nanoparticles. Rotavirus VP6 nanotubes possess intrinsic affinity to metal ions, a property that has been exploited to synthesize gold nanoparticles over them. The resulting nanobiomaterials have unique properties useful for novel applications. However, the formed nanobiomaterials lack of colloidal stability and flocculate, limiting their functionality. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to synthesize thiol-protected gold nanoparticles over VP6 nanotubes, which resulted in soluble nanobiomaterials. With this strategy, it was possible to modulate the size, colloidal stability, and surface plasmon resonance of the synthesized nanoparticles by controlling the content of the thiolated ligands. Two types of water-soluble ligands were tested, a small linear ligand, sodium 3-mercapto-1-propanesulfonate (MPS), and a bulky ligand, 5-mercaptopentyl β-d-glucopyranoside (GlcC<sub>5</sub>SH). The synthesized nanobiomaterials had a higher stability in suspension, as determined by Z-potential measurements. To the extent of our knowledge, this is the first time that a rational strategy is developed to modulate the particular properties of metal nanoparticles in situ synthesized over a protein bioscaffold through thiol coating, achieving a high spatial and structural organization of nanoparticles in a single integrative hybrid structure

    Poly(β-amino ester) Nanoparticles Modified with a Rabies-Virus-Derived Peptide for the Delivery of <i>ASCL1</i> across a 3D <i>In Vitro</i> Model of the Blood–Brain Barrier

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    Gene editing has emerged as a therapeutic approach to manipulate the genome for killing cancer cells, protecting healthy tissues, and improving immune response to a tumor. The gene editing tool achaete-scute family bHLH transcription factor 1 CRISPR guide RNA (ASCL1-gRNA) is known to restore neuronal lineage potential, promote terminal differentiation, and attenuate tumorigenicity in glioblastoma tumors. Here, we fabricated a polymeric nonviral carrier to encapsulate ASCL1-gRNA by electrostatic interactions and deliver it into glioblastoma cells across a 3D in vitro model of the blood–brain barrier (BBB). To mimic rabies virus (RV) neurotropism, gene-loaded poly(β-amino ester) nanoparticles are surface functionalized with a peptide derivative of rabies virus glycoprotein (RVG29). The capability of the obtained NPs, hereinafter referred to as RV-like NPs, to travel across the BBB, internalize into glioblastoma cells, and deliver ASCL1-gRNA is investigated in a 3D BBB in vitro model through flow cytometry and CLSM microscopy. The formation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the 3D BBB in vitro model is confirmed by immunochemistry. These receptors are known to bind to RVG29. Unlike Lipofectamine which primarily internalizes and transfects endothelial cells, RV-like NPs are capable to travel across the 3D BBB in vitro model, preferentially internalizing glioblastoma cells, and delivering ASCL1-gRNA at an efficiency of 10%, causing noncytotoxic effects

    Molecular Transport in Thin Thermoresponsive Poly(<i>N</i>-isopropylacrylamide) Brushes with Varying Grafting Density

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    The effect of the grafting density on the molecular transport through thermoresponsive brushes of poly­(<i>N</i>-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) grafted onto flat gold substrates was investigated using voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy. PNIPAM brush layers were synthesized at four different grafting densities using surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) from mixed self-assembled monolayers of ω-mercaptoundecyl bromoisobutyrate and undecanethiol chemisorbed on gold surfaces. Tethered PNIPAM layers with grafting densities resulting from initiator concentrations lower than 25% in the thiol monolayer show the same transport properties as the initial self-assembled monolayer before brush synthesis. For higher grafting densities, the diffusion coefficients, <i>D</i>, of the K<sub>3</sub>[Fe­(CN)<sub>6</sub>]/K<sub>4</sub>[Fe­(CN)<sub>6</sub>] redox probe is 7 orders of magnitude smaller than those typically measured in aqueous solutions and independent of whether the brush is collapsed or swollen. The collapse of the PNIPAM brush drives a hydrophilic/hydrophobic transition in addition to structural/conformational transformations of the grafted layers, resulting in still smaller values of <i>D</i>. However, these changes do not lead to a blocking effect on the active area of the gold surface, which is only determined by pinholes or discontinuities in the thiol initiator monolayer. These results are only observed for thin PNIPAM brush layers

    Solvent Effects on the Structure–Property Relationship of Redox-Active Self-Assembled Nanoparticle–Polyelectrolyte–Surfactant Composite Thin Films: Implications for the Generation of Bioelectrocatalytic Signals in Enzyme-Containing Assemblies

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    The search for strategies to improve the performance of bioelectrochemical platforms based on supramolecular materials has received increasing attention within the materials science community, where the main objective is to develop low-cost and flexible routes using self-assembly as a key enabling process. Important contributions to the performance of such bioelectrochemical devices have been made based on the integration and supramolecular organization of redox-active polyelectrolyte–surfactant complexes on electrode supports. Here, we examine the influence of the processing solvent on the interplay between the supramolecular mesoorganization and the bioelectrochemical properties of redox-active self-assembled nanoparticle–polyelectrolyte–surfactant nanocomposite thin films. Our studies reveal that the solvent used in processing the supramolecular films and the presence of metal nanoparticles not only have a substantial influence in determining the mesoscale organization and morphological characteristics of the film but also have a strong influence on the efficiency and performance of the bioelectrochemical system. In particular, a higher bioelectrochemical response is observed when nanocomposite supramolecular films were cast from aqueous solutions. These observations seem to be associated with the fact that the use of aqueous solvents increases the hydrophilicity of the film, thus favoring the access of glucose, particularly at low concentrations. We believe that these results improve our current understanding of supramolecular nanocomposite materials generated via polyelectrolyte–surfactant complexes, in order to use the processing conditions as a variable to improve the performance of bioelectrochemical devices

    Exploring the pH Sensitivity of Poly(allylamine) Phosphate Supramolecular Nanocarriers for Intracellular siRNA Delivery

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    Silencing RNA (siRNA) technologies emerge as a promising therapeutic tool for the treatment of multiple diseases. An ideal nanocarrier (NC) for siRNAs should be stable at physiological pH and release siRNAs in acidic endosomal pH, fulfilling siRNA delivery only inside cells. Here, we show a novel application of polyamine phosphate NCs (PANs) based on their capacity to load negatively charged nucleic acids and their pH stability. PANs are fabricated by complexation of phosphate anions from phosphate buffer solution (PB) with the amine groups of poly­(allylamine) hydrochloride as carriers for siRNAs. PANs are stable in a narrow pH interval, from 7 to 9, and disassemble at pH’s higher than 9 and lower than 6. siRNAs are encapsulated by complexation with poly­(allylamine) hydrochloride before or after PAN formation. PANs with encapsulated siRNAs are stable in cell media. Once internalized in cells following endocytic pathways, PANs disassemble at the low endosomal pH and release the siRNAs into the cytoplasm. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) images of Rhodamine Green labeled PANs (RG-PANs) with encapsulated Cy3-labeled siRNA in A549 cells show that siRNAs are released from the PANs. Colocalization experiments with labeled endosomes and either labeled siRNAs prove the translocation of siRNAs into the cytosol. As a proof of concept, it is shown that PANs with encapsulated green fluorescence protein (GFP) siRNAs silence GFP in A549 cells expressing this protein. Silencing efficacy was evaluated by flow cytometry, CLSM, and Western blot assays. These results open the way for the use of poly­(allylamine) phosphate nanocarriers for the intracellular delivery of genetic materials