132 research outputs found

    Infections in breast implants: a review with a focus on developing Countries

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    The risk of surgical site infection is always present in surgery; the use of prosthetic materials is linked to an increased possibility of infection. Breast augmentation and breast reconstruction with implants are gaining popularity in developing countries. Implant infection is the main complication related to breast aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. In the present paper, we reviewed the current microbiological knowledge about implant infections, with particular attention to risk factors, diagnosis, clinical management, and antibiotic prophylaxis, focusing on reports from developing countries. After breast aesthetic surgery, up to 2.9% of patients develop a surgical site infection, with an incidence of 1.7% for acute infections and 0.8% for late infections. The rate of surgical site infection after post-mastectomy breast reconstruction is usually higher, ranging from 1% to 53%. The clinical features are not constant, and bacterial culture with antibiogram is the gold standard for diagnosis and for identification of antibiotic resistance. While waiting for culture results, empiric therapy with vancomycin and extended-spectrum penicillins or cephalosporins is recommended. Some patients require removal of the infected prosthesis. The main methods to bring down the risk of infection are strict asepsis protocol, preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis, and irrigation of the surgical pocket and implant with an antibiotic solution

    MC profiling: a novel approach to analyze DNA methylation heterogeneity in genome-wide bisulfite sequencing data

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    : DNA methylation is an epigenetic mark implicated in crucial biological processes. Most of the knowledge about DNA methylation is based on bulk experiments, in which DNA methylation of genomic regions is reported as average methylation. However, average methylation does not inform on how methylated cytosines are distributed in each single DNA molecule. Here, we propose Methylation Class (MC) profiling as a genome-wide approach to the study of DNA methylation heterogeneity from bulk bisulfite sequencing experiments. The proposed approach is built on the concept of MCs, groups of DNA molecules sharing the same number of methylated cytosines. The relative abundances of MCs from sequencing reads incorporates the information on the average methylation, and directly informs on the methylation level of each molecule. By applying our approach to publicly available bisulfite-sequencing datasets, we individuated cell-to-cell differences as the prevalent contributor to methylation heterogeneity. Moreover, we individuated signatures of loci undergoing imprinting and X-inactivation, and highlighted differences between the two processes. When applying MC profiling to compare different conditions, we identified methylation changes occurring in regions with almost constant average methylation. Altogether, our results indicate that MC profiling can provide useful insights on the epigenetic status and its evolution at multiple genomic regions

    Tracing and tracking epiallele families in complex DNA populations

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    DNA methylation is a stable epigenetic modification, extremely polymorphic and driven by stochastic and deterministic events. Most of the current techniques used to analyse methylated sequences identify methylated cytosines (mCpGs) at a single-nucleotide level and compute the average methylation of CpGs in the population of molecules. Stable epialleles, i.e. CpG strings with the same DNA sequence containing a discrete linear succession of phased methylated/non-methylated CpGs in the same DNA molecule, cannot be identified due to the heterogeneity of the 5′–3′ ends of the molecules. Moreover, these are diluted by random unstable methylated CpGs and escape detection. We present here MethCoresProfiler, an R-based tool that provides a simple method to extract and identify combinations of methylated phased CpGs shared by all components of epiallele families in complex DNA populations. The methylated cores are stable over time, evolve by acquiring or losing new methyl sites and, ultimately, display high information content and low stochasticity. We have validated this method by identifying and tracing rare epialleles and their families in synthetic or in vivo complex cell populations derived from mouse brain areas and cells during postnatal differentiation

    Mental health in Italy after two years of COVID-19 from the perspective of 1281 Italian physicians: looking back to plan forward

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has generated an unprecedented global crisis that is profoundly affecting mental health and mental health care. The aim of this study was to survey a relatively large group of Italian physicians about their perceived impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of the Italian population and about their suggestions on the best strategies to address the current and future challenges. Methods: One thousand two hundred eighty-one (1,281) physicians were surveyed between November 2021 and February 2022. Results: Eighty-one percent of respondents reported an increase in the number of people with mental illness presenting to their practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thirty-four percent reported a 26-50% increase in the number of people with mental illness in their community; approximately 33% reported a 1-25% increase; and 26.9% reported a 51-75% increase. The most commonly reported mental issues that increased because of COVID-19 were agitation, mood and anxiety disorders. Regarding the suggested strategies to address future challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, 34.6% of respondents recommended providing psychoeducation to the general population for early detection of mental illness and developing strategies to reduce the impact of COVID-19-related stress. In addition, 12.6% of respondents suggested improving telehealth services, while 12.3% suggested the need for increased funding for community-based care. When asked about physicians' opinion on the possibility of an increased prevalence of mental illness in the next 12 months, more than 30% of them predicted an increase in stress-related illnesses, while 25.2% were more concerned about a worsening of the ongoing clinical conditions of patients with previous psychiatric disorders. However, 21% of respondents believed that people's ability to cope with the pandemic would increase in the next 12 months. Conclusions: This study confirmed a strong and negative impact on the mental health of the past 2 years of COVID-19 pandemic in the Italian population. Providing psychoeducation to the general population and improving the availability of telemedicine services could reduce the impact of future challenges related to the pandemic

    Epigenetic remodelling of Fxyd1 promoters in developing heart and brain tissues

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    FXYD1 is a key protein controlling ion channel transport. FXYD1 exerts its function by regulating Na+/K+-ATPase activity, mainly in brain and cardiac tissues. Alterations of the expression level of the FXYD1 protein cause diastolic dysfunction and arrhythmias in heart and decreased neuronal dendritic tree and spine formation in brain. Moreover, FXYD1, a target of MeCP2, plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of the Rett syndrome, a neurodevelopmental disorder. Thus, the amount of FXYD1 must be strictly controlled in a tissue specific manner and, likely, during development. Epigenetic modifications, particularly DNA methylation, represent the major candidate mechanism that may regulate Fxyd1 expression. In the present study, we performed a comprehensive DNA methylation analysis and mRNA expression level measurement of the two Fxyd1 transcripts, Fxyd1a and Fxyd1b, in brain and heart tissues during mouse development. We found that DNA methylation at Fxyd1a increased during brain development and decreased during heart development along with coherent changes in mRNA expression levels. We also applied ultra-deep methylation analysis to detect cell to cell methylation differences and to identify possible distinct methylation profile (epialleles) distribution between heart and brain and in different developmental stages. Our data indicate that the expression of Fxyd1 transcript isoforms inversely correlates with DNA methylation in developing brain and cardiac tissues suggesting the existence of a temporal-specific epigenetic program. Moreover, we identified a clear remodeling of epiallele profiles which were distinctive for single developmental stage both in brain and heart tissues

    Vulnerabilities in Mental Health due to Covid-19 Pandemic: The Response of the Italian Physicians

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    COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the pre-existing vulnerabilities and inequalities in societies. In this paper we analyse the categories that have suffered more than others from the pandemic and the restrictions on social life in terms of mental health. We rely on the Serendipity project based on a survey administered between November 2021 and February 2022 to a sample of Italian physicians (n = 1281). The survey aimed to assess the perception of general practitioners, paediatricians, geriatricians, and mental health specialists (psychiatrists, neurologists, child neuropsychiatrists), about changes in the mental health of the population as an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown. The strategies implemented by the doctors interviewed in terms of the intensity of the prevention, emergence, and treatment of mental health interventions, and their association with physicians' characteristics and their opinions on patient vulnerability have been illustrated by means of a multiple correspondence analysis. An overall result of the survey is the consensus of doctors on the worsening of mental health in general population, especially among their patients, due to the pandemic and on the onset of new discomforts. The most exposed individuals to the risk of onset or worsening of mental disorders include women, young people, and patients with psychiatric comorbidity. The paper also illustrates the interventions put in place by the physicians and deemed necessary from a public heath response perspective, that include providing psychoeducation to the general population, improving telehealth services, and increasing financial and human resources for community-based care

    Lurasidone in adolescents and adults with schizophrenia: from clinical trials to real-world clinical practice

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    Introduction: Lurasidone is an atypical antipsychotic agent approved in the European Union for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults and adolescents (13-17 years). Clinical trials have shown a generally favorable balance between efficacy and tolerability. Areas covered: This paper provides a review and commentary regarding the use of lurasidone in adults and adolescents with schizophrenia. The available information about efficacy, tolerability, dosing, and switching is analyzed, highlighting the strategies that may be most useful in real-world clinical practice. Virtual case studies, designed based on the authors' clinical experience with real-world patients, are provided. Expert opinion: Lurasidone is efficacious in adolescents and adults in a wide range of symptoms of schizophrenia. Choosing the right dose for each patient and combining lurasidone with other medications is key to treatment success. Lurasidone has proven effective both in adolescents and adults in treating the acute phase of schizophrenia and reducing the risk of relapse. It has shown a relatively favorable tolerability profile, with minimal effects on metabolic parameters and prolactin levels

    An atypical assessment of Ebstein’s anomaly in an 86-year-old man

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    We present the echocardiographic analysis of an 86- year-old man affected by Ebstein’s anomaly. In the natural history of this congenital disease only 5% of patients survive beyond the fifth decade. The patient presented severe right atrial dilatation and right heart failure, and he was referred to our institution for supraventricular tachycardia

    Use of benzylglycinamide by a HIV-seropositive polysubstance user: : the changing pattern of novel psychoactive substance use among youths

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript of the following article: Matteo Caloro, et al, ‘Use of benzylglycinamide by a HIV-seropositive polysubstance user: The changing pattern of novel psychoactive substance use among youths’, Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 60, pp. 53-57, September 2016. The Version of Record is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.03.032. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.A 24-year old woman with multisubstance use since the age of 13, including opioids and cocaine, and long-standing HIV/HCV seropositivity status, presented with psychosis, agitation, and insomnia at the emergency department of a university hospital. She had been abusive and physically aggressive frequently without specific reasons and was involved in criminal legal cases. She was hospitalized twice. During her first hospital stay she experienced a brief episode of detachment from her environment, similar to episodes reportedly suffered at home. Psychosis had developed following heavy polysubstance abuse. Her mother provided sachets containing benzylglycinamide, a substance with no known psychotropic effects, which were also present in the patient's urine. She was occasionally positive for cannabinoids. She used to buy various novel psychoactive substances (NPSs) from the internet and used experimentally various substances freely made available to her by drug suppliers/dealers. She was unable to explain clearly why she was taking any of the identified NPS. She stated she was taking benzylglycinamide to calm her when smoking synthetic cannabinoids. While it appears that benzylglycinamide is not likely to constitute a novel drug of abuse, her polysubstance use exemplifies trends in NPS use patterns among the youths in the Western world and should alert mental health workers as to the possible dangers of such behavior and its reflection on social behavior and psychopathology.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Cannabinoid CB 1

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