27 research outputs found

    A density matrix approach to the dynamical properties of a two-site Holstein model

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    The two-site Holstein model represents a first non-trivial paradigm for the interaction between an itinerant charge with a quantum oscillator, a very common topic in different ambits. Exact results can be achieved both analytically and numerically, nevertheless it can be useful to compare them with approximate, semi-classical techniques in order to highlight the role of quantum effects. In this paper we consider the adiabatic limit in which the oscillator is very much slow than the electron. A density matrix approach is introduced for studying the charge dynamics and the exact results are compared with two different approximations: a Born-Oppenheimer-based Static Approximation for the oscillator (SA) and a Quantum-classical (QC) dynamics

    Strong interplay between electron-phonon interaction and disorder in low doped systems

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    The effects of doping on the spectral properties of low doped systems are investigated by means of Coherent Potential Approximation to describe the distributed disorder induced by the impurities and Phonon-Phonon Non-Crossing Approximation to characterize a wide class of electron-phonon interactions which dominate the low-energy spectral features. When disorder and electron-phonon interaction work on comparable energy scales, a strong interplay between them arises, the effect of disorder can no more be described as a mere broadening of the spectral features and the phonon signatures are still visible despite the presence of strong disorder. As a consequence, the disorder-induced metal-insulator transition, is strongly affected by a weak or moderate electron-phonon coupling which is found to stabilize the insulating phase.Comment: New version with improved bibliography and discussio

    Phenomenological model for charge dynamics and optical response of disordered systems: application to organic semiconductors

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    We provide a phenomenological formula which describes the low-frequency optical absorption of charge carriers in disordered systems with localization. This allows to extract, from experimental data on the optical conductivity, the relevant microscopic parameters determining the transport properties, such as the carrier localization length and the elastic and inelastic scattering times. This general formula is tested and applied here to organic semiconductors, where dynamical molecular disorder is known to play a key role in the transport properties. The present treatment captures the basic ideas underlying the recently proposed transient localization scenario for charge transport, extending it from the d.c. mobility to the frequency domain. When applied to existing optical measurements in rubrene FETs, our analysis provides quantitative evidence for the transient localization phenomenon. Possible applications to other disordered electronic systems are briefly discussed.Comment: extended version with optical conductivity formulas for both non-degenerate and degenerate electron system

    Strange metal behavior from incoherent carriers scattered by local moments

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    We study metallic transport in an effective model that describes the coupling of electrons to fluctuating magnetic moments with full SU(2) symmetry, exhibiting characteristic behavior of metals at the approach of the Mott transition. We show that scattering by fluctuating local moments causes a fully incoherent regime of electron transport with linear T-dependent resistivities. This strange metal regime is characterized by almost universal, "Planckian" slope and a finite intercept at T=0T=0, that we can associate respectively to the fluctuations in orientation and amplitude of the local moments. Our results indicate a route for understanding the microscopic origin of strange metal behavior that is unrelated to quantum criticality and does not rely on the existence of quasiparticles.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Impact of quantized vibrations on the efficiency of interfacial charge separation in photovoltaic devices

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    We demonstrate that charge separation at donor-acceptor interfaces is a complex process that is controlled by the combined action of Coulomb binding for electron-hole pairs and partial relaxation due to quantized phonons. A joint electron-vibration quantum dynamical study reveals that high energy vibrations sensitively tune the charge transfer probability as a function of time and injection energy, due to polaron formation. These results have bearings for the optimization of energy transfer both in organic and quantum dot photovoltaics, as well as in biological light harvesting complexes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2 contains additional discussion of experiments, and extra physical motivatio

    Pairing and polarization in systems with retarded interactions

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    In a system where a boson (e.g, a phonon) of finite frequency ω0\omega_0 is coupled to electrons, two phenomena occur as the coupling is increased: electron pairing and polarization of the boson field. Within a path integral formalism and a Dynamical Mean-Field approach, we introduce {\it ad hoc} distribution function which allow us to pinpoint the two effects. When ω0\omega_0 is smaller than the bandwidth DD, pairing and polarization occur for fairly similar couplings for all considered temperatures. When ω0>D\omega_0 > D, the two phenomena tend to coincide only for T≫ω0T \gg \omega_0, but are no longer tied for low temperatures so that a state of paired particles without finite polarization is stabilized.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Universal scaling near band-tuned metal-insulator phase transitions

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    We present a theory for band-tuned metal-insulator transitions based on the Kubo formalism. Such a transition exhibits scaling of the resistivity curves, in the regime where Tτ>1T\tau >1 or μτ>1\mu \tau>1, where τ\tau is the scattering time and μ\mu the chemical potential. At the critical value of the chemical potential, the resistivity diverges as a power law, Rc∼1/TR_c \sim 1/T. Consequently, on the metallic side there is a regime with negative dR/dTdR/dT, which is often misinterpreted as insulating. We show that scaling and this `fake insulator' regime is observed in a wide range of experimental systems. In particular, we show that Mooij correlations in high-temperature metals with negative dR/dTdR/dT can be quantitatively understood with our scaling theory in the presence of TT-linear scattering.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    The origin of Mooij correlations in disordered metals

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    Sufficiently disordered metals display systematic deviations from the behavior predicted by semi-classical Boltzmann transport theory. Here the scattering events from impurities or thermal excitations can no longer be considered as additive independent processes, as asserted by Matthiessen's rule following from this picture. In the intermediate region between the regime of good conduction and that of insulation, one typically finds a change of sign of the temperature coefficient of resistivity (TCR), even at elevated temperature spanning ambient conditions, a phenomenology that was first identified by Mooij in 1973. Traditional weak coupling approaches to identify relevant corrections to the Boltzmann picture focused on long distance interference effects such as "weak localization", which are especially important in low dimensions (1D, 2D) and close to the zero temperature limit. Here we formulate a strong-coupling approach to tackle the interplay of strong disorder and lattice deformations (phonons) in bulk three-dimensional metals at high temperatures. We identify a polaronic mechanism of strong disorder renormalization, which describes how a lattice locally responds to the relevant impurity potential. This mechanism, which quantitatively captures the Mooij regime, is physically distinct and unrelated to Anderson localization, but realizes early seminal ideas of Anderson himself, concerning the interplay of disorder and lattice deformations