84 research outputs found

    Los manuales de convivencia escolar : Una apuesta por una sana convivencia

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    73 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEsta investigaci?n tiene como prop?sito compartir y socializar el proceso, los resultados y las conclusiones derivados de la revisi?n y an?lisis descriptivo de 21 manuales de convivencia escolar, que equivalen al 10% de las instituciones educativas oficiales del departamento del Tolima, frente al cumplimiento de la normatividad para la garant?a de derechos de la comunidad educativa. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyeron variables de los aspectos m?nimos que debe contener un manual de convivencia, como el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, los derechos y deberes de los integrantes de la comunidad educativa; mecanismos de elecci?n de gobierno escolar; acuerdos de convivencia e implementaci?n de la Ley 1620 de 2013, entre otros. Se realiz? una revisi?n extensiva de cada uno de los manuales y las recomendaciones para que las IE adelanten el proceso de ajuste y cualificaci?n de los MCE. A partir de la revisi?n, se evidencio en los Manuales de Convivencia Escolar aspectos relacionados con disposiciones que afectan el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, como el corte del cabello, la prohibici?n del uso del maquillaje, los tatuajes, los piercing, otros accesorios; el uso del informe el cual se encuentra discriminado por g?nero que no es garante del derecho a la identidad de g?nero. No promueven los contenidos m?nimos de la norma legal relacionada con el enfoque de g?nero, DDHH, participaci?n y responsabilidad democr?tica, enfoque poblacional y respeto por la diversidad y aborda el ambiente escolar con medidas pedag?gicas desde una perspectiva de castigo y sanciones que conllevan a suspensi?n, exclusi?n o expulsi?n de los estudiantes de las IE. As? mismo, se incluyen contenidos que no corresponden con la naturaleza de los MCE en virtud de las directrices y normatividad que regula la materia.This resarch has the pourpose of share and socialice the processes, results and conclussions based on the review and descriptive analysis of 21 coexistence school manuals, that are equivalent of the 10% of the total of schools in the departament of Tolima, facing to the accomplishment of the regulation for the warranty of the education community. The resources used in this investigation included variables of the minimmun requirements that a coexistence manual should include, such as the gender approach, Human rights, the rights and duties of the education community, Mechanisms of choice of school government; Agreements of coexistence and implementation of Law 1620 of 2013, among others. An extensive review of each of the manuals and recommendations was made for educational institutions to advance the process of adjustment and qualification of the schoolar coexistence manuals. Based on the research, it was possible to determined that the coexistences manuals often included rules that affect the free development of the personality, like the cut of the hair, the prohibition of the use of makeup, tattoos, piercing, other accessories; The use of the uniform which is discriminated by gender and does not guarantee the right to gender identity. Nor do they promote the minimmun content of the general regulation regarding gender approach, human rights, participation and responsabilities in democracy, poblational focus and respect for the diversity and Addresses the school environment with pedagogical measures from a perspective of punishment and sanctions that lead to suspension, exclusion or expulsion of students. Also, they include contents that do not correspond with the nature of the schools coexistence manuals under the guidelines and regulation that conduct the subject. Keywords: manual, coexistence, educational institutions, school climate, rights and duties

    Factores que generan agresividad durante el desarrollo de las pr?cticas de ense?anza

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    79 P?ginasEste trabajo es el resultado de la investigaci?n llevada a cabo durante los a?os 2012 y 2013 con los estudiantes de los grados sexto y s?ptimo de la Instituci?n Educativa San Pedro del municipio de Dolores Tolima. Se ha realizado con el prop?sito de identificar y describir los factores que generan agresividad durante el desarrollo de las pr?cticas de ense?anza debido a que en este establecimiento educativo durante los ?ltimos a?os se han venido presentando algunas situaciones de conductas agresivas que han dificultado el proceso de ense?anza aprendizaje en los estudiantes. Para tal efecto la investigaci?n fue guiada por un paradigma cuantitativo empleando como instrumento para la recolecci?n de la informaci?n una encuesta tipo Lickert adem?s de recurrir a diferentes referentes te?ricos, lo que ha permitido concluir que existen factores escolares del clima de aula, socio ambientales y familiares que en esta instituci?n est?n siendo generadores de comportamientos agresivos en estos estudiantes.ABSTRACT This work is the result of the research carried out for the years 2012 and 2013 with the students in grades sixth and seventh of the educational institution of San Pedro of the municipality of Dolores in Tolima. It was conducted in order to identify and describe the factors causing aggression during the development of the teaching practice since in this educational establishment during the last years some situations of aggressive behaviors that have hindered the process of teaching have been occurring in the students learning. For this purpose the research was guided by a paradigm that is quantitative using as an instrument for the collection of the information a survey type Lickert besides resorting to different theoretical references, which has allowed to conclude that there are school factors of climate of classroom, socio-environmental and family being in this institution are generators of aggressive behaviors in these students.ADVERTENCIA La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n de la Universidad del Tolima, el director, codirector y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos, ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Art?culo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, emanados por el Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCION 12 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 14 1.1 CONTEXTUALIZACION 14 1.2. DESCRIPCION DEL PROBLEMA 15 1.3. FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 18 1.3.1 Pregunta Principal. 18 1.3.2 Preguntas Secundarias. 18 2. JUSTIFICACION 19 3. OBJETIVOS 21 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 21 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 21 4. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 22 4.1. ANTECEDENTES DE INVESTIGACION SOBRE EL TEMA 22 4.2 MARCO TEORICO Y CONCEPTUAL 24 4.2.1 Conceptualizaci?n 24 4.2.2. Teor?as 34 4.3. NORMAS JURIDICAS SOBRE CONVIVENCIA ESCOLAR 40 5. METODOLOGIA 44 5.1. TIPO DE INVESTIGACION 44 5.1.1 Instrumento 44 5.1.2 Participantes 46 5.1.3 Procedimiento 46 5.2. ANALISIS DE LOS RESULTADOS 46 6. RESULTADOS 48 6.1. FACTORES ESCOLARES DEL CLIMA DE AULA DE LA AGRESIVIDAD 48 6.2. FACTORES SOCIO AMBIENTALES DE LA AGRESIVIDAD 56 10 P?g. 6.3. FACTORES FAMILIARES DE LA AGRESIVIDAD 60 7. CONCLUSIONES 67 8. RECOMENDACIONES 70 REFERENCIAS 72 ANEX

    Proyecto de novela gr?fica: Las cuatro fases de Eva

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    55 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas cuatro fases de Eva es un proyecto de novela gr?fica que se divide en cuatro cap?tulos, una luna por cada cual (luna nueva, luna creciente, luna llena y luna menguante). A partir de una pregunta base se empiezan a establecer diversos cuestionamientos sobre el lugar que ocupo dentro de esta sociedad, asimismo el ejercicio me abastece de m?ltiples posibilidades que voy desarrollando a lo largo del proceso de creaci?n e investigaci?n para construir una propuesta pl?stica. Palabras claves: SociedadThe four phases of Eve is a project of graphic novel that is divided into four chapters, a moon for each (new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon). From a question base begin to establish various inquiries about the place I occupy in this society, also the exercise supplies me many possibilities that I developed throughout the process of creation and research to build a proposal plastic. Keywords: Societ

    Caracterizaci?n de los programas para el control de tuberculosis en comunidades ind?genas de Latinoam?rica

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    145 p. Recurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: la alta incidencia de tuberculosis en poblaci?n ind?gena a nivel mundial y en especial en Latinoam?rica y el caribe se convirti? en un problema serio de salud p?blica, por lo cual se tom? como objetivo caracterizar los diferentes programas de control de tuberculosis en comunidades ind?genas. M?todos: revisi?n sistem?tica de la literatura en las principales bases de datos sobre programas implementados en esta regi?n en los ?ltimos 10 a?os, incluyendo art?culos anal?ticos y descriptivos, excluyendo art?culos que cursen con infecciones concomitantes o estudios en menores de 14 a?os. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 32 art?culos: 68% de MEDLINE, y el 32% de LILACS seg?n criterio inclusi?n. Se identific? a Brasil como el pa?s con m?s publicaciones con un 53%. En su mayor?a los hombres fueron m?s afectados en un m?ximo de 68.7%, el grupo etario menor a 15 a?os tuvo una incidencia mucho mayor con reportes hasta del 67.6%. Seg?n criterio de GRADE la calidad de los estudios fue baja y muy baja. Fueron identificados 5 estrategias para el control de la TB sin embargo no fue posible determinar la efectividad de los mismos. Discusi?n: los estudios analizados contaron con una calidad baja, limitaciones por sesgo, no hubo homogeneidad en la implementaci?n de una estrategia control para la tuberculosis ni en los resultados, es posible un inadecuado control y seguimiento presentes. Conclusiones: la literatura publicada pone de evidencia la falta de estandarizaci?n en el cuidado de la tuberculosis por medio de programas dirigidos, no se pudo determinar en ning?n caso la efectividad de los programas implementados por medio de estrategia DOTS, plan nacional para control de la tuberculosis en Brasil ni estrategia supervisada. Palabras claves: Tuberculosis, Comunidad Ind?gena, Tratamiento, Latinoam?rica, Dots.Introduction: the high incidence of tuberculosis in the indigenous population worldwide and especially in Latin America and the Caribbean became a serious problem of public health, for which purpose the objective was to characterize the different tuberculosis control programs in indigenous communities. Methods: systematic review of the literature in the main databases on programs implemented in this regi?n taking in consideration last 10 years of literature, including analytical and descriptive articles, excluding articles that present concomitant infections or studies in children under 14 years of age. Results: 32 articles were selected: 68% of MEDLINE, and 32% of LILACS according to inclusion criteria. Brazil was identified as the country with the most publications with 53%. In most men were affected in a maximum proportion of 68.7%, the age group less than 15 years had a much higher incidence with reports up to 67.6%. According to GRADE criteria, the quality of the studies was low and very low. Five strategies for TB control were identified, however it was not possible to determine the effectiveness of them. Discussion: the studies analyzed had a low quality, limitations due to bias, there was no homogeneity in the implementation of a control strategy for tuberculosis or in the results, an inadequate control and monitoring is a posible explanation. Conclusions: the published literature highlights the lack of standardization in the care of tuberculosis through targeted programs. In no case was possible to determine the effectiveness of the programs implemented through the DOTS strategy, national plan for tuberculosis control in Brazil or others supervised strategy. Keyworks: Tuberculosis, Indigenous Community, Treatment, Latin America, Dots

    ASHuR: Evaluation of the Relation Summary-Content Without Human Reference Using ROUGE

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    In written documents, the summary is a brief description of important aspects of a text. The degree of similarity between the summary and the content of a document provides reliability about the summary. Some efforts have been done in order to automate the evaluation of a summary. ROUGE metrics can automatically evaluate a summary, but it needs a model summary built by humans. The goal of this study is to find a quantitative relation between an article content and its summary using ROUGE tests without a model summary built by humans. This work proposes a method for automatic text summarization to evaluate a summary (ASHuR) based on extraction of sentences. ASHuR extracts the best sentences of an article based on the frequency of concepts, cue-words, title words, and sentence length. Extracted sentences constitute the essence of the article; these sentences construct the model summary. We performed two experiments to assess the reliability of ASHuR. The first experiment compared ASHuR against similar approaches based on sentences extraction; the experiment placed ASHuR in the first place in each applied test. The second experiment compared ASHuR against human-made summaries, which yielded a Pearson correlation value of 0.86. Assessments made to ASHuR show reliability to evaluate summaries written by users in collaborative sites (e.g. Wikipedia) or to review texts generated by students in online learning systems (e.g. Moodle)

    Risk Premia in General Equilibrium

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    This paper shows that non-linearities imposed by a neoclassical production function alone can generate time-varying and asymmetric risk premia over the business cycle. These (empirical) key features become relevant, and asset market implications improve substantially when we allow for non-normalities in the form of rare disasters. We employ analytical solutions of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models, including a novel solution with endogenous labor supply, to obtain closed-form expressions for the risk premium in production economies. In contrast to endowment economies, the curvature of the policy functions affects the risk premium through controlling the individual’s effective risk aversion.risk premium, continuous-time DSGE

    Is the Elephant Stepping on its Trunk? The Problem of India's Unbalanced Growth

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    It is often assumed that recent success in the high-technology software industry will lead India's development. However, evidence suggest that basic manufacturing industry is stagnant. This paper proposes a mechanism that ties these two trends together. A big-push type of model, featuring linkages between firms, demand spill-over, and technology choice is elaborated. By imposing different cost structures on the manufacturing and high-technology industries the model describes outcome in terms of distribution between sectors. It is found that a policy which promotes a high-technology sector can have negative effects on the manufacturing industry as well as aggregate income. Directing resources towards infrastructure, on the other hand, benefits all sectors and increases aggregate income. The results from the model are found to correspond with the recent development pattern in India.Industrialization; India; Industrial Structure