9 research outputs found

    Engine technical performance influence on car exhaust microparticles grading

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    Abstract. Present work demonstrates the influence of the engine size, car production year and fuel type on suspended solid particles of the car exhaust. The investigated machine group (N = 21) showed no influence on the particle size distribution caused by engine displacement and type of fuel. It is shown that almost new cars (less than 400 km travelled) are the most frequent source of the particles with an average diameter of about 10 microns or less

    Features of formation of «developmental institutions» in Russia: a case of the Siberian regions

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    The article is devoted to the features of the process of “developmental institutions” formation in the Siberian regions. The importance of the institutional environment and informal personalized connections affect its formation is articulated. The research is carried out according to the methodological base of public choice theory, especially — economics of bureaucracy, and the concept of D. North. Functional roles, which “developmental institutions” are performed in the Siberian regions, are disclosed: “affiliate” of the regional administration under its full organizational and financial control; “independent agent”, which expresses the interests of academic science and small innovative business; “subdivision” of federal innovative structure that promotes commercialization of innovations in the region; “conductor” of the federal level big business interests that favor large-scale projects realization in the region. As a result, different combinations of the elements of the institutional environment and informal personalized connections between subjects, who are involved in the process of “developmental institutions” formation in the Siberian regions, determine further success or “failure” of these organizational-economic structures

    Features of formation of «developmental institutions» in Russia: a case of the Siberian regions

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    The article is devoted to the features of the process of “developmental institutions” formation in the Siberian regions. The importance of the institutional environment and informal personalized connections affect its formation is articulated. The research is carried out according to the methodological base of public choice theory, especially — economics of bureaucracy, and the concept of D. North. Functional roles, which “developmental institutions” are performed in the Siberian regions, are disclosed: “affiliate” of the regional administration under its full organizational and financial control; “independent agent”, which expresses the interests of academic science and small innovative business; “subdivision” of federal innovative structure that promotes commercialization of innovations in the region; “conductor” of the federal level big business interests that favor large-scale projects realization in the region. As a result, different combinations of the elements of the institutional environment and informal personalized connections between subjects, who are involved in the process of “developmental institutions” formation in the Siberian regions, determine further success or “failure” of these organizational-economic structures

    Molecular-mass distribution of humic acids of permafrost peat mounds from the European North-East of Russia

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    Актуальность исследования обусловливается полидисперсностью гуминовых кислот и их слабой изученностью в торфяных почвах криолитозоны. Цель: изучение особенностей молекулярно-массового распределения гуминовых кислот почв бугристых торфяников. Объекты: препараты гуминовых кислот, выделенные из двух типов почв мерзлотных бугристых болот – сухоторфяной мерзлотной почвы бугров (разрез 2014-1), почвы оголённых торфяных пятен (разрез 2014-2), на всю глубину торфяных отложений. Методы: элементный состав, жидкостная гель-хроматография. Результаты. Исследовано молекулярно-массовое распределение препаратов гуминовых кислот, выделенных из мерзлотных бугристых торфяников Европейского Северо-Востока России. Выявлены закономерности его изменения по профилю. Установлено, что содержание низкомолекулярной фракции преобладает над содержанием средне- и высокомолекулярной фракций гуминовых кислот торфяных почв. Профильное распределение среднечисловых молекулярных масс гуминовых кислот двух разрезов имеет бимодальный характер, с максимальными значениями в верхней и нижней частях профиля. Высокие значения в верхней части профиля связаны с наличием фрагментов длинных неразветвленных углеродных цепей, парафиновых структур и фрагментов олиго- и полисахаридов, что приводит к увеличению линейных размеров молекул гуминовых кислот. Деградация парафиновых и углеводных фрагментов вниз по торфяному профилю обусловливает уменьшение молекулярных масс гуминовых кислот. Установлена корреляционная связь между мольным отношением x(H):x(C) и мольной долей высокомолекулярной фракции гуминовых кислот. В нижней части профиля увеличение молекулярных масс обусловлено коагуляцией дисперсных гуминовых кислот на минеральной матрице торфа. На границе многолетнемерзлых пород криогенные процессы приводят к существенной трансформации структуры гуминовых кислот с отщеплением наименее конденсированных молекулярных фрагментов. Это имеет четкое отражение в уменьшении молекулярных масс и индекса полидисперсности гуминовых кислот.The relevance of the research is caused by the polydispersity of humic acids and their insufficient study in peat soils of cryolithozone. The main aim of the research is to study the molecular mass distribution of humic acids in soils of mounds peatlands. Objects of the research are humic acid preparations isolated from two permafrost peats - from dry cryogenic soil of mounds (Hemic Folic Cryic Histosols) and soil from bare peat spots (Hemic Folic Cryic Histosols (Turbic)), over the entire depth of peat deposits. Methods: elemental composition, liquid gel chromatography. Results. The authors have studied the molecular-mass distribution of humic acid preparations isolated from the hilly peatlands of the European North-East of Russia. The patterns of its changes along the profile are revealed. It was shown that the proportion of the low molecular weight fraction of humic acids in peat dominates and statistically significantly exceeds the mass fractions of the middle and high molecular weight fractions. The profile distribution of the number average molecular weights of humic acids of the two plots has a bimodal character, with maximum values in the upper and lower parts of the profile. High values in the upper part of the profile are as- sociated with the presence of long unbranched carbon chains of paraffin fragments and fragments of oligo- and polysaccharides, lea- ding to increase in the linear dimensions of humic acid molecules. The degradation of paraffin and carbohydrate fragments down the peat profile, leads to decrease in molecular wights of humic acids. The correlation dependences between the ratio x(H): x(C) and high molecular weight fractions of humic acids were established. The increase in molecular weights in the lower part of the profile is caused by coagulation of dispersed humic acids on peat mineral matrix. Cryogenic processes on the border of permafrost lead to significant transformation of humic acid structure with splitting off the least condensed molecular fragments. This is clearly reflected in decrease of molecular weights and polydispersity index of humic acids


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    <div> <div> <div> <p>The article discusses about the relationship of creative thinking with personality traits at primary school age. Consideration with the research position of this problem is dictated by the need in modern educational space of identifying and exploring creativity, creative thinking, creative potential of children, as well as the development and formation of child's personality, his personality traits. Dependencies between the parameters of the General (total) index of creative thinking and personality traits are described in accordance with the Personality Trait Theory by Raymond Cattell. </p> </div> </div> </div

    Management of Endocrinopathies in Pregnancy: A Review of Current Evidence

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    Pregnancy in women with associated endocrine conditions is a therapeutic challenge for clinicians. These disorders may be common, such us thyroid disorders and diabetes, or rare, including adrenal and parathyroid disease and pituitary dysfunction. With the development of assisted reproductive techniques, the number of pregnancies with these conditions has increased. It is necessary to recognize symptoms and correct diagnosis for a proper pharmacotherapeutic management in order to avoid adverse side effects both in mother and fetus. This review summarizes the pharmacotherapy of these clinical situations in order to reduce maternal and fetal morbidity