117 research outputs found

    Production of two-dimensional porous TiNi-based powder material by diffusion sintering and electron-beam processing

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    The paper addresses the study of the surface condition of two-dimensional porous TiNi-based powder materials produced by diffusion sintering and electron-beam processing. Methods of production of two-dimensional TiNibased materials to be used for the purposes of non-destructive testing have been proven. The surface condition of the produced materials is described by scanning electron microscopy and interference profilometry

    Increasing Fatigue LIfe of 09Mn2Si Steel by means of High-Temperature Multistep Helical Rolling

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    The effect of high temperature helical rolling (HR) on structure and fatigue life of 09Mn2Si pipe steel has been studied. With the use of transmission electron microscopy there was revealed that rolling gives rise to refinement of ferrite grains and cracking (fracturing) of cementite plates within the pearlite phase. The effect manifests itself to the greatest extent in the surface layer where due to the rolling the level of plastic deformation was the highest. Data of microhardness measurements confirms the gradient pattern of strain hardening over the cross section during the HR occurs while the most intensive microhardness increasing take place at the depth of up to 3 mm. According to the mechanical testing results the helical rolling of 09Mn2Si steel gives rise to increasing the level of deforming stress at the yield plateau as well as the proportionality limit with a general decrease in the relative elongation. At the same time, despite the strain hardening resulting from the helical rolling the mechanisms of plastic deformation which manifest themselves in the form of parabolic hardening with a smooth decrease in the flow stress level after neck formation are preserved in the steel. During the cyclic tension the number of cycles prior to failure increases from 2.5 to 3.8 times that depends on the location of specimens' cutting from the rolled rod. The highest improvement in fatigue fracture resistance is registered for specimens cut out from the core of the rolled rods

    Increasing Fatigue LIfe of 09Mn2Si Steel by means of High-Temperature Multistep Helical Rolling

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    The effect of high temperature helical rolling (HR) on structure and fatigue life of 09Mn2Si pipe steel has been studied. With the use of transmission electron microscopy there was revealed that rolling gives rise to refinement of ferrite grains and cracking (fracturing) of cementite plates within the pearlite phase. The effect manifests itself to the greatest extent in the surface layer where due to the rolling the level of plastic deformation was the highest. Data of microhardness measurements confirms the gradient pattern of strain hardening over the cross section during the HR occurs while the most intensive microhardness increasing take place at the depth of up to 3 mm. According to the mechanical testing results the helical rolling of 09Mn2Si steel gives rise to increasing the level of deforming stress at the yield plateau as well as the proportionality limit with a general decrease in the relative elongation. At the same time, despite the strain hardening resulting from the helical rolling the mechanisms of plastic deformation which manifest themselves in the form of parabolic hardening with a smooth decrease in the flow stress level after neck formation are preserved in the steel. During the cyclic tension the number of cycles prior to failure increases from 2.5 to 3.8 times that depends on the location of specimens' cutting from the rolled rod. The highest improvement in fatigue fracture resistance is registered for specimens cut out from the core of the rolled rods

    Gravitational oscillations in multidimensional anisotropic model with cosmological constant and their contributions into the energy of vacuum

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    Were studied classical oscillations of background metric in the multidimensional anisotropic model of Kazner in the de-Sitter stage. Obtained dependence of fluctuations on dimension of space-time with infinite expansion. Stability of the model could be achieved when number of space-like dimensions equals or more then four. Were calculated contributions to the density of "vacuum energy", that are providing by proper oscillations of background metric and compared with contribution of cosmological arising of particles due to expansion. As it turned out, contribution of gravitational oscillation of metric into density of "vacuum energy" should play significant role in the de-Sitter stage

    An Assessment of Policy Measures to Support Russia's Real Economy

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    "This paper presents the results of an analytical project on the design and approbation of methodology for assessing and monitoring the measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation in response to the recent worldwide fiscal crisis. The paper is based on our analysis of about 100 measures initiated between October 2008 and March 2009 to support Russia's real economy. Within the scope of this analysis, we singled out the main beneficiaries according to industry and enterprise scale, and estimated the effects of the measures during the crisis and recovery phases. The paper also describes the major risks the Russian government will face as a result of implementing the aforementioned measures and identifies the key problems and inconsistencies of the anti-crisis programme." (author's abstract
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