12 research outputs found

    Model for Forming the Interregional Cluster of the Alternative Energy

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    The relevance of the research is due to the necessity of improving Russia's environmental and economic policy at the present stage and ensuring sustainable environmental and economic development of the Russian economy. One of the main strategic priorities of the latter is the development of alternative energy, which will contribute to higher energy and environmental efficiency as well as to easing the load on the environment. It will also involve optimization of the structure of the country's balance of energy owing to reducing its dependence on the export of organic fuels and to ensuring innovation development of the energy industry for the long term. With regard to this, the paper is aimed at finding the most efficient way for solving the said problem; as one, it is shaping the interregional cluster of alternative energy that is suggested by the authors. The leading approach to studying this problem is the systemic approach enabling an integrated view of the diverse elements (alternative energy, cluster approach, interregional interaction) that used to be considered individually. In the paper, the necessity of developing alternative energy is justified as one of the focus areas for ensuring Russia's sustainable environmental and economic development which requires the relevant material, labor and financial resources, technologies and equipment. In order to generate these, it is suggested to form the interregional cluster of alternative energy based on one of the four presented interregional interaction models, namely, the multilateral cross-sectoral model which is going to incorporate mutually associated sectors of the economy (producer sectors, supplier sectors, and consumer sectors) located in several regions and aimed at solving the shared problems. The materials of the paper are of practical value for the state and municipal authorities of Russia in terms of improving the policy implemented by them within sustainable development. Moreover, the results of the paper can be taken into account in forming an entire range of regulatory instruments and social and economic development programs for Russia in general and its regions in particular. Keywords: Alternative energy; cluster approach; interregional cluster; region; cluster policy JEL Classifications: C38, Q01, Q2, Q42 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.795

    Szeg\H{o}'s theorem for matrix orthogonal polynomials

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    We extend some classical theorems in the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle to the matrix case. In particular, we prove a matrix analogue of Szeg\H{o}'s theorem. As a by-product, we also obtain an elementary proof of the distance formula by Helson and Lowdenslager.Comment: 19 pp, typos corrected, introduction expande

    Algorithm for the Development of Public Spaces in Large Cities in the Context of Urbanization

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    Introduction. When selecting urbanized locations for parks and squares as centers of improvement and comfort of the urban environment, it is necessary to involve not only public authorities, but also activists. The purpose of the study is to build an algorithm for the development of public spaces in large cities, taking into account the schemes of interaction between state, municipal and business entities and activists. Materials and Methods. The study was based on publications by Russian and foreign scientists, regulatory documents on the research problem. The Rostov Region was the research subject, as well as the center of the region, the city of Rostov-on-Don with a population of over one million. The authors have analyzed the results of sociological surveys and rating voting on the development of public spaces in cities. The use of analytical methods and research techniques (analysis, generalization, induction and deduction, systems approach) made it possible to substantiate the authors’ point of view and the algorithm for the development of public spaces in large cities. Results. The scientific knowledge on the issues of harmonizing the interests of the population of large cities, municipal authorities, and business entities has been systematized in terms of improving urban planning, social and environmental strategies for the development of the region, based on information resources of the main indicators of the state of the environment and the investment attractiveness of the Rostov Region. Practical recommendations have been formulated for regional public authorities to ensure effective use of public spaces in large cities in the context urbanization. Discussion and Conclusion. Based on the study, the authors have proposed an algorithm for the development of public spaces in cities, which will combine the efforts of public authorities, business entities and the population in creating a comfortable urban environment in large cities. The materials of the article will be useful for city managers and heads of regions, as well as for specialists involved in the landscaping of public spaces

    Trends in the rational use of municipal solid waste

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    Is not yet possible to create a full-fledged municipal solid waste management industry in Russia, as private investors currently do not consider this area promising for investment, even if there is a positive domestic experience. Since the механизмыfree market mechanisms in this industry have not worked, it is the state that has the main task of forming all the infrastructure necessary for MSW management, so the purpose of this article is to consider the main directions of MSW use in accordance with global trends and the possibility of using the experience of other countries that have achieved high results in this area. Today, Russia generates about 70 million tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) per year. According to the figures laid down in the national project “Ecology”, by 2024, 60% of garbage should be processed, that is, sorted, and then sent for recycling, 36% of the total volume of waste should be recycled. To do this, it is necessary to additionally build capacities capable of sorting 37.1 million tons of MSW. At the same time, enterprises operating in this segment, have a shortage of financial resources - half of the approximately two hundred operators in the country have cash gaps, accounts payable and receivables are growing, and operations are becoming unprofitable. In these circumstances, it is very important to consider the mechanisms that can increase the attractiveness of the industry for business and ensure its profitability

    Development of the large cities in the context of the implementation of the ESG framework

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    The article is devoted to the formation of a conceptual model of sustainable development of large cities and the algorithm of its implementation in the ESG framework. The article aims to illustrate and justify of the authors’ proposals in promoting the digital sustainable development management platforms in conditions of environmental challenges inherent in a group of the largest million-plus cities in the Russian Federation. The necessity and expediency of building digital platforms for managing the sustainable development of major cities is proposed and justified, which is caused by the growing volume of information in the conditions of sanctions and changes in foreign economic conditions. The importance of the formation of “smart” cities with the elements of “green” construction and with the allocation of zones of ecological well-being, the transfer of urban vehicles to electric vehicles, optimization of waste disposal of production and consumption in these cities is emphasized. The article proposes a methodological approach to the formation of an information panel for the sustainable development of the largest cities of the Russian Federation. Finally, the algorithm for implementing the construction of a digital platform for managing the sustainable development of the largest cities is presented in the form of a four-stage system of actions, the sequence of which takes into account the presence of distinctive conditions in different cities that characterize their environmental well-being, as well as infrastructure tasks to ensure energy saving and resource conservation regimes within the ESG agenda

    Development Priorities for the Regional Innovation System Based on the Best Available Technologies

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    At the present stage one of the most important factors in the economic growth of Russian regions is the production processes modernization based on the best available technologies (hereinafter—BAT), ensuring the reduction of the negative impact on the environment in cost-effective ways. The most important conditions for the successful implementation of BAT at regional enterprises is the creation of general institutional conditions at the all-Russian level and the supply of enterprises with domestic technologies meeting the criteria of the best available technology. Over the past several years, large-scale work has been carried out in Russia to amend legislation, prepare BAT reference documents, and form the institutional conditions for their implementation. However, sustainable outcomes in specific regions will require the further development of regional innovation systems, consistent with the needs of local enterprises in BAT. The article proposes a general regional mechanism for managing the sustainable development of an innovation system based on BAT. For its successful implementation, a set of practical recommendations for the Rostov region has been formed. Within the framework of the innovation regional infrastructure it was proposed to create a new institute for the implementation of BAT—the Regional BAT competence center, priority areas for the development of potential and promising BAT in the region were identified, a general pattern of interaction of the Regional BAT competence center with other participants in the process was developed