272 research outputs found

    Field-induced Conductance Switching by Charge-state Alternation in Organometallic Single-Molecule Junctions

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    Charge transport through single molecules can be influenced by the charge and spin states of redox-active metal centres placed in the transport pathway. These molecular intrinsic properties are usually addressed by varying the molecules electrochemical and magnetic environment, a procedure that requires complex setups with multiple terminals. Here we show that oxidation and reduction of organometallic compounds containing either Fe, Ru or Mo centres can solely be triggered by the electric field applied to a two-terminal molecular junction. Whereas all compounds exhibit bias-dependent hysteresis, the Mo-containing compound additionally shows an abrupt voltage-induced conductance switching, yielding high to low current ratios exceeding 1000 at voltage stimuli of less than 1.0 V. DFT calculations identify a localized, redox active molecular orbital that is weakly coupled to the electrodes and closely aligned with the Fermi energy of the leads because of the spin-polarised ground state unique to the Mo centre. This situation opens an additional slow and incoherent hopping channel for transport, triggering a transient charging effect of the entire molecule and a strong hysteresis with unprecedented high low-to-high current ratios.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Excitation and Injury of Adult Ventricular Cardiomyocytes by Nano- to Millisecond Electric Shocks

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    Intense electric shocks of nanosecond (ns) duration can become a new modality for more efficient but safer defibrillation. We extended strength-duration curves for excitation of cardiomyocytes down to 200 ns, and compared electroporative damage by proportionally more intense shocks of different duration. Enzymatically isolated murine, rabbit, and swine adult ventricular cardiomyocytes (VCM) were loaded with a Ca2+ indicator Fluo-4 or Fluo-5N and subjected to shocks of increasing amplitude until a Ca2+ transient was optically detected. Then, the voltage was increased 5-fold, and the electric cell injury was quantified by the uptake of a membrane permeability marker dye, propidium iodide. We established that: (1) Stimuli down to 200-ns duration can elicit Ca2+ transients, although repeated ns shocks often evoke abnormal responses, (2) Stimulation thresholds expectedly increase as the shock duration decreases, similarly for VCMs from different species, (3) Stimulation threshold energy is minimal for the shortest shocks, (4) VCM orientation with respect to the electric field does not affect the threshold for ns shocks, and (5) The shortest shocks cause the least electroporation injury. These findings support further exploration of ns defibrillation, although abnormal response patterns to repetitive ns stimuli are of a concern and require mechanistic analysis

    Step bunching with both directions of the current: Vicinal W(110) surfaces versus atomistic scale model

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    We report for the first time the observation of bunching of monoatomic steps on vicinal W(110) surfaces induced by step up or step down currents across the steps. Measurements reveal that the size scaling exponent {\gamma}, connecting the maximal slope of a bunch with its height, differs depending on the current direction. We provide a numerical perspective by using an atomistic scale model with a conserved surface flux to mimic experimental conditions, and also for the first time show that there is an interval of parameters in which the vicinal surface is unstable against step bunching for both directions of the adatom drift.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Synthesis and properties of the heterospin (S1 = S2 = 1/2) radical-ion salt bis(mesitylene)molybdenum(I) [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazolidyl

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    The authors are grateful to the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project 8.14), the Royal Society (RS International Joint Project 2010/R3), the Leverhulme Trust (Project IN-2012-094), the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Project 13), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Project of Joint Laboratories of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and National Research Universities), and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Projects 13-03-00072 and 15-03-03242) for financial support of various parts of this work. N.A.S. thanks the Council for Grants of the President of Russian Federation for postdoctoral scholarship (grant MK-4411.2015.3). B.E.B. is grateful for an EaStCHEM Hirst Academic Fellowship. A.V.Z. thanks the Foundation named after D. I. Mendeleev, Tomsk State University, for support of his work.Low-temperature interaction of [1,2,5]thiadiazolo[3,4-c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (1) with MoMes2 (Mes = mesitylene / 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene) in tetrahydrofuran gave the heterospin (S1 = S2 = 1/2) radical-ion salt [MoMes2]+[1]– (2) whose structure was confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). The structure revealed alternating layers of the cations and anions with the Mes ligands perpendicular, and the anions tilted by 45°, to the layer plane. At 300 K the effective magnetic moment of 2 is equal to 2.40 μB (theoretically expected 2.45 μB) and monotonically decreases with lowering of the temperature. In the temperature range 2−300 K, the molar magnetic susceptibility of 2 is well-described by the Curie-Weiss law with parameters C and θ equal to 0.78 cm3⋅K⋅mol–1 and −31.2 K, respectively. Overall, the magnetic behavior of 2 is similar to that of [CrTol2]+[1]– and [CrCp*2]+[1]–, i.e. changing the cation [MAr2]+ 3d atom M = Cr (Z = 24) with weak spin-orbit coupling (SOC) to a 4d atom M = Mo (Z = 42) with stronger SOC does not affect macroscopic magnetic properties of the salts. For the XRD structure of salt 2, parameters of the Heisenberg spin-Hamiltonian were calculated using the broken-symmetry DFT and CASSCF approaches, and the complex 3D magnetic structure with both the ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) exchange interactions was revealed with the latter as dominating. Salt 2 is thermally unstable and slowly loses the Mes ligands upon storage at ambient temperature. Under the same reaction conditions, interaction of 1 with MoTol2 (Tol = toluene) proceeded with partial loss of the Tol ligands to afford diamagnetic product.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Design, Performance, and Calibration of CMS Hadron Endcap Calorimeters

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    Detailed measurements have been made with the CMS hadron calorimeter endcaps (HE) in response to beams of muons, electrons, and pions. Readout of HE with custom electronics and hybrid photodiodes (HPDs) shows no change of performance compared to readout with commercial electronics and photomultipliers. When combined with lead-tungstenate crystals, an energy resolution of 8\% is achieved with 300 GeV/c pions. A laser calibration system is used to set the timing and monitor operation of the complete electronics chain. Data taken with radioactive sources in comparison with test beam pions provides an absolute initial calibration of HE to approximately 4\% to 5\%

    Design, Performance and Calibration of the CMS Forward Calorimeter Wedges

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    We report on the test beam results and calibration methods using charged particles of the CMS Forward Calorimeter (HF). The HF calorimeter covers a large pseudorapidity region (3\l |\eta| \le 5), and is essential for large number of physics channels with missing transverse energy. It is also expected to play a prominent role in the measurement of forward tagging jets in weak boson fusion channels. The HF calorimeter is based on steel absorber with embedded fused-silica-core optical fibers where Cherenkov radiation forms the basis of signal generation. Thus, the detector is essentially sensitive only to the electromagnetic shower core and is highly non-compensating (e/h \approx 5). This feature is also manifest in narrow and relatively short showers compared to similar calorimeters based on ionization. The choice of fused-silica optical fibers as active material is dictated by its exceptional radiation hardness. The electromagnetic energy resolution is dominated by photoelectron statistics and can be expressed in the customary form as a/\sqrt{E} + b. The stochastic term a is 198% and the constant term b is 9%. The hadronic energy resolution is largely determined by the fluctuations in the neutral pion production in showers, and when it is expressed as in the electromagnetic case, a = 280% and b = 11%

    Energy Response and Longitudinal Shower Profiles Measured in CMS HCAL and Comparison With Geant4

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    The response of the CMS combined electromagnetic and hadron calorimeter to beams of pions with momenta in the range 5-300 GeV/c has been measured in the H2 test beam at CERN. The raw response with the electromagnetic compartment calibrated to electrons and the hadron compartment calibrated to 300 GeV pions may be represented by sigma = (1.2) sqrt{E} oplus (0.095) E. The fraction of energy visible in the calorimeter ranges from 0.72 at 5 GeV to 0.95 at 300 GeV, indicating a substantial nonlinearity. The intrinsic electron to hadron ratios are fit as a function of energy and found to be in the range 1.3-2.7 for the electromagnetic compartment and 1.4-1.8 for the hadronic compartment. The fits are used to correct the non-linearity of the e pi response to 5% over the entire measured range resulting in a substantially improved resolution at low energy. Longitudinal shower profile have been measured in detail and compared to Geant4 models, LHEP-3.7 and QGSP-2.8. At energies below 30 GeV, the data, LHEP and QGSP are in agreement. Above 30 GeV, LHEP gives a more accurate simulation of the longitudinal shower profile

    Synchronization and Timing in CMS HCAL

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    The synchronization and timing of the hadron calorimeter (HCAL) for the Compact Muon Solenoid has been extensively studied with test beams at CERN during the period 2003-4, including runs with 40 MHz structured beam. The relative phases of the signals from different calorimeter segments are timed to 1 ns accuracy using a laser and equalized using programmable delay settings in the front-end electronics. The beam was used to verify the timing and to map out the entire range of pulse shapes over the 25 ns interval between beam crossings. These data were used to make detailed measurements of energy-dependent time slewing effects and to tune the electronics for optimal performance