130 research outputs found

    Pressure induced superconductivity in CaFe2_2As2_2

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    CaFe2_2As2_2 has been found to be exceptionally sensitive to the application of hydrostatic pressure and superconductivity has been found to exist in a narrow pressure region that appears to be at the interface between two different phase transitions. The pressure - temperature (P−TP - T) phase diagram of CaFe2_2As2_2 reveals that this stoichiometric, highly ordered, compound can be easily tuned to reveal all the salient features associated with FeAs-based superconductivity without introducing any disorder. Whereas at ambient pressure CaFe2_2As2_2 does not superconduct for T>1.8T > 1.8 K and manifests a first order structural phase transition near T≈170T \approx 170 K, the application of ∼5\sim 5 kbar hydrostatic pressure fully suppresses the resistive signature of the structural phase transition and instead superconductivity is detected for T<12T < 12 K. For P≥5.5P \ge 5.5 kbar a different transition is detected, one associated with a clear reduction in resistivity and for P>8.6P > 8.6 kbar superconductivity is no longer detected. This higher pressure transition temperature increases rapidly with increasing pressure, exceeding 300 K by P∼17P \sim 17 kbar. The low temperature, superconducting dome is centered around 5 kbar, extending down to 2.3 kbar and up to 8.6 kbar. This superconducting phase appears to exist when the low pressure transition is suppressed sufficiently, but before the high pressure transition has reduced the resistivity, and possibly the associated fluctuations, too dramatically

    Signatures of quantum criticality in the thermopower of Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2

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    We demonstrate that the thermopower (S) can be used to probe the spin fluctuations (SFs) in proximity to the quantum critical point (QCP) in Fe-based superconductors. The sensitivity of S to the entropy of charge carriers allows us to observe an increase of S/T in Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2 close to the spin-density-wave (SDW) QCP. This behavior is due to the coupling of low-energy conduction electrons to two-dimensional SFs, similar to heavy-fermion systems. The low-temperature enhancement of S/T in the Co substitution range 0.02 < x < 0.1 is bordered by two Lifshitz transitions, and it corresponds to the superconducting region, where a similarity between the electron and non-reconstructed hole pockets exists. The maximal S/T is observed in proximity to the commensurate-to-incommensurate SDW transition, for critical x_c ~ 0.05, close to the highest superconducting T_c. This analysis indicates that low-T thermopower is influenced by critical spin fluctuations which are important for the superconducting mechanism

    Boron isotope effect in single crystals of ErNi2_2B2_2C superconductor

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    The influence of local moment magnetism on the boron isotope effect of Tc_c was studied on single crystals of ErNi2_2B2_2C. Values of the partial isotope effect exponent of αB\alpha_B=0.10±\pm0.02 and αB\alpha_B=0.10±\pm0.04 were obtained based on two different criteria applied to extract TcT_c. No significant change in the partial isotope effect exponent compared to the ones obtained for LuNi2_2B2_2C was observed. Based on this result we conclude that pair-breaking due to the Er local magnetic moment appears to have no detectable influence on boron isotope effect of Tc_c.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Evaluation of a long-time temperature drift in a commercial Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer using Gd2_2O3_3 as a standard

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    The long-time temperature drift in a commercial Quantum Design MPMS SQUID magnetometer was evaluated using time-dependent magnetization measurements of Gd2_2O3_3. In contrast to earlier claims, the amplitude of the drift was found not to exceed 1-1.5 K. 30 minutes after system stabilization the temperature deviation did not exceed 0.2 K and the temperature was fully stabilized in less than 3 hours

    Strong Enhancement of the Critical Current at the Antiferromagnetic Transition in ErNi2B2C Single Crystals

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    We report on transport and magnetization measurements of the critical current density Jc in ErNi2B2C single crystals that show strongly enhanced vortex pinning at the Neel temperature TN and low applied fields. The height of the observed Jc peak decreases with increasing magnetic field in clear contrast with that of the peak effect found at the upper critical field. We also performed the first angular transport measurements of Jc ever conducted on this compound. They reveal the correlated nature of this pinning enhancement, which we attribute to the formation of antiphase boundaries at TN.Comment: 3 figure

    Temperature-dependent Hc2H_{c2} anisotropy in MgB2_2 as inferred from measurements on polycrystals

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    We present data on temperature-dependent anisotropy of the upper critical field of MgB2_2 obtained from the analysis of measurements on high purity, low resistivity polycrystals. The anisotropy decreases in a monotonic fashion with increase of temperature

    Distinguishing local moment versus itinerant ferromagnets: Dynamic magnetic susceptibility

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    Radio-frequency measurements of dynamic magnetic susceptibility of various ferromagnets show striking differences between local-moment ferromagnetism (LFM) and weak itinerant ferromagnetism (IFM) ferromagnetic systems. LFMs show a very sharp peak in susceptibility in the vicinity of the Curie temperatureTC that rapidly decreases in amplitude and shifts to higher temperature with the application of a weak dc bias field. In stark contrast, the generally accepted IFM systems show no peak, but rather a broad maximum well below TC. The temperature of this maximum shifts to lower values and the amplitude is suppressed with an applied dc field

    Controlling crystal-electric field levels through symmetry-breaking uniaxial pressure in a cubic super heavy fermion

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    Financial support by the Max Planck Society is gratefully acknowledged. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge funding through the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) through TRR 288–422213477 (project A10) and the SFB 1143 (project-id 247310070; project C09). Research in Dresden benefits from the environment provided by the DFG Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat (EXC 2147, project ID 390858940). Work at the Ames National Laboratory was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division. The Ames National Laboratory is operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Iowa State University under Contract No. DEAC02-07CH11358.YbPtBi is one of the heavy-fermion systems with largest Sommerfeld coefficient γ and is thus classified as a ‘super’-heavy fermion material. In this work, we resolve the long-debated question about the hierarchy of relevant energy scales, such as crystal-electric field (CEF) levels, Kondo and magnetic ordering temperature, in YbPtBi. Through measurements of the a.c. elastocaloric effect and generic symmetry arguments, we identify an elastic level splitting that is unambiguously associated with the symmetry-allowed splitting of a quartet CEF level. This quartet, which we identify to be the first excited state at Δ/kB ≈ 1.6 K above the doublet ground state at ambient pressure, is well below the proposed Kondo temperature TK ≈ 10 K. Consequently, this analysis of the energy scheme can provide support models that predict that the heavy electron mass is a result of an enhanced degeneracy of the CEF ground state, i.e., a quasi-sextet in YbPtBi. At the same time, our study shows the potential of the a.c. elastocaloric effect to control and quantify strain-induced changes of the CEF schemes, opening a different route to disentangle the CEF energy scales from other relevant energy scales in correlated quantum materials.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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