152 research outputs found

    Ab initio calculations of spectroscopic constants and vibrational state lifetimes of diatomic alkali-alkaline-earth cations

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    We investigate the lifetimes of vibrational states of diatomic alkali-alkaline-earth cations to determine their suitability for ultracold experiments where long decoherence time and controllability by an external electric field are desirable. The potential energy and permanent dipole moment curves for the ground electronic states of LiBe+, LiMg+, NaBe+, and NaMg+ are obtained using the coupled cluster with singles doubles and triples and multireference configuration interaction methods in combination with large all-electron cc-pCVQZ and aug-cc-pCV5Z basis sets. The energies and wave functions of all vibrational states are obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation for nuclei with the B-spline basis set method. To predict the lifetimes of vibrational states, the transition dipole moments, as well as the Einstein coefficients describing spontaneous emission, and the stimulated absorption and emission induced by black body radiation are calculated. Surprisingly, in all studied ions, the lifetimes of the highest excited vibrational states are similar to the lifetimes of the ground vibrational states indicating that highly vibrationally excited ions could be useful for the ultracold experiments requiring long decoherence time. Published by AIP Publishing. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Fedorov, D. A., Barnes, D. K., & Varganov, S. A. (2017). Ab initio calculations of spectroscopic constants and vibrational state lifetimes of diatomic alkali-alkaline-earth cations. The Journal of chemical physics, 147(12), 124304. and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4986818

    A generalized Poisson equation and short-range self-interaction energies

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    We generalize the Poisson equation to attenuated Newtonian potentials. If the attenuation is at least exponential, the equation provides a local mapping between the density and its potential. We use this to derive several density functionals for the short-range self-interaction energy

    Resolutions of the Coulomb operator

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    We discuss a generalization of the resolution of the identity by considering one-body resolutions of two-body operators, with particular emphasis on the Coulomb operator. We introduce a set of functions that are orthonormal with respect to 1∕r₁₂ and propose that the resulting “resolution of the Coulomb operator,” r₁₂⁻¹=∣ϕi><ϕi∣, may be useful for the treatment of large systems due to the separation of two-body interactions. We validate our approach by using it to compute the Coulomb energy of large systems of point charges

    The interaction of oxygen with small gold clusters

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    Presented in this work are the results of a quantum chemical study of oxygen adsorption on small Aun and Au−n (n=2,3) clusters. Density functional theory(DFT), second order perturbation theory (MP2), and singles and doubles coupled clustertheory with perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] methods have been used to determine the geometry and the binding energy of oxygen to Aun. The multireference character of the wave functions has been studied using the complete active space self-consistent field method. There is considerable disagreement between the oxygen binding energies provided by CCSD(T) calculations and those obtained with DFT. The disagreement is often qualitative, with DFT predicting strong bonds where CCSD(T) predicts no bonds or structures that are bonded but have energies that exceed those of the separated components. The CCSD(T) results are consistent with experimental measurements, while DFT calculations show, at best, a qualitative agreement. Finally, the lack of a regular pattern in the size and the sign of the errors [as compared to CCSD(T)] is a disappointing feature of the DFT results for the present system: it is not possible to give a simple rule for correcting the DFT predictions (e.g., a useful rule would be that DFT predicts stronger binding of O2 by about 0.3 eV). It is likely that the errors in DFT appear not because of gold, but because oxygen binding to a metal cluster is a particularly difficult problem.This work was supported by AFOSR through a DURINT grant

    In Silico Molecular Engineering of Dysprosocenium-Based Complexes to Decouple Spin Energy Levels from Molecular Vibrations

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    Molecular nanomagnets hold great promise for spintronics and quantum technologies, provided that their spin memory can be preserved above liquid-nitrogen temperatures. In the past few years, the magnetic hysteresis records observed for two related dysprosocenium-type complexes have highlighted the potential of molecular engineering to decouple vibrational excitations from spin states and thereby enhance magnetic memory. Herein, we study the spin-vibrational coupling in [(CpiPr5)Dy(Cp*)]+ (CpiPr5 = pentaisopropylcyclopentadienyl, Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl), which currently holds the hysteresis record (80 K), by means of a computationally affordable methodology that combines first-principles electronic structure calculations with a phenomenological ligand field model. Our analysis is in good agreement with the previously reported state-of-the-art ab initio calculations, with the advantage of drastically reducing the computation time. We then apply the proposed methodology to three alternative dysprosocenium-type complexes, extracting physical insights that demonstrate the usefulness of this strategy to efficiently engineer and screen magnetic molecules with the potential of retaining spin information at higher temperatures.ERC-CoG-647301 DECRESIMCOST 15128 Molecular Spintronics ProjectPGC2018-099568-B-I00MAT2017-89993-RCTQ2017-89528-PMDM-2015-0538PROMETEO/2019/066Molecular nanomagnets hold great promise for spintronics and quantum technologies, provided that their spin memory can be preserved above liquid-nitrogen temperatures. In the past few years, the magnetic hysteresis records observed for two related dysprosocenium-type complexes have highlighted the potential of molecular engineering to decouple vibrational excitations from spin states and thereby enhance magnetic memory. Herein, we study the spin-vibrational coupling in [(CpiPr5)Dy(Cp*)]+ (CpiPr5 = pentaisopropylcyclopentadienyl, Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl), which currently holds the hysteresis record (80 K), by means of a computationally affordable methodology that combines first-principles electronic structure calculations with a phenomenological ligand field model. Our analysis is in good agreement with the previously reported state-of-the-art ab initio calculations, with the advantage of drastically reducing the computation time. We then apply the proposed methodology to three alternative dysprosocenium-type complexes, extracting physical insights that demonstrate the usefulness of this strategy to efficiently engineer and screen magnetic molecules with the potential of retaining spin information at higher temperatures

    The interaction of oxygen with small gold clusters

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