81 research outputs found

    Respublika mechei ili torgovaia respublika ?

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    Les auteurs analysent la représentation qui est faite de la toute puissante république de Novgorod dans les écrits historiques et politiques russes du xviiie – début du xixe siècle. Dans la tradition européenne, la république classique est une république militaire, qui s’appuie sur le modèle de la république romaine militairement puissante. En opposition, la république commerciale est considérée comme un petit État, inférieure militairement aux grandes monarchies. La pensée sociale russe, à commencer par celle développée par A.I. Mankiev, identifie Novgorod à une république mais demeure ambivalente dans l’évaluation de sa puissance militaire. Sous l’influence de l’imagerie romaine et du discours général « de gloire et de grandeur » de la fin du xviiie siècle, un canon s’est mis en place, qui fait de l’ancienne Novgorod « une république militaire » tout en conservant la république commerciale comme outil conceptuel pour l’analyse de l’histoire ultérieure de la ville. La reconnaissance d’un pouvoir militaire à la république de Novgorod sape l’un des arguments clés en faveur de la monarchie, selon lequel seule une monarchie est capable de contrôler et défendre efficacement un large territoire. De ce fait, l’évaluation de Novgorod en tant que république militaire marque une étape importante dans l’apparition dans la société russe du xixe siècle d’une alternative républicaine à un monarchisme apparemment inébranlable.The authors analyze how the powerful Republic of Novgorod was represented in Russian historical and political writing between the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. In the European tradition, a republic typically was military and modeled on the Roman Republic and its military strength. In contrast, the trading republic was considered a small state, militarily inferior to great monarchies. Russian social thought, starting with A.I. Mankiev’s, identified Novgorod with a military republic while remaining ambivalent in assessing its military might. The influence of Roman imagery and the general discourse on “glory and grandeur” of the late eighteenth century brought about the emergence of a model of old Novgorod as a military republic and set aside the trading republic as a conceptual toolkit for studying the town’s future historical development. Recognition of military power in the Republic of Novgorod undermined one of the key arguments in favor of monarchy – the claim that monarchy alone is able to effectively control and protect a vast territory. Thus, viewing Novgorod as a military republic was an important step towards the rise, in early‑nineteenth‑century Russian society, of a republican alternative to a seemingly immutable monarchy

    Review of the problems of additive manufacturing of nanostructured high-energy materials

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    This article dwells upon the additive manufacturing of high-energy materials (HEM) with regards to the problems of this technology’s development. This work is aimed at identifying and describing the main problems currently arising in the use of AM for nanostructured highenergy materials and gives an idea of the valuable opportunities that it provides in the hope of promoting further development in this area. Original approaches are proposed for solving one of the main problems in the production of nanostructured HEM—safety and viscosity reduction of the polymer-nanopowder system. Studies have shown an almost complete degree of deagglomeration of microencapsulated aluminum powders. Such powders have the potential to create new systems for safe 3D printing using high-energy materials

    MHD simulations of plasma dynamics in pinch discharges in capillary plasmas

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    Magnetohydrodynamic simulation results related to the capillary discharge dynamics are presented. The main physical process that should be taken into account is the ablation of the capillary wall material evaporated by the heat flux from the capillary plasma. The possible applications of the capillary discharges related to the physics of the X-ray lasers and the use of the capillary plasma to provide a guiding for ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses over a distance greater than the defocusing length are discussed

    Conducting industrial explosions near gas pipelines

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    The problem to ensure the safety of objects which are in the area of blasting operations, ensuring the destruction of hard rocks, remains relevant. The article presents the results of a large-scale experiment to determine the safe conditions for conducting drilling and blasting operations near the active gas pipeline. The simplest and most reliable way to ensure the safety of the protected object from seismic impact is to reduce the intensity of the seismic wave, which is achieved by changing the parameters of drilling and blasting operations. This requires research to determine the impact of blasting operations on the parameters of seismic waves and the development of methods for measuring these parameters. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the seismic blast wave impact on the displacement of the ground and the model gas pipeline. The features of seismic monitoring during blasting operations near the active gas pipeline are shown. The seismic coefficients and attenuation coefficient of seismic waves are determined. It is proved that the readings of the seismic receivers on the surface and in the depth of the massive differ by two or more times