32,595 research outputs found

    Calculations of widths in the problem of decay by proton emission

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    We develop a new fully quantum method for determination of widths for nuclear decay by proton emission where multiple internal reflections of wave packet describing tunneling process inside proton--nucleus radial barrier are taken into account. Exact solutions for amplitudes of wave function, penetrability TT and reflection RR are found for nn-step barrier (at arbitrary nn) which approximates the realistic barrier. In contrast to semiclassical approach and two-potential approach, we establish by this method essential dependence of the penetrability on the starting point RformR_{\rm form} in the internal well where proton starts to move outside (for example, for 73157Ta^{157}_{73}{\rm Ta} the penetrability is changed up to 200 times; accuracy is T+R1<1.51015|T+R-1| < 1.5 \cdot 10^{-15}). We impose a new condition: in the beginning of the proton decay the proton starts to move outside from minimum of the well. Such a condition provides minimal calculated half-life and gives stable basis for predictions. However, the half-lives calculated by such an approach turn out to be a little closer to experimental data in comparison with the semiclassical half-lives. Estimated influence of the external barrier region is up to 1.5 times for changed penetrability.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures eps; content is change

    Bremsstrahlung in alpha-decay: angular analysis of spectra

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    A quantum mechanical method of calculation of bremsstrahlung spectra in alpha-decay of heavy nuclei with taking into account an angle between directions of the alpha-particle motion and the photon emission is presented. Dependence between the bremsstrahlung spectrum and the angle value is obtained in a simple analytical form. The method can be used for a comparative analysis of experimental data, obtained at different angles.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, Standard LaTeX v.2e. Talk in the II Conference on High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Physics, March 1-5, 2004, Kharkov. Corrections of LaTeX style (a little

    Non-perturbative scalar potential inspired by type IIA strings on rigid CY

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    Motivated by a class of flux compactifications of type IIA strings on rigid Calabi-Yau manifolds, preserving N=2 local supersymmetry in four dimensions, we derive a non-perturbative potential of all scalar fields from the exact D-instanton corrected metric on the hypermultiplet moduli space. Applying this potential to moduli stabilization, we find a discrete set of exact vacua for axions. At these critical points, the stability problem is decoupled into two subspaces spanned by the axions and the other fields (dilaton and Kahler moduli), respectively. Whereas the stability of the axions is easily achieved, numerical analysis shows instabilities in the second subspace.Comment: 38 pages; some changes in presentatio

    Boolean representation of manifolds and functions

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    It is shown that a smooth n dimensional manifold with a boundary in R^n admits a Boolean representation in terms of closed half spaces defined by the tangent hyperplanes at the points on its boundary. A similar result is established for smooth functions on closed convex domains in R^n. The latter result is considered as a form of the Legendre transformation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Unique Russian values

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