542 research outputs found

    Профессиональная мобильность преподавателя вуза как психологическая предпосылка реализации новых образовательных технологий

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    The report covers the professional mobility problem of university teachers, which is handled as a necessary condition and psychological preconditions for the realization of new educational technologies in higher education. Scientific approaches in the study and formation of mobility, and the view about this phenomenon by the subjects of educational process have been considered in the report.Доклад посвящен проблеме профессиональной мобильности преподавателя вуза, которая рассматривается как необходимое условие и психологическая предпосылка реализации новых образовательных технологий в высшей школе. Рассматриваются как научные подходы в исследовании и формировании мобильности, так и представления субъектов образовательного процесса о данном феномене

    Continuing Education as a Means for Promotion of Personal Mobility in the Elderly

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    The article deals with the problem of promotion of older persons’ mobility behavior by including them in the continuing education process. The paper describes the specificity of personal mobility in old age and the possibility of its development in various forms of gerontological education practiceРассматривается проблема стимулирования мобильного поведения пожилых людей путем их включения в процесс непрерывного образования. Описана специфика личностной мобильности в пожилом возрасте и возможности ее развития в различных формах геронтообразовательной практик

    RETRACTED: Personal and professional mobility: the conjugacy problem

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop a theoretical model conjugation of personal and professional mobility on the high school teachers’ example. Specific research problems of the study are to analyze the correlation properties of the mobile identity and mobile professional; the possibilities of forming professional mobility of teachers in the absence or underdevelopment of personal preconditions for mobility; search the features that can compensate this deficiency. Methods. The study is based on a theoretical analysis of different methodological approaches to the description of the personal and professional mobility. Also there were used the results of non-formal interview which was aimed at identifying the characteristics of the mobile professional teacher of high school. Results and scientific novelty. The concepts of «personal mobility» and «professional mobility» are clarified. Personal mobility is defined in the work as an integrative personal qualities, based on the individual properties (activity, plasticity, flexibility, adaptability, high energy source) and manifests itself in the behavior and activities of the entity in the form of commitment, independence, openness to new experience, creativity and motivation for self-development, speed decisionmaking. Professional mobility is interpreted as a strategy to adapt to the changing conditions of professional activity, which is a special case of the general personal life strategy. Psychological readiness for pedagogical activity is considered as a link between the personal and professional mobility. Nine types of teacher's professional mobility, emerging as a result of different levels of personal mobility combined with the severity of psychological readiness for pedagogical activity are described. Practical significance. The analysis of the conjugacy problem of personal and professional mobility creates an informational basis for prolonged work on the formation of professional mobility behavior of the high school teacher, the main focus of which is the development of technologies for psychological support of the formation of psychological readiness for activity as a mediating link between the personal and professional mobilityЦель статьи – представить разработку теоретической модели сопряжения личностной и профессиональной мобильности специалиста, которая рассматривается на примере деятельности преподавателя высшей школы. Частными задачами исследования были установление соотношения свойств мобильной личности и мобильного профессионала; поиск возможностей формирования профессионально мобильного преподавателя при отсутствии или недостаточной развитости личностных предпосылок мобильности; выявление способов компенсации этого дефицита. Методы. Исследование базировалось на теоретическом анализе различных методологических подходов к описанию личностной и профессиональной мобильности. Использовались также результаты неформализованного опроса, направленного на выявление характеристик профессионально мобильного преподавателя вуза. Результаты и их научная новизна. Уточнены понятия «личностная мобильность» и «профессиональная мобильность». Личностная мобильность определяется автором как интегративное личностное качество, которое составляют активность, пластичность, гибкость, адаптивность, высокий энергоресурс профессионала. Это качество проявляется в поведении и деятельности субъекта как целеустремленность, самостоятельность, открытость новому опыту, креативность, мотивация к саморазвитию, способность быстро принимать решения. Профессиональная мобильность трактуется как стратегия адаптации к меняющимся условиям осуществления профессиональной деятельности, такая мобильность является частным случаем общей жизненной стратегии субъекта. В качестве связующего звена между личностной и профессиональной мобильностью рассматривается психологическая готовность к педагогической деятельности. Описаны девять типов профессиональной мобильности преподавателя, складывающихся в результате реализации различных уровней личностной мобильности в сочетании с выраженностью психологической готовности к педагогической деятельности. Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи создают информационную основу для пролонгированной работы по формированию профессионально мобильного поведения преподавателя вуза, основным направлением которой является разработка технологий психологического сопровождения процесса подготовки к профессиональной деятельности как опосредующего звена между личностной и профессиональной мобильностьюОтзыв из печати статьи Сергеевой Т. Б. Личностная и профессиональная мобильность: проблема сопряженности // Образование и наука. 2015. № 8 (127). С. 81–96. DOI:10.17853/1994-5639-2015-8-81-96. Изъятие (ретракция) публикации обусловлено выявлением дублирующей публикации Т. Б. Сергеевой под названием «Личностная и профессиональная мобильность: проблема сопряженности» в журнале «NovaInfo.Ru», 2015. Т. 2. № 33

    Professional health at a late stage of career development (case study: School teachers)

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    Pedagogical activity in Russia is an area with traditionally high professional livability and a large number of working old teachers. In this regard, the issue of the teacher's professional health becomes relevant. А teacher's professional health is defined as a complex of psychological characteristics that meets the requirements and conditions of professional activity and ensures the optimal level of working capacity, personality development at all stages of professionalization and professional longevity. The purpose of the empirical research is to study characteristics of professional health at a late stage of career development. The study involved 198 school teachers, including 98 working teachers with a professional experience of over 35-years (main group), 50 young teachers with less than a 3-year experience (first comparison group), and 50 teachers who finished their professional career (second comparison group). The research methodology was selected in accordance with the identified components of professional health: motivational, emotional and reflexive. It was established that at a late stage of career development, the teacher's professional health is characterized by high motivation for success (42%), for avoiding failures (58%), high anxiety (47%) and rigidity (42%), high empathy (57%) and systemic reflection (72,8%). It was found that working teachers have higher satisfaction with life (U = 291, p = 0.00007), but they are less willing to adapt to age-related changes than the teachers who already finished their professional career (U = 344, p = 0.001). Changes affect all the components of professional health, but their modality is different. Whereas the increased motivation for achievement and reflexivity can be considered a generally positive trend, the changes in the emotional component of health (high anxiety and rigidity) are negative. A higher level of life satisfaction among working pensioners indicates a positive role of labour activity in the socio-emotional well-being of an elderly person. The results obtained clarify ideas about the professional health of a teacher who is at a late stage of career development. The results form the informational basis of psychological support programs for teachers of pre-retirement age. © 2020 LLC Ecological Help. All rights reserved

    Semantic Self-Regulation in Context of Teachers’ Experiences of Professional Identity Crisis

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    The mechanisms of the semantic self-regulation in a situation of a teacher’s crisis of professional identity are discussed. In the theoretical analysis, particular attention is paid to the problems of regulation of behaviour in crisis situations. A review of studies on the role of axiological and conceptual entities of personality in difficult life and professional situations is made. The empirical study confirmed the hypothesis that a situation of experiencing a professional identity triggers the mechanisms of semantic self-regulation. It is shown that components of the regulation of teachers’ experience of professional identity crisis are interrelated with the parameters of the semantic sphere, in particular, with life guiding orientations, forming a complex, integrated mechanism. Central unit of semantic self-regulation is modelling, which is closely associated with life guiding orientations and stability of self-esteem of a teacher. It is suggested that modelling is a universal mechanism to deal with crisis situations, regardless of the peculiarities of professional orientation of a teacher. Mechanisms of semantic self-regulation showed a complex and ambiguous nature of the relationship with the peculiarities of professional experience of crisis, which suggests the presence of different types of semantic self-regulation and different strategies of crisis overcoming by teachers. This in turn suggests the novelty and heuristic value of the research results. The practical significance of the results is determined by the fact that they constitute the information basis for the development of individualized programs of psychological support of teachers in a situation of professional identity crisis

    Phenomenological analysis of professional identity crisis experience by teachers

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    The topicality of the problem under research is predetermined by the need of psychology and pedagogy for the study of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers and development of a system of measures for support of teachers’ pedagogical activity and professional development. The objective of the study is to describe the content of the process of professional identity crisis experience by teachers. The principal method of study of this problem is the phenomenological method, which provides for exploration of the main aspects of the experience process. The results of phenomenological method application for the analysis of professional crisis experience make it possible to state that the professional crisis issue is a specific life situation for labourer where in the alteration of the teacher’s general view of life occurs. The experience of professional identity crisis manifests itself in the polarization of evaluations of the main parameters of the professional and the Self-image (the external activity evaluation, interest in the activity, the control over professional activity and professional situations, professional prospects). Transformation of the notional field of a teacher’s consciousness and reflection (the content of the activity, relation and the proper behaviour in general) are distinguished as the mechanisms of professional crisis experience. The materials of the article may be useful for teachers, psychologists, and heads of educational institutions in the process of planning and implementation of activities on educational process psychological support. © 2016 Sadovnikova et al

    The formation of tolerance in inclusive vocational education

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    The article is devoted the problem of forming tolerance in inclusive vocational education. Discusses the causes and indicators of intolerance, tolerance resources, technologies of formation of tolerance of the subjects of education – students, teachers and administratorsСтатья посвящена проблеме формирования толерантности в инклюзивном профессиональном образовании. Обсуждаются причины и индикаторы интолерантности, ресурсы толерантности, технологии формирования толерантности субъектов образования – обучающихся, педагогов, администраци

    Foundation of psychological support in the emotional experience of professional identity crisis by teachers

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    The background of the researched problem is determined by the psychological and pedagogical science’s and practice’s need to supplement the ideas about teachers’ professional development and about the course of their getting through the emotional experience due to difficulties of this process; as a result, it is necessary to study psychological foundations of building of psychological support programs in the process of school teachers’ getting through a professional crisis under conditions of permanent changes in the educational system. The main approach to studying this problem is the interview and phenomenological method that allows to identify and justify psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The theoretical analysis allows to identify the nature of the support process, its goals and objectives, and to justify the methodological basis of the support program realization. The empiric results demonstrated that the process of teachers getting through the professional identity crisis goes hand in hand with the value-semantic transformation of a person and with “launching” of reflexive processes which, in turn, justifies resorting to them as to the psychological basis of building of teacher support programs. The research results expand the understanding of the nature of professional identity crisis phenomenon, the process of coming through it and supplement the data of the basis of building of teacher support programs. © 2018 by the authors

    Semantic context of professional identity crisis experience by teachers

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    The topicality of the problem under research is predetermined by the need of psychology and pedagogy for the study of the phenomenology of professional identity crisis, the process of its experience by school teachers as well as for the development of the system of psychological and pedagogical support of teachers' professional development in the situation of permanent changes in the education system. The objective of the study is to reveal the content of the professional identity crisis, to describe its main features and analyze the semantic context of its experience by teachers. The principal methods of study of this problem are the phenomenological method, tests to identify the semantic context of the process of the professional identity crisis experience by teachers. The results of the study broaden the understanding of the phenomenon of professional identity crisis and its experience, the content of professional crisis and the phenomenology of professional development of teachers. The materials of the article may be useful for psychologists when designing programs of psychological support of teachers´ professional development. © 2017, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved.Russian Humanitarian Foundation: No.16-36-01031The research is performed thanks to the support of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation within the framework of scientific and research project "Psychological mechanisms of professional identity crisis experience by teachers", project No.16-36-01031

    Specifics of defense and coping behavior among teachers experiencing a professional identity crisis

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    The issues addressed in the article are of particular relevance due to the necessity to provide research background for creating the system of psychological and pedagogical support for the professional development of teachers in the conditions of permanent changes in the system of education. The aim of the article is to describe specific interrelations between the reflection and the parameters of the teacher's axiological sphere (in particular, life-purpose orientations). The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of psycholog-ical and educational literature, phenomenological method, questionnaires, and methods of mathematical and statistical data processing (descriptive statistics, comparative analysis (the Mann-Whitney U test). The results of the theoretical and empirical research provide ade-quate grounds for the conclusion that there is a definite interrelation between the parameters of reflection and the parameters of life-purpose orientations. It is proved that in the conditions of a professional identity crisis the teachers experience a significant reduction in the levels of life-purpose orientations, which in turn leads to intensification of reflection processes. At the same time, the obtained results suggest that the teachers can successfully overcome their professional crisis in case of formation of the cognitive component of the biographical reflection, aimed at the analysis of actions and means of understanding and organizing their life events. Implications of the research results. The research results expand our understanding of the essence and emotional experience of the professional identity crisis. They can be used in the designing the process of psychological support for the activities and professional development of teachers. © 2018 Authors