36 research outputs found

    Technological Support for the Cultural Training System for Students at Technical Universities

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    The paper studies the trends of higher technical education development and establishes the relationship between education and culture as one of the conditions for solving the problems of modern society. The authors determine that one of the main problems that hinder the formation of the culture of the future engineer is the lack of a reasonable selection of cultural elements. The presence of such elements ensures the full development of the specialist. The most generalized socio-cultural components of culture are (1) the sphere of material production, (2) the cultural sphere, and (3) the sphere of communication. The authors determine the components of the culturological training content as the implementation of the support system of the integrated professional, universal cultural, and moral cultural development of technical university students. It is experimentally proved that the implementation of a cultural training system of a future engineer leads to statistically significant changes in the levels of knowledge acquisition, the formation of skills and qualities of a future specialist

    Economic Migration in Central Siberia and Ethnic Conflict Risks (Based on Krasnoyarsk Krai Analysis)

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    Migration, be it free or forced, is an essential prerequisite of the dynamic development of many territories, Krasnoyarsk Krai inclusive. The territory of the region is irregularly and poorly populated: 84% of inhabitants are concentrated in the south of the region, in the territory comprising only 10% of the regional territory. Under the circumstances Krasnoyarsk Krai needs an increased flow of migrants for the participation in economic development of unpopulated areas of Krai. But on the other hand, economic need in migrants becomes the reason of the ethnic conflicts risks increase in Central Siberia through creation of various negative myths on migrants. The experts report an increase in social tension between migrants and host parties in the Siberian regions of the Russian Federation. The interrelations inside the social medium and cultural contacts are in many respects determinant for the economic development of the region because the main actors of the economics are people. Keywords: economic migration, tolerance index, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Krai JEL Classifications: D8, R1, Z

    Creation of New Art Associations in the Soviet Fine Arts 1917–1922

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    Проблеме исследования советского изобразительного искусства 1917– 1922 гг. посвящено множество искусствоведческой литературы. Многие из теоретиков сходятся во мнении, что в творчестве художников раннесоветского периода реализуется новая концепция человека в его взаимоотношении с социально-историческими идеалами советского общества и с реальными условиями бытия личности. Авторы статьи считают, что мастера этого времени не только проявили пристальное внимание к новым задачам революционного социального переустройства страны в период с 1917 по 1920 гг., но ставили перед собой цель явить, оплотнить в физическое осязаемый образ революционного человека, за которым скрывается идея Всеобщего содержания. Мастера объединяются в творческие группы, усложняя и ускоряя формирование стилевой определенности коллективных принципов («Мир искусства», «Союз русских художников» и др., огромное количество художественных выставок), одновременно позволяя проявиться индивидуальному творческому стилю конкретного мастера. Художественное преобразование мира в большинстве произведений искусства первой четверти XX столетия происходит в творческом диалоге человека-творца и человека-зрителя. Наряду с множеством существующих теоретических определений, стилевых классификаций и типологий, хронологическим повествованием истории искусства первой четверти XX века не представлен анализ новых художественных объединений как культурного феномена XX столетия, что в определенной мере обесценивает уникальность художественной культуры этого исторического периода. В данной статье на основании концептуальных положений современной теории искусства произведена попытка сформировать целостный подход к исследованию вновь созданных художественных объединений в советском изобразительном искусстве 1917–1922 гг.The problem of the study of Soviet fine arts in 1917–1922. devoted to a lot of art history literature. Many of the theorists agree that in the work of artists of the early Soviet period a new concept of man is realized in his relationship with the socio-historical ideals of Soviet society and with the real conditions of the existence of the individual. The authors of the article believe that the masters of this time not only showed close attention to the new tasks of the revolutionary social reorganization of the country in the period from 1917 to 1920, but set themselves the goal of revealing, consolidating into a physical, tangible image of a revolutionary man, behind which lies the idea General content. Masters unite in creative groups, complicating and accelerating the formation of the stylistic certainty of collective principles (The World of Art, the Union of Russian Artists, etc., a huge number of art exhibitions), while at the same time allowing the individual creative style of a particular master to manifest itself. The artistic transformation of the world in most works of art of the first quarter of the 20th century takes place in the creative dialogue between the human creator and the human viewer. Along with the many existing theoretical definitions, stylistic classifications and typologies, the chronological narrative of the history of art in the first quarter of the 20th century, there is no analysis of new artistic associations as a cultural phenomenon of the 20th century, which to a certain extent devalues the uniqueness of the artistic culture of this historical period. In this article, based on the conceptual provisions of modern art theory, an attempt is made to form a holistic approach to the study of newly created art associations in the Soviet fine arts of 1917–1922

    Commercial articulated collaborative in situ 3D bioprinter for skin wound healing

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    In situ bioprinting is one of the most clinically relevant techniques in the emerging bioprinting technology because it could be performed directly on the human body in the operating room and it does not require bioreactors for post-printing tissue maturation. However, commercial in situ bioprinters are still not available on the market. In this study, we demonstrated the benefit of the originally developed first commercial articulated collaborative in situ bioprinter for the treatment of full-thickness wounds in rat and porcine models. We used an articulated and collaborative robotic arm from company KUKA and developed original printhead and correspondence software enabling in situ bioprinting on curve and moving surfaces. The results of in vitro and in vivo experiments show that in situ bioprinting of bioink induces a strong hydrogel adhesion and enables printing on curved surfaces of wet tissues with a high level of fidelity. The in situ bioprinter was convenient to use in the operating room. Additional in vitro experiments (in vitro collagen contraction assay and in vitro 3D angiogenesis assay) and histological analyses demonstrated that in situ bioprinting improves the quality of wound healing in rat and porcine skin wounds. The absence of interference with the normal process of wound healing and even certain improvement in the dynamics of this process strongly suggests that in situ bioprinting could be used as a novel therapeutic modality in wound healing.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    The Sociocultural Problems of Teaching the Entsy Language

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    In today’s world with the pressure of globalization, it is becoming increasing difficult for particular ethnicities to resist assimilation in a large society. The protection of the individual culture from homogenization and standardization is facilitated by maintaining and developing the ethnic language in particular, which is only possible on the basis of high-quality language teaching. Currently, a reduction is not only observed in the Entsys’ numbers, but also a drastic reduction in speakers of the Entsy language. This data indicates the presence of problems in education related to teaching the Entsy language. The objective of the article is to identify problems arising in the process of teaching the Entsy language which exist in the sociocultural sphere, and to suggest ways of overcoming them. The main methods used in the present paper include field study, questionnaires, interviews, content analysis. In the course of the study, by way of progressive solution of set tasks, the objective has been achieved: sociocultural problems of teaching the Entsy language have been identified, and solutions have been proposed. The main problems may be listed as follows: a reduction in the Entsys’ numbers; a reduction in the number of Entsy language speakers; the absence of an Entsy written language; the focus of the Entsy language and Entsy culture on domestic reindeer amidst almost complete disappearance of reindeer herding among the Entsys; the proclamation of the rights to access pre- school and secondary education taught in the Entsy language, while in practice these rights are not exercised. The two main ways to solve the problems identified include the development of the Ensty written language and the revival of reindeer breeding

    Phenanthrolines decorated with branched lipophilic chains and their yellow emitting heteroleptic iridium(III) complexes: Synthesis, photophysical and acidochromic behaviour, and computational analysis

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    To improve the solubility and to manipulate the optical properties of phenanthroline-based materials, a series of compounds with branched lipophilic chains Phen1-4 was prepared in three steps with the yield of 22–81%. In addition, a related phenanthroline-based bidental compound Phen5 was synthesised with blocked N sites on imidazolyl units to influence π-π* and n-π* transitions and to increase FPL. The optical properties were analysed by UV–vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, showing a strong emission at 427–437 nm and improved FPL for the series (20–68%). Furthermore, Phen2-4 and bidental Phen5 exhibited a clear acidochromic behaviour with a dramatic shift in absorption spectra of ca. 30 nm achieved after the addition of 1 eq. and 2 eq. of an acid (TFA), respectively. Likewise, all compounds showed a loss of fluorescence under acidic conditions. Next, to test the complexation ability of these ligands, the heteroleptic iridium(III) complexes Ir1-4 were prepared in excellent yields (86–98%), along with the binuclear complex Ir5. Their optical properties revealed strong yellow emission centered at 539–571 nm with FPL of up to 7%; additionally, all complexes exhibited large Stokes shifts (220–290 nm)

    Социокультурные проблемы обучения энецкому языку

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    In today’s world with the pressure of globalization, it is becoming increasing difficult for particular ethnicities to resist assimilation in a large society. The protection of the individual culture from homogenization and standardization is facilitated by maintaining and developing the ethnic language in particular, which is only possible on the basis of high-quality language teaching. Currently, a reduction is not only observed in the Entsys’ numbers, but also a drastic reduction in speakers of the Entsy language. This data indicates the presence of problems in education related to teaching the Entsy language. The objective of the article is to identify problems arising in the process of teaching the Entsy language which exist in the sociocultural sphere, and to suggest ways of overcoming them. The main methods used in the present paper include field study, questionnaires, interviews, content analysis. In the course of the study, by way of progressive solution of set tasks, the objective has been achieved: sociocultural problems of teaching the Entsy language have been identified, and solutions have been proposed. The main problems may be listed as follows: a reduction in the Entsys’ numbers; a reduction in the number of Entsy language speakers; the absence of an Entsy written language; the focus of the Entsy language and Entsy culture on domestic reindeer amidst almost complete disappearance of reindeer herding among the Entsys; the proclamation of the rights to access pre-school and secondary education taught in the Entsy language, while in practice these rights are not exercised. The two main ways to solve the problems identified include the development of the Ensty written language and the revival of reindeer breedingВ современном мире под натиском глобализации отдельным этносам становится все сложнее сопротивляться растворению в большом обществе. Защите собственной культуры от гомогенизации и унификации способствуют поддержание и развитие родного языка, которые возможны лишь на базе качественного обучения. В настоящее время наблюдается не только сокращение количества энцев, но также и резкое сокращение людей, владеющих энецким языком. В образовательной сфере существует ряд проблем, связанных с обучением энецкому языку. Цель статьи – выявить проблемы в процессе обучения энецкому языку, существующие в социокультурной сфере, и предложить пути их преодоления. В качестве основных методов, использованных в настоящей работе, можно назвать полевое исследование, анкетирование, интервьюирование, контент-анализ. В ходе проведенного исследования путем постепенного решения поставленных задач достигнута цель – выявлены социокультурные проблемы обучения энецкому языку и предложены пути их преодоления. Основные проблемы: сокращение числа энцев; сокращение числа говорящих на энецком языке; отсутствие энецкой письменности; фокусирование энецкого языка и энецкой культуры на домашнем олене в условиях практически полного исчезновения северного домашнего оленеводства среди энцев; декларация права использования энецкого как языка получения дошкольного и среднего образования, на практике эти права не реализуются. В качестве двух основных путей преодоления данных проблем могут быть названы разработка энецкой письменности и восстановление северного домашнего оленеводств

    Меры по сохранению языка коренных малочисленных народов по результатам полевых и научных исследований в Эвенкийском муниципальном районе Красноярского края

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    This article discusses the results of field studies and research carried out during 2017 in Tura settlement of the Evenk Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, among the representatives of the expert community and the residents – native speakers. The research was focused on determining general methodological recommendations on the development of educational materials and fiction books in the Evenk language. Basing on the survey and expert interviews conducted, we determined the measures to preserve the language, which according to the majority, should contribute to the preservation of the unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Evenk Municipal District. The article presents the research results of the analysis of the expert interviews with linguists of Tomsk Pedagogical University who work on the creation of corpus linguistics of northern languages in the laboratory of the Department of Languages of the Peoples of SiberiaВ настоящей статье приведены результаты полевых и научных исследований, проведенных в течение 2017 г. на территории поселка Тура Эвенкийского муниципального района Красноярского края среди представителей экспертного сообщества и жителей – носителей языка. Целью исследования стало определение общих научно-методических рекомендаций по созданию учебной и художественной литературы на эвенкийском языке. На основании проведенного анкетирования и экспертного интервью определены меры по сохранению языка, которые, по мнению большинства, должны способствовать сохранению уникального культурного наследия коренных малочисленных народов Эвенкийского муниципального района. В качестве научного исследования приведены результаты анализа экспертных интервью с учёными-лингвистами Томского педагогического университета, занимающимися научными разработками по созданию корпусной лингвистики северных языков в лаборатории кафедры языков народов Сибир

    Меры по сохранению языка коренных малочисленных народов по результатам полевых и научных исследований в Эвенкийском муниципальном районе Красноярского края

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    This article discusses the results of field studies and research carried out during 2017 in Tura settlement of the Evenk Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, among the representatives of the expert community and the residents – native speakers. The research was focused on determining general methodological recommendations on the development of educational materials and fiction books in the Evenk language. Basing on the survey and expert interviews conducted, we determined the measures to preserve the language, which according to the majority, should contribute to the preservation of the unique cultural heritage of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Evenk Municipal District. The article presents the research results of the analysis of the expert interviews with linguists of Tomsk Pedagogical University who work on the creation of corpus linguistics of northern languages in the laboratory of the Department of Languages of the Peoples of SiberiaВ настоящей статье приведены результаты полевых и научных исследований, проведенных в течение 2017 г. на территории поселка Тура Эвенкийского муниципального района Красноярского края среди представителей экспертного сообщества и жителей – носителей языка. Целью исследования стало определение общих научно-методических рекомендаций по созданию учебной и художественной литературы на эвенкийском языке. На основании проведенного анкетирования и экспертного интервью определены меры по сохранению языка, которые, по мнению большинства, должны способствовать сохранению уникального культурного наследия коренных малочисленных народов Эвенкийского муниципального района. В качестве научного исследования приведены результаты анализа экспертных интервью с учёными-лингвистами Томского педагогического университета, занимающимися научными разработками по созданию корпусной лингвистики северных языков в лаборатории кафедры языков народов Сибир