33 research outputs found

    Ultrastructural localization of NADPH diaphorase and nitric oxide synthase in the neuropils of the snail CNS

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    Comparative studies on the nervous system revealed that nitric oxide (NO) retains its function through the evolution. In vertebrates NO can act in different ways: it is released solely or as a co-transmitter, released from presynaptic or postsynaptic site, spreads as a volumetric signal or targets synaptic proteins. In invertebrates, however, the possible sites of NO release have not yet been identified. Therefore, in the present study, the subcellular distribution of the NO synthase (NOS) was examined in the central nervous system (CNS) of two gastropod species, the terrestrial snail, Helix pomatia and the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, which are model species in comparative neurobiology. For the visualization of NOS NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and an immunohistochemical procedure using a universal anti-NOS antibody were applied. At light microscopic level both techniques labeled identical structures in sensory tracts ramifying in the neuropils of central ganglia and cell bodies of the Lymnaea and Helix CNS. At ultrastructural level NADPH-d reactive/NOS-immunoreactive materials were localized on the nuclear envelope and membrane segments of the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, as well as the cell membrane and axolemma of positive perikarya. NADPH-d reactive and NOS-immunoreactive varicosities connected to neighboring neurons with both unspecialized and specialized synaptic contacts. In the varicosities, the majority of the NADPH-d reactive/NOS-immunoreactive membrane segments were detected in round and pleomorph agranular vesicles of small size (50-200. nm). However, only a small portion (16%) of the vesicles displayed the NADPH-d reactivity/NOS-immunoreactivity. No evidence for the postsynaptic location of NOS was found. Our results suggest that the localization of NADPH-diaphorase and NOS is identical in the snail nervous system. In contrast to vertebrates, however, NO seems to act exclusively in an anterograde way possibly released from membrane segments of the presynaptic transmitter vesicle surface. Based on the subcellular distribution of NOS, NO could be both a volume and a synaptic mediator, in addition NO may function as a co-transmitter. © 2015 Elsevier Ltd

    Analysis of phenolic compounds in the dissolved and suspended phases of Lake Balaton water by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    As a novel approach to characterize the phenolic pollutants of Lake Balaton (Central Europe, western Hungary), 26 endocrine disrupting phenols (chlorophenols, nitrophenols, alkylphenols, triclosan, bisphenol-A) were quantified in dissolved and suspended particulate matter (SPM) phases, alike. Sample collection was performed in the western and eastern basins, at 20 sites in April and October 2014. Solid-phase and ultrasound-assisted extractions to withdraw target phenols from dissolved and suspended phases were employed. Compounds were derivatized with hexamethyldisilazane and trifluoroacetic acid for their quantification as trimethylsilyl derivatives by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. In Lake Balaton's dissolved phase, 2-chlorophenol (103-164 ng/L), 4-chlorophenol (407-888 ng/L), 2,4-dichlorophenol (20.2-72.0 ng/L), 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (10.4-38.1 ng/L), 2-nitrophenol (31.0-66.5 ng/L), 4-nitrophenol (31.5-94.1 ng/L), and bisphenol-A (20.6-112 ng/L), while in its SPM, 4-chlorophenol (< LOQ-1274 mu g/kg, dry matter), 4-nitrophenol (423-714 mu g/kg), 4-nonylphenol isomers (1500-2910 mu g/kg), and bisphenol-A (250-587 mu g/kg) were determined. Since phenolics appear partially or exclusively in the SPM, the analysis of both phases proved to be of primary importance

    Contribution of invasive bivalves (Dreissena spp.) to element distribution: phase interaction, regional and seasonal comparison in a large shallow lake

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    After introduction, the invasive bivalve dreissenids became key species in the biota of Lake Balaton, the largest shallow lake in Central Europe. The contribution of dreissenid soft tissue and shell, as biotic phases, in element distribution and its interaction with the water and upper sediment phases were examined in two basins with different trophic conditions in spring and autumn. Six metals (Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn) were detected in all investigated phases. In general, metals were abundant in the water and soft tissue in the eastern basin in spring, and in the sediment and shells in the western basin in autumn. This might be associated with the more urbanized surroundings in the eastern, and the enhanced organic matter production in the western basin. High relative shares of Ba, Cu, Mn, and Pb were associated with the water and shell samples, whereas high shares of Fe and Zn were noted in the soft mussel tissue and sediments. Results suggest that dynamics of metal uptake by dreissenids depend on the seasonal change in metabolic activity. Shell metal content is less changeable; shells might absorb metals from both the soft tissue and water phases. Metallothionein peptides, the scavengers of intracellular metals, were determined to be biomarkers of the bulk contaminants rather than only metals. The present study shows that invasive bivalves, with high abundance, filtering activity, and storing capacity can significantly contribute to element distribution in the shoreline of a shallow lake ecosystem

    Mellkasi panasz ritka oka | A rare case of chest pain

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    Absztrakt A mellkasi fájdalom igen gyakori panasz a sürgősségi osztályon megjelent betegek körében. A sürgősségi orvosok fontos feladata kizárni az életet veszélyeztető kórképeket: akut coronariaszindróma, pulmonalis embolisatio, mellkasi aortadissectio. A szerzők 7 órája fennálló tompa mellkasi fájdalom miatt jelentkező beteg kórtörténetét ismertetik. A diagnosztikus algoritmusoknak megfelelően EKG, vérvétel, mellkasröntgen, majd ezek után mellkasi komputertomográfiás angiográfia történt. Az akut coronariaszindróma, pulmonalis embolisatio, valamint a mellkasi aorta dissectiója kizárásra kerültek, azonban a CT-képen mellékleletként hatalmas méretű rekeszsérv ábrázolódott. A betegnél sürgős műtét történt, amely után a beteg panaszmentesen, gyógyultan távozott a kórházból. A szerzők kiemelik, hogy a diagnosztikus algoritmusok a gyakori, potenciálisan halálos betegségek megerősítését vagy kizárását célozzák meg, elsősorban mellkasi panaszok esetén. Nem szabad azonban szem elől téveszteni, hogy a mellkasi fájdalomnak vannak ritkább okai, amelyek a társszakmák bevonását, multidiszciplináris gondolkodásmódot tesznek szükségessé. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(36), 1445–1448. | Abstract Chest pain is a common symptom in patients who visit Emergency Departments. The main task is to exclude life-threatening diseases such as acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary embolization and dissection of thoracic aorta. The authors present the history of a patient, who had an intense chest pain for 7 hours. In accordance with the diagnostic algorithm of chest pain, ECG, blood collection, chest X-ray and chest computed tomography angiography were performed. Acute coronary syndrome, pulmonary embolization and dissection of the thoracic aorta were excluded, however, chest computed tomography CT revealed a huge hiatal hernia as an incidental finding. An emergency surgical repair was performed and the patient recovered without any complications. The authors emphasize that the diagnostic algorithms focus on the confirmation or rejection of possible life threatening diseases in case of chest pain. However, it should be kept in mind that rarer causes may occur, which may require involvement of the relevant disciplines and multidisciplinary thinking. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(36), 1445–1448

    Florisztikai adatok a Tokaj–Zempléni-hegyvidékről és környékéről

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    Cikkünkben a Tokaj–Zempléni-hegyvidék területéről és környékéről (a Szerencsközből, a Hernád-mentéről, a Bodrogközből, a Taktaközből és a Harangodból) az elmúlt évtized legfontosabb és legérdekesebb florisztikai eredményeiről számolunk be. A Zempléni-hegységből két új védett fajt (Asplenium javorkaeanum, Epipactis nordeniorum), a Bodrogköz magyarországi részéről pedig hét új védett fajt mutattunk ki (Cephalanthera damasonium, Cirsium brachycephalum, Epilobium palustre, Epipactis palustris, Lycopodium clavatum, Pyrola rotundifolia, Polystichum aculeatum). Számos ritka faj új lelőhelyére bukkantunk (Epipactis exilis, Dryopteris expansa, Blechnum spicant, Androsace maxima, Orchis coriophora, Orchis purpurea, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Sonchus palustris, Cicuta virosa). Továbbá sikerült megerősítenünk több olyan faj adatát, amelyek már évtizedek óta nem kerültek elő (Sedum hispanicum, Erysimum wittmannii subsp. pallidiflorum, Pseudolysimachion spurium, Botrychium lunaria)

    Pótlások Magyarország edényes növényfajainak elterjedési atlaszához XI.

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    Jelen közlemény a Magyarország edényes növényfajainak elterjedési atlasza térképeinek kiegészítésére indított sorozat tizenegyedik része. Cikkünkben a Tokaj-Zempléni-hegyvidékre koncentrálunk, de közlünk adatokat a szomszédos Bodrogközből és a Hernád-völgyből is. Közleményünkben összesen 53 KEF kvadrátból, 75 (többségében védett) faj 325 adatával egészítjük ki a flóraatlasz elterjedési térképeit. Ezek közül a fontosabbak: Aconitum variegatum, Alchemilla subcrenata, Aster amellus, Cardamine glanduligera, Centaurea triumfettii, Cephalanthera damasonium, Dianthus deltoides, Epipactis pontica, Gentianopsis ciliata, Orchis morio, Orthilia secunda, Petasites albus, Platanthera bifolia, Polygala major, Prunella grandiflora, Pulsatilla grandis, Rosa pendulina, Salix aurita, Scilla kladnii, Stipa dasyphylla