14 research outputs found

    Reconfiguration dans les réseaux optiques

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    International audienceL'évolution permanente du trafic, les opérations de maintenance et l'existence de pannes dans les réseaux WDM, obligent à rerouter régulièrement des connexions. Les nouvelles demandes de connexions sont routées en utilisant les ressources disponibles et, si possible, sans modifier le routage des connexions existantes. Ceci peut engendrer une mauvaise utilisation des ressources disponibles. Il est donc préférable de reconfigurer régulièrement l'ensemble des routes des différentes connexions. Un objectif particulièrement important est alors de minimiser le nombre de requêtes simultanément interrompues lors de la reconfiguration. Nous proposons une heuristique pour résoudre ce problème dans les réseaux WDM. Les simulations montrent que cette heuristique réalise de meilleures performances que celle proposée par Jose et Somani (2003). Nous proposons également un modèle permettant de prendre en compte différentes classes de clients, avec notamment la contrainte que des requêtes, dites prioritaires, ne peuvent pas être interrompues. Une simple transformation permet de réduire le problème avec requêtes prioritaires au problème initial. De ce fait, notre heuristique s'applique également au cas autorisant des requêtes prioritaires

    Routing Reconfiguration/Process Number: Coping wih Two Classes of Services

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    In WDM backbone networks, the traffic pattern evolves constantly due to the nature of the demand itself or because of equipment failures leading to reroute affected connections. In this context, requests are routed greedily using available resources without changing the routing of pre-established connections. However, such a policy leads to a poor usage of resources and so higher blocking probability: new connection requests might be rejected while network resources are sufficient to serve all the traffic. Therefore, it is important to regularly reconfigure the network by rerouting established connections in order to optimize the usage of network resources. In this paper, we consider the network reconfiguration problem that consists in switching existing connections one after the other from the current routing to a new pre-computed routing. Due to cyclic dependencies between connections, some requests may have to be temporarily interrupted during this process. Clearly, the number of requests simultaneously interrupted has to be minimized. Furthermore, it might be impossible for the network operator to interrupt some connections because of the contract signed with the corresponding clients. In this setting, the network reconfiguration problem consists in going from a routing to another one given that some priority connections cannot be interrupted. The network reconfiguration problem without priority connections has previously been modeled as a cops-and-robber game in [5, 6]. Here, we first extend this model to handle priority connections. Then we identify cases where no solution exists. Using a simple transformation, we prove that the reconfiguration problem with priority connections can be reduced to the problem without this constraint. Finally, we propose a new heuristic algorithm that improves upon previous proposals

    Reconfiguration of the Routing in WDM Networks with Two Classes of Services

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    International audienceIn WDM backbone networks, the traffic pattern evolves constantly due to the nature of the demand itself or because of equipment failures leading to reroute affected connections. In this context, requests are routed greedily using available resources without changing the routing of pre-established connections. However, such a policy leads to a poor usage of resources and so higher blocking probability: new connection requests might be rejected while network resources are sufficient to serve all the traffic. Therefore, it is important to regularly reconfigure the network by rerouting established connections in order to optimize the usage of network resources. In this paper, we consider the network reconfiguration problem that consists in switching existing connections one after the other from the current routing to a new pre-computed routing. Due to cyclic dependencies between connections, some requests may have to be temporarily interrupted during this process. Clearly, the number of requests simultaneously interrupted has to be minimized. Furthermore, it might be impossible for the network operator to interrupt some connections because of the contract signed with the corresponding clients. In this setting, the network reconfiguration problem consists in going from a routing to another one given that some priority connections cannot be interrupted. The network reconfiguration problem without priority connections has previously been modeled as a cops-and-robber game. Here, we first extend this model to handle priority connections. Then we identify cases where no solution exists. Using a simple transformation, we prove that the reconfiguration problem with priority connections can be reduced to the problem without this constraint. Finally, we propose a new heuristic algorithm that improves upon previous proposals

    Tubular physical hydrogels for ex vivo spermatogenesis

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    Au cours des 30 dernières années, d'importants progrès ont été faits dans le domaine de l'oncologie. Les cancers pédiatriques ont été les grands bénéficiaires des progrès des thérapies anticancéreuses et aujourd'hui, le cancer de l'enfant peut être soigné, dans les pays développés, dans 75 à 80% des cas. Cependant, ces thérapies sont connues pour leurs effets gamétotoxiques, et seulement 33 % des garçons qui ont survécu à leur cancer durant l'enfance produisent du sperme de bonne qualité une fois arrivé à l'âge adulte. Actuellement, la seule mesure de préservation envisageable pour ces enfants est de procéder à un prélèvement et à une cryoconservation de tissu testiculaire. Aujourd'hui, il est donc important de mettre au point un procédé capable de produire des spermatozoïdes à partir de tissus testiculaire dans le but de restaurer leur fertilité. Pendant plusieurs décennies, les biologistes de la reproduction ont essayé de développer une technologie pour accomplir in vitro la spermatogenèse chez les mammifères. Malgré des investissements importants dans la recherche, aucune méthode n'a permis de reproduire in vitro l'ensemble de ce processus chez l'homme. Dans cette étude, la société de biotechnologie Kallistem a développée, en collaboration avec des partenaires académiques incluant le laboratoire Ingénierie des Matériaux Polymères (projet ARTIS financé par la Canceropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) un système de culture tridimensionnel constitué d'un hydrogel de chitosane capable de réaliser in vitro l'ensemble de la spermatogenèse chez différents mammifères incluant l'homme. Le système de culture 3D est un hydrogel physique de chitosane sous forme de tube obtenu après neutralisation d'une solution aqueuse de chitosane, sans aucun agent réticulant. Avantageusement, le tissu testiculaire est confiné dans la lumière du tube ce qui permet de conserver l'architecture 3D in vivo des tissus. L'influence de plusieurs paramètres structuraux du chitosane et de paramètres liés au procédé d'élaboration sur la microstructure, les propriétés mécaniques et de diffusion des hydrogels a été évaluée, dans le but d'optimiser la capacité du système de culture à assurer la survie et la différentiation cellulaireDuring the past 30 years, huge progress has been performed in the field of oncology. In particular, pediatric cancers have been the beneficiaries and can now achieve cure rates of 75-80% in developed countries. However, cancer therapies are known for their gametotoxic effects and only 33% of male children who have survived cancer during childhood produce sperm of normality quality when they are adults. Currently, the only feasible conservation protocol for these boys is to make a collection and cryopreservation of their testicular tissue. There is thus a need to provide a process enabling to produce spermatozoa starting from testicular tissue in order to restore fertility. For several decades, reproductive biologists have been trying to develop a technology to achieve spermatogenesis in vitro in mammals. Despite sustained investment in research, no method has now reproduced in vitro this entire process in humans. In this work, Kallistem (Biotech Company) has developed, in collaboration with academic laboratories including “Polymer Materials Engineering” laboratory (project ARTIS financed by the Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes) a 3D culture system made of chitosan hydrogel enabling to make a complete spermatogenesis in vitro in several mammals including human. The 3D culture system is a tube of chitosan physical hydrogel obtained from neutralization of aqueous chitosan solution, without any external cross-linking agent. Advantageously, the testicular tissue is confined in the lumen of tube which enables to reproduce in vivo 3-dimensional architecture. The impact of several material and processing parameters on microstructure, mechanical and diffusion properties of resulting hydrogels was evaluated, in order to optimize the culturing and maturation ability of 3D culture syste

    Two proofs of Bermond-Thomassen conjecture for regular tournaments

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    in Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 28International audienceBermond-Thomassen conjecture says that a digraph of minimum out-degree at least 2r−1, r >=1, contains at least r vertex-disjoint directed cycles. Thomassen proved that it is true when r=2, but it is still open for larger values of r, even when restricted to (regular) tournaments. In this paper, we present two proofs of this conjecture for regular tournaments. In the first one, we shall prove auxiliary results about union of sets contained in other union of sets, that might be of independent interest. The second one uses a more graph-theoretical approach, by studying the properties of a maximum set of vertex-disjoint directed triangles