48 research outputs found

    DOMINO: Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyards

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    DOMINO: focuses on the interaction of fruit trees with different wild species, organic residues and microbioma and it intends to break the paradigm of monoculture in organic fruit growing, enhancing the ecosystem services

    Migliorare la biodiversità di frutteti e vigneti collinari in biologico

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    L'articolo presenta I risultati ottenuti dal progetto DOMINO nella gestione di pacciamature vive e nell'applicazione dellla tecnica del diserbo selettivo. The article presents the preliminary results obtained by DOMINO in the use of living mulches and in the application of selective weeding as sustainable strategies of floor management

    Pacciamature vive per la gestione del sottofila: un caso applicativo

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    Attraverso la descrizione di un caso studio, sono presentati i principi di base ed i vantaggi ecologici dell'introduzione di pacciamature vive in vigneti biologici


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    The aim of this handbook of experimental guidelines is to level out analyses run during the "Domino project" on practices for sustainable management of organic apple orchard and vineyard in field condition


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    The aim of this handbook of experimental guidelines is to level out analyses run during the Domino project on practices for sustainable management of organic apple orchard and vineyard in field condition. Analysis refer to the main crop and to the performances of species introduced ad living mulches. A second section reports protocol for soil chemical, physical and biological fertility evaluations. Indication are provided for activities run either in structured experimental stations as well as in farm trials. The standard levels of accuracy allowing to collect reliable information are exposed for both experimental condition

    Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019

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    Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyard

    D3_5.Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019

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    Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyard

    Effect of complementary irrigation on yield components and alternate bearing of a traditional olive orchard in semi-arid conditions

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    Traditional olive orchards are usually not irrigated in the Mediterranean basin, but at those latitudes, the yearly rainfall is frequently insufficient to support equilibrated vegetative growth and high fruit and oil production. This three-year field study investigated the effect of complementary irrigation on olive tree vegetative growth, fruit and oil yield during a biennial alternate bearing cycle in a traditional grove under semi-arid conditions. Adult olive trees (Olea europaea L. cv. Nabali Baladi) were subjected to complementary irrigation in 2011 and 2012 ('on' and 'off' years, respectively) with 6, 10, 15 or 20 m3 of water per tree per season, which corresponded to 14.2%, 23.8%, 35.7% and 47.6% of the whole seasonal evapotranspiration (42 m3 of water per year), respectively. Rain-fed trees were used as control. In 2013, no complementary irrigation was supplied, and any residual effects on the yield components were determined. Results showed that none of the irrigation regimes affected vegetative growth, or olive fruit size (mesocarp and endocarp), as fresh and dry weights. The fruit and oil yield per tree increased compared to the rain-fed conditions only when the threshold of 15 m3 was exceeded, thus inducing a higher crop load compared to the rain-fed control during the 'off' and even further during the 'on' year. No residual effects were registered in 2013. The study showed that complementary irrigation of at least 35% of the seasonal water requirement can produce remarkable positive effects on fruit yield especially during 'on' bearing years


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    Yearly report of economic and environmental impact of management practices (2018-2019