8,767 research outputs found

    Prison? A question instead of a statement

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    The study concerns the prison space and tries to investigate the main issues related to the detention space and concerning the social, philosophical, territorial, spatial and sensorial aspects of prison

    Inter university cooperation and social education. multicultural frame and joint curricula

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    1. No doubt about being upper levels in education a prioritarian way for the universalization of knowledge, as the authors more than once argued (see their Presentation at the previous Conference on Education 2012) 2. Considering the building up of a multicultural frame in education, in today’s world, an unavoidable way and a shared aim across different countries, they synthetically delineate the possible contribution by the university. 3. Discussing the actual state of an inter-university cooperation Sapienza University of Rome/Moscow State University for Psychology and Education (MGPPU), they will comment upon the need for major economical involvement by Ministries of education and instruction, toward the organizing of joint Magister Curricula 4. In fact, is a more extended joint engagement by representatives of different cultures and ethnical communities required for this generalized new form of upper education, bringing about using major economic resources 5. Reference is made to a seminal way for rendering the historical cultural perspective in social science the main mediation, in building up a new “historical cultural” and “social” education, exposed by Rubzov, Margolis and Guruzhapov

    Identification and characterization of the BZR transcription factor family and its expression in response to abiotic stresses in Zea mays L.

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    Brassinosteroids (BRs) are plant specific steroidal hormones that play diverse roles in regulating a broad spectrum of plant growth and developmental processes, as well as, in responding to various biotic and abiotic stresses. Extensive research over the years has established stress-impact-mitigating role of BRs and associated compounds in different plants exposed to various abiotic and biotic stresses, suggesting the idea that they may act as immunomodulators, thus opening new approaches for plant resistance against hazardous environmental conditions. In this research the characterization of the transcriptional response of 11 transcription factors (TFs) belonging to BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT 1 (BZR1) TF family of Zea mays L. was analyzed in seedlings subjected to different stress conditions. Being important regulators of the BR synthesis, BZR TFs might have stress resistance related activities. However, no stress resistance related functional study of BZR TFs has been reported in maize so far. In silico analyses of the selected 11 TFs validated the features of their protein domains, where a highest degree of similarity observed with recognized BZR TFs of rice and Sorghum bicolor. Additionally, we investigated the organ-specific expression of 11 ZmBZR in maize seedlings. Five of them did not show any transcript accumulation, suggesting that ZmBZR expression might be regulated in a manner dependent on plant developmental stage. For the remaining six ZmBZR, their ubiquitous expression in the whole plant indicates they could function as growth regulators during maize development. More importantly, in response to various stress conditions, the spatial transcript accumulation of all ZmBZR varies along the plant. All six ZmBZR showed up-regulation against N starvation, hypoxia and salt stress. On the contrary, heat stress clearly down-regulated gene expression of all ZmBZR analysed. Consistently with the expression results, the distribution of stress-related cis-acting elements in the promoter of these genes inferred that the maize BZR TFs might play some roles in regulating the expression of the corresponding genes in response to multifarious stresses. In conclusion, these data reveal that BZR TFs have stress signaling activity in maize, in addition to their confirmed role in regulating plant physiology and morphology

    Radial or bilateral? The molecular basis of floral symmetry.

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    In the plant kingdom, the flower is one of the most relevant evolutionary novelties. Floral symmetry has evolved multiple times from the ancestral condition of radial to bilateral symmetry. During evolution, several transcription factors have been recruited by the different developmental pathways in relation to the increase of plant complexity. The MYB proteins are among the most ancient plant transcription factor families and are implicated in different metabolic and developmental processes. In the model plant Antirrhinum majus, three MYB transcription factors (DIVARICATA, DRIF, and RADIALIS) have a pivotal function in the establishment of floral dorsoventral asymmetry. Here, we present an updated report of the role of the DIV, DRIF, and RAD transcription factors in both eudicots and monocots, pointing out their functional changes during plant evolution. In addition, we discuss the molecular models of the establishment of flower symmetry in different flowering plants

    Rapid Star Formation in the Presence of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Recent observations reveal galaxies in the early Universe (2<z<6.4) with large reservoirs of molecular gas and extreme star formation rates. For a very large range of sources, a tight relationship exists between star formation rate and the luminosity of the HCN J=1-0 spectral line, but sources at redshifts of z~2 and beyond do not follow this trend. The deficit in HCN is conventionally explained by an excess of infrared (IR) radiation due to active galactic nuclei (AGN). We show in this letter not only that the presence of AGN cannot account for the excess of IR over molecular luminosity, but also that the observed abundance of HCN is in fact consistent with a population of stars forming from near-primordial gas.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Six-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras

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    We give a full classification of 6-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras over an arbitrary field, including fields that are not algebraically closed and fields of characteristic~2. To achieve the classification we use the action of the automorphism group on the second cohomology space, as isomorphism types of nilpotent Lie algebras correspond to orbits of subspaces under this action. In some cases, these orbits are determined using geometric invariants, such as the Gram determinant or the Arf invariant. As a byproduct, we completely determine, for a 4-dimensional vector space VV, the orbits of \GL(V) on the set of 2-dimensional subspaces of VVV\wedge V.Comment: Corrected a small error in Theorem 4.

    On the chemistry of hydrides of N atoms and O+^+ ions

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    Previous work by various authors has suggested that the detection by Herschel/HIFI of nitrogen hydrides along the low density lines of sight towards G10.6-0.4 (W31C) cannot be accounted for by gas-phase chemical models. In this paper we investigate the role of surface reactions on dust grains in diffuse regions, and we find that formation of the hydrides by surface reactions on dust grains with efficiency comparable to that for H2_2 formation reconciles models with observations of nitrogen hydrides. However, similar surface reactions do not contribute significantly to the hydrides of O+^+ ions detected by Herschel/HIFI present along many sight lines in the Galaxy. The O+^+ hydrides can be accounted for by conventional gas-phase chemistry either in diffuse clouds of very low density with normal cosmic ray fluxes or in somewhat denser diffuse clouds with high cosmic ray fluxes. Hydride chemistry in dense dark clouds appears to be dominated by gas-phase ion-molecule reactions.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables Accepted for publication in Ap