1,868 research outputs found

    Removal of Boron from aqueous solutions by adsorption using fly ash, zeolite and demineralized lignite

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    In the present study for the purpose of removal of boron from water by adsorption using adsorbents like fly ash, natural zeolite and demineralized lignite was investigated. Boron in water was removed with fly ash, zeolite and demineralized lignite with different capacities. 94% boron was removed using fly ash. Batch experiments were conducted to test removal capacity, to obtain adsorption isotherms, thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. Boron removal by all adsorbents was affected by pH of solution; maximum adsorption was achieved at pH 10. Adsorption of boron on fly ash was investigated by Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Radushkevich models. Standard entropy and enthalpy changes of adsorption of boron on fly ash were, =S0 = -0.69 kJ/mol K and =H0 = -215.34 kJ/mol, respectively. The negative value of S0 indicated decreased randomness at the solid/solution interface during the adsorption boron on the fly ash sample. Negative values of H0 showed the exothermic nature of the process. The negative values of G0 implied that the adsorption of boron on fly ash samples was spontaneous. Adsorption of boron on fly ash occurred with a pseudo-second order kinetic model, intraparticle diffusion of boron species had also some effect in adsorption kinetics

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Repurchase Intention Pada Coffeshop Di Kota Batam Dengan Customer Satisfaction Sebagai Mediasi

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    Coffee is an agricultural product highly favored by many people and has a vast market potential. The population in Indonesia, especially in Batam City, supports the high consumption of coffee. Due to the increasing interest in coffee and the high coffee consumption in Indonesia, numerous coffee shops, both national and international, have started opening outlets in Indonesia, especially in Batam City. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that can influence Repurchase Intention in coffee shops in Batam City. Data were collected from 102 residents of Batam City aged 17-30 years who frequently visit and purchase products from coffee shops in Batam City using judgmental sampling through a Google Form survey. Data analysis was conducted using partial least squares - structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results of the research indicate that product quality, service quality, brand image, e-wom (electronic word-of-mouth), and Atmosphere have a significant positive influence on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction also mediates the relationship between product quality, service quality, brand image, e-wom, Atmosphere, and Repurchase Intention. The findings of this study can serve as a reference for coffee shop owners in enhancing customers' intention to repurchase their products and overall customer satisfaction

    Single-Stage Experimental Evaluation of Boundary Layer Blowing Techniques for High Lift Stator Blades. III - Data and Performance of Single-Slotted 0.65 Hub Diffusion Factor Stator

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    Test on overall and blade element performance of single slotted 0.65 hub diffusion factor stator with self energized blowing boundary layer contro

    Ctrl+Alt+Consent:Exploring the Digital Generation’s Perspective on Entirely Computer-Generated Pornography

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    In a recent statement, Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai claimed that artificial intelligence (AI) would have a more profound impact on humanity than fire (Nolan, 2023). This bold suggestion is underscored by a surge in public interest towards AI, as reflected by the over 180 million people who have signed up for ChatGPT since its release in 2022 (Tong, 2023). This essay explores the findings produced by a survey focused on Entirely Computer-Generated Images (ECGI) and pornography. It examines both the potential risks and advantages of AI-generated pornographic content, in an attempt to build on a discourse about its potential impact on society. Focusing on some of the findings produced by the online survey, three key themes are discussed including, consent, exploitation, and violence. Fear of non-consensual image creation and distribution, the possible imitation of violence, and the normalisation of violence were respondents’ main concerns regarding ECGI pornography. The prevention of harm and exploitation of performers without damage to income was seen as one of the major benefits along with the safe exploration of fetish pornography. This essay aims to give a brief understanding of young people’s hopes and concerns regarding the future of AI pornography and the implications of these concerns in the real world

    Development of a road safety plan for Scenic Rim Regional Council

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    Every day on Australian roads, more than three lives are lost. The number of injuries related to road accidents is closer to one hundred per day. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that approximately 90 percent of passenger travel and 20 percent of freight travel is by road. The Australian road network consists of over 800,000 kilometres of roads, from major arterial roads to rural property access lanes (unformed roads). Scenic Rim Regional Council is responsible for the construction and maintenance of a road network of 1,810 kilometres, of which 956 kilometres are sealed roads, 847 kilometres of unsealed roads, and a small amount of unpaved roads (Scenic Rim Regional Council Road Strategy, 2013). The intent of this dissertation was to research and review Australian and international guidelines, standards, existing strategies and other relevant literature in order to develop an appropriate Road Safety Plan for Scenic Rim Regional Council. In order to achieve this, an appropriate approach to road safety was identified, which included a review of the legislative obligations of Council in ensuring a safe transport network, determining an appropriate framework in the form of the Austroads Guide to Road Safety (Austroads Ltd, 2013) which follows the internationally endorsed approach of the Safe System approach, analysing available crash data from WebCrash which had a number of limitations, and reviewing the Scenic Rim Regional Council corporate documents and relevant strategies to determine how a Road Safety Plan could be assimilated. The result of the dissertation is the development a Road Safety Plan with four Strategic Priority Areas of Road Safety Leadership, Land Use and Transport Planning and Management, Safer Roads and Roadsides, and Community Education, Awareness and Behaviour. The 19 key actions under these Strategic Priority areas are appropriate and achievable with current resourcing for Scenic Rim Regional Council. It is recommended that Scenic Rim Regional Council adopt the Road Safety Plan and implement the actions to provide a safer road network and demonstrate their commitment to the road users in reducing accidents on the road network they manage and control

    The impact of knowledge spillovers on export performance of countries : A panel data approach

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    Bu tezin amacı, doğrudan yabancı sermaye girişlerinin ve yenilikçi faaliyetlerin ülkelerin ihracat performansının iyileştirilmesinde bilgi yayılımı kanalı olarak hareket edip etmediğini araştırmaktır. İhracat performansının ölçülmesinde, bir ülkenin ihracat sepetinin sofistikasyonu ve yüksek teknoloji ürünlerinin ihracatının değeri kullanılmaktadır. Analizde, 2002'den 2015'e kadar hem gelişmiş hem de gelişmekte olan ülkeleri kapsayan 114 ülke ile zengin bir panel veri kullanılmıştır. Potansiyel içsellik problemini kontrol etmek için Arellano and Bond (1991) tarafından geliştirilen Genelleştirilmiş Momentler Metodu (GMM) dinamik panel tahmincisi kullanılmıştır. Tahmin sonuçları, bir ülkenin insan sermayesinin niteliğinin, finansal gelişiminin ve küreselleşme düzeyinin, bilgi yayılım kanalları ve ihracatın kalitesi (sofistikasyon ve teknoloji içeriği açısından) arasındaki ilişkide belirleyici bir role sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Genel olarak, patent başvuruları sofistike ihracatı olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Bununla birlikte, DYY, sadece gelişmiş, daha eğitimli, finansal olarak gelişmiş ve küreselleşmiş ülkelerde sofistike ihracat için bilgi yayılım kanalı görevi görmektedir. Çalışmanın sonuçları sofistike ihracata kıyasla, bilgi yayılımı ve teknoloji içerikli ihracat arasındaki ilişkinin daha zayıf olduğunu göstermektedir Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgi Yayılımları, Sofistike İhracat, Patent Uygulamaları, Doğrudan Yabancı YatırımlarThe aim of this thesis is to investigate whether inflows of FDI and innovative activities act as a channel of knowledge spillovers in improving export performance of countries. In measuring export performance, sophistication of a countries' export basket and the value of exports of high technology products are utilized. A rich panel data with 114 countries that comprises both developed and developing countries for the period from 2002 to 2015 is used in the analysis. Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) dynamic panel estimator developed by Arellano and Bond (1991) is utilized to control for potential endogeneity and dynamic nature of the problem. Estimation results indicate that the level of financial development, the quality of human capital and globalization of a country have a determinative role on the relation between knowledge spillover channels and the quality of exports in terms of sophistication and technology content. Overall, patent applications generally positively affect sophistication of exports. However, FDI serves as a channel for knowledge spillovers to benefit the sophistication level of exports only for developed, more educated, financially developed and globalized countries. The results of the study demonstrate a weaker relationship between knowledge spillovers and technology content of exports with respect to sophistication of exports. Key Words: Knowledge Spillovers, Sophistication of Export, Patent Applications, Foreign Direct Investment