4 research outputs found

    A tértapasztalat esztétikai, történeti és társadalmi koncepciói a 20. században = Aesthetical, Historical and Social Concepts of Space Experience in the 20th Century

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    A projekt keretében kiadott fordításkötetek és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó, részben nemzetközi résztvevőkkel szervezett workshopok elsődleges szakmai hozama a térfogalom és a tértapasztalat modern történetének beható interdiszciplináris és módszertani vizsgálata volt, amely három súlypont, az esztétikai tér, a történeti tér valamint a társadalmi és kulturális tér koncepciói köré rendeződött. Ezek elemzése során megmutatkozott, hogy az „esztétikai modernség” vizsgálatát a filozófia, esztétika, társadalomtörténet és kultúratudomány területén egyaránt meghatározza, illetve új szempontokkal gazdagítja a „spatial turn” nyomán végbement általános módszertani váltás. A fordítások révén a kutatás hozzáférhetővé tett olyan központi jelentőségű, idegen nyelvű elméleti írásokat, amelyek elősegítik, hogy a hazai humántudományok közös fogalmi eszköztárral, valamint módszertanilag felkészülten tárgyalják és alkalmazzák a térfogalom és tértapasztalat 20. századi változásai nyomán kialakult térkoncepciókat mind a tudományelméletben, mind pedig az egyes humán diszciplínák terén. | The key result of the translated works and the related workshops partially organized with participants from abroad was that the research conducted in the framework of the project could deliver an in-depth interdisciplinary and methodological analysis of the modern history of the notion and experience of space. The research was arranged in three main topics: different conceptions of aesthetic space, historical space, and social and cultural space were investigated. Their analysis could confirm, that the methodological shift, which was caused by the “spatial turn”, not only affects the way of how “aesthetic modernity” is being examined in the realms of philosophy, aesthetics, social history and cultural studies, but it also enriches these inquiries by adding new aspects to them. By means of the publication and translation activities, the project made important theoretical texts available for the Hungarian academic community working in the field of the humanities. They enable the scientific discourse to use common concepts and thorough methodological principles when studying and applying spatial conceptions, which developed in course of the modifications of the notion and experience of space in the 20th century, both in theory of science and in different disciplines of the humanities

    Characterization of antibiotic resistomes by reprogrammed bacteriophage-enabled functional metagenomics in clinical strains

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    Functional metagenomics is a powerful experimental tool to identify antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment, but the range of suitable host bacterial species is limited. This limitation affects both the scope of the identified ARGs and the interpretation of their clinical relevance. Here we present a functional metagenomics pipeline called Reprogrammed Bacteriophage Particle Assisted Multi-species Functional Metagenomics (DEEPMINE). This approach combines and improves the use of T7 bacteriophage with exchanged tail fibres and targeted mutagenesis to expand phage host-specificity and efficiency for functional metagenomics. These modified phage particles were used to introduce large metagenomic plasmid libraries into clinically relevant bacterial pathogens. By screening for ARGs in soil and gut microbiomes and clinical genomes against 13 antibiotics, we demonstrate that this approach substantially expands the list of identified ARGs. Many ARGs have species-specific effects on resistance; they provide a high level of resistance in one bacterial species but yield very limited resistance in a related species. Finally, we identified mobile ARGs against antibiotics that are currently under clinical development or have recently been approved. Overall, DEEPMINE expands the functional metagenomics toolbox for studying microbial communities

    Ipar kisvárosok gazdasági átalakulásának vizsgálata Téglás példáján

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    Téglás pozicionálása ipari kisvárosok körében. A Hajdúsági-iparművek rövid jellemzése a rendszerváltás előtt és utánBSc/BAFöldrajzg

    Characterization of antibiotic resistomes by reprogrammed bacteriophage-enabled functional metagenomics in clinical strains

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    Functional metagenomics is a powerful experimental tool to identify antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the environment, but the range of suitable host bacterial species is limited. This limitation affects both the scope of the identified ARGs and the interpretation of their clinical relevance. Here we present a functional metagenomics pipeline called Reprogrammed Bacteriophage Particle Assisted Multi-species Functional Metagenomics (DEEPMINE). This approach combines and improves the use of T7 bacteriophage with exchanged tail fibres and targeted mutagenesis to expand phage host-specificity and efficiency for functional metagenomics. These modified phage particles were used to introduce large metagenomic plasmid libraries into clinically relevant bacterial pathogens. By screening for ARGs in soil and gut microbiomes and clinical genomes against 13 antibiotics, we demonstrate that this approach substantially expands the list of identified ARGs. Many ARGs have species-specific effects on resistance; they provide a high level of resistance in one bacterial species but yield very limited resistance in a related species. Finally, we identified mobile ARGs against antibiotics that are currently under clinical development or have recently been approved. Overall, DEEPMINE expands the functional metagenomics toolbox for studying microbial communities