35 research outputs found

    Formación de la legislación sobre el seguro de pensiones en Francia, el Reino Unido y Rusia. Una retrospectiva

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    The relevance of the study is due to the crisis of modern pension insurance systems and the need to change the paradigm of pension legislation development. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of legislation on pension insurance in several countries (France, Great Britain, and Russia) at the initial stage of development (before 1914). The novelty is expressed both in the formulation of the problem and in the research methodology (the choice of countries and the period of research, the justification for the use of methods: dialectics, analysis, synthesis, system-structural, sociological, statistical, historical-legal, comparative-legal, formal-legal). The result of the study was the conclusions about the historical conditionality of the peculiarities of the formation of legislation on pension insurance in a particular country. There was early legalization of both voluntary and compulsory pension insurance in France. There was no legislation on pension insurance in the UK during the period under review, despite the early development of relevant institutions in the framework of workshops, guilds, and later in the framework of trade unions and “friendly societies”. In Russia, due to the agrarian nature of the economy, pension insurance did not develop within the framework of workshops and guilds; there were no laws on insurance in case of old age by 1914, while the risks of disability and loss of the breadwinner were regulated by law.El estudio analiza la crisis de los sistemas modernos pensionales y establece la necesidad de cambiar el paradigma de la legislación de pensiones. El objetivo del estudio consiste en identificar las características de la legislación sobre los seguros pensionales de varios estados (Francia, Reino Unido y Rusia) partiendo de su etapa inicial hasta 1914. La novedad se expresa tanto en la formulación del problema como en la metodología de investigación (selección de países y período de estudio, justificación de la aplicación de los métodos: dialéctico, de análisis, de síntesis, sistémico-estructural, sociológico, estadístico, histórico-legal, comparativo-legal, formal-legal). Como resultado del estudio se llegó a conclusiones sobre el condicionamiento histórico de las características de la formación de la legislación sobre el seguro de pensiones de un país en particular. En Francia, se promulgó una legislación temprana sobre el seguro de pension voluntario y también obligatorio en Francia. En el Reino Unido, durante el período que se examina, no había legislación sobre seguros de pensiones, a pesar del desarrollo temprano de las instituciones pertinentes dentro de los talleres, gremios y, posteriormente, dentro de la actividad de los sindicatos y las «sociedades fraternales». En Rusia, debido a la naturaleza agraria de la economía, el seguro de pensiones en el marco de los talleres y gremios nunca funcionó; en 1914 se adolecía de leyes sobre el seguro de vejez, mientras que los riesgos de discapacidad y la pérdida del sostén de la familia se regulaban por ley

    Prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbid cardiovascular diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Due to the high rate of growth in the incidence and burden of cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a significant medical problem in the world. Even in the absence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), patients with T2DM are classified as high and very high risk. In addition to glycemic control, an extremely important aspect of managing this group of patients is prevention of cardiovascular complications. T2DM and hyperlipidemia determines the target group for statins. At the same time, little is known about the frequency of administration of this class of drugs among people with T2DM.AIM: To study prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with T2DM and comorbid cardiovascular diseases.METHODS: 156 patients with type 2 diabetes (87.2% — women, average age — 65.2 years) were examined as part of an outpatient appointment with an endocrinologist at the city polyclinic ofTomsk. We used a standard questionnaire compiled on the basis of adapted international methods, including information on cardiac pathology, medications, income level, and Morisky-Green test. Anthropometric parameters, fasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin, lipid spectrum parameters were measured. Methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics were used for comparisons.RESULTS: Statins were prescribed to 45.0% of the surveyed, and 47.0% of them were constantly taking statins. In 41 and 39% of cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist and a cardiologist, respectively. Those taking statins were characterized by a more severe functional class of angina pectoris (p=0.03), a higher prior myocardial infarction rate (p=0.01). For other concomitant diseases, and also indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, differences between the groups were not revealed. One third of patients were adherent (3–4 points), 2/3 were not adherent to treatment (0–2 points), respectively. Patients with incomes between 1 and 2 cost of living took statins more often than the rest (p=0.021).CONCLUSION: An insufficient frequency of prescription and adherence to statin therapy in patients with T2DM was revealed. In most cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist or cardiologist. Functional class of angina pectoris, prior myocardial infarction and moderate income were associated with more frequent use of statins. To increase the coverage of patients with T2DM with statin treatment, more attention needs to be paid to the issues of CVD prevention from both medical professionals and patients

    Острые респираторные инфекции у детей, перенесших в неонатальном периоде критические состояния с разной тяжестью органных дисфункций: ретроспективное когортное исследование

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    Background: It is assumed that the severity of the multiple organ dysfunctions syndrome (MODS) in children who have experienced critical conditions in the neonatal period is a risk factor for the development of acute respiratory infections (ARI). Objective.The Aim was to study the relationship between the severities of  organ dysfunctions in children who had undergone critical conditions  in the neonatal period, with an ARI frequency at preschool age.Methods: The study included children with MODS, the severity of which was assessed on the NEOMOD scale (moderate dysfunction 4  points, severe 5 points). An infectious index (II) was calculated since the discharge from the hospital till the age of 7: the ratio of  the number of cases ARI during the past year to the age of the child  that year, and the proportion of often ill children (OIC) — the  number of ARI 4, 6 and 5 cases per year at the age of 1, 1–3 and 4– 5 years respectively. Data on cases of ARI are obtained from the history of child development (form № 112/y).Results: The study included 198 children, 100 of them with severe  manifestations of MODS and 98 with moderate manifestations of  MODS. The groups were comparable by sex, age, social factors (age  and level of education of parents), place of residence (city / village).  II (median and 95% confidence interval) in children with severe and  moderate manifestations of MODS under 1 year were 2 (2; 3) and  1.5 (1; 2) respectively (p=0.006); 1–2 years — 1.5 (1–2) and 1 (1– 1.5) (p=0.008); 2–3 years — 1 (0.7–1.2) and 0.7 (0.5–1)  (p=0.006); 3–4 years old — 1,1 (0,8–1,3) and 0,8 (0,6–0,8)  (р=0.003); 4–5 years — 0,6 (0.6–0,7) and 0,4 (0.4–0,5) (р=0.001); 5–6 years — 0.5 (0.3–0.5) and 0.3 (0.2–0.3) (p=0.001); 6–7 years  — 0.3 (0.3–0.3) and 0.1 (0.1–0.3) (p=0.025). The OIC in the groups for the entire follow-up period was 60 (60%) and 42 (43%) respectively (p=0.011).Сonclusion: Severe manifestations of MODS in the neonatal period are associated with a higher susceptibility of children to ARI.Предполагается, что тяжесть синдрома полиорганной недостаточности (СПОН) у детей, перенесших критические состояния в неонатальном периоде, является фактором высокого  риска развития острых респираторных инфекций (ОРИ).Цель исследования — изучить связь тяжести органных дисфункций у детей, перенесших в неонатальном периоде критические состояния, с частотой ОРИ в грудном, раннем и  дошкольном возрасте.Методы. В исследование включали детей со СПОН, тяжесть которого оценивали по шкале NEOMOD (умеренная дисфункция — 4 баллов, тяжелая — 5 баллов). Для периода после  выписки из стационара и до семилетнего возраста рассчитывали инфекционный индекс —  отношение числа случаев ОРИ за прошедший год к возрасту ребенка в этот год, а также  определяли долю часто болеющих детей (ЧБД) — число ОРИ 4, 6 и 5 случаев в год в  возрасте до 1, 1–3 и 4–5 лет соответственно. Данные о случаях ОРИ получены из истории  развития ребенка (форма № 112/у).Результаты. В исследование включено 198 детей, из них 100 с тяжелыми, 98 — с умеренными проявлениями СПОН. Группы были сопоставимы по полу, возрасту, социальным факторам (возраст и уровень образования родителей), месту проживания (город/село).  Инфекционный индекс (медиана и 95% доверительный интервал) у детей с тяжелыми и  умеренными проявлениями СПОН в возрасте до 1 года составил соответственно 2 (2; 3) и  1,5 (1; 2) (р=0,006); 1–2 лет — 1,5 (1–2) и 1 (1–1,5) (р=0,008); 2–3 лет — 1 (0,7–1,2) и 0,7  (0,5–1) (р=0,006); 3–4 лет — 1,1 (0,8–1,3) и 0,8 (0,6–0,8) (р=0,003); 4–5 лет — 0,6 (0,6– 0,7) и 0,4 (0,4–0,5) (р=0,001); 5–6 лет — 0,5 (0,3–0,5) и 0,3 (0,2–0,3) (р=0,001); 6–7 лет —  0,3 (0,3–0,3) и 0,1 (0,1–0,3) (р=0,025). ЧБД в группах за весь период наблюдения было соответственно 60 (60%) и 42 (43%) (р=0,011).Заключение. Тяжелые проявления СПОН в неонатальном периоде ассоциируются с более  высокой восприимчивостью детей грудного, раннего и дошкольного возраста к ОРИ.Конфликт интересов.И.А. Беляева — чтение лекций для компании «Пфайзер Инновации

    Systematic dissection of biases in whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing reveals major determinants of coding sequence coverage

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    Advantages and diagnostic effectiveness of the two most widely used resequencing approaches, whole exome (WES) and whole genome (WGS) sequencing, are often debated. WES dominated large-scale resequencing projects because of lower cost and easier data storage and processing. Rapid development of 3(rd) generation sequencing methods and novel exome sequencing kits predicate the need for a robust statistical framework allowing informative and easy performance comparison of the emerging methods. In our study we developed a set of statistical tools to systematically assess coverage of coding regions provided by several modern WES platforms, as well as PCR-free WGS. We identified a substantial problem in most previously published comparisons which did not account for mappability limitations of short reads. Using regression analysis and simple machine learning, as well as several novel metrics of coverage evenness, we analyzed the contribution from the major determinants of CDS coverage. Contrary to a common view, most of the observed bias in modern WES stems from mappability limitations of short reads and exome probe design rather than sequence composition. We also identified the similar to 500kb region of human exome that could not be effectively characterized using short read technology and should receive special attention during variant analysis. Using our novel metrics of sequencing coverage, we identified main determinants of WES and WGS performance. Overall, our study points out avenues for improvement of enrichment-based methods and development of novel approaches that would maximize variant discovery at optimal cost

    Identification of Novel Candidate Markers of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity in Russia by Exome Sequencing with a Limited Sample Size

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity are common chronic disorders with multifactorial etiology. In our study, we performed an exome sequencing analysis of 110 patients of Russian ethnicity together with a multi-perspective approach based on biologically meaningful filtering criteria to detect novel candidate variants and loci for T2D and obesity. We have identified several known single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as markers for obesity (rs11960429), T2D (rs9379084, rs1126930), and body mass index (BMI) (rs11553746, rs1956549 and rs7195386) (p < 0.05). We show that a method based on scoring of case-specific variants together with selection of protein-altering variants can allow for the interrogation of novel and known candidate markers of T2D and obesity in small samples. Using this method, we identified rs328 in LPL (p = 0.023), rs11863726 in HBQ1 (p = 8 × 10−5), rs112984085 in VAV3 (p = 4.8 × 10−4) for T2D and obesity, rs6271 in DBH (p = 0.043), rs62618693 in QSER1 (p = 0.021), rs61758785 in RAD51B (p = 1.7 × 10−4), rs34042554 in PCDHA1 (p = 1 × 10−4), and rs144183813 in PLEKHA5 (p = 1.7 × 10−4) for obesity; and rs9379084 in RREB1 (p = 0.042), rs2233984 in C6orf15 (p = 0.030), rs61737764 in ITGB6 (p = 0.035), rs17801742 in COL2A1 (p = 8.5 × 10−5), and rs685523 in ADAMTS13 (p = 1 × 10−6) for T2D as important susceptibility loci in Russian population. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of whole exome sequencing (WES) technologies for searching for novel markers of multifactorial diseases in cohorts of limited size in poorly studied populations

    Derivatives of 9-phosphorylated acridine as butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors with antioxidant activity and the ability to inhibit β-amyloid self-aggregation: potential therapeutic agents for Alzheimer’s disease

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    We investigated the inhibitory activities of novel 9-phosphoryl-9,10-dihydroacridines and 9-phosphorylacridines against acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and carboxylesterase (CES). We also studied the abilities of the new compounds to interfere with the self-aggregation of β-amyloid (Aβ42) in the thioflavin test as well as their antioxidant activities in the ABTS and FRAP assays. We used molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulations, and quantum-chemical calculations to explain experimental results. All new compounds weakly inhibited AChE and off-target CES. Dihydroacridines with aryl substituents in the phosphoryl moiety inhibited BChE; the most active were the dibenzyloxy derivative 1d and its diphenethyl bioisostere 1e (IC50 = 2.90 ± 0.23 µM and 3.22 ± 0.25 µM, respectively). Only one acridine, 2d, an analog of dihydroacridine, 1d, was an effective BChE inhibitor (IC50 = 6.90 ± 0.55 μM), consistent with docking results. Dihydroacridines inhibited Aβ42 self-aggregation; 1d and 1e were the most active (58.9% ± 4.7% and 46.9% ± 4.2%, respectively). All dihydroacridines 1 demonstrated high ABTS•+-scavenging and iron-reducing activities comparable to Trolox, but acridines 2 were almost inactive. Observed features were well explained by quantum-chemical calculations. ADMET parameters calculated for all compounds predicted favorable intestinal absorption, good blood–brain barrier permeability, and low cardiac toxicity. Overall, the best results were obtained for two dihydroacridine derivatives 1d and 1e with dibenzyloxy and diphenethyl substituents in the phosphoryl moiety. These compounds displayed high inhibition of BChE activity and Aβ42 self-aggregation, high antioxidant activity, and favorable predicted ADMET profiles. Therefore, we consider 1d and 1e as lead compounds for further in-depth studies as potential anti-AD preparations

    The Incidence of Acute Respiratory Infections in Children who Have Undergone Critical Conditions in the Neonatal Period, Depending on the Severity оf Organ Dysfunction. Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: It is assumed that the severity of the multiple organ dysfunctions syndrome (MODS) in children who have experienced critical conditions in the neonatal period is a risk factor for the development of acute respiratory infections (ARI). Objective.The Aim was to study the relationship between the severities of  organ dysfunctions in children who had undergone critical conditions  in the neonatal period, with an ARI frequency at preschool age.Methods: The study included children with MODS, the severity of which was assessed on the NEOMOD scale (moderate dysfunction 4  points, severe 5 points). An infectious index (II) was calculated since the discharge from the hospital till the age of 7: the ratio of  the number of cases ARI during the past year to the age of the child  that year, and the proportion of often ill children (OIC) — the  number of ARI 4, 6 and 5 cases per year at the age of 1, 1–3 and 4– 5 years respectively. Data on cases of ARI are obtained from the history of child development (form № 112/y).Results: The study included 198 children, 100 of them with severe  manifestations of MODS and 98 with moderate manifestations of  MODS. The groups were comparable by sex, age, social factors (age  and level of education of parents), place of residence (city / village).  II (median and 95% confidence interval) in children with severe and  moderate manifestations of MODS under 1 year were 2 (2; 3) and  1.5 (1; 2) respectively (p=0.006); 1–2 years — 1.5 (1–2) and 1 (1– 1.5) (p=0.008); 2–3 years — 1 (0.7–1.2) and 0.7 (0.5–1)  (p=0.006); 3–4 years old — 1,1 (0,8–1,3) and 0,8 (0,6–0,8)  (р=0.003); 4–5 years — 0,6 (0.6–0,7) and 0,4 (0.4–0,5) (р=0.001); 5–6 years — 0.5 (0.3–0.5) and 0.3 (0.2–0.3) (p=0.001); 6–7 years  — 0.3 (0.3–0.3) and 0.1 (0.1–0.3) (p=0.025). The OIC in the groups for the entire follow-up period was 60 (60%) and 42 (43%) respectively (p=0.011).Сonclusion: Severe manifestations of MODS in the neonatal period are associated with a higher susceptibility of children to ARI

    Pilot program for optimizing parenting motivation

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    Background. The interest in childhood as a period of human life and in children as members of society is determined by negative transformations of the sociocultural development observed in the period starting with 70-80s of the 20th century to the present day. The Objective of the paper is to describe the pilot research for optimizing parenting motivation as part of personal education. The basic hypothesis of the research is the assumption about the objective dependence of parenting motivation on the system of value orientations and attitudes of the subject, including the perceived necessity for the child upbringing. Progress Report. The first stage of the research includes the analysis of foreign and domestic scientists’ works of in the field of psychology of parenting, which allowed to shape the research hypothesis and to design the experimental part. The second stage is the implementation of the experimental research program. Respondents of the research were represented by males and females aged 16 to 22 years. Research Results. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the experimental data carried out at the third stage showed that 73 per cent of the respondents pointed to the family as the most important value. The central motivation for child birth in the majority of respondents (84 per cent) is receiving baby love. Conclusion. The conducted research showed that parenting motivation is well-developed in the respondents. The hypothesis about the distinctive features of parenting motivation at the stages of early and late adolescence, and also the hypothesis of the gender specificity of parenting motivation have also been confirmed. Similarly, the qualitative analysis of the experimental data that has been performed in the research reveals the maximum intensity of the emotional component of parenting motivation. The cognitive component that objectively determines the stability of motivation is weakly expressed. To develop the parenting motivation as part of personal education the program aimed at harmonizing the development process of both emotional and cognitive component of parenting motivation was organized