8 research outputs found

    Psychosomatic aspects of managing patientsafter operative treatment in occasion of gynecological pathology

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    The analysis of the psychological sphere of the women who underwent surgical treatment for gynecological pathology in the amount of 70 people. For the assessment of psychological status of patients was used a number of standard techniques. The data obtained indicate the need psychological help to women with gynecological pathology after surgical treatment.Проведен анализ психологической сферы женщин, перенесших хирургическое лечение по поводу гинекологической патологии в количестве 70 человек. Для оценки психологического статуса пациенток использовались ряд стандартных методик. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о необходимости психологической помощи женщинам с гинекологической патологией после оперативного лечения


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    Goal. Study of the impact of investment on net income through the use of multifactor regression models of enterprise of Zaporizhia.Method. Based on econometric analysis, a methodology has been developed that allows to analyze the impact of the size of investment deposits on the net income of the enterprise, which is based on the use of multifactor regression models of economic activity of enterprises.Results. The versatility of information on the economic activity of enterprise in Zaporizhia indicated the difficulty of analyzing the results. At the same time, the transition to a digital economy based on modern IT technologies has made it possible to re-use statistical material on economic indicators of enterprises, synthesizing economic and mathematical models of enterprises as complex objects by deeper elaboration of statistical material with justification of the results. This approach made it possible to use multifactor regression models to obtain the dependence of net income on the value of investment deposits at specific enterprise in Zaporizhia.Scientific novelty. For the first time, multifactor regression models of economic activity of enterprises are used, taking into account multicollinearity and nonlinearity in the value of investment contributions for economic analysis of the impact of investment on net income by using the coefficient of elasticity.Practical significance. The analysis of the results of economic and mathematical modeling of Zaporizhia enterprise, which is based on statistical material using the algorithm of studying the dependence of net income on the value of investment contribution, showed the presence of critical values of investment deposits that qualitatively change the impact on net income. It is recommended to include the developed algorithm in the practice of appropriate calculations of the effectiveness of economic activity of enterprises.Мета. Дослідження впливу інвестицій на чистий дохід шляхом застосування багатофакторних регресійних моделей діяльності підприємства Запоріжжя.Методика. На основі економетричного аналізу розроблено і застосовано методику, що дозволяє провести аналіз впливу величини інвестиційних вкладів на чистий дохід підприємства, яка заснована на використанні багатофакторних регресійних моделей економічної діяльності підприємств.Результати. Багатогранність інформаціїпро економічну діяльність підприємства Запоріжжя вказала на складність аналізу отриманих результатів. Разом з тим перехід до цифрової економіки, яка базується на сучасних ІТ-технологіях, дав можливість по-новому використовувати статистичний матеріал за економічними показниками підприємств, синтезувавши економіко-математичні моделі підприємств як складних об’єктів шляхом більш глибокого опрацювання статистичного матеріалу з обґрунтуванням отриманих результатів. Такий підхід дав можливість за допомогою багатофакторних регресійних моделей отримати залежності чистого доходу від величини інвестиційних вкладів на конкретному підприємстві Запоріжжя.Наукова новизна. Уперше застосовано багатофакторні регресійні моделі економічної діяльності підприємств з урахуванням мультиколінеарності та нелінійності за величиною інвестиційних вкладів для економічного аналізу впливу інвестицій на чистий дохід шляхом використання коефіцієнта еластичності.Практична значимість. Аналіз результатів економіко-математичного моделювання діяльності підприємства Запоріжжя, який ґрунтується на статистичному матеріалі із застосуванням алгоритму дослідження залежності чистого доходу від величини інвестиційного внеску, показав наявність критичних величин інвестиційних вкладів, які якісно змінюють вплив на чистий дохід, що підтверджується знаком коефіцієнта еластичності. Рекомендується включити розроблений алгоритм в практику відповідних розрахунків результативності економічної діяльності підприємств

    Development of a System to Control the Motion of Electric Transport Under Conditions of Iron-ore Mines

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    Based on the study of properties of an electric train as a control object, it has been proven that considerable speed fluctuations and shock loads caused by the presence of elasticity and gaps in the coupling devices take place during the train acceleration and stoppage. These loads cause current fluctuations in armature of the traction DС motors of electric locomotives, which adversely affects their service life. By studying the mathematical description of the dynamic system consisting of an electric locomotive and a set of wagons, a model was synthesized that allows one to investigate the processes taking place in this system when motion and coupling device parameters alter.On the basis of the mathematical dependencies obtained, an algorithm was developed that enables parametric optimization of the system from the point of view of minimizing collisions of the train wagons during acceleration and braking. A characteristic feature of the algorithm that distinguishes it from existing ones is that the "locomotive – wagons" complex is considered with taking into account presence of elastic coupler and gaps between the train elements. The problem of eliminating dynamic loads caused by oscillating processes of the "locomotive – wagons" complex was solved which made it possible to conduct an analytical construction of a system for optimal control of the material handling processes of electric transport in conditions of iron ore mines. Application of this system makes it possible to optimally perform high-speed loading of wagons with raw materials and their unloading. It is expected that application of this approach thru shortening the time spent in shifting the wagons for their loading will increase productivity of the mine transport by 20–30

    Using the Intensity of Absorbed Gamma Radiation to Control the Content of Iron in Ore

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    The paper reports results of mathematical modeling of the intensity of absorbed gamma radiation for determining the iron content in IOR. It was shown that to enhance the accuracy of rapid control of the iron content in IOR, it is advisable to use absorbed gamma radiation. This approach is the improvement of the nuclear-physical method for determining the iron content in IOR. Reflected gamma radiation is used in the existing nuclear-physical methods for determining the iron content in IOR. The gamma-gamma method, the feature of which is the use of "soft" gamma radiation, is used in this method. This leads to the fact that the irradiated surface reflects only a small part of the original flux of gamma radiation. As a result, measuring the intensity of the scattered gamma radiation is characterized by substantial relative errors and, consequently, low-precision of rapid control of iron content in IOR. The use of absorbed gamma radiation as the main part of gamma radiation, makes it possible to significantly reduce the relative error of measurement of the intensity of gamma radiation, that is, to enhance the accuracy of rapid control of the iron content in IOR.The work considered the method of "central geometry" for measuring the intensity of gamma radiation as the most common. This method makes it possible to take into consideration in the mathematical model the dependence of the intensity of absorbed gamma radiation not only on the properties of irradiated surface of rock mass, but also on the geometric parameters in measurement. The main feature of the model is the use of albedo parameter, which allows linking the scattered and absorbed gamma radiation. Representation of the synthesized model in the dimensionless form enabled both simplification of calculations, and generalization of the results of mathematical modeling of the intensity of absorbed gamma radiation. In order to compare the values of intensities of reflected and absorbed gamma-radiation in terms of central geometry, the appropriate numerical calculations were performed. The results of the conducted calculations proved the effectiveness of using absorbed gamma radiation to determine the iron content in IOR. Thus, in the range of 50‒60 percent of the iron content, the sensitivity of absorbed gamma-radiation is considerably higher (by two times) than sensitivity of scattered gamma radiation