51 research outputs found

    Makine çevirisinde yeni bir bilgisayımsal yaklaşım

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    Doktora TeziBilişsel süreçlerde bağlantısallık ve biçimsellik şeklinde ortaya çıkan ayrım, özünde bilişsel işlevlerin aşamalı gelişiminin ürünüdür ve bir ayrımdan çok katmanlı bir yapıya işaret eder. Doğal dil işlemede biçimsel yaklaşımların tek başına yetersiz kalması da geliştirilen biçimsel sistemlerin, bağlantısal temeller üzerine oturtulmamasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasının ardındaki temel motivasyon da bağlantısal dayanaklı ontolojilerin makine çevirisinde kullanılabilecek biçimsel yapıdaki aradillerin oluşturulmasında temel olabileceği düşüncesi olmuştur. Bu noktadan yola çıkarak, dillerarası kavramsal eşlemeler bağlantısal bir şekilde gerçeklenmeye çalışılmış, ardından bu eşlemeler üzerinde temellenen aradil yapıları biçimsel bir çerçeve içinde modellenmiştir. Son olarak, kavram kafesleri şeklinde biçimselleştirilen ontolojiler, aradil yapıları olarak kullanılmış ve böylece edimsel bilginin süreç odaklı makine çevirisine eklemlenmesi sağlanarak bu ontolojilerin işlevsellikleri sınanmıştır. Ortaya konan çeviri sisteminin, Türkçe bir çocuk hikayesine uygulanması ile elde edilen test sonuçları, çeviri sonuçlarında filtre olarak kullanılan kavram kafeslerinin, makine çevirisini geliştirme açısından umut verici bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.AbstractThe distinction emerged as associativeness and formality in cognitive processes is fundamentally the product of the gradual development of cognitive functions and this indicates a multi-stratified structure. Since formal systems which have been developed for natural language processing are not based on associative grounds, formal approaches that are merely used in natural language processing lead to limited systems. The main motivation behind this thesis is the thought that ontologies based on associativeness could serve as the core of forming formal-structured interlingua that could be used in machine translation. Therefore, it is tried to realize cross-language conceptual mapping on the basis of associativeness; then, interlingual structures based on these mappings are modeled within a formal framework. At the end, ontologies formed as concept lattices are used as interlingual structures and functionalities of the ontologies are tested via incorporating pragmatic information into process-oriented machine translation. Test results retrieved from the application of the developed translation system to a child story reveal that concept lattices used as filters in translation results have a promising potential with regard to the development of machine translation

    Otistik Ve Zihinsel Engelli Çocuklar İçin Doğal Dil İşleme Tabanlı Bir Yardım Aracı: Bir Başlangıç Çalışması

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    DergiPark: 245928trakyafbdEngelli çocukların, eğitim ve gelişim olanaklarına mümkün olduğunca kolay ve etkin bir biçimde erişebilmesinin sağlanması, toplum için hem yasal hem de vicdani bir sorumluluktur. Yardımcı teknolojiler, engelli çocukların eğitim faaliyetlerine tam ve yeterli biçimde katılabilmesi için büyük olanaklar sunarlar. Bu makale, otistik ve zihinsel engelli çocukların eğitim ve öğretimine yardımcı olmak için geliştirilen bir yazılım aracını sunmaktadır. Bu araç ile engelli çocukların ifadeler ve onlara karşılık gelen kavramlar arasında resimler aracılığıyla bağlantı kurmalarına yardımcı olmak amaçlanmaktadır. Kullanıcının sistemle olan etkileşiminin doğal dil ifadeleriyle kurulmasını sağlamanın, iletişimi kısıtlanmış anahtar kelimelerle sınırlandırmaktan daha etkin olduğu gerçeğini dikkate alarak aracımızı bir Doğal Dil İşleme (DDİ) modülü ile donattık. Bu modül aracın omurgası olarak görev yapmakta ve doğal dil ifadelerini birleşme tabanlı (unification-based) bir dilbilgisi kullanarak anlamsal çerçeveler şeklinde çözümlemektedir. Giriş ifadeleri, ilgili resimlerle anlamsal çerçeveler aracılığıyla eşleştirilmektedir. Bu anlamsal çerçeveler, resimleri biçimsel bakımdan değil, içerikleri açısından temsil ettiği için, sistem esnek bir şekilde çalışabilmektedir.It is both a legal and conscientious responsibility of the society to enable children with disabilities to have access to and receive education and training as easily and effectively as possible. Assistive technology offers great opportunities for disabled students to participate in educational activities fully and adequately. This paper presents a software tool developed to assist the education and training of autistic and mentally retarded children. The tool is intended to help the disabled child establish the bridge between expressions and the concepts they refer to via relevant images. Taking into consideration the fact that enabling the user to interact with the system using natural language expressions will be much more effective compared to a system constraining the communication to a limited set of isolated keywords, the tool has been equipped with a Natural Language Processing (NLP) module. This module functions as the backbone of the tool. It analyzes natural language expressions into semantic frames using a unification-based grammar. Input expressions are mapped onto relevant images via the mediation of semantic frames. As these semantics frames represent the content of images, rather than their formal aspects, the system is able to operate on a flexible basis

    Fiscal space analysis of Türkiye within the context of political cycles (2000-2021)

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    Mali alan kavramı 2000’li yılların başından itibaren literatürde önemli bir yer edinmiştir. Önce gelişmekte olan ülkeler için bir kaynak yaratma aracı olarak görülen bu konu, 2008 krizi ve COVID-19 pandemisi ile birlikte hem gelişmekte olan hem de gelişmiş ülkeler için önem kazanmıştır. Makalede öncelikle mali alan kavramı ve kapsamı incelenmiş, mali alan yaratma yöntemleri açıklanmış, daha sonra ise mali alan literatürü taranmıştır. Çalışmada Heller yöntemi esas alınarak, Türkiye’de 2000-2021 yılları arasında vergi ve harcama politikalarındaki değişim incelenmiştir. Vergi politikası açısından bakıldığında, vergilerin ilgili dönemde dar bir koridorda seyrederek yüzde 24’lerde kaldığı; ayrıca dolaylı-dolaysız vergi kompozisyonunda değişiklik meydana geldiği görülmektedir. Harcama politikası açısından ise ilgili dönemin başında uygulanan istikrar politikaları sonucunda özellikle faiz harcamalarında meydana gelen azalmanın, sosyal yardım, sağlık ve eğitim harcamalarında önemli miktarda artışa imkân verdiği görülmektedir. Bu gelişmeler ile 20 yıl süresince hâkim parti olarak nitelendirilebilecek bir yönetimin, mali alanı nasıl yarattığı ve kullandığı üzerine siyasal konjonktür çerçevesinde bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır.The concept of fiscal space has gained prominence in the literature since the early 2000s. Although it was originally perceived as a tool to create additional resources in only developing countries, the concept also became important in developed countries with the 2008 economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. This article reviews the literature on fiscal space, including various definitions and explains the efforts to create fiscal space in countries. The article analyzes revenue and expenditure policies of Türkiye by using the methodology of Peter Heller. In terms of revenue policy, tax revenues fluctuated around 24 percent. Between direct and indirect tax proceeds, there has been a swamp between direct and indirect taxes—direct tax revenues becoming less important. In terms of expenditure policy, the decline in interest payments due to the stabilization policies pursued by the government has created space to finance social service expenditures, such as education, healthcare, and social protection. Under the light of these developments, we analyze the fiscal space creation efforts of the government

    The effects of cervical cerclage practice on perinatal and neonatal outcomes according to the indications

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    Objective: The aim was to investigate the perinatal and neonatal outcomes in the cases which underwent cervical cerclage, and to compare the elective and emergency cerclage cases. Methods: The cases that underwent cervical cerclage in the Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine at Akdeniz University between January 2014 and December 2019 were assessed retrospectively, and separated into 3 categories as the prophylactic, elective and emergency groups. The demographic characteristics and perinatal and neonatal outcomes were recorded and they were compared between the groups. Results: A total of 92 cases with singleton pregnancy between 12 and 24 weeks of gestation were included in the study. The prophylactic cerclage group consisted of 48 cases, the elective cerclage group consisted of 21 cases and the emergency cerclage group consisted of 23 cases. The rate of the cases delivered at term (≥37 weeks of gestation) was found significantly lower in the emergency cerclage group than the rates of the cases in the prophylactic and elective cerclage groups (26.1%, 70.8% and 66.7%; respectively). While there was no significant difference between the prophylactic and elective cerclage groups in terms of premature preterm labor (<32 weeks of gestation), the rate of premature preterm labor was significantly higher in the emergency cerclage group than two other groups (10.4%, 9.5% and 43.5%, respectively; p=0.005). The mean delivery week of the emergency cerclage cases was significantly higher than the prophylactic and elective cerclage groups (31.7, 36.7 and 36.5 weeks, respectively; p<0.001). The mean duration between the cerclage procedure and the delivery week was the highest in the prophylactic cerclage cases and the lowest in the emergency cerclage cases (22.8 and 9.7 weeks, respectively; p<0.001). The mortality rate of the newborns was higher in the emergency cerclage cases than the other groups, which was statistically significant (p=0.002). Conclusion: We concluded that the perinatal and neonatal outcomes of the emergency cerclage procedure carried out in the advanced stage of cervical changes in the cases with cervical insufficiency is less successful than the prophylactic and elective cerclage procedures. The early detection of cervical insufficiency by the previous history, the physical examination and the measurement of transvaginal cervical length and responding at the early weeks of gestation may improve the perinatal and neonatal outcomes

    A Novel Machine-Learning Algorithm to Predict the Early Termination of Nutrition Support Team Follow-Up in Hospitalized Adults:A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: For hospitalized adults, it is important to initiate the early reintroduction of oral food in accordance with nutrition support team guidelines. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a machine learning-based algorithm that predicts the early termination of medical nutritional therapy (the transition to oral feeding). Methods: This retrospective cohort study included consecutive adult patients admitted to the Hacettepe hospital (from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2022). The outcome of the study was the prediction of an early transition to adequate oral feeding before discharge. The dataset was randomly (70/30) divided into training and test datasets. We used six ML algorithms with multiple features to construct prediction models. ML model performance was measured according to the accuracy, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, and F1 score. We used the Boruta Method to determine the important features and interpret the selected features. Results: A total of 2298 adult inpatients who were followed by a nutrition support team for medical nutritional therapy were included. Patients received parenteral nutrition (1471/2298, 64.01%), enteral nutrition (717/2298, 31.2%), or supplemental parenteral nutrition (110/2298, 4.79%). The median (interquartile range) Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS-2002) score was 5 (1). Six prediction algorithms were used, and the artificial neural network and elastic net models achieved the greatest area under the ROC in all outcomes (AUC = 0.770). Ranked by z-value, the 10 most important features in predicting an early transition to oral feeding in the artificial neural network and elastic net algorithms were parenteral nutrition, surgical wards, surgical outcomes, enteral nutrition, age, supplemental parenteral nutrition, digestive system diseases, gastrointestinal complications, NRS-2002, and impaired consciousness. Conclusions: We developed machine learning models for the prediction of an early transition to oral feeding before discharge. Overall, there was no discernible superiority among the models. Nevertheless, the artificial neural network and elastic net methods provided the highest AUC values. Since the machine learning model is interpretable, it can enable clinicians to better comprehend the features underlying the outcomes. Our study could support personalized treatment and nutritional follow-up strategies in clinical decision making for the prediction of an early transition to oral feeding in hospitalized adult patients.</p

    Intragastric Migration of Gastric Band Diagnosed During Surgery: A Case Report and Literature

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    Intragastric band migration (IGBM) is one of the major complications of gastric banding. In this report, we aimed to present a case of IGBM, which was diagnosed intraoperatively, and to review the relevant literature. A 59-year-old male patient was admitted to our outpatient clinic due to epigastric pain persisting for the past three months. The patient had a history of gastric banding surgery owing to obesity with open surgery nine years ago. Postoperative follow-up was not done properly and the patient had started to gain weight in the third postoperative year. Incisional hernia was found in physical examination and operation for gastric band removal and hernia repair was planned. During surgery, the band could not be found around the stomach, therefore, gastroscopy was performed and it was found that the majority of the band was placed in the stomach. The patient was intraoperatively diagnosed with IGBM and the band was removed through gastrotomy, and hernia repair was performed. The patient was discharged at postoperative 6th day without any complication. Although IGBM is rarely seen, it should be considered as a long-term complication in cases with dysfunctional gastric band and in patients who started to gain weight after operation. Treatment is the removal of the band review

    Oyun kuramı ve uluslararası politika

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    Different aspects of the concept of international competitiveness have attracted the attention of many scholars from a variety of disciplines. A considerable increase has been observed in the management literature with regard to the interest in the subject as well, especially since the early 1990s. This article first summarizes the historical evolution and the current competitive structure of the Turkish economy. Next, some of the key issues regarding this competitive structure as well as the nature of competitive advantages of Turkish industries are discussed in light of the recent debates in the strategy and international business literatures. This perspective is then used to highlight the implications of the analysis provided for Turkey’s international competitiveness.Publisher's Versio

    A corpus based anaphora resolution study for Turkish

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziBu tez çalışmasının temelde iki amacı vardır. Bunlardan ilki, Türkçe gibi artgönderim çözümlemesi bakış açısıyla üzerinde çok çalışılmamış ve makine öğrenmesi deneylerine fazlaca konu olmamış bir dilde, çeşitli makine öğrenmesi modelleri kullanarak artgönderim çözümlemesinin modellenmeye çalışılmasıdır. Çalışmanın bir diğer amacı da, elimizdeki bir iş için kullanılacak modelin seçimine ilişkin, öğrenme modellerinin sınıflandırma performansları açısından değerlendirmesini yaparak, bu konuda yol gösterici olmaktır. Beklenen bir gözlem olan ve deneyler sonucunda elde edilen, her bir modelin aşırı ve yetersiz uyumdan kaçınarak optimum düzeyinin belirlenmesi gerekliliğinin yanında, elde edilen sonuçlara göre doğrusal olmayan modeller aşırı uyumdan kaçınacak şekilde düzgün olarak eniyileştirildiklerinde doğrusal olan modelleri de geride bırakmıştır.The aim of this thesis is two-fold. On the one hand, it attempts to explore several machine learning models for pronoun resolution in Turkish, a language not sufficiently studied with respect to anaphora resolution and rarely being subjected to machine learning experiments. On the other hand, the thesis offers an evaluation of the classification performances of the learning models in order to gain insight into the question of how to match a model to the task at hand. In addition to the expected observation that each model should be tuned to an optimum level of expressive power so as to avoid underfitting and overfitting, the results also suggest that non-linear models properly tuned to avoid overfitting outperform linear ones when applied to the data used in the experiments