3 research outputs found

    Is polysomnographic examination necessary for subjects with diaphragm pathologies?

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    OBJECTIVES: While respiratory distress is accepted as the only indication for diaphragmatic plication surgery, sleep disorders have been underestimated. In this study, we aimed to detect the sleep disorders that accompany diaphragm pathologies. Specifically, the association of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with diaphragm eventration and diaphragm paralysis was evaluated. METHODS: This study was performed in Süreyyapasa Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital between 2014-2016. All patients had symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (snoring and/or cessation of breath during sleep and/or daytime sleepiness) and underwent diaphragmatic plication via video-assisted mini-thoracotomy. Additionally, all patients underwent pre- and postoperative full-night polysomnography. Pre- and postoperative clinical findings, polysomnography results, Epworth sleepiness scale scores and pulmonary function test results were compared. RESULTS: Twelve patients (7 males) with a mean age of 48 (range, 27-60) years and a mean body mass index of 25 (range, 20-30) kg/m2 were included in the study. Preoperative polysomnography showed obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in 9 of the 12 patients (75%), while 3 of the patients (25%) were regarded as normal. Postoperatively, patient complaints, apnea hypopnea indices, Epworth sleepiness scale scores and pulmonary function test results all demonstrated remarkable improvement. CONCLUSION: All patients suffering from diaphragm pathologies with symptoms should undergo polysomnography, and patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome should be operated on. In this way, long-term comorbidities of sleep disorders may be prevented

    Sol Pnömotoraks ile Santral Kitle Pnömonektomi Sonrası Kontralateral Pnömotoraks

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    Pnömonektomi sonrası pnömotoraks gelişmesi morbidite ve mortalitesi yüksek bir durum olup ender seyreder. Sol ana bronşta kitlesi bulunan olgumuzda fiberoptik bronkoskopi (FOB) sonrası iyatrojenik pnömotoraks gelişti, vitalleri stabil olduğu için tüp torakostomi uygulanmadı. Aynı seansta mediastinoskopi ve pnömonektomi uygulandı. Bu çalışmada, postoperatif erken dönemde kontralateral pnömotoraks gelişen olgu literatür eşliğinde sunulmaktadır

    Is polysomnographic examination necessary for subjects with diaphragm pathologies?

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    OBJECTIVES: While respiratory distress is accepted as the only indication for diaphragmatic plication surgery, sleep disorders have been underestimated. In this study, we aimed to detect the sleep disorders that accompany diaphragm pathologies. Specifically, the association of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with diaphragm eventration and diaphragm paralysis was evaluated. METHODS: This study was performed in Süreyyapasa Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Training and Research Hospital between 2014-2016. All patients had symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (snoring and/or cessation of breath during sleep and/or daytime sleepiness) and underwent diaphragmatic plication via video-assisted mini-thoracotomy. Additionally, all patients underwent pre- and postoperative full-night polysomnography. Pre- and postoperative clinical findings, polysomnography results, Epworth sleepiness scale scores and pulmonary function test results were compared. RESULTS: Twelve patients (7 males) with a mean age of 48 (range, 27-60) years and a mean body mass index of 25 (range, 20-30) kg/m2 were included in the study. Preoperative polysomnography showed obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in 9 of the 12 patients (75%), while 3 of the patients (25%) were regarded as normal. Postoperatively, patient complaints, apnea hypopnea indices, Epworth sleepiness scale scores and pulmonary function test results all demonstrated remarkable improvement. CONCLUSION: All patients suffering from diaphragm pathologies with symptoms should undergo polysomnography, and patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome should be operated on. In this way, long-term comorbidities of sleep disorders may be prevented