94 research outputs found

    Speaking and Sensing the Self in Authentic Movement: The Search for Authenticity in a 21st Century White Urban Middle-Class Community

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    Speaking and Sensing the Self in Authentic Movement The Search for Authenticity in a 21st Century White Urban Middle-Class Community Seran Endrigian Schug Asif Agha and Rebecca Huss-Ashmore This ethnography is about Authentic Movement, a ritual form of dance and self-narrative in which a participant performs free association through trancelike movement in the presence of a “compassionate” witness as a means toward the discovery of an authentic self. Rooted in anti-modernist social movements in late 19th century urban middle- and upper-class communities in the United States, Authentic Movement brings to light a central paradox of modern life—though it is through liberal social institutions of modernity that individuals are purportedly able to achieve the freedom to be who they aspire to be, it is to an imagined non-modern past that many look toward to know and define the authentic self. The dissertation shows how cultural icons of authenticity come to be interpreted as both universal symbols and personal experiences of an authentic self. Performances of authenticity embodied in highly stylized modes of introspection and narration, enhanced by intense alterations in the bodily experiences of space and time, explicitly call participants’ attention to the sensorial experience of movement as the source of the authentic self. In fact, it is the high degree of poetic patterning of performances that is the key to Authentic Movement’s power to evoke emotionally powerful experiences of authenticity. However, this study shows that the search for the authentic self as an imagined private, internal, radically subjective self is not, in actuality, a journey into a private enclosed world. The experience of authenticity is, rather, a public performance. Subjectivity, even when centered in one’s own experience of the body, is intelligible as authentic only insofar as privately felt sensations point to socially circulating discourses of authenticity. The integration of cultural historical research and a multidimensional performance analysis within a reflexive ethnographic project represents a unique approach toward resolving contradictions between older romanticizing and newer constructivist anthropological perspectives on authenticity. Ultimately my analysis reveals how participants, through performance, come to authentically experience and, thus, bring into being the socially constructed ideologies of authenticity they envision

    Gaya Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berdasarkan Latar Belakang Etnis (Tionghoa-dayak) di Kabupaten Sintang Kalimantan Barat

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    Gaya belajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor baik yang bersifat internal maupun eksternal.Dalam faktor eskternal tersebut salah satunya adalah etnisitas siswa yang berpengaruh padasetting sosial budaya yang kemudian membentuk perspektif tentang belajar itu sendiri. Sebagaidua dari etnis terbesar di Sintang Kalimantan Barat maka peneliti melakukan penelusuran denganpendekatan kualitatif bentuk penelitian survey. Adapun masalah yang diangkat adalah bagaimanaperanan etnis Tionghoa-Dayak dalam membentuk gaya belajar siswa. Alat pengumpul data yangdigunakan adalah kuesioner, wawancara dan observasi. Angket di sebarkan kepada 260 orangsiswa di SD Panca Setya Sintang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etnis Tionghoa persentasegaya belajar yang dominan adalah kompetitif sebesar 25,60% sedangkan etnis Dayak gayabelajar yang dominan adalah kolaboratif sebesar 27,30%

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Pgsd Konsentrasi IPS SD STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang terhadap Pengembangan Pembelajaran Kontekstual dengan Pemanfaatan Laboratorium Berbasis Budaya Lokal Sintang - Kalimantan Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi mahasiswa PGSD konsentrasi IPS SD STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang terhadap pengembangan pembelajaran kontekstual dengan pemanfataan laboratorium berbasis budaya lokal Sintang- Kalimantan Barat. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester VI PGSD Konsentrasi IPS STKIP Perasa Khatulistiwa Sintang yang berjumlah 63 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji t dengan one tail test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pengembangan pembelajaran kontekstual dengan pemanfataan laboratorium berbasis budaya lokal sebesar 74,67%. Berdasarkan perhitungan uji hipotesis tersebut diperoleh harga t hitung lebih besar dari harga t tabel yaitu 2,21 >1,67, maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak yang artinya persepsi mahasiswa PGSD kosentrasi IPS SD STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa sintang terhadap pengembangan pembelajaran kontekstual siswa dengan pemaanfaatan laboratorium berbasis masyarakat (Budaya lokal) Sintang Kalimantan Barat lebih dari sama dengan 75% dari yang diharapkan


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    This study aims to 1). Knowing the level of community participation in the agroforestry system of porang (Amorphopallus muelleri Blume); 2). Knowing agroforestry system that is applied to perverse forests the working area of KPH Saradan. This research was conducted in Agroforestry forest of porang the working area of RPH Klangon, BKPH Pajaran, KPH Saradan, District Madiun, Region of Est Java. The survey method was conducted in December 2018- February 2019. Data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data. Primary data was interview method and secondary data obtained from the documents, archive, report, and stakeholders. This study analyz to Skala likert method.The results of research showed that 1). Based on the percent (%) index calculation, community participation a results value of  67,68% which is included in the high category. 2). Agroforestry system applied in Klangon village is agrosilvicultural system that combines (intercropping) between annual plant (Jati, Mahoni, and Sonokeling) with annual crops (Porang)

    Hubungan Personal Hygiene Dengan Kejadian Demam Tifoid Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tumaratas

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    : The typhoid fever is a kind of disease that caused by Salmonella typhi and related with poor practice of personal hygiene. The highest occurrence of typhoid fever in 2014 was in the Tumaratas public health center subdistrict west of Langowan with 157 case. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship among personal hygiene with the occurrence of typhoid fever in the working area of Tumaratas public health center subdistrit west of Langowan. Quantutative method with case-control. The population case of this study are all of Typhoid Fever patients on January-September 2014, based on medical record. Population control not patients of typhoid fever (hypertensive patients) on January-September 2014, based on medical record. The sampels of this study are 21 cases and 21 controls. The research instruments are questionnaires. The data of research processed with Chi Square test at a level of 95% (α=0,05). The resulth show are relationship with the habits of washing hands before eating (p=0,029), the habits of washing raw food to be eaten immediately (p=0,029) and the habits of eating outside the house (p=0,031) with the occurrence of typhoid fever. Meanwhile, there is no correlation between hand washing after defecation (p=0,160). Conclusion: good personal hygiene can afeect the incidence of typhoid fever. Suggestion through of this research are inccrease awareness of good personal hygiene needs to be impoved


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    Meningkatnya pembangunan infrastruktur, bertambah banyaknya jumlah kendaraan, serta semakin besarnya tingkat produksi sampah merupakan bentuk-bentuk dampak negatif dari bertambahnya jumlah penduduk yang pastinya akan berimbas pada terjadinya pemanasan global dan tentu saja akan mendatangkan permasalahan lingkungan baru yang lebih serius. Permasalahan tersebut banyak terjadi di seluruh penjuru Indonesia tidak terkecuali di Kelurahan Liliba, Kecamatan Oebobo, Kota Kupang, NTT. Pengendalian perlu dilakukan untuk menyikapi permasalahan tersebut. Beberapa bentuk pengendalian yang bisa dilakukan yakni penanaman pohon dan pembersihan sampah. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengertian pada warga Kelurahan Liliba terkait tata cara penanaman pohon yang dimulai dari pemilihan jenis pohon, penentuan jarak tanam, dan sistem penanaman serta pemilahan sampah. Adapun hasil yang dicapai yaitu warga Kelurahan Liliba sebgai mitra dapat menamam pohon dan membersihkan sampah di kelurahan Liliba  sebagai upaya menyejukkan rumah di musim panas, meredam kebisingan, membersihkan udara,  untuk mencegah longsor dan sebagai tindakan konservasi
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