101 research outputs found

    Modeling of nitric oxide emissions from temperate agricultural ecosystems.

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    48 p.Arable soils are a significant source of nitric oxide (NO), most of which is derived from nitrogen fertilizers. Precise estimates of NO emissions from these soils are thus essential to devise strategies to mitigate the impact of agriculture on tropospheric ozone regulation. This paper presents the implementation of a soil NO emissions submodel within the environmentally-orientated soil crop model, CERES-EGC. The submodel simulates the NO production via nitrification pathway, as modulated by soil environmental drivers. The resulting model was tested with data from 4 field experiments on wheat- and maize-cropped soils representative of two agricultural regions of France, and for three years encompassing various climatic conditions. Overall, the model gave correct predictions of NO emissions, but shortcomings arose from an inadequate vertical distribution of fertilizer N in the soil surface. Inclusion of a 2-cm thick topsoil layer in an 'micro-layer' version of CERES-EGC gave more realistic simulations of NO emissions and of the under-lying microbiological process. From a statistical point, both versions of the model achieved a similar fit to the experimental data, with respectively a MD and a RMSE ranging from 1.8 to 6.2 g N-NO ha−1 d−1, and from 22.8 to 25.2 g N-NO ha−1 d −1 across the 4 experiments. The cumulative NO losses represented 1 to 2% of NH+4 fertilizer applied for the maize crops, and about 1% for the wheat crops. The 'micro-layer' version may be used for spatialized inventories of biogenic NO emissions to point mitigation strategies and to improve air quality prediction in chemistry transport models

    Assessment of isoprene and near-surface ozone sensitivities to water stress over the Euro-Mediterranean region

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    Plants emit biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) in response to changes in environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, radiation, soil moisture). In the large family of BVOCs, isoprene is by far the strongest emitted compound and plays an important role in ozone chemistry, thus affecting both air quality and climate. In turn, climate change may alter isoprene emissions by increasing temperature as well as the occurrence and intensity of severe water stresses that alter plant functioning. The Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) provides different parameterizations to account for the impact of water stress on isoprene emissions, which essentially reduces emissions in response to the effect of soil moisture deficit on plant productivity. By applying the regional climate–chemistry model RegCM4chem coupled to the Community Land Model CLM4.5 and MEGAN2.1, we thus performed sensitivity simulations to assess the effects of water stress on isoprene emissions and near-surface ozone levels over the Euro-Mediterranean region and across the drier and wetter summers over the 1992–2016 period using two different parameterizations of the impact of water stress implemented in the MEGAN model. Over the Euro-Mediterranean region and across the simulated summers, water stress reduces isoprene emissions on average by nearly 6 %. However, during the warmest and driest selected summers (e.g. 2003, 2010, 2015) and over large isoprene-source areas (e.g. the Balkans), decreases in isoprene emissions range from −20 % to −60 % and co-occur with negative anomalies in precipitation, soil moisture and plant productivity. Sustained decreases in isoprene emissions also occur after prolonged or repeated dry anomalies, as observed for the summers of 2010 and 2012. Although the decrease in isoprene emissions due to water stress may be important, it only reduces near-surface ozone levels by a few percent due to a dominant VOC-limited regime over southern Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Overall, over the selected analysis region, compared to the old MEGAN parameterization, the new one leads to localized and 25 %–50 % smaller decreases in isoprene emissions and 3 %–8 % smaller reductions in near-surface ozone levels.</p

    Net greenhouse gas balance of fibre wood plantation on peat in Indonesia

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    Tropical peatlands cycle and store large amounts of carbon in their soil and biomass1,2,3,4,5. Climate and land-use change alters greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes of tropical peatlands, but the magnitude of these changes remains highly uncertain6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19. Here we measure net ecosystem exchanges of carbon dioxide, methane and soil nitrous oxide fluxes between October 2016 and May 2022 from Acacia crassicarpa plantation, degraded forest and intact forest within the same peat landscape, representing land-cover-change trajectories in Sumatra, Indonesia. This allows us to present a full plantation rotation GHG flux balance in a fibre wood plantation on peatland. We find that the Acacia plantation has lower GHG emissions than the degraded site with a similar average groundwater level (GWL), despite more intensive land use. The GHG emissions from the Acacia plantation over a full plantation rotation (35.2 ± 4.7 tCO2-eq ha−1 year−1, average ± standard deviation) were around two times higher than those from the intact forest (20.3 ± 3.7 tCO2-eq ha−1 year−1), but only half of the current Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 1 emission factor (EF)20 for this land use. Our results can help to reduce the uncertainty in GHG emissions estimates, provide an estimate of the impact of land-use change on tropical peat and develop science-based peatland management practices as nature-based climate solutions

    6. Barrages et gaz à effet de serre

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    Pour stabiliser le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) atmosphérique autour de 450 ppm à l’échéance de 2050, une baisse des émissions de CO2 est attendue par le développement des énergies renouvelables (ENR), notamment de l’hydroélectricité, supposée neutre du point de vue des émissions de GES*. Ceci pourrait conduire à un doublement de la production hydroélectrique d’ici 2035, voire plus tôt. En effet, le développement de cette filière pourrait s’accélérer du fait de la demande croissante en énergie da..

    Diurnal and seasonal variability of CO2 fluxes over a degraded Woodland under a Sudanian climate in Northern Benin, West Africa

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    Turbulent CO2 exchanges over a degraded woodland were measured during 17 months (from November 2005 to March 2007) by an eddy-covariance system at Nangatchori in the northern part of Benin, West Africa. The site (Lat 9.65°N, Long 1.74°E, Alt: 432 m), under a Sudanian climate, is one of the sites that were equipped in the framework of the international AMMA-CATH program. The site was highly disturbed during preceding years by illegal tree logging, agricultural activities, cattle pasture, and bushfire. The footprint area is mainly formed by herbs and crops with some sparse shrubs and trees. Fluxes data were completed during the same period by meteorological measurements made at the Nalohou site located approximately 20 km from Nangatchori, and by an inventory of dominating species on 1km2 area around the tower during the wet season. Fluxes response to climatic variables was analyzed. The annual drought and moisture cycle was found to be the main controlling factor of the ecosystem dynamics. A very clear response of CO2 fluxes to PPFD appears, but is different according to seasons. During wet season, CO2 uptake increases with increasing PPFD following a typical curvilinear function and saturates for high PPFD (PPFD > 1000 µmol m-2 s-1), while during dry season, a very weak linear response of CO2 fluxes was observed. No clear dependency of the total ecosystem respiration on temperature was observed. At an annual scale (from November 1st 2005 to October 31st 2006), net carbon sequestered by the ecosystem was 18 +- 5 g C m-2. Finally, with respect to the water use the ecosystem appeared to be more efficient during morning and wet season than during afternoon and dry period

    Carbon dioxide fluxes from a degraded woodland in West Africa and their responses to main environmental factors

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    Background : In West Africa, natural ecosystems such as woodlands are the main source for energy, building poles and livestock fodder. They probably behave like net carbon sinks, but there are only few studies focusing on their carbon exchange with the atmosphere. Here, we have analyzed CO2 fluxes measured for 17 months by an eddy-covariance system over a degraded woodland in northern Benin. Specially, temporal evolution of the fluxes and their relationships with the main environmental factors were investigated between the seasons. Results : This study shows a clear response of CO2 absorption to photosynthetic photon flux density (Qp), but it varies according to the seasons. After a significant and long dry period, the ecosystem respiration (R) has increased immediately to the first significant rains. No clear dependency of ecosystem respiration on temperature has been observed. The degraded woodlands are probably the &#8220;carbon neutral&#8221; at the annual scale. The net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was negative during wet season and positive during dry season, and its annual accumulation was equal to +29 ± 16 g C m&#8722;2. The ecosystem appears to be more efficient in the morning and during the wet season than in the afternoon and during the dry season. Conclusions : This study shows diurnal and seasonal contrasted variations in the CO2 fluxes in relation to the alternation between dry and wet seasons. The Nangatchori site is close to the equilibrium state according to its carbon exchanges with the atmosphere. The length of the observation period was too short to justify the hypothesis about the &#8220;carbon neutrality&#8221; of the degraded woodlands at the annual scale in West Africa. Besides, the annual net ecosystem exchange depends on the intensity of disturbances due to the site management system. Further research works are needed to define a woodland management policy that might keep these ecosystems as carbon sinks

    Measurement and modelling of NO fluxes over maize and wheat crops during their growing seasons: effect of crop management

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    Fertilized agricultural soils are a significant source of NO, a gas involved in tropospheric ozone formation. The aims of the research reported here were to measure NO fluxes over the length of the growing season of wheat and maize crops, and to build a model of soil NO emissions from arable land. Field experiments were carried out on a 1-ha field divided into two parts. The first one was cropped with wheat and harvested in late July, 2002, whereas the second part was sown with maize and harvested in October. The wheat and maize received 130 kg N ha−1 and 140 kg N ha−1, respectively. For each crop, NO fluxes were measured during 10 months every 2 weeks using manual closed chambers, and continuously with a wind tunnel immediately after nitrogen fertilization. Fertilizer application significantly affected NO emissions: the largest NO emissions were recorded a few days after nitrogen application. This delay depended on the kinetics of nitrogen incorporation in the soil, as influenced by rainfall. The emissions measured on the maize field (2.6% of the fertilizer amount applied) were more important than those on the wheat field (1.0% of the fertilizer amount applied), owing to differences in timing of nitrogen application, with respect to climate and crop growth. Relationships between soil nitrification rate and NO emission obtained from laboratory incubations, and experimental data appeared useful and relevant to predict NO emissions at the field-scale

    NOx and VOCs biosphere-atmosphere exchanges

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    (20 septembre-05 octobre 2003)
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