6 research outputs found

    Principal's Leadership During the Pandemic (New Normal) In Improving the Quality of Education in State Junior High Schools (SMP) 6 Sawahlunto

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership of the principal in improving the quality of education, the quality of education that has been achieved at SMP Negeri 6 Sawahlunto City both in the academic and non-academic fields as well as the obstacles faced in improving the quality of education and the supporting and inhibiting factors in achieving the quality of education at SMP Negeri 6 Sawahlunto City during the covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research using data collection instruments in the form of interviews, observation methods and documentation methods. Based on data on the performance assessment of the principal of SMPN 6 Sawahlunto during the covid-19 period, which was carried out by school supervisors, teachers and staff, students and parents/committee it can be seen that the principal of SMPN 6 Sawahlunto already has a good performance with a score of 86.38. It's just that there is a need for improvement in the development and management of students who only got a score of 58.33 (low predicate) in the school management component. While the components of the learning process need to be improved on the components of literacy and writing culture which only get a score of 50.00 (low predicate)


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    Penelitian ini adalah penelitian expost facto, penelitian ini dilakukan setelah melihat fenomena-fenomena yang telah terjadi di MIN 1 Kota Padang setelah melakukan observasi. Hasil observasi menemukan bahwa terdapat peserta didik yang belum disiplin dalam belajar dan masih kurang aktif dalam mengikuti pelajaran. Peneliti ingin mengetahui  apakah terdapat pengaruh disiplin dan aktivitas belajar ini terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh disiplin terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik di MIN 1 Kota Padang, (2) Pengaruh aktivitas belajar terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik di MIN 1 Kota Padang, (3) pengaruh disiplin dan aktivitas belajar secara bersama-sama terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik MIN 1 Kota Padang. Instrumen penelitian untuk meneliti kedisiplinan dan aktivitas terhadap hasil belajar adalah teknik angket yang dimana telah disediakan alternatif-alternatif jawaban yang telah disediakan. Kemudian populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas V MIN 1 Kota Padang

    The Use Of Active Knowledge Sharing Strategies In Critical Thinking Ability In The 21st Century Generation

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    This study aims to see the students' Critical Thinking Ability. Through the use of Active Sharing Knowledge Strategies to prepare materials for the 21st-century generation of critical reading in Indonesian Mi/SD language learning courses. This research begins with a literature study carried out in May-June of the 2021/2022 academic year, at the Muhammadiyah University of West Sumatra, Faculty of Islamic Religion Prodi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The sample of this study consisted of one class, the determination of the sample class using the purposive sampling technique. This type of research is survey research with a qualitative approach. The method used in this research is an experiment, which aims to determine a symptom or effect that arises, as a result of something certain treatment. The data obtained were analyzed using quantitative data analysis techniques. The data obtained is the students' critical thinking ability. critical thinking skills assessment is carried out according to six critical thinking indicators, namely: 1) Focus (focus), 2) Arguments (reasons), 3) Conclusion (inference), 4) Situation, 5) Clarity (Clarity), 6) Follow-up Review (Overviews). The results show that from the 17 critical thinking questions tested, different presentations were obtained. 45% of the students' answers were in the very good category and 55% in the good category. This proves that students' thinking on critical reading material

    Improving Learning Outcomes Reading Comprehension Using SQ3R Model

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    In this research, the writer used an action research. For collecting the data, the writer used test and observation. The data sources were the 4th grade SD Negeri 07 Padang which consists of 17 students and a Teacher as the observer. Cycle I consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. Cycle II added by the revision of cycle I. Based on the results of the research, The success in this research has increased from cycle to cycle. Where the results of the lesson plan of cycle I with an average of 82% (good), in the second cycle with an average value of 85% (very good), from the teacher aspect in the first cycle with an average value of 85% (very good), in the second cycle with the average value of 93% (very good), while in the aspect of the first cycle students with an average value of 63% (enough), in the second cycle with an average value of 93% (very good). The learning outcomes in this cycle indicate that the average value is 65% (enough), increasing in the second cycle with an average value of 82% (Good). Thus, the hypothesis in this research is acceptable. It means, there is a significant improving in using SQ3R to increase the students’ reading comprehension in SD Negeri 07 Padang. The study of conducting action research is invaluable and inspiring experience that gives the researcher new knowledge. It is hoped that action research can be implemented by other researchers to achieve a better teaching and learning proces

    Student Character Development Based On The 2013 Curriculum

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    This paper examines the students character development based on the 2013 curriculum in SDN 05 Alang Rambah.  This research is a type of qualitative research with the research subject of State Elementary School (SDN) 05 Alang Rambah. In this study, it can be concluded that how that the Reality of Character Education of Students Based on the 2013 Curriculum of State Elementary School (SDN) 05 Alang Rambah and teachers have used various strategies and patterns in instilling Character Education for Students of State Elementary School (SDN) 05 Alang Rambah. Based on these results, it can be said that teachers have implemented character development for students based on the 2013 curriculum at State Elementary School (SDN) 05 Alang Rambah


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    This studied aims to know the educational system in Netherland. The research method is literature review or literature study, which contains theories relevant to research problems. The result of the educational system of Netherland that the politics and structure of educational system: the Dutch government through its constitution places freedoms in the education system, namely: (a) freedom to establish educational institutions; (b) organize it; and (c) determine their own religious basis or underlying belief. The structure and type of education: there are three levels of formal Dutch education, namely primary, junior secondary and vocational education, and general high school, vocational academies and universities. The general secondary school structure consists of 4 types of schools, namely: pre-university (VWO, 6 years), vocational level I (MAVO, 4 years), and upper level (HAVO, 5 years), vocational academies, and other types of schools. The education management; The form of the Dutch education system is centralized. The responsibility of the central government lies in matters relating to the organization, funding, inspections, examinations, promotion innovation. The reflection of educational of netherland; role of the education inspectorate is very large in controlling the implementation of education in the Netherlands