38 research outputs found


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    Surabaya has long term experience in conducting slum upgrading program. Started from colonial era which known as KIP Verbetering until the most recent one, called KIP program (Comprehensive – KIP which was funding by Indonesian government). The last program tried to involve community participation by using Three Empowerment (Tri Daya) sustainability scheme : Environmental, Social, and Economic. People can participate as the decision maker, implementer or supervisor in this program. Based on this scheme, the C-KIP model spread its successes through the country and across the developing world. The combination between research and design methods, where the research strategy is using qualitative strategy is the method which used in this study. The data collection techniques are using documentation observation and stakeholders interview (community, facilitator and government). By empowering community's capacity, government had many advantages such as getting people to be  more attentive to the program, reaching maximum result with a small budget, the implementation and monitoring program can be done by community, involving more people in getting benefits from the program, making room for people to  participate and be responsible to take care of the program, etc


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    Contracted houses, or landed rental houses, were developed spontaneously by homeowners as the cheapest alternative for renting houses with flexible contracts. Therefore, landed rental homes are not designed to suit the needs of tenants, and several variations will occur in landed rental homes as a form of adjustment for the owner. Adaptation is significant in the process of building a house. However, given the limited time context in rental housing, the adaptation process is interesting to study more deeply. Gresik is a developing district, and the large number of industries in Gresik has triggered many migrants, most of whom are industrial workers and rent houses on site. This study identifies the adjustment of semi-fixed features and analyzes the adaptation pattern in three types of landed rental houses—40, 50, and 60 m2—using the descriptive-qualitative method. The techniques used here are in-depth interviews, on-the-spot sketches, and observations. From the research that has been done, it was found that each type of landed rental houses has their own adaptation pattern. Generality pattern was found in all the three types, while the flexibility pattern was found in the second and third types


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    Abstract: The facade of teh building can affect the public interest in activities around the building. A good building facade can influence people to dare to pass or even stop around the building. Tunjungan as a cultural heritage area, has experienced a phase of lost space which caused a decrease in the intensity of activities on Jalan Tunjungan due to the nonactive frontage. It the importance to understand the facade of the building that is of interest to the community so that the cultural heritage area can develop properly. This study aims to determine the aspects of the facade of cultural heritage buildings that affect the attractiveness and interest of the community in the Tunjungan area. This research uses qualitative phenomenological methods through interview tactics, distributing questionnaires to participants, and observation at the site. This study shows that the aspects that influence people's interest in activities on Jalan Tunjungan are building openings, building shapes, building decorations, building colors and building materials. Facades that attract public interest must maintain uniqueness, aesthetics and classic style to be a community attraction.Abstrak: Bentuk fasad bangunan dapat mempengaruhi ketertarikan masyarakat untuk beraktivitas di sekitar bangunan. Fasad bangunan yang baik dapat mempengaruhi masyarakat untuk berani melintas atau bahkan berhenti di lingkungan sekitar bangunan. Tunjungan sebagai kawasan cagar budaya pernah mengalami fase kawasan lost space yang menyebabkan turunnya intensitas kegiatan di Jalan Tunjungan akibat adanya fasad bangunan yang tidak aktif. Pentingnya pemahaman mengenai fasad bangunan yang diminati oleh masyarakat agar kawasan cagar budaya dapat berkembang dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek fasad bangunan cagar budaya yang mempengaruhi daya tarik serta minat masyarakat di Kawasan Tunjungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif fenomenologi melalui taktik wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner terhadap partisipan serta pengamatan langsung pada lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aspek yang mempengaruhi minat masyarakat untuk beraktivitas di Jalan Tunjungan adalah bukaan bangunan, bentuk bangunan, dekorasi bangunan, warna bangunan dan material bangunan. Fasad yang menarik minat masyarakat harus mempertahankan keunikan, estetika dan gaya klasik sehingga dapat menjadi daya tarik bagi masyarakat. Selain itu penjagaan warna dan material bangunan asli juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi masyarakat


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    The issue of global urbanization gives rise to variety of urban phenomena, including the urban land scarcity and the high demand for decent dwellings. On one hand, in response to the land scarcity, the urban housing developments should be directed to a sustainable process that can take place between generations. On the other hand, housing developments also have direct impacts on the environment quality degradation. Thus, further learnings about more efficient use for housing land are needed, one of which can be learned from the already built formal housing designs in Indonesia. Therefore, this study aims to propose concepts for formal housing land arrangement to ensure the environmental sustainability. The case study of this research is Taman Wisata Regency located on the border of the city of Surabaya and Gresik, Indonesia. The data of field’s existing conditions, potentials, and problems, were collected through observation and documentation. The data were analyzed descriptive and qualitative based on the criteria of sustainable housing from UN-Habitat. The results show that the land efficiency on Taman Wisata Regency can be done in the form of rearrangement proposal of prone area anticipation, the opening of inbound access from one-gate to two-gates system, the arrangement of road’s circulation and proportion, the maximization of green open spaces, and also quality improvement of other infrastructures such as drainage and waste management. The results of this study are expected to be used as reference for planners, designers or developers, in creating the environmentally sustainable housing land

    From Thousand Canals to Roads: The Transformation of Transportation Mode in Pontianak

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    Pontianak City was established in 1771 on the the Kapuas River and Landak River riverbanks, the latter being the longest river in Indonesia. The city was once known as the City of a Thousand Canals. However, in its development, people shifted to land transportation modes, leaving the canals in an extinction process. This study aimed to uncover the factors and impacts of the inland water transportation network fading from the Pontianak urban structure. The research used a sequential explanatory design, combining qualitative methods in the form of literature review and quantitative methods using space syntax analysis. By comparing the spatial configuration of the canals and roads in a diachronic approach, the study found proof of the importance of the canals’ existence in the Pontianak urban structure. Water transportation can be the answer to fixing environmental issues, flood hazards, and traffic congestion. Revitalizing the canals can help bring a healthy water environment because the people will change their perception of the canals from sewage routes to transportation routes. Revitalizing the canals can also bring back waterside activity, generate a sense of belonging, and bring back part of the former identity of Pontianak City

    Identifying the Influential Factors in the Change of Residential to Commercial Areas: a Case Study in Rungkut Madya, Surabaya

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    The development of road transport that increased on Jalan Rungkut madya in a few years has made A positive impact on an area in terms of the economy. However, the negative impact of that development is to make the changing function of land use to be a commercial area that disrupt the function. The changes in the area function unconsciously impact the changes in the city's design elements on which influences the quality of a design of the city. To find out what factors that affect the change of a function area is indispensable in becoming a reference in designing a good commercial area. The paradigm in this study uses the post-positivist paradigm, where this paradigm is a qualitative method that uses a scientific approach, the strategy used is combined strategy between quantitative and case studies. The primary Data used in this study came from observations and questionnaires. The results in this study included identifying influential factors in the change of residential functions into commercial areas

    Aceh Cultural Elements in the Settlement Context

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    Indonesia consists of various diverse tribes and cultures. Culture is the result of people's thoughts and behavior. Culture can also act as the identity of a tribe that has its characteristics. The difference in characteristics is interesting to study, one of which is the culture of Aceh in Indonesia. Aceh is rich in cultural values and customs because of its historical background. Influences from various backgrounds eventually shaped the characteristics of Acehnese. The culture of Aceh has been discussed in several studies, but no one has focused on the context of settlement. Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze aspects of Aceh's culture in a settlement. Cultural aspects can be analyzed based on world views, values, manifestations, activity systems, and social expressions. This study is a literature review, which uses secondary data to answer the research objectives. Secondary data were obtained from literature related to research topics, such as books, journals, regulations, etc. Furthermore, the data collected will be analyzed and concluded using descriptive analysis. The study results explain that every aspect of Aceh's culture refers to Islamic rules, where the balance between customary law and religious law is important for Acehnese lives

    Teknologi Pembuatan Pupuk Bokashi Bermutu di Dusun Salakan, Desa Kalisalak, Kecamatan Salaman, Kabupaten Magelang

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    Pupuk bokashi adalah jenis pupuk yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bantuan mikroorganisme pengurai. Pupuk bokashi memiliki berbagai macam unsur hayati selain kotoran hewan sebagai bahan baku utama, oleh sebab itu pupuk ini memiliki nilai lebih apabila dibandingkan dengan pupuk kandang yang murni hanya menggunakan kotoran hewan. Dalam pembuatan pupuk bokashi diperlukan ketelitian dalam proses fermentasi karena inti dari pembuatan pupuk ini ada pada mikroorganisme sebagai mengurai kotoran hewan. Tujuan dari kegiatan pembuatan bokashi agar masyarakat dapat mengaplikasikan teknik pembuatan pupuk bokashi di Dusun Salakan, Desa Kalisalak, Kecamatan Salaman, Kabupaten Magelang. Selanjutnya, masyarakat dapat memperoleh keterampilan dalam pembuatan pupuk bokashi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode wawancara dan praktik secara langsung pembuatan pupuk bokashi, serta praktek dalam proses pembuatan pupuk BOKASHI terdapat tujuh tahapan yaitu mulai dari penggilingan, pengayakan, pemberian mikroorganisme lokal, pemberian pupuk dolomit, penyiraman, pembalikan, dan yang terakhir adalah pengemasan. Hasil proses pembuatan pupuk bokashi mulai dari penggilingan hingga siap untuk pengemasan pupuk bokhasi memerlukan waktu kurang lebih hingga 1 bulan