802 research outputs found

    On the physics of fizzing: How bubble bursting controls droplets ejection

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    Bubbles at a free surface surface usually burst in ejecting myriads of droplets. Focusing on the bubble bursting jet, prelude for these aerosols, we propose a simple scaling for the jet velocity and we unravel experimentally the intricate roles of bubble shape, capillary waves, gravity and liquid properties. We demonstrate that droplets ejection unexpectedly changes with liquid properties. In particular, using damping action of viscosity, self-similar collapse can be sheltered from capillary ripples and continue closer to the singular limit, therefore producing faster and smaller droplets.These results pave the road to the control of the bursting bubble aerosols

    Causal Reasoning: Charting a Revolutionary Course for Next-Generation AI-Native Wireless Networks

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    Despite the basic premise that next-generation wireless networks (e.g., 6G) will be artificial intelligence (AI)-native, to date, most existing efforts remain either qualitative or incremental extensions to existing ``AI for wireless'' paradigms. Indeed, creating AI-native wireless networks faces significant technical challenges due to the limitations of data-driven, training-intensive AI. These limitations include the black-box nature of the AI models, their curve-fitting nature, which can limit their ability to reason and adapt, their reliance on large amounts of training data, and the energy inefficiency of large neural networks. In response to these limitations, this article presents a comprehensive, forward-looking vision that addresses these shortcomings by introducing a novel framework for building AI-native wireless networks; grounded in the emerging field of causal reasoning. Causal reasoning, founded on causal discovery, causal representation learning, and causal inference, can help build explainable, reasoning-aware, and sustainable wireless networks. Towards fulfilling this vision, we first highlight several wireless networking challenges that can be addressed by causal discovery and representation, including ultra-reliable beamforming for terahertz (THz) systems, near-accurate physical twin modeling for digital twins, training data augmentation, and semantic communication. We showcase how incorporating causal discovery can assist in achieving dynamic adaptability, resilience, and cognition in addressing these challenges. Furthermore, we outline potential frameworks that leverage causal inference to achieve the overarching objectives of future-generation networks, including intent management, dynamic adaptability, human-level cognition, reasoning, and the critical element of time sensitivity

    Résonances d'une cavité rotor/stator au voisinage du point critique du SF6

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    Les très grandes vitesses de rotation des pompes cryogéniques spatiales nécessitent la présence de cavités fluides aux dos des rotors. C'est dans ce contexte, que nous étudions un écoulement de type rotor/stator dans du SF6 car à la fois la viscosité de ce fluide et sa vitesse du son diminuent significativement à proximité de son point critique. Nos résultats obtenus dans une enceinte contenant du SF6 à une pression supérieure à 38 bars et à une température de 45°C, mettent en évidence des résonances de la cavité rotor/stator à des fréquences en accord avec nos modèles théoriques

    A step towards testing general relativity using weak gravitational lensing and redshift surveys

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    Using the linear theory of perturbations in General Relativity, we express a set of consistency relations that can be observationally tested with current and future large scale structure surveys. We then outline a stringent model-independent program to test gravity on cosmological scales. We illustrate the feasibility of such a program by jointly using several observables like peculiar velocities, galaxy clustering and weak gravitational lensing. After addressing possible observational or astrophysical caveats like galaxy bias and redshift uncertainties, we forecast in particular how well one can predict the lensing signal from a cosmic shear survey using an over-lapping galaxy survey. We finally discuss the specific physics probed this way and illustrate how f(R)f(R) gravity models would fail such a test.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Severe hypotension and water intoxication developed after an accidental oxytocin overdose in a morbidly obese patient undergoing cesarean section -A case report-

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    We present a 32-year-old, extremely obese, pregnant woman who developed severe hypotension and water intoxication after an accidental injection of large bolus of oxytocin during cesarean section under general anesthesia. The patient was initially thought to have an amniotic fluid embolism because of the abrupt hemodynamic changes developed immediately after fetal delivery and lack of recognition of medication error. It is highly recommended that careful attention should be paid not only to the possibility of hemodynamic deterioration and water intoxication if oxytocin is given rapidly in excessive doses, but to the confirmation of the proper use of the drug before it is injected

    S6 kinase 1 plays a key role in mitochondrial morphology and cellular energy flow

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    Mitochondrial morphology, which is associated with changes in metabolism, cell cycle, cell development and cell death, is tightly regulated by the balance between fusion and fission. In this study, we found that S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) contributes to mitochondrial dynamics, homeostasis and function. Mouse embryo fibroblasts lacking S6K1 (S6K1 KO MEFs) exhibited more fragmented mitochondria and a higher level of Dynamin related protein 1 (Drp1) and active Drp1 (pS616) in both whole cell extracts and mitochondria' fraction. In addition, there was no evidence for autophagy and mitophagy induction in S6K1 depleted cells. Glycolysis and mitochondrial respiratory activity was higher in S6K1-KO MEFs, whereas OxPhos ATP production was not altered. However, inhibition of Drp1 by Mdivi1 (Drp1 inhibitor) resulted in higher OxPhos ATP production and lower mitochondrial membrane potential. Taken together the depletion of S6K1 increased Drpl-mediated fission, leading to the enhancement of glycolysis. The fission form of mitochondria resulted in lower yield for OxPhos ATP production as well as in higher mitochondrial membrane potential. Thus, these results have suggested a potential role of S6K1 in energy metabolism by modulating mitochondrial respiratory capacity and mitochondrial morphology.

    Three-Dimensional Human Alveolar Stem Cell Culture Models Reveal Infection Response to SARS-CoV-2.

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the cause of a present pandemic, infects human lung alveolar type 2 (hAT2) cells. Characterizing pathogenesis is crucial for developing vaccines and therapeutics. However, the lack of models mirroring the cellular physiology and pathology of hAT2 cells limits the study. Here, we develop a feeder-free, long-term, three-dimensional (3D) culture technique for hAT2 cells derived from primary human lung tissue and investigate infection response to SARS-CoV-2. By imaging-based analysis and single-cell transcriptome profiling, we reveal rapid viral replication and the increased expression of interferon-associated genes and proinflammatory genes in infected hAT2 cells, indicating a robust endogenous innate immune response. Further tracing of viral mutations acquired during transmission identifies full infection of individual cells effectively from a single viral entry. Our study provides deep insights into the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 and the application of defined 3D hAT2 cultures as models for respiratory diseases

    Pseudo-Chilblains in Adult Patients with Confirmed COVID-19: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Pseudo-chilblains have been associated with COVID-19. Many reports, however, lack confirmation of COVID-19 infection. While likely associated, all chilblains/chilblain-like lesions during this time should not be assumed to be COVID-19 related. This study examines the characteristics of adults with pseudo-chilblains and confirmed COVID-19. Methods: A systematic review of PubMed/MEDLINE database was performed using the PRISMA guidelines. Adults (>18 years) with confirmed COVID-19 were included. De-identified registries were excluded to avoid duplication. We extracted study design, age, sex, race, geographic location, relationship of COVID-19 diagnosis to chilblains onset, confirmatory testing, hospitalization status, anatomical location, cold/damp exposure, presence/absence/description of pseudo-chilblains symptoms, presence/absence of biopsies/histopathologic findings, tissue IHC/PCR, presence/absence/details of extracutaneous COVID-19 disease, pre-existing chilblains, treatment and resolution timeline. The search was completed in July 2022. Results: We identified 13 studies (29 patients). In COVID-19-infected adults, pseudo-chilblains were reported primarily from North America and Europe, occurring in both sexes over a wide age-range, affected well and ill patients, favored the hands and feet and could be symptomatic or asymptomatic. Most patients had extracutaneous symptoms. Resolution time ranged from 50 days. There was marked variation in treatment strategies and appearance of pseudo-chilblains relative to entire disease course. Biopsies were infrequently performed but findings similar to classical chilblains were described. Conclusions: Many patients reported as pseudo-chilblains of COVID-19 lack confirmed infection. Infection confirmation, photographic documentation and histopathology are critical to establish homogeneity in reported pseudo-chilblains during this global pandemic. Further work clarifying the relationship of acral eruptions and COVID-19 is necessary