689 research outputs found

    Theory of biopolymer stretching at high forces

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    We provide a unified theory for the high force elasticity of biopolymers solely in terms of the persistence length, ξp\xi_p, and the monomer spacing, aa. When the force f>\fh \sim k_BT\xi_p/a^2 the biopolymers behave as Freely Jointed Chains (FJCs) while in the range \fl \sim k_BT/\xi_p < f < \fh the Worm-like Chain (WLC) is a better model. We show that ξp\xi_p can be estimated from the force extension curve (FEC) at the extension x1/2x\approx 1/2 (normalized by the contour length of the biopolymer). After validating the theory using simulations, we provide a quantitative analysis of the FECs for a diverse set of biopolymers (dsDNA, ssRNA, ssDNA, polysaccharides, and unstructured PEVK domain of titin) for x1/2x \ge 1/2. The success of a specific polymer model (FJC or WLC) to describe the FEC of a given biopolymer is naturally explained by the theory. Only by probing the response of biopolymers over a wide range of forces can the ff-dependent elasticity be fully described.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    New insights into electron spin dynamics in the presence of correlated noise

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    The changes of the spin depolarization length in zinc-blende semiconductors when an external component of correlated noise is added to a static driving electric field are analyzed for different values of field strength, noise amplitude and correlation time. Electron dynamics is simulated by a Monte Carlo procedure which keeps into account all the possible scattering phenomena of the hot electrons in the medium and includes the evolution of spin polarization. Spin depolarization is studied by examinating the decay of the initial spin polarization of the conduction electrons through the D'yakonov-Perel process, the only relevant relaxation mechanism in III-V crystals. Our results show that, for electric field amplitude lower than the Gunn field, the dephasing length shortens with the increasing of the noise intensity. Moreover, a nonmonotonic behavior of spin depolarization length with the noise correlation time is found, characterized by a maximum variation for values of noise correlation time comparable with the dephasing time. Instead, in high field conditions, we find that, critically depending on the noise correlation time, external fluctuations can positively affect the relaxation length. The influence of the inclusion of the electron-electron scattering mechanism is also shown and discussed.Comment: Published on "Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter" as "Fast Track Communications", 11 pages, 9 figure

    Study of Thermal Properties of Graphene-Based Structures Using the Force Constant Method

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    The thermal properties of graphene-based materials are theoretically investigated. The fourth-nearest neighbor force constant method for phonon properties is used in conjunction with both the Landauer ballistic and the non-equilibrium Green's function techniques for transport. Ballistic phonon transport is investigated for different structures including graphene, graphene antidot lattices, and graphene nanoribbons. We demonstrate that this particular methodology is suitable for robust and efficient investigation of phonon transport in graphene-based devices. This methodology is especially useful for investigations of thermoelectric and heat transport applications.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl

    Nucleic Acids Res

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    Type II topoisomerases are essential enzymes that regulate DNA topology through a strand-passage mechanism. Some type II topoisomerases relax supercoils, unknot and decatenate DNA to below thermodynamic equilibrium. Several models of this non-equilibrium topology simplification phenomenon have been proposed. The kinetic proofreading (KPR) model postulates that strand passage requires a DNA-bound topoisomerase to collide twice in rapid succession with a second DNA segment, implying a quadratic relationship between DNA collision frequency and relaxation rate. To test this model, we used a single-molecule assay to measure the unlinking rate as a function of DNA collision frequency for Escherichia coli topoisomerase IV (topo IV) that displays efficient non-equilibrium topology simplification activity, and for E. coli topoisomerase III (topo III), a type IA topoisomerase that unlinks and unknots DNA to equilibrium levels. Contrary to the predictions of the KPR model, topo IV and topo III unlinking rates were linearly related to the DNA collision frequency. Furthermore, topo III exhibited decatenation activity comparable with that of topo IV, supporting proposed roles for topo III in DNA segregation. This study enables us to rule out the KPR model for non-equilibrium topology simplification. More generally, we establish an experimental approach to systematically control DNA collision frequency

    Co-production of hydrogen and ethanol from glucose in Escherichia coli by activation of pentose-phosphate pathway through deletion of phosphoglucose isomerase (pgi) and overexpression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (zwf) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (gnd)

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    Background: Biologically, hydrogen (H-2) can be produced through dark fermentation and photofermentation. Dark fermentation is fast in rate and simple in reactor design, but H-2 production yield is unsatisfactorily low as < 4 mol H-2/ mol glucose. To address this challenge, simultaneous production of H-2 and ethanol has been suggested. Co-production of ethanol andH(2) requires enhanced formation of NAD(P) H during catabolism of glucose, which can be accomplished by diversion of glycolytic flux from the Embden-Meyerh-of-Parnas (EMP) pathway to the pentose-phosphate (PP) pathway in Escherichia coli. However, the disruption of pgi (phosphoglucose isomerase) for complete diversion of carbon flux to the PP pathway made E. coli unable to grow on glucose under anaerobic condition. Results: Here, we demonstrate that, when glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Zwf) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Gnd), two major enzymes of the PP pathway, are homologously overexpressed, E. coli.pgi can recover its anaerobic growth capability on glucose. Further, with additional deletions of Delta hycA,Delta hyaAB,Delta hybBC,Delta ldhA, and Delta frdAB, the recombinant.pgi mutant could produce 1.69 mol H-2 and 1.50 mol ethanol from 1 mol glucose. However, acetate was produced at 0.18 mol mol(-1) glucose, indicating that some carbon is metabolized through the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway. To further improve the flux via the PP pathway, heterologous zwf and gnd from Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Gluconobacter oxydans, respectively, which are less inhibited by NADPH, were overexpressed. The new recombinant produced more ethanol at 1.62 mol mol(-1) glucose along with 1.74 mol H-2 mol(-1) glucose, which are close to the theoretically maximal yields, 1.67 mol mol(-1) each for ethanol andH(2). However, the attempt to delete the ED pathway in the.pgi mutant to operate the PP pathway as the sole glycolytic route, was unsuccessful. Conclusions: By deletion of pgi and overexpression of heterologous zwf and gnd in E. coli Delta hycA Delta hyaAB Delta hybBC Delta ldhA Delta frdAB, two important biofuels, ethanol andH(2), could be successfully co-produced at high yields close to their theoretical maximums. The strains developed in this study should be applicable for the production of other biofuels and biochemicals, which requires supply of excessive reducing power under anaerobic conditions

    Screening of suitable cationic dopants for solar absorber material CZTS/Se: A first principles study

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    The earth abundant and non-toxic solar absorber material kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S/Se)(4) has been studied to achieve high power conversion efficiency beyond various limitations, such as secondary phases, antisite defects, band gap adjustment and microstructure. To alleviate these hurdles, we employed screening based approach to find suitable cationic dopant that can promote the current density and the theoretical maximum upper limit of the energy conversion efficiency (P(%)) of CZTS/Se solar devices. For this task, the hybrid functional (Heyd, Scuseria and Ernzerhof, HSE06) were used to study the electronic and optical properties of cation (Al, Sb, Ga, Ba) doped CZTS/Se. Our in-depth investigation reveals that the Sb atom is suitable dopant of CZTS/CZTSe and also it has comparable bulk modulus as of pure material. The optical absorption coefficient of Sb doped CZTS/Se is considerably larger than the pure materials because of easy formation of visible range exciton due to the presence of defect state below the Fermi level, which leads to an increase in the current density and P(%). Our results demonstrate that the lower formation energy, preferable energy gap and excellent optical absorption of the Sb doped CZTS/Se make it potential component for relatively high efficient solar cells

    Negative Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Graphene Measured by Raman Spectroscopy

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    The thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of single-layer graphene is estimated with temperature-dependent Raman spectroscopy in the temperature range between 200 and 400 K. It is found to be strongly dependent on temperature but remains negative in the whole temperature range, with a room temperature value of -8.0x10^{-6} K^{-1}. The strain caused by the TEC mismatch between graphene and the substrate plays a crucial role in determining the physical properties of graphene, and hence its effect must be accounted for in the interpretation of experimental data taken at cryogenic or elevated temperatures.Comment: 17 pagese, 3 figures, and supporting information (4 pages, 3 figures); Nano Letters, 201

    Gradient estimation in dendritic reinforcement learning

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    We study synaptic plasticity in a complex neuronal cell model where NMDA-spikes can arise in certain dendritic zones. In the context of reinforcement learning, two kinds of plasticity rules are derived, zone reinforcement (ZR) and cell reinforcement (CR), which both optimize the expected reward by stochastic gradient ascent. For ZR, the synaptic plasticity response to the external reward signal is modulated exclusively by quantities which are local to the NMDA-spike initiation zone in which the synapse is situated. CR, in addition, uses nonlocal feedback from the soma of the cell, provided by mechanisms such as the backpropagating action potential. Simulation results show that, compared to ZR, the use of nonlocal feedback in CR can drastically enhance learning performance. We suggest that the availability of nonlocal feedback for learning is a key advantage of complex neurons over networks of simple point neurons, which have previously been found to be largely equivalent with regard to computational capability

    Possible Novel Therapy for Malignant Gliomas with Secretable Trimeric TRAIL

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    Malignant gliomas are the most common primary brain tumors. Despite intensive clinical investigation and many novel therapeutic approaches, average survival for the patients with malignant gliomas is only about 1 year. Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) has shown potent and cancer-selective killing activity and drawn considerable attention as a promising therapy for cancers, but concerns over delivery and toxicity have limited progress. We have developed a secretable trimeric TRAIL (stTRAIL) and here evaluated the therapeutic potential of this stTRAIL-based gene therapy in brain tumors. An adenovirus (Ad-stTRAIL) delivering stTRAIL was injected into intra-cranial human glioma tumors established in nude mice and tumor growth monitored using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ad-stTRAIL gene therapy showed potent tumor suppressor activity with no toxic side effects at therapeutically effective doses. When compared with 1, 3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU), a conventional therapy for malignant gliomas, Ad-stTRAIL suppressed tumor growth more potently. The combination of Ad-stTRAIL and BCNU significantly increased survival compared to the control mice or mice receiving Ad-stTRAIL alone. Our data indicate that Ad-stTRAIL, either alone or combined with BCNU, has promise as a novel therapy for malignant gliomas