5 research outputs found

    Study on antibiotic use among geriatric patients based on anatomical therapeutic classification or defined daily dose methodology and world health organization-essential medicine list access, watch and reserve concept in tertiary care hospital of South India

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    Background: Geriatric patients are more vulnerable to infections and need special consideration on antibiotic use. Resistance to antibiotics among infectious bacteria has developed within a short span. There is a direct correlation between the consumption of antibiotics and the development of resistance. And surprisingly very few literatures were available on antibiotic consumption in geriatric population using defined daily dose (DDD) concept which paved the idea to conduct this study.Methods: A prospective observational study was carried out from November 2018 to April 2019. A total of 206 prescriptions of elderly patients were included in the study. The antibiotics were categorized by anatomical therapeutic classification (ATC) and DDD indicator/1000 inhabitants/day (DID) was used to figure out antibiotic consumption.Results: About 25.2% of patients were treated with antibiotics for respiratory tract infections. The patients received antibiotics empirically (53.8%) and without bacteriological investigation (58.73%). The overall consumption of antibiotics was 20.47 DID in which oral antibiotics was (8.5 DID) 42% and parenteral antibiotics (11.8 DID) 58%. Cephalosporins was observed to be the most consumed antibiotics (33.2%), specifically cefotaxime (14.6%) and ceftriaxone (12.6%). Moreover, 54.4% of antibiotics consumed from watch category of World Health Organisation (WHO) essential medicines list (EML) which was completely against WHO standard proportion.Conclusions: Higher consumption of cephalosporins, which falls into watch category was analysed in geriatric patients. These broad-spectrum antibiotics have high potential to develop antimicrobial resistance. A strict antibiotic policy is needed to be framed that enhance rational prescribing practices in geriatrics

    Association between primary hypothyroidism and metabolic syndrome and the role of C reactive protein: a cross–sectional study from South India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hypothyroidism (sub-clinical and overt) and metabolic syndrome are recognized risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This study is an effort to identify the proposed association between these two disease entities and the risk factors involved in this association.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross – sectional study from a tertiary care teaching hospital in Chennai city, South India. 420 patients with metabolic syndrome (NCEP – ATP III criteria) were included in the study group. 406 appropriately age and sex matched controls having no features of metabolic syndrome (0 out of the 5 criteria) were compared with the study group. The study extended over a 5 year period. TSH, FT4 were measured for both the groups using electrochemiluminescence immuno assay. HsCRP was measured for all the patients in the study group. The baseline characteristics between the groups were compared with Student's't' test. Chi-square test was used to analyze the association between metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism (overt and sub-clinical). Logistic regression analysis was applied to identify the association between hypothyroidism and the patient characteristics in the study group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 420 patients in the study group, 240 were females (57.1%), 180 were males (42.9%) with mean age 51 ± 9.4 years. Of the 406 patients in the control group, 216 were females (53.2%), 190 males (46.8%) with mean age 49 ± 11.2 years. In the study group, 92 had sub-clinical hypothyroidism (SCH) (21.9%), 31 were overtly hypothyroid (7.4%) and 297 were euthyroid (70.7%). In the control group 27 patients had sub-clinical hypothyroidism (6.6%), 9 patients had overt hypothyroidism (2.2%) and 370 patients were euthyroid (91.2%). On comparison SCH (P < 0.001) and overt hypothyroidism (P < 0.001) were significantly associated with the study group as compared to the control group. Logistic regression analysis recognized the association between female gender (P = 0.021) and HsCRP (P = 0.014) with sub-clinical hypothyroidism and female gender (P = 0.01) with overt hypothyroidism in the study group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Hypothyroidism is associated with metabolic syndrome and females are more at risk. Metabolic syndrome patients with a raised HsCRP are at significant risk of having sub-clinical hypothyroidism.</p

    Multidrug resistant tuberculosis co-existing with aspergilloma and invasive aspergillosis in a 50 year old diabetic woman: a case report

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    Aspergilloma and invasive aspergillosis coexisting with multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the same patient is a rare entity. We report a 50 year old South Indian woman, a diabetic, who presented to us with complaints of productive cough and hemoptysis for the past 2 months. She was diagnosed to have pulmonary tuberculosis 2 years ago for which she took irregular treatment. Lung imaging showed features of a thick walled cavity in the right upper lobe with an indwelling aspergilloma. She underwent a right lung upper lobe resection. Biopsy and culture of the resected specimen showed the coexistence of Aspergillus fumigatus and multi-drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2 blood cultures grew Aspergillus fumigatus. She was successfully treated with Voriconazole and anti tuberculous therapy against MDR-TB