11 research outputs found

    Efeito da mitomicina C tópica na cicatrização de prega vocal em modelo suíno Topical mitomycin C effect on swine vocal folds healing

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    Várias terapias adjuvantes à cirurgia vêm sendo usadas para modular o processo cicatricial nas pregas vocais, entre elas a Mitomicina tópica (MTC). OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os efeitos da MTC no processo de cicatrização de pregas vocais de suínos 30 dias após exérese de fragmento de mucosa com laser de CO2 mediante a mensuração da deposição de colágeno. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Experimental em suínos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Dois grupos de 6 suínos cada foram avaliados após exérese de fragmento de mucosa de prega vocal a laser de CO2 (grupo controle sem uso e grupo experimento com uso de MTC tópica). Após 30 dias os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia, sendo coletadas amostras das pregas vocais para análise histológica, a fim de quantificar a deposição de colágeno mediante coloração de Picrosirius Red. RESULTADOS: A média da área do colágeno total das pregas vocais do grupo controle foi de 2648,03 µm2, enquanto a média do colágeno total das pregas vocais do grupo experimento foi de 2200,30 µm2 (p = 0,0043). CONCLUSÃO: A MTC usada topicamente após a exérese de fragmento de mucosa da prega vocal a laser de CO2 em suínos, diminui, significativamente, a deposição do colágeno total.<br>several adjuvant therapies to surgery have been used to modulate the healing process of vocal folds, including topic mitomycin (MTC). AIM: to evaluate the effect of topical MTC in the healing process of vocal folds 30 days after the exeresis of a mucosal fragment with CO2 laser in a swine model (control group without mitomycin and study group with topical MTC), with collagen deposition measurement. STUDY TYPE: prospective experimental in swine. METHODS: two groups of 6 swine each were subjected to exeresis of a mucosal fragment of the vocal fold with CO2 laser. Immediately after the procedure MTC was applied topically for three minutes on the study group. Thirty days later the animals were slaughtered and samples of the vocal folds were collected for histological analysis, with the purpose of quantifying collagen deposition by Picrosirius Red stain. RESULTS: the average area of total collagen in the vocal folds in the control group was 2.648,03 µm2, whereas in the study group it was 2.200,30 µm2 (p = 0.0043). CONCLUSION: topical application of MTC after the exeresis of a mucous fragment of vocal fold with CO2 laser in swine significantly decreased total collagen deposition

    Músculo tiroaritenoideo e som basal: uma revisão de literatura Thyroarytenoid muscle and vocal fry: a literature review

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    O trabalho do fonoaudiólogo utiliza-se de exercícios vocais como o som basal (SB), que se origina da grande atividade contrátil do músculo laríngeo intrínseco tiroaritenoideo (TA). O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura relacionada ao TA e ao SB. Realizou-se levantamento bibliográfico dos últimos 20 anos sobre o assunto nas bases de dados LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, Web of Science e Google Scholar. Verificou-se que o feixe interno do TA apresenta fibras de contração lenta, isotônicas, resistentes à fadiga; o feixe externo apresenta fibras de contração rápida, fatigáveis, isométricas. O SB caracteriza-se pela percepção dos pulsos de vibração glótica durante a emissão nas frequências mais graves da tessitura vocal (crepitação em graves ou vocal fry), principalmente pela ação do TA, especialmente sua porção interna, que se encurta de forma evidente, soltando a mucosa em grande volume ao longo da borda livre, aumentando a pressão subglótica e os níveis de jitter, shimmer e ruído, e reduzindo o fluxo aéreo. Com base na literatura, a exercitação isométrica do TA externo ocorreria com o SB sustentado na frequência mais grave possível ao sujeito (contração máxima), durante seis segundos, de cinco a dez vezes diárias, compatível com o predomínio de fibras de contração rápida. Na exercitação isotônica do TA interno, utilizar-se-iam sons agudos para estirá-lo, alternando emissões em SB (contração concêntrica) e em registro modal de cabeça ou em falsete (sons hiperagudos) (contração excêntrica), com várias séries diárias de oito a 12 repetições, compatível com o predomínio de fibras de contração lenta.<br>The work of speech-language pathologists uses exercises such as the vocal fry (VF), which originates from the great contractile activity of the intrinsic laryngeal thyroarytenoid muscle (TA). The aim of this study was to review the literature related to TA and VF. A literature review of the last 20 years on the subject was performed in the databases LILACS, SciELO, PUBMED, Web of Science and Google Scholar. It was found that the internal beam of the TA has slow twitch fibers, isotonic, resistant to fatigue; the external beam provides fast twitch, fatigable and isometric fibers. The VF is characterized by the perception of the vibration of the glottal pulses during the emission of the lowest frequencies in the vocal range (crackling in bass or vocal fry), mainly by the action of the TA, especially its inner portion, which shows evident shortening, dropping the mucosa in great volume along the free edge, increasing subglottic pressure and jitter, shimmer and noise levels, and reducing the airflow. Based on the literature, the isometric exercise with the external TA happens with VF sustained in the lowest possible frequency to the subject (maximum contraction), for six seconds, five to ten times daily, consistent with its predominance of fast twitch fibers. In the isotonic exercise with the internal TA, high sounds must be to stretch the muscle, alternating emissions by VF (concentric contraction) and in modal register and falsetto head (high-pitched sounds) (eccentric contraction) with several daily series of eight to 12 repetitions, consistent with the predominance of slow twitch fibers

    Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors in children and adolescents.

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    Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors in children and adolescents are a relatively common group of soft tissue proliferations that range from reactive to hamartomatous to neoplastic, with a full spectrum of benign, intermediate, and malignant neoplasms. These lesions are diagnostically challenging because of morphologic and immunohistochemical overlap, despite significant clinical, genetic, and prognostic differences. The fibromatoses are a major subgroup, and all types of fibromatoses can occur in the 1st 2 decades of life. Intermediate and malignant fibroblastic-myofibroblastic tumors are an important group that includes variants of fibrosarcoma and other tumors with recurrent cytogenetic or molecular genetic abnormalities and low metastatic potential. Pathologic examination is enhanced by adjunct techniques, such as immunohistochemistry, cytogenetics, and molecular genetics, although morphology provides the ultimate criteria for a specific diagnosis. This article reviews the clinicopathologic features of fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors with an emphasis on the unique aspects of these neoplasms in children and adolescents, the use of diagnostic adjuncts, and differential diagnoses