16 research outputs found

    Captain Euro: vrijeme, prostor i imperijalna moć (Sažetak)

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    Captain Euro is a comic superhero created in 1999 by “Twelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategists”, a U.K.-based company known for promoting the European Parliament and the European Commission in the 1990s. A key purpose of this essay is to provide some insights into the ways in which popular culture operates in the European Union in order to contribute to the construction of a European supranational identity.Captain Euro je mrežni strip kreiran 1999. godine. Kreirala ga je britanska kompanija “Twelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategists” po narudžbi Europskog parlamenta i Europske komisije. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati ulogu popularne kulture u procesu konstruiranja europskog identiteta. U središtu takve analize je superheroj Captain Euro

    Captain Euro: vrijeme, prostor i imperijalna moć (Sažetak)

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    Captain Euro is a comic superhero created in 1999 by “Twelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategists”, a U.K.-based company known for promoting the European Parliament and the European Commission in the 1990s. A key purpose of this essay is to provide some insights into the ways in which popular culture operates in the European Union in order to contribute to the construction of a European supranational identity.Captain Euro je mrežni strip kreiran 1999. godine. Kreirala ga je britanska kompanija “Twelve Stars Corporate Vision Strategists” po narudžbi Europskog parlamenta i Europske komisije. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati ulogu popularne kulture u procesu konstruiranja europskog identiteta. U središtu takve analize je superheroj Captain Euro

    An Interview with Ghassan Hage

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    Ghassan Hage is Future Generation Professor of Anthropology and Social Theory at the University of Melbourne. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Australian Academy of the Social Sciences. His main research interest is in the anthropology of viability (in asking what viability can add to an analytical anthropological perspective), and he has published widely on the comparative anthropology of racism, nationalism, multiculturalism and migration. His early research work has centred on the experience of nationalism, racism and multiculturalism among White Australians. Senka Božić-Vrbančić interviewed Ghassan Hage for Etnološka tribina in June 2020

    Impasse: Precarious Life (Summary)

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    Cilj je ovoga rada kritički se osvrnuti na pitanje prekarnosti, života u nesigurnosti, te na društvenu atmosferu u kojoj prevladava osjećaj bespomoćnosti i gdje je prilagodba postojećem stanju, životu u krizi, doživljena kao uspjeh, ideal kojemu se teži. Ključno pitanje nije: “Što je prekarnost?”, već: “Što prekarnost generira?”, “Kako se ona živi i osjeća?”, “Koji su njezini učinci?”, “Što prekarnost konkretno znači za ljudsku svakodnevicu, za male banalne stvari koje čine život?”. Odgovore na ta pitanja pokušavam dati preko analize priča Uberovih vozača i vozačica u Zagrebu, koje funkcioniraju kao portret ne samo prekarne (nesigurne) radne snage u Hrvatskoj, nesigurnoga života, već i atmosfere svakodnevice.We live in a time saturated with a sense of precarity and chronic insecurity. The notion of crisis (pandemic, economic, political, environmental, migrant...) is overwhelming. This paper examines some affective registers of precarity in Croatia to raise questions on the historical present and what are the (possible) effects of precarity. I draw on three ethnographic fragments from my research with Uber drivers in Zagreb: (1) “I am free man” (2) “I sometimes think... ooh, why didn’t Hitler win!” (3) “Everything is gonna break down”. Even though these three fragments portray different reactions to various forms of precarity, together they tell an ambivalent story of the historical present and vulnerable connections that make us ponder the question: is there any potential for producing more capacious lenses for generating new futures through these vulnerable connections

    FILMSKI DODIR: interkulturalno haptičko i dekolonizacija misli

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    Haptic visuality is for Laura Marks the possibility of vision to be tactile, “as though one were touching a film with one\u27s eyes.” An intercultural visual work, for Marks, more than any other work does this sensory exploration. This article does both: it builds on Marks’s work on haptic visuality and distinguishes its reading of the possibilities of an intercultural work to translate to “an audiovisual medium the knowledge of the body.” Inspired by a relatively recent anthropological school of thought, developed particularly around the works of Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, the article offers new readings of haptic visuality and invites us to think of the political dimension of film and the role of haptic translation as a possibility of decolonization of thought

    European Media Programme: The Role of \u27Language\u27 and \u27Visual Images\u27 in the Processes of Constructing European Culture and Identity

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    Questions of diversity and multiculturalism are at the heart of many discussions on European supranational identity within contemporary anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, linguistics and so on. Since we are living in a period marked by the economic and political changes which emerged after European unification, a call for a new analysis of heterogeneity, cultural difference and issues of belonging is not surprising. This call has been fuelled by the European Union\u27s concern with »culture« as one of the main driving forces for constructing »European identity«. While the official European policy describes European culture as common to all Europeans, Europe is also seen as representing »unity in diversity«. By analysing contemporary European MEDIA policies and programs this article attempts to contribute to a small but growing body of work that explores what role »language« and »visual images« play in the process of constructing European culture and supranational European identity. More specifically, the article explores the complex articulation of language and culture in order to analyse supranational imaginary of European identity as it is expressed through the simple slogan »Europe: unity in diversity«.We initially grounded our interest in the politics of identity within the European Union within theoretical frameworks of »power and knowledge« and »identity and subjectivity«.We consider contemporary debates in social sciences and humanities over the concepts of »language«, »culture« and »identity« as inseparable from each other (Ahmed 20001; Brah 19962, 20003; Butler 19934, Derrida 19815; Gilroy 20046; Laclau 19907). Cultural and postcolonial studies theorists (e.g. Brah 19962; Bhabha 19948; Hall 19929, 199610, among others) argue that concepts of »culture« and »identity« signify a historically variable nexus of social meanings. That is to say, »culture« and »identity« are discursive articulations. According to this view, »culture« and »identity« are not separate fields from economic, social and political issues, on the contrary »culture« and »identity« are constructed through social, economic and political relations. Issues of »language« and »images« are central to both of them. By questioning the role that »language « and »visual images« play in the construction of European identity and culture, we are considering »language« as well as »visual images« not just as representations, but also as forms of social action. In addition to that, inspired by discourse theory (Laclau 198511, 199412, 200713) and psychoanalysis (@i`ek 198914, 199315, 199416; Stavrakakis 199917, 200518, 200719) we explore the libidinal dimension of identification processes. We focus on the European MEDIA Programme in order to analyse how different languages and images are being used to create a sense of »European unity in diversity«. Along with Stavrakakis we argue that due to the lack of libidinal investment into discourses of Europeanness, Europe is failing to create a strong supranational identity. However we also show that there have been recent attempts by European policy makers to try and fill this gap through various projects which focus entirely on emotions; which appears to reinforce new possibilities of identification with Europe

    Povijesna sadašnjost i krhkost prirode viđeni kroz boravak u prirodi i afektivne percepcije planina

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    Life insecurity and precariousness caused by neoliberal capitalist activities as well as the consequences that are felt worldwide as global crises (environmental, economic, migrant, health crisis) have a great impact on people and their sense of living a viable life, a “life that is worth of living.” These circumstances create new forms of life – a life without the promise of stability and without a sense of security. However, with the feeling of insecurity, the promotion of anti-stress activities grows, such as outdoor activities (hiking, walking in nature, running, visiting nature parks, etc.). In this text, inspired by affect theories (Berlant, Ahmed) we analyze different perceptions of nature landscapes (mountains, nature parks in Croatia). We ask: how “nature” is experienced in a social atmosphere marked by different crises and which possibilities emerge from different imaginaries about nature


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    Članak propituje neke od pristupa teorije diskursa pitanjima identiteta i implikacije na analizu europskoga identiteta. Mnogo je literature o europskome identitetu i članak se ponajprije usredotočuje na radove koji pokrivaju teme "europske kulture" (pitanja jezika, multikulturalizma, baštine, pripadnosti, granica, identifikacije). U propitivanju pristupa europskom identitetu članak pokazuje vrijednost sinteze između diskurzivne teorije Ernesta Laclaua i Lacanove misli kako je razrađuje Slavoj Žižek. U nastavku članka temu diskurzivnih teorija identiteta raspravljaju Jasna Čapo Žmegač, Lidija Nikočević, Jadranka Grbić i Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš.This article by S. Božić-Vrbančić reviews some of the discourse theory approaches to the identity issues and their implications for analysis of European identity. There is a great wealth of literature on European identity and the article concentrates on those works that cover topics on "European culture" (issues on "language", "multiculturalism", "heritage", "belonging", "boundaries", "identification"). In reviewing these approaches, the author reasserts the value of synthesis between Ernesto Laclau"s discourse theory and Lacan"s thought as elaborated by Slavoj Zizek in the analysis of processes of identification incontemporary Europe. The theme is discussed by Jasna Čapo Žmegač, Lidija Nikočević, Jadranka Grbić and Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš


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    1) Senka Božić-Vrbančić, Jelena Kupsjak: Feral Atlas. The More-Than-Human Anthropocene, Anna Tsing, Jannifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena i Feifei Zhou, ur., Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2020. 2) Maja Flajsig: Ekofeminizam. Između ženskih i zelenih studija, Goran Đurđević i Suzana Marjanić, ur., Durieux, Zagreb, 2020., 479 str. 3) Tanja Petrović: Transformacija rada. Narativi, prakse, režimi, Ozren Biti i Reana Senjković, ur., Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2021, 388 str. 4) Velna Rončević: Anne Allison, Precarious Japan, Duke University Press, Durham, 2013., 256 str. 5) Andrea Matošević: Priče iz konzerve. Povijest prerade i konzerviranja riba na sjeveroistočnom Jadranu, Iva Kosmos, Tanja Petrović i Martin Pogačar, ur., Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2020., 301 str. 6) Iva Grubiša: Jasna Čapo, Dva doma. Hrvatska radna migracija u Njemačku kao transnacionalni fenomen, Durieux, Zagreb, 2019., 392. str. 7) Ljiljana Marks: Olga Supek, Ljeto u Detroitu. Studija jedne lokalne četvrti iz perspektive ekonomske antropologije, Hrvatsko etnološko društvo, Zagreb, 2020., 179 str. 8) Iris Biškupić Bašić: Katarina Bušić, Zbirka narodnih nošnji hrvatske dijaspore (The Croatian Diaspora Folk Clothing Collection), Etnografski muzej, Zagreb, 2019., 192 str. 9) Andrea Klobučar: Kapa dolje! Priča o (ne)pokrivanju glave, Mareta Kurtin, ur. Etnografski muzej, Zagreb, 2019., 344 str. 10) Tea Škokić: Liber Monstrorum Balcanorum. Čudovišni svijet europske margine, Miranda Levanat-Peričić i Tomislav Oroz, ur., Jesenski i Turk i Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2019., 371 str. 11) Olga Orlić: Devedesete. Kratki rezovi, Orlanda Obad i Petar Bagarić, ur., Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2020., 427 str. 12) Marijana Belaj: Antropologija izvan akademije – osvrt na Godišnji skup HED-a 2020: Etnografska istraživanja na tržišt


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    1) Senka Božić-Vrbančić, Jelena Kupsjak: Feral Atlas. The More-Than-Human Anthropocene, Anna Tsing, Jannifer Deger, Alder Keleman Saxena i Feifei Zhou, ur., Stanford University Press, Stanford, 2020. 2) Maja Flajsig: Ekofeminizam. Između ženskih i zelenih studija, Goran Đurđević i Suzana Marjanić, ur., Durieux, Zagreb, 2020., 479 str. 3) Tanja Petrović: Transformacija rada. Narativi, prakse, režimi, Ozren Biti i Reana Senjković, ur., Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2021, 388 str. 4) Velna Rončević: Anne Allison, Precarious Japan, Duke University Press, Durham, 2013., 256 str. 5) Andrea Matošević: Priče iz konzerve. Povijest prerade i konzerviranja riba na sjeveroistočnom Jadranu, Iva Kosmos, Tanja Petrović i Martin Pogačar, ur., Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2020., 301 str. 6) Iva Grubiša: Jasna Čapo, Dva doma. Hrvatska radna migracija u Njemačku kao transnacionalni fenomen, Durieux, Zagreb, 2019., 392. str. 7) Ljiljana Marks: Olga Supek, Ljeto u Detroitu. Studija jedne lokalne četvrti iz perspektive ekonomske antropologije, Hrvatsko etnološko društvo, Zagreb, 2020., 179 str. 8) Iris Biškupić Bašić: Katarina Bušić, Zbirka narodnih nošnji hrvatske dijaspore (The Croatian Diaspora Folk Clothing Collection), Etnografski muzej, Zagreb, 2019., 192 str. 9) Andrea Klobučar: Kapa dolje! Priča o (ne)pokrivanju glave, Mareta Kurtin, ur. Etnografski muzej, Zagreb, 2019., 344 str. 10) Tea Škokić: Liber Monstrorum Balcanorum. Čudovišni svijet europske margine, Miranda Levanat-Peričić i Tomislav Oroz, ur., Jesenski i Turk i Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb, 2019., 371 str. 11) Olga Orlić: Devedesete. Kratki rezovi, Orlanda Obad i Petar Bagarić, ur., Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2020., 427 str. 12) Marijana Belaj: Antropologija izvan akademije – osvrt na Godišnji skup HED-a 2020: Etnografska istraživanja na tržišt