4 research outputs found

    Relationships between immune parameters of saliva and blood

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    Background. The study of the relationships between the immune parameters of saliva and blood is of both theoretical and practical importance. The first is to study the relationships between systemic and local immunity, while the second is interesting as a non-invasive method of assessing the immune status and the influence of immunotropic drugs, including balneological, ecological etc. Material and Methods. The object of observation were 34 men and 10 women 24-70 y, who came to the Truskavets’ spa for the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis combined with cholecystitis in remission. The testing was conducted twice, before and after balneotherapy for 7-10 days. Immune parameters of blood evaluated on a set of I and II levels recommended by the WHO. For phenotyping subpopulations of lymphocytes used the methods of rosette formation with sheep erythrocytes on which adsorbed monoclonal antibodies against receptors CD3, CD4, CD8, CD22 and CD56. Subpopulation of T cells with receptors high affinity determined by test of “active” rosette formation. The state of humoral immunity judged by the concentration in serum of Circulating Immune Complexes and Immunoglobulins classes M, G, A. Parameters of phagocytic function of neutrophils estimated in tests with cultures of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The set of immune parameters of saliva was IgG, IgA, secretory IgA and Lysozyme. Results. The correlations of the registered immune parameters of saliva as effective traits with the immune parameters of blood as factor traits were screened. The level of IgA in saliva, which is 88% (R=0,943) determined by immune parameters of blood, was found to be most closely related to them. Dependence on blood parameters of the level of secretory IgA was weaker, but still strong enough (R=0,801). Salivary IgG is associated with blood parameters to a similar extent (R=0,795), but the factor structure of the connection is significantly different from that of secretory IgA. The weakest were the connections of immune parameters of blood with the level of lysozyme in saliva (R=0,717). Conclusion. Saliva levels of IgG, both forms of IgA, and lysozyme are closely related to the immune parameters of the blood, so they can be markers of systemic immunity and its reactions to immunotropic effects

    Thyrotropic effects of balneotherapy in Truskavets’ spa and their endocrine, vegetative and metabolic accompaniments

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    Background. Previous studies of the Truskavetsian Scientific School of Balneology have studied the effects of course use of bioactive water Naftussya - the main therapeutic factor of the spa - on plasma levels of thyroid hormones in males and females healthy rats and women with thyroid hyperplasia. In men with chronic cholecystitis, the immediate thyrotropic effects of a single use of Naftussya water have been studied. The aim of this study is thyrotropic effects of balneotherapy in Truskavets’ spa and their endocrine, vegetative and metabolic accompaniments in men and women with chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis. Materials and Methods. The object of clinical-physiological observation were 34 men (23-70 years) and 10 women (39-76 years), who underwent rehabilitation treatment of chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis in remission in the Truskavets’ spa. The examination was performed twice, before and after a 7-10-day course of balneotherapy. The main object of study was the plasma level of Triiodothyronine. We determined also content in plasma Cortisol, Aldosterone, Testosterone and Calcitonin as well as the parameters of the HRV and metabolism. Results. We find in 16 patients (12 men and 4 women) inhibitory thyrotropic effect, in 22 (16 men and 6 women) neutral, and in 6 men only – enhancing effect of balneotherapy. Each variant of the thyrotropic effect is accompanied by characteristic changes in testosteronemia, calcitoninemia, parathyroid activity, Heart Rate, Baevskiy’s Activity Regulatory Systems Index, HRV-markers of vagal tone, Calciemia as well as VLD and LD lipoproteins Cholesterol plasma. Conclusion. Our data confirmed and supplemented the provisions on the multivariate effects of balneotherapy in the spa of Truskavets’ on the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems and metabolism of patients

    Liturgy affects the parameters of gas discharge visualization, acupuncture points and neuro-endocrine-immune complex

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    Background. The impact of religion on the human body has been the subject of a number of studies, including ours. The proposed article is a continuation of them. Purpose of the study: to detect in the supervised observation the characteristic effects of the Liturgy on some biophysical and physiological parameters of healthy people. Materials and methods. Under a observations were 10 healthy men by age 26-56 years. In the morning in basale condicions registered parameters of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), electroskin conductivity of Points Acupuncture (CPA), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Leukocytogram, phagocytic function of neutrophils as well as anxiety and plasma levels of main adaptive hormones: Cortisol, Triiodothyronine and Testosterone. After testing, one volunteer went to a chapel to attend a half-hour Liturgy, and another volunteer was in the park nearby, serving as a control. After that, both participants returned to their duties, and after 1 hour all tests were repeated. Results. The characteristic effects of the Liturgy are: minimization the decrease in CPA TR(X) and G8Dg on the right, reactive anxiety, cortisolemia and one marker of vagal tone; limitation the increase in the area of the GDV in the frontal projection and the intensity of phagocytosis; initiation an increase in plasma testosterone, entropy of the leukocytogram and the proportion of rod-core neutrophils, as well as reversion the decrease in the tone of the vagus and the decrease of the energy of the virtual seventh chakra, which takes place in the control group. Conclusion. Liturgy affects the parameters of gas discharge visualization, acupuncture points and neuro-endocrine-immune complex in healthy men

    Liturgy affects the parameters of gas discharge visualization, acupuncture points and neuro-endocrine-immune complex

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    Background. The impact of religion on the human body has been the subject of a number of studies, including ours. The proposed article is a continuation of them. Purpose of the study: to detect in the supervised observation the characteristic effects of the Liturgy on some biophysical and physiological parameters of healthy people. Materials and methods. Under a observations were 10 healthy men by age 26-56 years. In the morning in basale condicions registered parameters of Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV), electroskin conductivity of Points Acupuncture (CPA), Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Leukocytogram, phagocytic function of neutrophils as well as anxiety and plasma levels of main adaptive hormones: Cortisol, Triiodothyronine and Testosterone. After testing, one volunteer went to a chapel to attend a half-hour Liturgy, and another volunteer was in the park nearby, serving as a control. After that, both participants returned to their duties, and after 1 hour all tests were repeated. Results. The characteristic effects of the Liturgy are: minimization the decrease in CPA TR(X) and G8Dg on the right, reactive anxiety, cortisolemia and one marker of vagal tone; limitation the increase in the area of the GDV in the frontal projection and the intensity of phagocytosis; initiation an increase in plasma testosterone, entropy of the leukocytogram and the proportion of rod-core neutrophils, as well as reversion the decrease in the tone of the vagus and the decrease of the energy of the virtual seventh chakra, which takes place in the control group. Conclusion. Liturgy affects the parameters of gas discharge visualization, acupuncture points and neuro-endocrine-immune complex in healthy men