3 research outputs found

    A Case Report on Septic Arthritis caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei

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    Melioidosis is an emerging infection in India caused by the environmental saprophyte Burkholderia pseudomallei. It is a gram negative, oxidase-positive bacillus that is intrinsically resistant to gentamycin, penicillin, and colistin. Risk factors for this infection include diabetes mellitus, heavy alcohol use, malignancy, chronic lung infection, liver, and kidney conditions. B. pseudomallei can lead to variable clinical manifestations, ranging from mild localised abscesses to invasive infections. However, a proper identification system for early detection and speciation is not universally available in all laboratories, and it can be easily misidentified as Pseudomonas species due to its unfamiliarity. Consequently, there may be a delay in diagnosis and failure to initiate appropriate and effective treatment, which can worsen the outcome. In this report, the author presents a case of septic arthritis in a 44-year-old diabetic male with clinical symptoms of melioidosis and involvement of multiple organs

    Use of the Concept Mapping Strategy to Improve Academic Writing

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    Academic writing is considered a difficult activity for the majority of academics in Indonesia. Only a few Indonesian lecturers and researchers are able to publish their research papers in reputable international journals. Compared to other Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, Indonesia ranks last in terms of the number of papers published in reputable international journals. Indonesia has to solve this problem by conducting effective courses in academic writing. One of the approaches that may be used to create an effective writing course is a concept mapping learning strategy. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of using a concept map learning activity in an academic writing course to increase faculty writing ability. Participants in the course were open and di stance learning graduate students enrolled in an academic writing tu torial program. The results of this research indicate that the concept map learning strategy applied to learning activities of academic writing helped the students find and construct the main topical ideas of their academic article. In addition, students showed increased motivation from using the concept map strategy in writing their academic paper project