18 research outputs found

    Novel Packet Switching for Green IP Networks

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    A green technology for reducing energy consumption has become a critical factor in ICT industries. However, for the telecommunications sector in particular, most network elements are not usually optimized for power efficiency. Here, we propose a novel energy-efficient packet switching method for use in an IP network for reducing unnecessary energy consumption. As a green networking approach, we first classify the network nodes into either header or member nodes. The member nodes then put the routing-related module at layer 3 to sleep under the assumption that the layer in the OSI model can operate independently. The entire set of network nodes is then partitioned into clusters consisting of one header node and multiple member nodes. Then, only the header node in a cluster conducts IP routing and its member nodes conduct packet switching using a specially designed identifier, a tag. To investigate the impact of the proposed scheme, we conducted a number of simulations using wellknown real network topologies and achieved a more energy-efficient performance than that achieved in previous studies.Peer reviewe

    TOWARD A GREENER INTERNET - Design and evaluation of green IP and content routing for sustainable communication networks

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    Green networking is receiving attention to sustainable information and communication technology because it enables more energy-efficient networks and reduces environmental impact. Previous research made strides toward green development for network infrastructure by improving energy efficiency and leveraging renewable energy. In this thesis, we focused on green networking strategies to improve state-of-the-art telecommunication from a green perspective. We especially focused on the Internet protocol (IP) and content networking, which are indispensable core components of the current network designing and planning. The contributions of this thesis are as follows. Green IP routing. We designed an energy-efficient packet switching framework for green IP networking to reduce energy waste caused by dynamic changes in a network. The network is thereby partitioned into clusters consisting of one header node and several member nodes. Only the header node within a cluster performs the IP routing, and its member nodes put the routing-related functionality to sleep and conduct packet switching using a tag. We further investigated the performance impact of energy efficiency compared with the existing green solutions through simulations. Green content routing. To optimize content requests and caching toward green content delivery, we designed a content routing framework for green named data networking. We also introduced a quantitative metric for measuring the network’s environmental footprint to define the network node’s greenness and green path. Green paths encourage traffic to aggregate along routes powered by eco-friendly renewable energy. We evaluated the proposed approach’s performance through simulations of named data networking and green metrics under real topologies and their meteorological data followed by comparing the existing caching schemes. The performance of proposed approaches were evaluated through simulations using real Internet topologies, meteorological data, and energy metrics. The results indicated that applying the proposed green approaches to real networks achieves significant energy efficiency and environmental gains

    Wind-Aware Content Caching for Smart Farm

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    Eco-friendly Caching and Forwarding in Named Data Networking

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    Green networking, by making the network more energy efficient and helping reduce environmental impact, is receiving more and more attraction for sustainable ICT. In this paper, we propose a new green approach for Named Data Networking (NDN) where content requests and caching perform towards green content delivery. We design a forwarding and caching strategy, where we first define the greenness of nodes, a quantitative metric for measuring the environmental footprint of the network, based on which we identify corresponding green paths and encourage traffic to aggregate on green paths powered by more eco-friendly renewable energy. We validate our approach with a variety of simulations using real network topology and renewable energy datasets from the US, and the results show that applying the proposed green NDN achieves significant ecofriendly gains

    Green named data networking using renewable energy

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    Cost-effective and Eco-friendly Green Routing Using Renewable Energy

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    Eco-friendly Caching and Forwarding in Named Data Networking

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    Green networking, by making the network more energy efficient and helping reduce environmental impact, is receiving more and more attraction for sustainable ICT. In this paper, we propose a new green approach for Named Data Networking (NDN) where content requests and caching perform towards green content delivery. We design a forwarding and caching strategy, where we first define the greenness of nodes, a quantitative metric for measuring the environmental footprint of the network, based on which we identify corresponding green paths and encourage traffic to aggregate on green paths powered by more eco-friendly renewable energy. We validate our approach with a variety of simulations using real network topology and renewable energy datasets from the US, and the results show that applying the proposed green NDN achieves significant ecofriendly gains

    Power Efficient Clustering for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network

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    The availability of inexpensive hardware such as CMOS cameras and microphones has fostered the development of wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs). In WMSNs, wirelessly interconnected devices enable ubiquitously retrieving multimedia contents such as video and audio streams, and still images along with scalar data from surroundings for wide range of applications are constrained by processing, memory, and power resources. Image compression via low-complexity and resource efficient transforms has been addressed by several researchers to prolong network lifetime where energy conservation is achieved through sharing computational load among sensor nodes and by adjusting the transmission ranges of camera nodes. However, those schemes are not adaptive to the presence and changes of energy level of computational sensor nodes and to the amount of computational load. We propose a resource and energy efficient distributed image compression algorithm that dynamically configures according to the energy levels and the forwarding strategy that is based on the entropy of the image. The simulation results show that our adaptive distributed image compression scheme significantly prolongs the network lifetime and improves the network utilization efficiency, while maintaining adequate image quality

    Green Routing using Renewable Energy for IP Networks

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    A green technology for not only reducing energy consumption but also considering environmental pollution has become a critical factor in ICT industries. However, for the telecommunications sector in particular, most network elements are not usually optimized for power efficiency. In this work, we propose a green routing method in an IP network for the reduction of unnecessary energy consumption. In addition, it can encourage the usage of power generated by renewable energy source instead of traditional fossil energy. As a green networking approach, we first classify the network nodes into either header or member nodes according to the quantity of the available renewable energies. The member nodes then put the routing related module at layer 3 to sleep under the assumption that the layer in the OSI model can operate independently. The whole network nodes are then partitioned into clusters consisting of one header node and multiple member nodes. Then, only the header node in a cluster conducts IP routing and its member nodes conduct packet switching using a specially designed identifier, a tag. To investigate the impact of the proposed scheme, we conducted a number of simulations using  real renewable energy statistics and results show that our approach outperforms the existing solutions in terms of energy efficiency to a large extent