21 research outputs found

    Fallout monitoring of waters

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    Dataset supporting journal publication 'Dynamics of laser-induced cavitation bubble during expansion over sharp-edge geometry submerged in liquid – an inside view by diffuse illumination'

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    We have studied the dynamics of laser-induced cavitation bubble during its expansion over a sharp-edge (“cliff-like” 90°) geometry submerged in water, ethanol, and polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG). The bubbles were laser-induced on stainless steel samples that were 17 mm wide and with different thicknesses in the range of 0.025-2 mm. The 1064-nm laser pulses with pulse durations of 7-60 ns and pulse energies of 10-55 mJ were used. This dataset contains images, videos and tabulated numerical data. The images were acquired at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia within Jan 21, Feb 7, Apr 8 and Apr 23, 2020. The videos were acquired by a high speed camera at Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Kyoto University, Japan between Jan 3 – Jan 17, 2020. The acquired images explain the role of illumination conditions in bubble imaging. From the acquired images and videos, it is visible that under certain conditions, a fixed-type secondary cavity is formed behind the edge where low-pressure area develops due to bubble-driven flow of the liquid. A re-entrant liquid injection may occur into the bubble when the bubble overflows the edge of the sample. The tabulated data were obtained by image processing and show the bubble and shockwave radius, velocity and pressure as a function of time. The velocities of the re-entrant jets and the liquid flow velocity at the edge of the samples are tabulated as well

    Fallout monitoring of waters

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    Postawy młodzieży wobec celów Nowej Agendy na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    The whole world adopted a global strategy as the only possible one – a global development strategy based on the principles of sustainability. This strategy includes not only all types of politics, economies and societies, but is also an integral part of life and wellbeing of all people. A new sustainable development agenda for the period 2015-2030 identifies youth not only as a category much more sensitive to sustainability, but in each of its 17 goals of sustainable development emphasizes the role of young people and the need for their active participation in the promotion and realization of these objectives and its targets. Bearing this in mind, the research presented in the paper deals with young people’s knowledge on sustainable development, the strategy of sustainable development, and their attitudes towards the goals of sustainable development in the context of what they themselves find most important. Obtained results in the case study of the Republic of Serbia, not only show the results of the analysis of young people’s viewpoints on these crucial issues but also of a good way to continue research in this area not only by the authors of the paper but other researchers who are engaged in activism and participation of youth in sustainable development as well.Społeczność międzynarodowa przyjęła strategię rozwoju globalnego opartą na zasadach zrównoważoności. Uwzględnia ona nie tylko wszystkie występujące typy polityk, ekonomii i społeczeństw, ale także dobrostan wszystkich ludzi. Nowa Agenda dla zrównoważonego rozwoju obejmująca lata 2015-2030 wskazuje na młodzież jako na grupę bardziej wrażliwą na zagadnienie zrównoważoności W każdej z 17 grup celów zrównoważonego rozwoju podkreśla rolę, jaką powinni w tych ramach odgrywać młodzi ludzie i wskazuje na potrzebę ich aktywnego uczestnictwa w promocji i realizacji założonych celów. Niniejsza praca prezentuje wyniki badań odnoszących się do wiedzy młodych ludzi o zrównoważonym rozwoju, strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także ich postaw odnośnie celów zrównoważonego rozwoju i ich własnych przekonań. Badania przeprowadzone w Republice Serbii omawiają opinie młodzieży na te ważne tematy, a ponadto wskazują na ważny kierunek badań nie tylko dla autorów tego artykułu, ale także innych naukowców zaangażowanych we włączenie młodych ludzi w pracę dla zrównoważonego rozwoju