237 research outputs found

    The ethics of co-design

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    There is a lack of definition in policy of the term co-design, and yet local authorities and developers are increasingly using it. To avoid that this term becomes meaningless, it is essential to define how to run co-design processes ethically. Building on case studies, professional experience, collaborations with communities, and a Participatory Action Research approach, this paper defines a set of principles on how to run a co-design process ethically and genuinely including communities in decision-making. Departing from the legal Principles for Fair Consultation in England and Wales, the paper expands them and results into ten ethical principles for co-design

    Trellick and Edenham Community Plan

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    This piece of research will focus on the participation of local communities on the elaboration of proposals for social housing estate regeneration. Previous research (Sendra, 2018) has shown the lack of genuine participation of residents in estate regeneration, which is often limited to a superficial consultation, to a tokenistic approach, or to voting yes or no to predefined proposals with little resident input. Research has also shown the capacity of residents to self-organise, contest top-down schemes, and propose community-led alternative approaches (Sendra & Fitzpatrick, 2020). The aim of this research project is to co-produce with residents and communities a brief for the regeneration of the Trellick Tower and Cheltenham Estate, which includes how the process should be, how communities should participate in decision-making, how the process should reach the diversity of communities in the area, which are the spaces that people value, what needs to improve, and what kind of development they would want. For achieving these objectives, the project will use a Participatory Action Research approach, where the research outputs are co-produced with the communities affected. Research methods and activities will include co-design workshops, semi-structured interviews, following the progress of the project by a community steering committee, and a public seminar/conference

    Repensando el espacio público de las viviendas sociales de post-guerra en Gran Bretaña

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    This paper addresses the issue of the urban obsolescence of public space of social housing neighbourhoods built during the post-war period in Great Britain. Great Britain has been chosen because of the active role played by modern architects in the construction of the welfare state advocated by post-war governments, which involved building large areas of social housing. The aims of this paper are to understand the context in which these neighbourhoods were built as well as their evolution and the complexity of their obsolescence. To achieve these objectives, it first looks at the causes that prompted the slum clearance process, at its implementation during the post-war reconstruction and at the effects that this process has had on contemporary cities. Secondly, it is illustrated through a detailed analysis of a case study, Loughborough Estate in Brixton, London, looking at the initial conditions of the council estate when it was built, investigating its evolution over the past five decades and factors that may have contributed to the obsolescence of its public space and to its social problems. The paper concludes with a warning that a generalist critique of modern architecture does not solve the problems of such neighbourhoods, but a substantial intervention on the public space is needed to bring them to life. These interventions should focus on the spatial configuration of public space and its design and maintenance.Este artículo aborda la cuestión de la obsolescencia urbana del espacio público en las barriadas de viviendas sociales construidas durante el periodo de post-guerra en Gran Bretaña. Se ha escogido el caso de Gran Bretaña debido al papel tan activo que tuvieron los arquitectos del movimiento moderno en la construcción del estado del bienestar, por la que abogaron los gobiernos de post-guerra y la cual implicó la construcción de una gran cantidad de viviendas. Los objetivos de este artículo son comprender el contexto en el que se construyeron estas barriadas así como su evolución y la complejidad de su obsolescencia. Para alcanzar estos objetivos, primero se examinan las causas que dieron lugar al proceso de demolición de infraviviendas, su ejecución durante la reconstrucción de post-guerra y los efectos que este proceso ha tenido en las ciudades contemporáneas. En segundo lugar, esto se ilustra con un análisis detallado de un caso de estudio: Loughborough Estate en Brixton, Londres. Se examinan cuáles eran las condiciones iniciales de la barriada social y se investiga su evolución durante las cinco últimas décadas y los posibles factores que han contribuido a la obsolescencia del espacio público y a sus problemas sociales. El artículo concluye advirtiendo que una crítica generalista a la arquitectura moderna no resuelve los problemas de estas barriadas, sino que es necesaria una intervención sustancial en el espacio público para fomentar la vida urbana. Estas intervenciones deben actuar sobre la configuración espacial del espacio público y sobre su diseño y mantenimien

    Community-Led Regeneration

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    Through seven London case studies of communities opposing social housing demolition and/or proposing community-led plans, Community-Led Regeneration offers a toolkit of planning mechanisms and other strategies that residents and planners working with communities can use to resist demolition and propose community-led schemes. The case studies are Walterton and Elgins Community Homes, West Ken and Gibbs Green Community Homes, Cressingham Gardens Community, Greater Carpenters Neighbourhood Forum, Focus E15, People’s Empowerment Alliance for Custom House (PEACH), and Alexandra and Ainsworth Estates. Together, these case studies represent a broad overview of groups that formed as a reaction to proposed demolitions of residents' housing, and groups that formed as a way to manage residents' homes and public space better

    Prestigio e imagen de Castellón a través de la salud

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    Material addicional de la ponència presentada al III Congrés Obert i Virtual Castelló 2020. Castelló de la Plana, 2011-201

    Investigación cuantitativa del transporte de sedimentos en avenidas torrenciales: aplicación al caso del arroyo del partido Huelva

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    La Tesis aborda los problemas clásicos de la Hidráulica Torrencial, utilizando de referente el arroyo del Partido, que en el periodo 1982-99 ha generado un gran cono de sedimentación en la Marisma de El Rocío (Parque Nacional de Doñana). De este modo: 1,- Profundiza en la conceptualización del significado de un curso torrencial. 2,- Analiza los eventos torrenciales acaecidos en la cuenca vertiente del citado arroyo entre 1995-99, ensayando con su información las principales ecuaciones de transporte sólido de fondo en un curso torrencial (en este caso en el arroyo del Partido). 3,- En relación con el proceso de formación del cono de deyección justicia el posible comportamiento del torrente como un flujo monofásico. Asumiendo el flujo como monofásico, se aporta la solución para evitar la emisión de sedimentos a la marisma, que consiste en retenerlos en una zona anterior a la misma, produciendo para ello una fuerte descarga en la corriente, mediante una expansión brusca de esta última en una sección suficientemente alejada (>5 Km) de la marisma, así como corrigiendo con obras transversales la erosión remontante en el arroyo

    Infraestructuras para el desorden: estrategias de intervención en el espacio público de las barriadas de viviendas sociales. El caso de Londres

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    Texto completo descargado desde TeseoThis thesis looks at the design of the public space of British post-war social housing neighbourhoods. It argues that these neighbourhoods have no urban life and have fallen into a state of obsolescence, and analyses how far the design of their public realm is responsible for this lack of urban life, proposing urban design strategies to transform the urban space of these neighbourhoods into a realm for social interaction and public activities. The analysis focuses on two case studies located in London: Loughborough Estate in Brixton, London Borough of Lambeth, and Gascoyne Estate in Hackney. Both are post-war housing estates designed and built in the 1950s by London County Council. For the urban design strategy proposals, it follows Richard Sennett's approach that cities need "certain kinds of disorder" for people to learn how to tolerate difference and to accept uncertainty. Sennett argues that there is too much order in modernist urban design, which stifles spontaneity and creates alienating public space. This thesis reworks this idea, applying it to the current situation of British housing estates, which are still in need of spaces for improvisation after decades of decay, urban transformations, and socio-economic changes. Revisiting Sennett's work, it finds affinities between his more recent work and the way in which 'assemblage' thinking has been used in critical urbanism. Accordingly, the thesis uses 'assemblage' as a concept to explain how to introduce Sennett's notions of disorder into urban design strategies and bring life to the obsolete public spaces of council estates. Building on Sennett's 'uses of disorder' and using 'assemblage' as a tool to apply this to the design of public space, the thesis proposes the term 'infrastructures for disorder': urban design interventions in the public space of social housing neighbourhoods to create conditions for the spontaneous use of the public space and encourage social interaction. The infrastructures for disorder present two kinds of contribution: a contribution to critical urban theory and a contribution to architecture and urban design. Using 'assemblage' - with its connotations of process, emergence and uncertainty - to implement Sennett's uses of disorder leads to the use of the term 'infrastructure' to describe how the proposed strategies aim to be the beginning of a process, creating initial conditions. In addition, the infrastructures for disorder provide a contribution to architecture and urban design, proposing urban design guidelines using terms commonly used by architects and urban designers: 'surface', 'section' and 'process'. The surface and section strategies propose a physical reconfiguration of the public realm through a series of small changes addressing the problems of the public space described in the first part of the thesis. The process strategies serve as a method to implement the surface and section strategies, placing special emphasis on the need for constant upgrades of the public space of these neighbourhoods. Through these contributions, the thesis offers agents an alternative approach to intervention in the public space of social housing neighbourhoods. The implementation of such contributions must take into account that they are flexible guidelines that need to be adapted to different contexts.Esta tesis versa sobre el diseño del espacio público de las barriadas de viviendas sociales de post-guerra en Reino Unido. Estas barriadas carecen de vida urbana y han caído en un estado de obsolescencia. La tesis analiza la influencia del diseño del espacio público en esta falta de vida urbana y propone estrategias de diseño urbano que tengan la capacidad de transformar el espacio urbano de estas barriadas en un lugar de interacción social y actividades en público. El análisis se centra en dos casos de estudio localizados en Londres: Loughborough Estate, Brixton, en el municipio de Lambeth, y Gascoyne Estate en el municipio de Hackney. Ambas son barriadas de postguerra proyectadas y construidas en la década de 1950 por el London County Council. Las estrategias de diseño urbano propuestas toman como punto de partida la postura de Richard Sennett: las ciudades necesitan “ciertos tipos de desorden” para que las personas aprendan a tolerar lo diferente y a aceptar la incertidumbre. Sennett argumenta que el diseño urbano moderno se concibió desde el orden, lo cual no permite la espontaneidad y ha construido un espacio público alienante. La tesis revisa esta idea y la traslada a la situación actual de los polígonos de vivienda británicos, los cuales, después de décadas de abandono, transformaciones urbanas y cambios socio-económicos, todavía carecen de espacios para la improvisación. A través de la revisión del trabajo de Sennett, la tesis identifica afinidades entre su obra más reciente y el uso del concepto assemblage (ensamblaje, asociación, agenciamiento) en la teoría del urbanismo crítico. A partir de este hallazgo, la tesis usa el término assemblage como instrumento para aplicar la idea de desorden de Sennett a estrategias de diseño urbano que revitalicen el espacio público obsoleto de las barriadas en cuestión.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Una propuesta complementaria de análisis de sensibilidad de un modelo basado en técnicas SIG y evaluación multicriterio

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    La utilización combinada de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) y las técnicas de Evaluación MultiCriterio (EMC) para la asignación óptima de usos del suelo ha sido amplia y eficazmente empleada en los últimos años. Sin embargo, siguen realizándose pocas y novedosas propuestas para intentar aportar algún grado de fiabilidad a los resultados obtenidos en este tipo de modelación espacial. En esta comunicación se explora un análisis de sensibilidad (AS) para determinar la estabilidad de un modelo de crecimiento urbano desarrollado para la localización óptima de zonas residenciales, comerciales e industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid para el año 2000 (partiendo de los datos reales de 1990). Este análisis pretende determinar si la modelización de los factores implicados en el modelo puede influir de manera sustancial en la variación de los resultados del mismo. Para este fin se seleccionaron 4 factores de un total de 15 utilizados originalmente en la simulación del crecimiento urbano de la región, concretamente distancia a núcleos urbanos, distancia a carreteras, distancia a cursos de agua y usos del suelo. Se midió la variación entre cada factor modelizado y su respectivo en el modelo original, su repercusión en un estadio intermedio del proceso y las diferencias producidas en el resultado final. Para ello se ha optado por calcular la diferencia media por píxel entre los dos mapas y el índice Kappa, según se tratase de mapas cuantitativos o cualitativos, respectivamente. Los resultados muestran que esta metodología puede ser utilizada de forma sencilla para afianzar los resultados de un modelo espacial, aunque es necesario profundizar más en sus posibilidades.Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and MultiCriteria Evaluation (MCE) have been eficiently applied in optimal location of land use. However, there are few new proposals in order to test the robustness of this spatial model results.The aim of this study is to explore a complementary sensitivity analysis (SA) to determine the stability of a simulation model of urban growth in the region of Madrid. This simulation started from the land cover situation in 1990 and assigned new residential, industrial and comercial uses for 2000. The analysis proposed try to evaluate whether diferent ways of modelling the factors included in the model can introduce sustantial variations on final results. To do so, it considered 4 factors from the 15 originally used in the model (distance to urban areas, distance to hidrology, land use and distance to roads). The impact of this modifications were evaluated on three steps of the model execution. The differences by pixel between original and modified maps and the Kappa index were used with cuantitative and cualitative maps, respectively.The results show this metodology could be a easy way to test the robustness of the model results but we have to go deep into its possibilitie

    The global carbon budget and the Paris agreement

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    Purpose–The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of global carbon budget (GCB) as akey concept that should be introduced as a reference when countries formulate their mitigation contributionsin the context of the Paris Agreement and in all the monitoring, reporting and verification processes that mustbe implemented according to the decisions of the Paris Summit.Design/methodology/approach–A method based on carbon budget accounting is used to analyze theintended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) submitted by the 15 countries that currently head theranking of global emissions. Moreover, these INDCs are analyzed and compared with each other. Sometimes,inadequate methodologies and a diverse level of ambition in the formulated targets are observed.Findings–It is found that the INDCs of those 15 countries alone imply the release into the atmosphere of 84per cent of the GCB for the period 2011-2030, and 40 per cent of the GCB available until the end of the century.Originality/value–This is thefirst time the INDCs of the top 15 emitters are analyzed. It is also thefirstanalysis made using the GCB approach. This paper suggests methodological changes in the way that thefuture NDCs might be formulated.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version