477 research outputs found

    Business Process Standardization of Multinational Enterprises: Two Distinctive Organizational Models

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    Business process standardization practice was studied in the context of integration and adaptation. 31 Japanese and non-Japanese MNE were interviewed to find a practice of standardizing business process globally. 4 distinctive types of standardization were identified. Two top down approaches were consistent with organizational characteristics such as clear job specification, in contrasting on those using Kaizen approaches, with general characteristic employment as membership. Although the top-down approach is consistent with integration strategy, its multi-layer implementation preserves the room for flexible replication to balance adaptation needed

    Hacia un mayor desarrollo de la investigación para el futuro del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud (IICS) de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción

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    Estas son mis opiniones respecto a lo que considero son características deseables de las ciencias naturales en países en desarrollo con la esperanza de mostrar un camino posible hacia el desarrollo de la investigación para el futuro del Instituto de Investigaciones enCiencias de la Salud (IICS) de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción en el cual me encuentro trabajando como asesor científico enviado por la Agencia de Cooperación Internacional del Japón (JICA) como voluntario senior. Considero que los requerimientos para las ciencias naturales en países en desarrollo son de alguna manera diferentes a los de los países avanzados. Los investigadores de los países en desarrollo, especialmenteaquellos que se dedican a las ciencias aplicadas, pueden realizar   investigación que no sea completamente nueva en el mundo pero nueva para sus países con la condición de que esas investigaciones contribuyan a una mejor calidad de vida de sus pueblos. En este sentido, los investigadores de países en desarrollo dedicados a las ciencias aplicadassiempre deberían estar conscientes de cual es el propósito real de sus investigaciones.Aunque es solo una impresión que tengo del IICS, los investigadores con los que me reuní no discuten libremente unos con otros sobre los temas científicos que están desarrollando. Pienso, sin embargo, que la libre discusión es un prerrequisito para el establecimiento de una ciencia progresiva, como se puede ver en Estados Unidos y Europa. Otro punto que deseo enfatizar es la necesidad real de fortalecer la capacidad delas instituciones de solicitar y obtener financiaciones nacionales e internacionales para el mantenimiento de las actividades científicas progresivas y para estímulo de los jóvenes que en el futuro llevarán sobre sus hombros las ciencias naturales en los países endesarrollo

    Motivational Effects of Nicotine as Measured by the Runway Method Using Priming Stimulation of Intracranial Self-stimulation Behavior

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    It is well known that priming stimulation promotes the motivational effects of intracranial self-stimulation(ICSS) behavior. An experimental methodology using the runway method could separately study the reward and motivational effects of ICSS behavior. In the present study, we examined the motivational effect of nicotine as measured by the runway method using priming stimulation of ICSS behavior. Electrodes were implanted chronically into the medial forebrain bundle (MFB) in rats. A lever for stimulation of the MFB was set on the opposite side of the start box in the apparatus, and rats were trained to get a reward stimulation (50-200 microA, 0.2 ms, 60 Hz) of MFB when the goal lever was pressed. After the rats were trained to press the lever, a priming stimulation of the MFB was performed. After receiving the priming stimulation, rats were placed at the start box of the runway apparatus, and the running time duration until the goal lever was pressed was measured. Subcutaneous injection of nicotine at a dose of 0.2mg/kg produced an increase in running speed to obtain the reward stimulation, and priming stimulation facilitated the motivational effect to obtain the electrical brain stimulation reward in the rats. These results suggest that nicotine significantly enhanced the motivational effect on ICSS behavior as determined using the runway method. The runway method using priming stimulation of ICSS behavior may become the new experimental methodology with which to measure the motivational effect of some drugs.</p


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    Latar belakang alasan peneliti mengangkat topik penelitian mengenai ritual Barong Wae Teku ini dimana ritual Barong Wae Teku ini merupakan salah satu ritus yang unik dan masih eksis di desa Poco Ri’i sampai pada saat ini. Permasalaan yang diangkat dalam tulisan ini adalah (1.)Bagaimana proses pelaksnaan ritual Barong Wae Teku bagi masyarakat Desa Poco Ri’i Kecamatan Borong Kabupaten Manggarai Timur. 2.Apa makna ritual Barong Wae Teku bagi masyarakat Desa Poco Ri’i Kecamatan Borong Kabupaten Manggarai Timur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pelaksanaan ritual Barong Wae Teku, serta untuk mengetahui makna ritual Barong Wae Teku pada masyarakat Desa Poco Ri’i Kecamatan Borong Kabupaten Manggarai Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, teknik wawancara dan teknik dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data, reduksi data, penyajian data/display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses pelaksanaan ritual Barong Wae Teku terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu tahap persiapan seperti benta taung weki (undang semua keluarga), tahap pelaksanaan atau tahap inti seperti benta ise wura agu ceki (undangan para leluhur), tudak (sumpah kepada leluhur) torok manuk (acara puncak) dan tahap penutup. Sedangkan makna yang terkandung dalam ritual Barong Wae Teku bagi masyarakat Desa Poco Ri’i Kecamatan Borong Kabupaten Manggarai Timur yaitu untuk mensyukuri atas jasa dari para leluhur yang menjaga air minum

    Evaluation of Motivational Effects Induced by Intracranial Self-Stimulation Behavior

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    In the runway model of intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) experimentation, the experimental animal is timed in running a fixed distance to depress a lever that releases electrical stimulation to an electrode implanted along its medial forebrain bundle. This ICSS has both a reward and a motivational component. Using the runway method and priming stimulation, we designed an experimental method for directly measuring motivation. An assessment of pharmacological agents that are known to influence motivational states was also undertaken. Using the experimental methods that we created, we observed prominent changes in running speed when animals were exposed to methamphetamine and nicotine. According to these data, the runway method employing intracranial self-stimulation behavior may be useful for the evaluation of substances that act on motivation. We review the underlying neuropharmacological and anatomical functions associated with our experimental methods. We hope that this technique will be used to scientifically evaluate the impact of drugs and/or therapeutic interventions on human motivation

    β_2-インデグランド ニ カイゴウスル シンキ ヒト GPI アンカー タンパクシツ GPI-80 ニタイスル タンクローン コウタイ ワ ヒト タンキュウ ノ macropinocytosis オ センタクテキ ニ ゾウキョウ スル

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    We have shown previously that neutrophils and small population of human monocytes have a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) -anchored protein, GPI-80 on their surface. In a study of neutrophils, we reported that GPI-80 regulates the adherence and migration. In this study, we examined the functions of GPI-80 in monocytes. Treatment of monocytes with monoclonal antibody (mAb) to GPI-80 enhanced pinocytosis of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-labeled dextran but not that of lucifer yellow and low-density lipoprotein. This treatment neither changed phagocytosis, adherence nor reactive oxygen production of monocytes. These results suggest that GPI-80 modulates fluid phase macropinocytosis of high molecular weight molecules, but not that of low molecular weight ones, clathrin-dependent pinocytosis, phagocytosis, adherence and reactive oxygen production. Treatment of neutrophils with mAbs to GPI-80 did not change macropinocytosis of FITC-labeled dextran, suggesting that the functions of GPI-80 on macropinocytosis of high molecular weight molecules are different between neutrophils and monocytes. This study, first reported GPI-80 function on monocytes, implies that GPI-80 may be one of the molecules associated with macropinocytosis on monocytes. Key words: macropinocytosis, monocytes, GPI -anchored protei