18 research outputs found

    Examples of Ontology Model Usage in Engineering Fields

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    The proposed research deals with the improvement of engineering knowledge classification and recognition by means of ontology usage. Ontology model allows structure information as well as to raises the effectiveness of search. Research describes the development of ontology models for engineering knowledge in Internet portal and modeling system for the classification and recognition of marine objects. The ontology model usage for the engineering knowledge portal development allows to systematize data and knowledge, to organize search and navigation, to describe informational and computational recourses according to the meta-notion standards. The description of modeling system subject domain is based on ontology that allows to realize the recognition of marine objects based on their parameters

    Ontology for Application Development

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    The chapter describes the process of ontology development for different subject domains for application designing. The analysis of existing approaches to ontology development for software platform realization in some subject domains is depicted. The example of ontology model development for telecom operator billing system based on descriptive logic is shown. For ontology model designing, it is proposed to use two formal theories: descriptive logic and set theory, which allow to systematize data and knowledge, to organize search and navigation, and to describe informational and computational recourses according to the meta-notion standards

    Genetic Screening of New Genes Responsible for Cellular Adaptation to Hypoxia Using a Genome-Wide shRNA Library

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    Oxygen is a vital requirement for multi-cellular organisms to generate energy and cells have developed multiple compensatory mechanisms to adapt to stressful hypoxic conditions. Such adaptive mechanisms are intricately interconnected with other signaling pathways that regulate cellular functions such as cell growth. However, our understanding of the overall system governing the cellular response to the availability of oxygen remains limited. To identify new genes involved in the response to hypoxic stress, we have performed a genome-wide gene knockdown analysis in human lung carcinoma PC8 cells using an shRNA library carried by a lentiviral vector. The knockdown analysis was performed under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions to identify shRNA sequences enriched or lost in the resulting selected cell populations. Consequently, we identified 56 candidate genes that might contribute to the cellular response to hypoxia. Subsequent individual knockdown of each gene demonstrated that 13 of these have a significant effect upon oxygen-sensitive cell growth. The identification of BCL2L1, which encodes a Bcl-2 family protein that plays a role in cell survival by preventing apoptosis, validates the successful design of our screen. The other selected genes have not previously been directly implicated in the cellular response to hypoxia. Interestingly, hypoxia did not directly enhance the expression of any of the identified genes, suggesting that we have identified a new class of genes that have been missed by conventional gene expression analyses to identify hypoxia response genes. Thus, our genetic screening method using a genome-wide shRNA library and the newly-identified genes represent useful tools to analyze the cellular systems that respond to hypoxic stress

    SUPERNOVA: Automating Test Selection and Defect Prevention in AAA Video Games Using Risk Based Testing and Machine Learning

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    Testing video games is an increasingly difficult task as traditional methods fail to scale with growing software systems. Manual testing is a very labor-intensive process, and therefore quickly becomes cost prohibitive. Using scripts for automated testing is affordable, however scripts are ineffective in non-deterministic environments, and knowing when to run each test is another problem altogether. The modern game's complexity, scope, and player expectations are rapidly increasing where quality control is a big portion of the production cost and delivery risk. Reducing this risk and making production happen is a big challenge for the industry currently. To keep production costs realistic up-to and after release, we are focusing on preventive quality assurance tactics alongside testing and data analysis automation. We present SUPERNOVA (Selection of tests and Universal defect Prevention in External Repositories for Novel Objective Verification of software Anomalies), a system responsible for test selection and defect prevention while also functioning as an automation hub. By integrating data analysis functionality with machine and deep learning capability, SUPERNOVA assists quality assurance testers in finding bugs and developers in reducing defects, which improves stability during the production cycle and keeps testing costs under control. The direct impact of this has been observed to be a reduction in 55% or more testing hours for an undisclosed sports game title that has shipped, which was using these test selection optimizations. Furthermore, using risk scores generated by a semi-supervised machine learning model, we are able to detect with 71% precision and 77% recall the probability of a change-list being bug inducing, and provide a detailed breakdown of this inference to developers. These efforts improve workflow and reduce testing hours required on game titles in development.Comment: ICST 2022 Industry Track Proceedings, 10 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System

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    ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The experiment produces petabytes of data annually through simulation production and tens petabytes of data per year from the detector itself. The ATLAS Computing model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization and computing resources able to meet ATLAS requirements of petabytes scale data operations. In this paper we present ATLAS Grid Information System (AGIS) designed to integrate configuration and status information about resources, services and topology of whole ATLAS Grid needed by ATLAS Distributed Computing applications and services

    Технология переработки малосульфидной золото-кварцевой руды

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    Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью получения новых знаний об обогатимости золотосодержащих руд и необходимостью развития ресурсной базы Российской Федерации, а именно вовлечения объектов недропользования в хозяйственный оборот. Цель: исследование по переработке малосульфидной золото-кварцевой руды с применением комплексной технологии обогащения минерального сырья. Объект: золотосодержащая руда со средним содержанием золота 11,88 г/т. Содержание серебра незначительное - 2,43 г/т. Основными рудными минералами в образце являются пирит и пирротин. Среднее содержание этих минералов в руде, по данным минералогического и рентгеноструктурного анализа, составило около 6 % (суммарно). Основными породообразующими минералами исходной руды являются: кварц - 60,1 %; кварц-хлорит-слюдяные агрегаты - 3,8 %; карбонаты - 7,1 %. Методы. Методология исследования базировалась на теоретических основах обогащения полезных ископаемых. Изучение вещественного состава руды и продуктов обогащения было выполнено с использованием химического, пробирного, термического, спектрометрического методов, а также атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии и других методов. Изучение обогатимости проводили методами гравитационного и флотационного обогащения, а именно: GRG тест, стадиальный тест института ТОМС (Россия) (определение оптимальной крупности измельчения руды и количества стадий обогащения), моделирование извлечения золота в цикле измельчения, определение оптимальной степени помола, исследование выбора флотационных реагентов, исследование кинетики процесса и проведение комплекса технологических исследований. Результаты. Установлено, что извлечение золота при проведении GRG-теста составило 72,75 % при выходе общего концентрата 1,34 % и его содержании 664,78 г/т. При этом содержание золота в хвостах составило 3,29 г/т. Стадийные испытания показали, что при переработке руд только гравитационным способом целесообразно использовать двухстадийную схему. Первая стадия находится в цикле измельчения при крупности руды 60-70 % и вторая стадия - при конечной крупности насыпи классификации 90 % класса -0,071 мм. Центробежная сепарация как свободная операция извлечения золота в цикле измельчения работает эффективно. Получен концентрат с содержанием золота 2426 г/т с выходом 0,31 % и извлечением 63,74 %. Обогащение дробленых до 90 % хвостов первой очереди класса -0,071 мм на обогатительной фабрике KC-CVD (моделирование) позволило извлечь золото в общий гравиоконцентрат (KC-MD+KC-CVD) 87,25 % при содержании выхода фугата 22,63 %. Содержание золота в хвостах составило 1,97 г/т.The relevance of the research is caused by the necessity to acquire new knowledge about the enrichment of gold-bearing ores and the need to develop the resource base of the Russian Federation, namely involve subsoil use objects in economic circulation. The purpose of the study is to study the processing of low-sulfide gold-quartz ore using an integrated technology for the enrichment of mineral raw materials. Object: gold ore raw materials with an average gold grade of 11,88 g/t. The silver content is negligible - 2,43 g/t. The main ore minerals in the sample are pyrite and pyrrhotite. The average content of these minerals in the ore, according to mineralogical and X-ray diffraction analysis, was about 6 % (in total). The main rock-forming minerals of the original ore are: quartz - 60,1 %; quartz-chlorite-mica aggregates - 3,8 %; carbonates - 7,1 %. Methods. The research methodology was based on the theoretical foundations of mineral processing. The study of the material composition of the ore, and enrichment products, was carried out using chemical, assay, thermal, spectrometric methods, as well as atomic emission spectrometry and other methods. The study of washability was carried out by the methods of gravity and flotation enrichment, namely: GRG test, stage test of the Institute TOMS (Russia) (determination of the optimal size of ore grinding and the number of enrichment stages), modeling of gold extraction in the grinding cycle, determination of the optimal degree of grinding, study of the choice of flotation reagents, study of the kinetics of the process and the implementation of a complex of technological studies. Results. It was found that the gold recovery when performing the GRG test was 72,75 % with a total concentrate yield of 1,34 % and a content of Au 664,78 g/t. At the same time, the gold content in the tailings was 3,29 g/t. A stage test showed that for ore processing only by gravity technology, it is advisable to use a two-stage scheme. The first stage is in the grinding cycle with the ore size of 60-70 % and the second stage - with the final size of the discharge of the classification 90 % size of -0,071 mm. Centrifugal separation, as a free gold recovery operation in a grinding cycle, works efficiently. A concentrate with a gold content of 2426 g/t was obtained with an output of 0,31 % and an extraction of 63,74 %. The enrichment of the first stage tailings crushed to 90 % size of -0,071 mm at the KC-CVD concentrator (modeling) made it possible to extract gold into a total gravity concentrate (KC-MD+KC-CVD) of 87,25 % with a concentrate yield of 22,63 %. The gold content in the tailings was 1,97 g/t. The results of gravity and flotation concentration of the original ore indicate the feasibility of using a combined gravity-flotation technological scheme. In a closed experiment of the initial ore beneficiation according to the gravity-flotation scheme at a natural pH of the pulp (without adding acid), the following products were obtained: gravity concentrate with a gold content of 2426 g/t at a yield of 0,31 % and an extraction of 64,06 %; flotation concentrate (after the II cleaning) with a gold content of 122 g/t with a yield of 2,90 % and recovery of 33,01 %; the total gold recovery in the gravity-flotation concentrate was 94,07 % with a yield of 3,21 % and Au content of 345,87 g/t, the gold content in the flotation tailings was 0,72 g/t

    Pushing the Limits of Tango Archiving System using PostgreSQL and Time Series Databases

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    International audienceThe Tango HDB++ project is a high performance event-driven archiving system which stores data with micro-second resolution timestamps, using archivers written in C++. HDB++ supports MySQL/MariaDB and Apache Cassandra backends and has been recently extended to support PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB*, a time-series PostgreSQL extension. The PostgreSQL backend has enabled efficient multi-dimensional data storage in a relational database. Time series databases are ideal for archiving and can take advantage of the fact that data inserted do not change. TimescaleDB has pushed the performance of HDB++ to new limits. The paper will present the benchmarking tools that have been developed to compare the performance of different backends and the extension of HDB++ to support TimescaleDB for insertion and extraction. A comparison of the different supported back-ends will be presented

    HYAL1 and HYAL2 inhibit tumour growth in vivo but not in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND: We identified two 3p21.3 regions (LUCA and AP20) as most frequently affected in lung, breast and other carcinomas and reported their fine physical and gene maps. It is becoming increasingly clear that each of these two regions contains several TSGs. Until now TSGs which were isolated from AP20 and LUCA regions (e.g.G21/NPRL2, RASSF1A, RASSF1C, SEMA3B, SEMA3F, RBSP3) were shown to inhibit tumour cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The effect of expression HYAL1 and HYAL2 was studied by colony formation inhibition, growth curve and cell proliferation tests in vitro and tumour growth assay in vivo. Very modest growth inhibition was detected in vitro in U2020 lung and KRC/Y renal carcinoma cell lines. In the in vivo experiment stably transfected KRC/Y cells expressing HYAL1 or HYAL2 were inoculated into SCID mice (10 and 12 mice respectively). Tumours grew in eight mice inoculated with HYAL1. Ectopic HYAL1 was deleted in all of them. HYAL2 was inoculated into 12 mice and only four tumours were obtained. In 3 of them the gene was deleted. In one tumour it was present but not expressed. As expected for tumour suppressor genes HYAL1 and HYAL2 were down-expressed in 15 fresh lung squamous cell carcinomas (100%) and clear cell RCC tumours (60-67%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results suggest that the expression of either gene has led to inhibition of tumour growth in vivo without noticeable effect on growth in vitro. HYAL1 and HYAL2 thus differ in this aspect from other tumour suppressors like P53 or RASSF1A that inhibit growth both in vitro and in vivo. Targeting the microenvironment of cancer cells is one of the most promising venues of cancer therapeutics. As major hyaluronidases in human cells, HYAL1 and HYAL2 may control intercellular interactions and microenvironment of tumour cells providing excellent targets for cancer treatment