3 research outputs found
Marketing plan of Astander
RESUMEN: A través del presente trabajo se va a realizar un plan de Marketing de una empresa industrial, en concreto de un astillero naval situado en el municipio El Astillero para la introducción de un nuevo servicio ligado directamente a las fuertes políticas medioambientales del sector naval.
El tráfico marítimo es uno de los responsables del aumento de emisiones de gases contaminantes y del efecto invernadero liberados a la atmósfera anualmente, en consecuencia, los estados y organizaciones se han visto forzados a tomar medidas más rígidas y más estrictas por los efectos nocivos de estas emisiones en el medioambiente y en la salud humana.
La finalidad del proyecto aparte de la elaboración del plan de Marketing es dar a conocer una idea innovadora, poco conocida y poco accesible en este sector, ya que cada vez se establecen normativas reguladoras más duras sobre este tema.
El objetivo es proponer un nuevo servicio de repostaje de combustible para buques, que consistiría en establecer un depósito en el astillero donde los barcos podrían acudir para repostar sus tanques con un combustible menos contaminante como es el GNL (gas natural licuado).
En una primera parte se describirán la misión, la visión y los valores de la empresa. Posteriormente se llevarán a cabo tanto un análisis externo como interno de la misma, para ello se analizarán el macroentorno y el microentorno que la rodea, así como sus recursos y capacidades. Pudiendo establecer un diagnóstico más preciso sobre la situación de la organización
Una vez realizados estos dos análisis, se construirá la matriz DAFO de la empresa, para poder obtener datos sobre las diferentes aéreas de acción que la afectan, por lo que se podrá alertar de las debilidades y amenazas, a la vez que destacar las fortalezas y oportunidades que se presentan para poder con ellas subsanar las anteriores.
Más adelante para el desarrollo del plan de Marketing se fijarán unos objetivos y unas estrategias. Para poder llevar a cabo dichos objetivos y estrategias se implantarán un conjunto de acciones y herramientas para poder efectuarlas.
Por último, se proporcionarán unas conclusiones finales que sintetizarán y ofrecerán una visión global de lo descrito anteriormente.ABSTRACT: Through this work will be carried out a marketing plan for an industrial company, namely a shipyard located in the municipality of El Astillero for the introduction of a new service directly linked to the strong environmental policies of the naval sector.
Maritime traffic is responsible for the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere annually, and states and organizations have been forced to take stricter and stricter measures for the harmful effects of these emissions In the environment and in human health.
The purpose of the project apart from the elaboration of the Marketing plan is to make known a new innovative idea, little known and little accessible in this sector, since increasingly more stringent regulatory regulations are established on this topic.
The objective is to propose a new fuel refueling service for ships, which would consist of establishing a deposit at the shipyard where ships could come to refuel their tanks with a less polluting fuel such as liquefied natural gas.
In the first part, the mission, vision and values of the company will be described. Subsequently, both an external and internal analysis will be carried out. The macro-environment and the micro-environment surrounding it, as well as its resources and capabilities, will be analyzed. Being able to establish a more precise diagnosis on the situation of the company.
Once these two analyzes have been carried out, the company's SWOT matrix will be built, in order to obtain data on the different areas of action that affect it, so that it can be alerted to weaknesses and threats, while highlighting the strengths and Opportunities presented to enable them to rectify the above.
Later on for the development of the Marketing Plan will set some goals and strategies. In order to carry out these objectives and strategies, a set of actions and tools will be implemented to carry them out.
Finally, we will provide final conclusions that will synthesize and provide an overview of what has been described above.Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa
A population-based study of cognitive impairment in socially vulnerable adults in Argentina. The Matanza Riachuelo Study. Preliminary Results
Population aging has taken place intensively worldwide, even in developing countries. These countries have population groups with low resources and basic unmet needs that are frequently omitted from epidemiological studies. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of cognitive impairment (CI) and dementia in an economic and socially vulnerable population from Argentina. METHODS: A door-to-door observational population-based survey among adults over 60 years of cognitive impairment and dementia in the social vulnerable area of the Matanza Riachuelo Basin, in the suburban area of Buenos Aires, Argentina was conducted. Trained psychologists interviewed subjects and a proxy informant. A standardized protocol including a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Geriatric Depression Scale and a functional inventory for IADL and ADL was administered. Diagnoses were divided into three general categories: normal cognitive function, cognitive impairment-no dementia (CIND) and dementia. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A total of 2437 elderly persons were assessed, of which 73.6% fulfilled inclusion criteria. The prevalence of CI among those over 60 was 26.4% (18.1% CIND and 8.3% dementia) with higher prevalence of dementia in younger individuals than rates reported in developed counties, probably due to low control of vascular risk factors. This information can help inform health public decisions in the generation of programs and plans for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment in this type of socially vulnerable population
A population-based study of cognitive impairment in socially vulnerable adults in Argentina. The Matanza Riachuelo Study. Preliminary Results
Population aging has taken place intensively worldwide, even in developing countries. These countries have population groups with low resources and basic unmet needs that are frequently omitted from epidemiological studies. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of cognitive impairment (CI) and dementia in an economic and socially vulnerable population from Argentina. METHODS: A door-to-door observational population-based survey among adults over 60 years of cognitive impairment and dementia in the social vulnerable area of the Matanza Riachuelo Basin, in the suburban area of Buenos Aires, Argentina was conducted. Trained psychologists interviewed subjects and a proxy informant. A standardized protocol including a socio-demographic questionnaire, the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Geriatric Depression Scale and a functional inventory for IADL and ADL was administered. Diagnoses were divided into three general categories: normal cognitive function, cognitive impairment-no dementia (CIND) and dementia. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: A total of 2437 elderly persons were assessed, of which 73.6% fulfilled inclusion criteria. The prevalence of CI among those over 60 was 26.4% (18.1% CIND and 8.3% dementia) with higher prevalence of dementia in younger individuals than rates reported in developed counties, probably due to low control of vascular risk factors. This information can help inform health public decisions in the generation of programs and plans for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment in this type of socially vulnerable population