22,519 research outputs found

    Phase transitions in Ising model on a Euclidean network

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    A one dimensional network on which there are long range bonds at lattice distances l>1l>1 with the probability P(l)lδP(l) \propto l^{-\delta} has been taken under consideration. We investigate the critical behavior of the Ising model on such a network where spins interact with these extra neighbours apart from their nearest neighbours for 0δ<20 \leq \delta < 2. It is observed that there is a finite temperature phase transition in the entire range. For 0δ<10 \leq \delta < 1, finite size scaling behaviour of various quantities are consistent with mean field exponents while for 1δ21\leq \delta\leq 2, the exponents depend on δ\delta. The results are discussed in the context of earlier observations on the topology of the underlying network.Comment: 7 pages, revtex4, 7 figures; to appear in Physical Review E, minor changes mad

    Inverse cascades in turbulence and the case of rotating flows

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    We first summarize briefly several properties concerning the dynamics of two-dimensional (2D) turbulence, with an emphasis on the inverse cascade of energy to the largest accessible scale of the system. In order to study a similar phenomenon in three-dimensional (3D) turbulence undergoing strong solid-body rotation, we test a previously developed Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model against a high-resolution direct numerical simulation of rotating turbulence on a grid of 307233072^3 points. We then describe new numerical results on the inverse energy cascade in rotating flows using this LES model and contrast the case of 2D versus 3D forcing, as well as non-helical forcing (i.e., with weak overall alignment between velocity and vorticity) versus the fully helical Beltrami case, both for deterministic and random forcing. The different scaling of the inverse energy cascade can be attributed to the dimensionality of the forcing, with, in general, either a k3k_{\perp}^{-3} or a k5/3k_{\perp}^{-5/3} energy spectrum of slow modes at large scales, perpendicular referring to the direction of rotation. We finally invoke the role of shear in the case of a strongly anisotropic deterministic forcing, using the so-called ABC flow.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Cosmology in scalar tensor theory and asymptotically de-Sitter Universe

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    We have investigated the cosmological scenarios with a four dimensional effective action which is connected with multidimensional, supergravity and string theories. The solution for the scale factor is such that initially universe undergoes a decelerated expansion but in late times it enters into the accelerated expansion phase. Infact, it asymptotically becomes a de-Sitter universe. The dilaton field in our model is a decreasing function of time and it becomes a constant in late time resulting the exit from the scalar tensor theory to the standard Einstein's gravity. Also the dilaton field results the existence of a positive cosmological constant in late times.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex Style, 6 Postscript figure

    Dyon Spectrum in CHL Models

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    We propose a formula for the degeneracy of quarter BPS dyons in a class of CHL models. The formula uses a modular form of a subgroup of the genus two modular group Sp(2,Z). Our proposal is S-duality invariant and reproduces correctly the entropy of a dyonic black hole to first non-leading order for large values of the charges.Comment: LaTeX file, 38 pages, minor changes in section 3.3(v2), minor changes in introduction, appendix A and C(v3

    On the universality of distribution of ranked cluster masses at critical percolation

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    The distribution of masses of clusters smaller than the infinite cluster is evaluated at the percolation threshold. The clusters are ranked according to their masses and the distribution P(M/LD,r)P(M/L^D,r) of the scaled masses M for any rank r shows a universal behaviour for different lattice sizes L (D is the fractal dimension). For different ranks however, there is a universal distribution function only in the large rank limit, i.e., P(M/LD,r)ryζg(Mry/LD)P(M/L^D,r)r^{-y\zeta } \sim g(Mr^y/L^D) (y and ζ\zeta are defined in the text), where the universal scaling function g is found to be Gaussian in nature.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in J. Phys.

    Dyon Spectrum in N=4 Supersymmetric Type II String Theories

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    We compute the spectrum of quarter BPS dyons in freely acting Z_2 and Z_3 orbifolds of type II string theory compactified on a six dimensional torus. For large charges the result for statistical entropy computed from the degeneracy formula agrees with the corresponding black hole entropy to first non-leading order after taking into account corrections due to the curvature squared terms in the effective action. The result is significant since in these theories the entropy of a small black hole, computed using the curvature squared corrections to the effective action, fails to reproduce the statistical entropy associated with elementary string states.Comment: LaTeX file, 32 pages; v2:minor change

    Dyon Spectrum in Generic N=4 Supersymmetric Z_N Orbifolds

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    We find the exact spectrum of a class of quarter BPS dyons in a generic N=4 supersymmetric Z_N orbifold of type IIA string theory on K3\times T^2 or T^6. We also find the asymptotic expansion of the statistical entropy to first non-leading order in inverse power of charges and show that it agrees with the entropy of a black hole carrying same set of charges after taking into account the effect of the four derivative Gauss-Bonnet term in the effective action of the theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 39 pages; minor change

    Channel Capacities versus Entanglement Measures in Multiparty Quantum States

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    For quantum states of two subsystems, entanglement measures are related to capacities of communication tasks -- highly entangled states give higher capacity of transmitting classical as well as quantum information. However, we show that this is no more the case in general: quantum capacities of multi-access channels, motivated by communication in quantum networks, do not have any relation with genuine multiparty entanglement measures. Along with revealing the structural richness of multi-access channel capacities, this gives us a tool to classify multiparty quantum states from the perspective of its usefulness in quantum networks, which cannot be visualized by known multiparty entanglement measures.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX4; v2: minor changes, some implications strengthene

    Black Hole Microstates and Attractor Without Supersymmetry

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    Due to the attractor mechanism, the entropy of an extremal black hole does not vary continuously as we vary the asymptotic values of various moduli fields. Using this fact we argue that the entropy of an extremal black hole in string theory, calculated for a range of values of the asymptotic moduli for which the microscopic theory is strongly coupled, should match the statistical entropy of the same system calculated for a range of values of the asymptotic moduli for which the microscopic theory is weakly coupled. This argument does not rely on supersymmetry and applies equally well to nonsupersymmetric extremal black holes. We discuss several examples which support this argument and also several caveats which could invalidate this argument.Comment: 50 pages; references adde