20 research outputs found


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    The article deals with legal position of individuals who work in various nonstandard forms of employment in Slovenia. The author analyses labour law protection and social position of workers, carrying out the work in forms of temporary work (fixed-term employment, temporary and occasional work of students and retired people), in employment relationships with more than two parties (temporary agency work), and also the position of false self-employed and economically dependent persons. It is evident that these forms of work are not precarious on their own, since Slovenian legislation provides the workers with rather proper protection during the period, in which they work, and moreover, these workers are also entitled to rights from social insurance schemes (in narrower of broader scope). The situation is different in cases of abuse of these forms of work and in cases of false self-employed persons and other disguised employees, when workers are only entitled to a limited scope of rights in spite of working in relationships with elements of a standard employment relationship. In order to prevent these cases, not only additional legislation solutions and labour market measures are needed, but labour inspection will also have to be increased and furthermore, the awareness of employers and the society regarding long-term impacts of use of such non-standard forms of work will have to be raised.Članak se bavi pravnim položajem osoba koje obavljaju rad u različitim nestandardnim oblicima rada u Sloveniji. Autorica analizira radnopravnu zaštitu i socijalnopravni položaj radnika koji rade u nekom od oblika privremenog rada (radni odnos na određeno vrijeme, privremeni i povremeni rad studenata i umirovljenika), s nepunim radnim vremenom (ugovor o radu s nepunim radnim vremenom), u radnim odnosima u kojima se javljaju više od dvije stranke (privremeni agencijski rad), kao i položaj prividno samozaposlenih osoba i ekonomski ovisnih osoba. Očito je da ovi oblici rada nisu prekarni sami po sebi jer slovensko zakonodavstvo jamči radnicima zaštitu tijekom razdoblja u kojem rade te ovi radnici imaju prava (u užem ili širem opsegu) iz sustava socijalnog osiguranja. Situacija je drukčija kod zloupotrebe ovih oblika rada i prividno samozaposlenih osoba ili drugih prikrivenih posloprimaca, kada radnici uživaju samo ograničeni opseg prava, iako rad obavljaju u odnosima koji imaju elemente standardnoga radnog odnosa. Kako bi se spriječili takvi slučajevi, potrebna su ne samo dodatna zakonska rješenja i mjere tržišta rada, već i jačanje inspekcije rada te svjesnosti poslodavaca i društva o dugoročnim učincima korištenja takvih nestandardnih oblika rada.Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit der rechtlichen Position von Personen, welche in unterschiedlichen Nichtstandardarbeitsverhältnissen in Slowenien stehen, ein. Der arbeitsrechtliche Schutz und die rechtliche Position der Arbeiter in unterschiedlichen temporären Arbeitsformen (befristetes Arbeitsverhältnis, befristete Beschäftigung von Studenten und Rentnern) sowie auch in den Arbeitsverhältnissen, welche mehr als zwei Parteien betreffen (befristete Leiharbeit), werden in diesem Beitrag analysiert. Ebenfalls bespricht der Beitrag die Position der scheinselbstständigen und wirtschaftlich abhängigen Personen. Es ist offensichtlich, dass diese Arbeitsformen per se nicht prekär sind, weil die slowenische Gesetzgebung den Arbeitern während solcher Arbeitsverhältnissen einen angemessenen Schutz bietet. Gleichzeitig haben sie Recht auf Sozialversicherung (in unterschiedlichem Umfang). Die Situation ist anders, wenn es sich um Misshandlungen dieser Arbeitsformen, Scheinselbstständigkeit, und um verschleierte Arbeitsverhältnisse handelt, bei welchen die Rechte der Arbeiter eingeschränkt sind, ungeachtet der Tatsache, dass ihre Arbeitsverhältnisse die Elemente der Standardarbeitsverhältnisse aufzeigen. Um solche Fälle vorzubeugen, ist es notwendig, nicht nur zusätzliche Gesetzesbeschlüsse und Maßnahmen bezüglich des Arbeitsmarktes zu verabschieden, sondern auch den Einfluss der Arbeitsinspektion zu erhöhen. Nicht weniger wichtig ist es, das Bewusstsein der Arbeitgeber und der Gesellschaft für die Langzeitwirkung solcher Nichtstandardarbeitsverhältnisse zu steigern.Il contributo tratta della posizione legale dei singoli che prestano attività lavorativa sotto varie forme di impiego atipiche in Slovenia. L’autrice analizza la protezione giuslavoristica e la posizione sociale dei lavoratori, mettendo in rilievo il lavoro nelle forme del lavoro temporaneo (impiego a tempo determinato, lavoro temporaneo ed occasionale degli studenti e dei pensionati), dei rapporti di lavoro con più di due parti (lavoro interinale temporaneo), come pure la posizione dei falsi lavoratori autonomi e delle persone economicamente dipendenti. E’ evidente che queste non sono forme di lavoro precario di per sé in quanto il legislatore sloveno tutela i lavoratori con standard di protezione piuttosto appropriati durante il periodo in cui lavorano e, per dipiù, questi lavoratori vantano i diritti previsti dalle strutture della previdenza sociale. La situazione è differente nel caso di abuso di queste forme di lavoro e in caso di falsi lavoratori autonomi e di altri impiegati camuffati, quando i lavoratori vantano diritti limitati benché svolgano mansioni che hanno elementi di lavoro tipico. Al fine di evitare tali situazioni, sono necessarie non soltanto ulteriori soluzioni giuridiche e misure di tutela del mercato del lavoro, ma occorre anche un rafforzamento dell’ispezione del lavoro ed uno sviluppo della consapevolezza dei datori di lavoro e della società circa gli effetti a lungo termine dell’utilizzo di tali forme di lavoro atipico


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    In the Republic of Slovenia, the Companies Act in force regulates the position of directors only from the perspective of the functioning of a commercial company and not also from the perspective of the protection of their personal position. With reference to such, the Companies Act suggests that a contract be concluded between the commercial company and its director (a contract to perform the function of director). In practice, the aforementioned contract is as a general rule concluded as an employment contract and only rarely as a civil-law contact. The Employment Relations Act namely allows that a contractual relation between a company and a director be regulated as an employment relation and at the same time determines certain particularities of the labour-law position of directors, which the author discusses in the present article. The question that the author raises in this respect is whether and under what conditions a contract to perform the function of director can be an employment contract. Employment contracts namely regulate employment relations which are defi ned by the subordinate position of employees and the condition of work carried out upon instructions provided by employers and under their supervision.Važeći slovenski Zakon o poduzećima regulira položaj direktora jedino iz perspektive funkcioniranja trgovačkog društva, ali ne i s pozicije zaštite njihove osobne pozicije. Imajući to u vidu Zakon o poduzećima sugerira da zaključenje ugovora izmedu trgovačkog poduzeća i njegovog direktora (ugovor o obnašanju funkcije direktora). U praksi je takav ugovor po pravilu ugovor o zapošljavanju, a rijetko je kada civilno-pravni ugovor. U članku autor diskutira o tome da Zakon o radnim odnosima izričito dozvoljava da se ugovorni odnos između poduzeća i direktora regulira kao odnos o zapošljavanju čime se istodobno određuju određene radnopravne posebnosti u poziciji direktora. Pitanje koje autor postavlja tiče se uvjeta pod kojima ugovor koji omogućuje direktorsku funkciju može postati ugovor o zapošljavanju. Naime, ugovori o zapošljavanju reguliraju odnose zaposlenja koji su defi nirani podređenom pozicijom zaposlenika i uvjetima rada koje su date u instrukcijama koje osigurava i kontrolira poslodavac

    How to Improve the Protection of Employees-Whistleblowers in Slovenia by Implementing the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive

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    Workers and public employees reporting unlawful or harmful conduct in Slovenia are granted special protection only by specific acts, whereas they also enjoy general labour-law protection as employees. The paper addresses the state of their protection as provided by the applicable sectoral legislation relating to the prevention of corruption and to reporting of irregularities in banking and financial sectors, as well as by general labour legislation. Based on the analysis of the material and personal scope of the existing protection, the regulation of reporting channels, the possibility of public disclosure, the legally defined protective measures, and the institutional framework, the author adopts a position on the possibility to update this protection by proper implementation of the EU Directive 2019/1937.The project is co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the Fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe

    The self-employed, economically dependent persons or employees?

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00


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    SAŽETAK: U radu se analiziraju atipični oblici zapošljavanja i organizacije rada, s posebnim težištem na uvjete rada radnika te njihovu zaštitu od psihosocijalnih rizika i stresa na radu, u svjetlu obveza država članica EU-a i europskih socijalnih partnera u ovome području zaštite sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu. Autorice daju komparativnopravnu analizu te iznose prijedloge de lege ferenda.SUMMARY: Analysed in the paper are the atypical forms of employment and work organisation, with special accent on the work conditions and the protection of workers from psycho-social risks and work related stress, all in the light of the obligations of the EU member states and European social partners in this field of safety and health at work. The authors provide a comparative legal analysis and submit propositions de lege ferenda


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    SAŽETAK: U radu se analiziraju atipični oblici zapošljavanja i organizacije rada, s posebnim težištem na uvjete rada radnika te njihovu zaštitu od psihosocijalnih rizika i stresa na radu, u svjetlu obveza država članica EU-a i europskih socijalnih partnera u ovome području zaštite sigurnosti i zdravlja na radu. Autorice daju komparativnopravnu analizu te iznose prijedloge de lege ferenda.SUMMARY: Analysed in the paper are the atypical forms of employment and work organisation, with special accent on the work conditions and the protection of workers from psycho-social risks and work related stress, all in the light of the obligations of the EU member states and European social partners in this field of safety and health at work. The authors provide a comparative legal analysis and submit propositions de lege ferenda


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    Obavljanje nekog rada za drugoga može se zasnivati na različitim pravnim temeljima pa se i pravni položaj osoba koje obavljaju rad razlikuje ovisno o tome rade li na temelju nekog ugovora građanskog prava (primjerice, ugovora o djelu) ili ugovora o radu (kada je osoba u radnome odnosu). Radno pravo jamči zaštitu radnicima koji su zbog podređenosti i ekonomske ovisnosti o poslodavcu slabija strana u radnome odnosu. Zato je važno odrediti pojam radnika i radnog odnosa. U radu se analiziraju rješenja Preporuke MOR-a br. 198, zakonsko uređenje radnog odnosa u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj, pokazatelji radnoga odnosa, utvrđivanje radnoga odnosa u praksi inspekcije rada i sudskoj praksi, kao i položaj ekonomski ovisnih osoba.There are different legal grounds on which the work for another person can be performed, whereas the legal status of persons performing work depends on the type of contract involved, namely civil law contract (e.g. contract of service) or contract of employment (when persons are in employment relationships). Labour law guarantees the protection of workers who are, due to their subordination to and economic dependence on the employer, the weaker contracting party in employment relationships. Because of this, identifying the notions of worker and employment relationship is particularly important. The authors analyse the provisions of the ILO Recommendation No. 198; the statutory regulation of the employment relationship in Slovenia and Croatia; indicators of the existence of employment relationship, determination of the existence of an employment relationship in practice by the labour inspection as well as in case-law, and the legal status of economically dependent persons.Leistung einer Arbeit kann auf unterschiedlichen Rechtsgrundlagen beruhen. Demzufolge hängt die rechtliche Stellung arbeitsleistender Person davon ab, ob die Person aufgrund eines Werk- oder Arbeitsvertrags eine Arbeit leistet. Das Arbeitsrecht schützt die dem Arbeitnehmer untergeordnete und wegen wirtschaftlicher Abhängigkeit schwächere Partei. Deshalb ist es wichtig, die Begriffe “Arbeiter” und “Arbeitsverhältnis” zu bestimmen. In der Arbeit werden Empfehlungen der ILO Nr. 198, die Gesetzesregelung des Arbeitsverhältnisses in Slowenien und Kroatien, Anzeichen für das Vorliegen eines Arbeitsverhältnisses, Feststellung des Arbeitsverhältnisses in der Praxis der Arbeitsaufsichtsbehörde und der Rechtsprechung, sowie auch die Stellung wirtschaftlich abhängiger Personen analysiert.La prestazione di un attività per terzi si può fondare su diversi basi giuridiche; così anche la posizione giuridica delle persone che prestano l’attività è differente a seconda che prestino tale attività sulla base di un contratto di diritto privato (ad es. contratto d’opera) oppure di un contratto di diritto del lavoro (quando la persona è in un rapporto di lavoro subordinato). Il diritto del lavoro garantisce tutela ai lavoratori, i quali in ragione della subordinazione e della dipendenza economica dal datore di lavoro costituiscono la parte contraente debole nel rapporto di lavoro. Per questo motivo è importante determinare la nozione di lavoratore e di rapporto di lavoro. Nel lavoro si analizzano le soluzioni della Raccomandazione dell’ILO n. 198, la disciplina giuridica del rapporto di lavoro in Slovenia ed in Croazia, gli elementi del rapporto di lavoro, l’accertamento del rapporto di lavoro nella prassi dell’ispettorato del lavoro e nella giurisprudenza, come anche la posizione economica delle persone dipendenti


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    U radu se obrađuju ugovorni odnosi u vezi s privremenim agencijskim radom, i to posebnosti ugovora o radu između agencije (kao poslodavca) i radnika, ugovorni odnos između agencije i korisnika te faktični odnos između korisnika i agencijskih radnika. Ti su ugovorni odnosi analizirani s aspekta hrvatskoga i slovenskog radnog prava, prava EU-a i dobre prakse nekoliko europskih država.This article analyses the contractual relationships concerning temporary agency work: specificities of the employment contract between the agency (as an employer) and worker; contractual relationship between agency and the user undertaking and the factual relationship between the user and agency workers. Concerning the employment relationship between the agency and worker, the analysis focuses on the fact that only legal subject that fulfils specific conditions can operate as an agency; further, on the duration of the employment relationship, the workplace, rights and the termination of the employment relationship. Despite the fact that the agency and the user conclude the commercial contract, those contractual parties are limited by the labour law rules that are the object of the analysis in this article. Thirdly, the article deals with the relationship between the agency worker and user, that is not formalized by the conclusion of the contract, but regulated by the labour legislation, that prescribes the workers’ rights and its impact on the user’s stable workers’ rights. The authors analyse the mentioned contractual relationships as regulated in Croatian and Slovenian labour law, as well as by EU law, giving the examples of good practice used in some European countries.Dieser Beitrag bespricht die Leiharbeitsverhältnisse, und zwar, die Besonderheiten von Arbeitsverträgen zwischen dem Verleiher (als Arbeitgeber) und dem Arbeitnehmer sowie auch das Verhältnis zwischen den Nutzern und den Leiharbeitern. Beim Arbeitsverhältnis zwischen dem Verleiher und dem Arbeitnehmer wird vor allem die Tatsache, dass der Verleiher nur dasjenige Rechtssubjekt sein kann, welches die besonderen Voraussetzungen dafür erfüllt, analysiert. Die Bestimmung der Dauer des Arbeitsverhältnisses, der Ort der Arbeit, die Besonderheiten bezüglich der Rechte sowie auch die Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses werden besprochen. Der Verleiher und der Nutzer schließen einen Vertrag aus dem Bereich des Handelsrechts und trotzdem sind sie durch die in diesem Beitrag analysierten Regeln des Arbeitsrechts beschränkt. Das dritte Verhältnis, das in diesem Beitrag besprochen wird, bezieht sich auf das Verhältnis zwischen den Nutzern und den Leiharbeitern, welches durch die Vertragsschließung nicht formalisiert wird, sondern vom Arbeitsrechtsgesetzgebung sowohl bezüglich der Rechte von Leiharbeitern als auch bezüglich dessen Einflusses auf die Arbeitsverhältnisse der Arbeiter von Nutzern geregelt wird. Diese Vertragsverhältnisse werden aus der Perspektive des kroatischen und des slowenischen Arbeitsrechts sowie auch des EU-Rechtes und der bewährten Verfahren einiger europäischen Staaten analysiert.agenzia. Precisamente, si esaminano le particolarità del contratto di lavoro tra l\u27agenzia (in qualità di datore di lavoro) ed il lavoratore; il rapporto contrattuale tra l\u27agenzia e l\u27utente, come anche il rapporto di fatto tra l\u27utente ed il lavoratore dell\u27agenzia. Quando si tratta del rapporto di lavoro tra l\u27agenzia ed il lavoratore si analizza in primo luogo il fatto che si qualifica come agenzia soltanto quel soggetto giuridico che soddisfa dei criteri particolari. Si disamina anche la questione della determinazione della durata del rapporto di lavoro, del luogo in cu vengono compiute le mansioni, le particolarità legate ai diritti derivanti come anche il termine del rapporto di lavoro. L\u27agenzia e l\u27utente pur concludendo un contratto di diritto commerciale, incontrano nel loro rapporto limiti derivanti dal diritto del lavoro analizzati nel contributo. Il terzo rapporto che viene analizzato nel contributo è quello tra l\u27utente ed il lavoratore, rapporto non formalizzato mediante la conclusione di un contratto, bensì regolato dalla legislazione giuslavorista sia sotto il profilo dei diritti dei lavoratori dell\u27agenzia, sia sotto il profilo della sua influenza sui rapporti di lavoro dei lavoratori dell\u27utente. Tali rapporti contrattuali si disaminano nei diritti del lavoro croato e sloveno, come anche nel diritto dell\u27UE e nella good practice di alcuni paesi europei

    Developments in Labour Law from a Comparative Perspective

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    The “Labour Law Education Society”, established in 2012, is one of the academic networks which were brought to life to study labour law from a comparative perspective. This monograph is a result of research made by LLES Members. In its contents latest issues of labour law are being presented. Hence, the essence of the presented studies would be interesting for those who analyze labour law from a comparative perspective. A dynamic development of labour law, connected with its social, political and economic conditions is a reason to study it from many different views. This monograph attempts to accomplish this objective


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    In the Republic of Slovenia, the Companies Act in force regulates the position of directors only from the perspective of the functioning of a commercial company and not also from the perspective of the protection of their personal position. With reference to such, the Companies Act suggests that a contract be concluded between the commercial company and its director (a contract to perform the function of director). In practice, the aforementioned contract is as a general rule concluded as an employment contract and only rarely as a civil-law contact. The Employment Relations Act namely allows that a contractual relation between a company and a director be regulated as an employment relation and at the same time determines certain particularities of the labour-law position of directors, which the author discusses in the present article. The question that the author raises in this respect is whether and under what conditions a contract to perform the function of director can be an employment contract. Employment contracts namely regulate employment relations which are defi ned by the subordinate position of employees and the condition of work carried out upon instructions provided by employers and under their supervision.Važeći slovenski Zakon o poduzećima regulira položaj direktora jedino iz perspektive funkcioniranja trgovačkog društva, ali ne i s pozicije zaštite njihove osobne pozicije. Imajući to u vidu Zakon o poduzećima sugerira da zaključenje ugovora izmedu trgovačkog poduzeća i njegovog direktora (ugovor o obnašanju funkcije direktora). U praksi je takav ugovor po pravilu ugovor o zapošljavanju, a rijetko je kada civilno-pravni ugovor. U članku autor diskutira o tome da Zakon o radnim odnosima izričito dozvoljava da se ugovorni odnos između poduzeća i direktora regulira kao odnos o zapošljavanju čime se istodobno određuju određene radnopravne posebnosti u poziciji direktora. Pitanje koje autor postavlja tiče se uvjeta pod kojima ugovor koji omogućuje direktorsku funkciju može postati ugovor o zapošljavanju. Naime, ugovori o zapošljavanju reguliraju odnose zaposlenja koji su defi nirani podređenom pozicijom zaposlenika i uvjetima rada koje su date u instrukcijama koje osigurava i kontrolira poslodavac