50 research outputs found

    Abordaje terap茅utico sobre el pensamiento referencial en un caso de Trastorno Esquizot铆pico de la Personalidad

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    En el presente estudio se describe el procedimiento de evaluaci贸n y abordaje terap茅utico de un caso con trastorno esquizot铆pico de la personalidad. La intervenci贸n llevada a cabo fue de corte cognitivo-conductual. Paralelamente se realiza un seguimiento de una medida fundamental de dicho trastorno: del pensamiento referencial, por medio de series temporales breves. En dicho an谩lisis se obtiene una evidente, aunque progresiva, disminuci贸n del criterio. Los resultados post-tratamiento muestran una mejora general en todos los aspectos: destacando las relaciones interpersonales, la ausencia de alucinaciones, aumento de la capacidad de disfrute, disminuci贸n del contenido inusual del pensamiento, interpretaciones err贸neas de la realidad, agresividad y lenguaje inusual. Perdura levemente la distraibilidad, suspicacia y la desorganizaci贸n conceptual

    The Role of Negative Affect in Emotional Processing of Food-Related Images in Eating Disorders and Obesity

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze differences in the emotional processing (valence, arousal, and dominance) of food-related information in patients with eating disorders (ED), patients with obesity, and healthy women. Moreover, the mediator role of negative affect and the moderating role of the diagnostic group (ED vs. non-ED) were analyzed. Method: The sample consisted of 94 women (39 with eating disorders, 19 with obesity, and 36 healthy participants). Measures: International Affective Picture System (IAPS) food picture exposure task; Self-Assessment Manikin Analog-Visual Scale (SAM) appraising Arousal, Valence, and Dominance; Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26); Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Results: Patients with purging symptomatology rated food images as more unpleasant than healthy women. Patients with purging and restrictive eating symptomatology showed higher levels of arousal and less dominance over the emotions experienced, compared to patients with obesity and healthy women. The mediation analysis showed that negative affect mediated the relationship between eating symptomatology (EAT-26) and the Valence of food images, as well as the control over the emotions experienced when viewing food images (Dominance). For the moderation analysis participants were regrouped into two groups (ED patients vs. non-ED patients). The direct relationship between eating symptomatology and food image valence was moderated by the diagnostic group. However, the group did not moderate the direct relationship between the EAT-26 and dominance over experienced emotions, or the indirect effect on eating symptomatology through negative affect. These results show the relevance of negative affect in the emotional processing of food-related information, and they support an eating disorder-disordered eating dimensional perspective.This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the research project (PSI2014-51920-R)

    Aplicaciones m贸viles para evaluaci贸n e intervenci贸n en trastornos emocionales: una revisi贸n sistem谩tica

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    Durante los 煤ltimos a帽os ha proliferado el uso de las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC) para mejorar la efectividad y eficiencia de la intervenci贸n psicol贸gica, incluy茅ndose en este grupo el uso de apps para dispositivos m贸viles. Objetivo: Examinar la disponibilidad de apps puestas a pruebas emp铆ricamente para el tratamiento psicol贸gico de los trastornos emocionales. M茅todo: Se realiz贸 una b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica de trabajos publicados desde 2016 en las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science y PubMed. Se seleccionaron aquellos art铆culos que estudiaban el funcionamiento de una app en poblaci贸n adulta para la intervenci贸n psicol贸gica en trastornos emocionales (trastornos de ansiedad, depresivos, l铆mite de la personalidad, somatoformes y disociativos). La selecci贸n de los estudios incluidos se llev贸 a cabo por dos revisores, que resolvieron las discrepancias mediante consenso. Resultados: De 485 art铆culos identificados, se seleccionaron 14 para la revisi贸n sistem谩tica. Los resultados se presentan en funci贸n del trastorno emocional al que va dirigido la app. Conclusiones: la disponibilidad de apps emp铆ricamente validadas para la intervenci贸n en trastornos emocionales, si bien ha aumentado durante los 煤ltimos a帽os, es todav铆a limitada. Sin embargo, existen resultados prometedores que apuntan hacia la importancia de seguir desarrollando y estudiando la eficacia y efectividad del uso de apps para potenciar la calidad y eficiencia de la atenci贸n psicol贸gic

    Mobile applications in Spanish for assesment and intervention in Mental Health: A systematic review

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    Antecedentes: En salud mental se est谩 incorporando el uso de aplicaciones m贸viles (apps) en evaluaci贸n e intervenci贸n para mejorar el proceso y los resultados terap茅uticos. Objetivo: examinar la disponibilidad de apps en castellano para evaluaci贸n e intervenci贸n en salud mental con poblaci贸n cl铆nica y no cl铆nica. M茅todo: b煤squeda de literatura cient铆fica publicada durante los 煤ltimos cinco a帽os en Scopus, PubMed y PSYCinfo. Se seleccionaron aquellos art铆culos que estudiaban el funcionamiento de apps en poblaci贸n adulta espa帽ola para evaluaci贸n y/o intervenci贸n en salud mental. Resultados: De 193 art铆culos identificados, 11 fueron seleccionados para la revisi贸n sistem谩tica. Se presentan los resultados seg煤n la poblaci贸n atendida (poblaci贸n general y poblaci贸n cl铆nica) y, dentro de poblaci贸n cl铆nica, seg煤n la sintomatolog铆a abordada. Conclusiones: Aunque el uso de apps en castellano en el 谩mbito de la salud mental es limitado, existen resultados prometedores que apuntan hacia la necesidad de seguir estudiando este campo para potenciar la calidad y eficiencia de la atenci贸n en salud mental.Background: In mental health, the use of mobile applications (apps) in assesment and intervention is being incorporated to improve the therapeutic process and outcomes. Objective: to examine the availability of mobile applications in Spanish for the evaluation and intervention in mental health with clinical and non-clinical population. Method: A search of scientific literature published during the last five years in Scopus, PubMed and PSYCinfo. Those articles that studied the functioning of a mobile application for assesment or intervention in mental health in adult population from Spain were selected. Results: Of 193 articles identified, 11 were selected for the systematic review. Results are presented according to the population attended (general population or clinical population) and within the clinical population, according to the symptoms addressed. Conclusions: Although the use of mobile applications in Spanish in the field of mental health is still limited, there are promising results that point to the need for further field to enhance the quality and efficiency of mental health care

    Validation of a Spanish Version of the Physical Appearance Comparison Scales

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    Physical appearance comparison has been widely studied because of its strong relationship with body dissatisfaction and disordered eating. The main objective of this study was to validate the physical appearance comparison scales (PACS-Revised and PACS-3) in a sample of Spanish men and women and examine their psychometric properties. The sample consisted of 1151 participants (age M = 22.31, SD = 3.40). A unidimensional structure was corroborated in the PACS-R, and three factors in the PACS-3 (proximal, distal, and muscularity comparisons). The PACS-R and PACS-3 showed full scalar invariance across sex. The internal consistency for the PACS-R and subscales of PACS-3 were satisfactory. Positive statistically significant relationships were found with measures of disordered eating (EAT-26) and dysmorphic concern (DCQ). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses demonstrated that the PACS-3 discretely improved the prediction of disordered eating over PACS-R, but did not show improvement in the prediction of dysmorphic concern beyond the PACS-R. These findings suggest that the PACS-R and PACS-3 may be useful tools for evaluating the tendency of men and women to compare their physical appearance

    Examining the structure of ideas of reference in clinical and community samples

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    Aims: This study addresses the psychometric properties of a Spanish validation of the REF scale of ideas of reference (IRs) in detecting and following at-risk mental states and psychosis. Methods: A total of 9447 participants were distributed in three groups: 676 patients with various diagnoses-154 with psychotic disorders, 6291 youths aged 11 to 20, and 2480 adult participants aged 21 to 84. Results: Youths had higher scores than adults on IRs, observing a progressive decrease and stabilization in the twenties. Exploratory factor analysis provided a structure for the overall IRs score, with five first-order dimensions and one second-order dimension. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the structure with excellent fit. The REF scale was invariant across sex and samples. The internal consistency of the complete scale was excellent and acceptable across the five first-order factors. Strong relationships were found with the positive dimension of the community assessment of psychic experience-42, as well as with aberrant salience. Low and moderate relationships were found with public self-consciousness, anxiety, and depression. Youths and patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders had a high mean IRs frequency. Male sex, greater age (among the adults), and the "causal explanations", "Songs, newspapers, books" and laughing and commenting" REF subscales showed predictive power in the diagnostic categories of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

    Hallucinations and Delusions as Low-Quality Attributions: Influencing Factors and Proposal for Their Analysis

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    Hallucinations and delusions, in keeping with the distress accompanying them, are major features in the diagnosis of psychosis in international classifications. In spite of their human and clinical importance, the concepts are unclear. The distinction between hallucinations and delusions in terms of perception-thought is not precise enough, causing problems in analyzing the patient's words. Nor are the differentiations or variations within each precise enough. Continuing the long clinical tradition discussing the distinction between hallucinations and delusions while assuming their similarities, this study poses a concept integrating the two phenomena as attributions people make about themselves and their settings. Then the elements of any attribution can be used as guides for structuring significant literature on both, and reduce analytical ambiguity. Such attributions make more sense within the structure of two-way relationships with factors in a person's own framework and setting. This structure is described with its variables and relationships as a guide to assessment, follow-up, and intervention. Two checklists are provided for orientation

    The dark side of Instagram: Predictor model of dysmorphic concerns

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    Background/Objective: Dysmorphic concern are excessive preoccupation about one or several physical characteristics perceived as defects, usually unnoticeable by others. This study was Appearance-related intended to explore the relationship between Instagram use and dysmorphic concerns through appearance-related comparisons, ideas of reference and problems with emotion regulation, and find out whether this relationship is moderated by gender. Method: The sample was cornprised of 796 participants (M-age = 22.49; SD = 3.56; 54% women). Results: The results showed a non-significant direct effect between Instagram use and dysmorphic concerns. However, the relationship between these variables was statistically significant through appearance-related comparisons, ideas of reference about "laughing, commenting" and difficulties in emotion regulation. Gender did not moderate any relationship. Conclusions: Men and women who made the most use of Instagram were equally vulnerable to dysmorphic concerns when they tended to compare their appearance with other users, had problems regulating their emotions, and showed interpretative biases related to the belief that others could make comments about them or laugh at them because of their imperfections. The implications of the study are discussed. (C) 2020 Asociacion Espanola de Psicologia Conductual. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U

    The ideas of reference and worry for their presence: Study on their relevance to the characterization of psychosis

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    Se estudia el papel de las ideas de referencia (IR) en psicopatolog铆a y se propone evaluar la preocupaci贸n o malestar cuando se dan las IR. Se analiza si la preocupaci贸n por las IR se relaciona con los s铆ntomas psic贸ticos; si la preocupaci贸n por las IR diferencia entre clases de trastornos, destacada en la esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psic贸ticos; si diferencia entre diagn贸sticos espec铆ficos, elevada en la esquizofrenia paranoide; si la evaluaci贸n de la preocupaci贸n presenta adecuada sensibilidad, especificidad, y si discrimina entre controles y pacientes de la clase diagn贸stica esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psic贸ticos. Participaron 666 pacientes (59,16% mujeres), media de edad = 34,45 a帽os (DT = 12,56), y 3.842 controles (67,28% mujeres), media de edad = 27,15 a帽os (DT = 11,38). Los resultados se帽alan que la preocupaci贸n tiene que ver con indicadores psic贸ticos, discrimina entre clases diagn贸sticas ( 2 parcial = 0,14) y entre diagn贸sticos espec铆ficos ( 2 parcial = 0,12), principalmente destacada en la esquizofrenia paranoide y el trastorno esquizoafectivo. Se obtiene adecuada sensibilidad y especificidad, y separaci贸n de controles con respecto a la clase diagn贸stica de Esquizofrenia y otros trastornos psic贸ticos. La evaluaci贸n de las IR es relevante, pero en mayor medida, la evaluaci贸n del grado de malestar o perturbaci贸n que ocasionan las IR.The role of ideas of reference (IR) in psychopathology is studied for the purpose of evaluating worry or distress when IR are present. We analyze whether worry about IR is related to psychotic symptoms, whether it differentiates among diagnostic classes as prominent in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, whether worry about IR differentiates among specific diagnoses, as high in paranoid schizophrenia, whether assessment of worry is sufficiently sensitive and specific, and whether it discriminates between controls and patients of diagnostic class schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The sample was made up of 666 patients (59.16% women), Mage = 34.45 years (SD = 12.56) and 3842 controls (67.28% women), Mage = 27.15 years (SD = 11.38). Worry about IR was related to psychotic indicators, discriminates among diagnostic classes (partial 2 = .14) and among specific diagnoses (partial 2 = 12), and is mainly featured in paranoid schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. Sensitivity and specificity were adequate, as was separation of controls from the diagnostic class schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. The assessment of IR is relevant, but it is even more important to assess the level of worry or distress about them