18 research outputs found

    Kahoot como herramienta de autoevaluaci贸n en la universidad

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    [EN] The present study addresses the use of Kahoot as a self-assessment tool in the university classroom. The experiment was conducted in the subject of Bromatology of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (San Vicente M谩rtir Catholic University of Valencia) during the academic year 2016-2017 with a population sample of 45. At the end of each thematic block test questions were designed linked to the contents and the students answered them through the mobile phone. The students valued the application in a very positive way as a tool to improve learning. The percentage of questions answered correctly exceeded 50% in all the questionnaires. In addition, they rated the methodology as very good to excellent. In summary, the use of Kahoot according to the results obtained suggests that it could be a good method to motivate student study and as a selfevaluation system[ES] El presente estudio aborda la utilizaci贸n de Kahoot como herramienta de autoevaluaci贸n el aula universitaria. El experimento se realiz贸 en la asignatura de Bromatolog铆a del Grado de Nutrici贸n Humana y Diet茅tica (Universidad Cat贸lica de Valencia San Vicente M谩rtir) durante el curso acad茅mico 2016-2017 con una muestra poblacional de 45. Al final de cada bloque tem谩tico se dise帽aron preguntas tipo test vinculadas con los contenidos y los alumnos las contestaron a trav茅s del tel茅fono m贸vil. Los estudiantes valoraron de forma muy positiva la aplicaci贸n como herramienta para mejorar el aprendizaje. El porcentaje de preguntas contestadas correctamente super贸 en todos los cuestionarios el 50%. Adem谩s, valoraron la metodolog铆a como muy buena a excelente. En resumen, el uso de Kahoot seg煤n los resultados obtenidos, sugiere que podr铆a ser un buen m茅todo para motivar el estudio del alumnado y como sistema de autoevaluaci贸n.Sempere Ferre, F. (2018). Kahoot como herramienta de autoevaluaci贸n en la universidad. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovaci贸n Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. 250-255. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8730OCS25025

    Instagram as a learning tool in the university context

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    [EN] The classical methods used to teach practical subjects in today's university context mean that students are not very motivated when they come to the laboratory. This fact generates the need for teachers to look for new alternatives that can improve learning. Social networks have become very important in today's society and can be a good tool to use in university education. This research was carried out in the academic year 2021-2022 in the subject of Bromatology, which is taken in the second year of the first term of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente M谩rtir, in a population sample of 40 students. In the practical session, a bromatological analysis of different flours was carried out. The general objective of this study was to research the use of Instagram as a tool to encourage motivation, the learning of part of the practical knowledge of the subject and to promote collaborative work. All the students stated that the incorporation of the use of the social network as a means of disseminating their photographs, and the creation of the scientific photography competition through this tool produced a high degree of motivation in them, and 96% recognised that this methodological strategy improved the assimilation of the concepts taught in the practical content of the subject and encouraged teamwork.[ES] Los m茅todos cl谩sicos utilizados para impartir las pr谩cticas de las asignaturas en el contexto universitario actual, hace que los alumnos acudan al laboratorio poco motivados. Este hecho genera la necesidad de que los docentes se planteen buscar nuevas alternativas que puedan mejorar el aprendizaje. Las redes sociales han adquirido un gran protagonismo en la sociedad actual y pueden ser una buena herramienta a utilizar en el 谩mbito educativo universitario. Esta investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en el curso acad茅mico 2021-2022 en la asignatura de Bromatolog铆a que se cursa en segundo en el primer cuatrimestre del Grado de Nutrici贸n Humana y Diet茅tica en la Universidad Cat贸lica de Valencia San Vicente M谩rtir en una muestra poblacional de 40 alumnos. En la sesi贸n pr谩ctica se realiz贸 un an谩lisis bromatol贸gico de diferentes harinas. El objetivo general que se plante贸 en este estudio, fue investigar el uso de Instagram como herramienta para incentivar la motivaci贸n, el aprendizaje de parte de los conocimientos pr谩cticos de la asignatura y fomentar el trabajo colaborativo. Todos los alumnos manifestaron que la incorporaci贸n del uso de la red social como medio de divulgaci贸n de sus fotograf铆as, y la creaci贸n del concurso de fotograf铆a cient铆fica a trav茅s de esta herramienta produjo en ellos alto grado de motivaci贸n, adem谩s el 96% reconocieron que esta estrategia metodol贸gica mejor贸 la asimilaci贸n de los conceptos impartidos en los contenidos pr谩cticos de la asignatura y foment贸 el trabajo en equipo.Sempere Ferre, F. (2022). Instagram como herramienta de aprendizaje en el contexto universitario. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. 1048-1054. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.158831048105

    Nuevas estrategias metodol贸gicas para incentivar el estudio y el trabajo cooperativo en el contexto universitario

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    [ES] Muchos estudiantes que ingresan actualmente en la universidad, carecen de h谩bitos de estudio. Con el objetivo de incentivar estos, aumentar la motivaci贸n y mejorar el aprendizaje de la asignatura se plante贸 una nueva estrategia metodol贸gica. La investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en un grupo de 40 alumnos Se establecieron grupos de cuatro personas de forma aleatoria. Consecutivamente cada grupo eligi贸 una pregunta al azar entre 70 cuestiones formuladas de distinta tipolog铆a. Por cada respuesta acertada, el equipo recibi贸 una pieza de un puzle para configurar una figura. Al equipo ganador se le asign贸 un 0,1 de la nota final de la asignatura. El experimento se realiz贸 tres veces durante el cuatrimestre con diferentes cuestiones. El 95 % de los estudiantes valoraron positivamente la actividad, mostrando un alto grado de motivaci贸n y satisfacci贸n en el trabajo en equipo.[EN] Many students currently entering college, lack of study habits. In order to encourage these, increase the motivation and improve the learning of the subject, a new methodological strategy was proposed. The research was carried out in a group of 40 students. Groups of four people were ramdomly established. Consecutively, each group chose a question at random from 70 questions of different types. For each correct answer, the team received a piece of a puzzle to create a figure. The winning team was assigned 0.1 points from the final score of the subject. The experiment was carried out three times during the quarter, each time with different questions. 95% of students evaluated the activity positively, showing a high degree of motivation and satisfaction in teamwork.Sempere Ferre, F. (2021). Nuevas estrategias metodol贸gicas para incentivar el estudio y el trabajo cooperativo en el contexto universitario. En IN-RED 2020: VI Congreso de Innovaci贸n Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. 258-263. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2020.2020.11974OCS25826

    A new biocontrol agent of Drechslera oryzae

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    El hongo pat贸geno del arroz Drechslera oryzae se inocul贸 en un mismo sustrato junto a Trichoderma harzianum en distintas condiciones medioambientales. Los mecanismos ejercidos por T. harzianum para antagonizar a D. oryzae y que en algunos casos actuaron sin茅rgicamente fueron: competencia por el espacio y los nutrientes, micoparasitismo y posible antibiosis. La capacidad antagonista de T. harzianum aument贸 con los valores de temperatura y actividad del agua.The rice pathogen Drechslera oryzae and the antagonistic fungus Trichoderma harzianum were inoculated in the same substratum at different environmental conditions. The mechanisms exerted by T. harzianum as antagonist over D. oryzae and that on some occasions acted sinergically were: competitiveness for space and nutrients, mycoparasitism and a possible antibiosis. The antagonistic capacity of T. harzianum was higher as the values of water activity and temperature were increasing.Ciencias Experimentale

    Effect of water activity and temperature on growth and sporulation of Aspergillus niger P. E. L. van Tieghem

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    El efecto de la actividad de agua (0,85, 0,90, 0,95, 0,98, 0,995) sobre el crecimiento y la esporulaci贸n de Aspergillus niger fue estudiado a distintas temperaturas (15 y 25 潞C). La m谩xima ratio de crecimiento de la especie se registr贸 a una actividad de agua de 0,98, y se observ贸 desarrollo en todo el intervalo ensayado salvo a 0,85 y 15 潞C. Adem谩s, se investigaron sus caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas y culturales en las distintas condiciones de experimentaci贸n. A. niger esporul贸 en casi todas las actividades de agua y temperatura. Ambos factores y su interacci贸n tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre el desarrollo de la especie.The effect of water activity (0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 0.98, 0.995) on the growth and sporulation of Aspergillus niger was studied at different temperatures (15 and 25 潞C). Maximum fungal growth rate occurred at water activity of 0.98, with growth being observed throughout the tested interval except at 0.85 and 15 潞C. In addition, morphological and cultural features were studied in the different experimental conditions. This species sporulated at almost all conditions. Both factors and their interaction had a significant effect on the development of the species.Ciencias Experimentale

    Effect of water activity and temperature on growth and sporulation of Aspergillus niger P. E. L. van Tieghem

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    [ES] El efecto de la actividad de agua (0,85, 0,90, 0,95, 0,98, 0,995) sobre el crecimiento y la esporulaci贸n de Aspergillus niger fue estudiado a distintas temperaturas (15 y 25 潞C). La m谩xima ratio de crecimiento de la especie se registr贸 a una actividad de agua de 0,98, y se observ贸 desarrollo en todo el intervalo ensayado salvo a 0,85 y 15 潞C. Adem谩s, se investigaron sus caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas y culturales en las distintas condiciones de experimentaci贸n. A. niger esporul贸 en casi todas las actividades de agua y temperatura. Ambos factores y su interacci贸n tuvieron un efecto significativo sobre el desarrollo de la especie[EN] The effect of water activity (0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 0.98, 0.995) on the growth and sporulation of Aspergillus niger was studied at different temperatures (15 and 25 潞C). Maximum fungal growth rate occurred at water activity of 0.98, with growth being observed throughout the tested interval except at 0.85 and 15 潞C. In addition, morphological and cultural features were studied in the different experimental conditions. This species sporulated at almost all conditions. Both factors and their interaction had a significant effect on the development of the speciesSempere Ferre, F.; Santamarina Siurana, MP. (2021). Efecto de la actividad de agua y la temperatura sobre el crecimiento y la esporulaci贸n de Aspergillus niger P.E.L. van Tieghem. Nereis. Revista Iberoamericana Interdisciplinar de M茅todos, Modelizaci贸n y Simulaci贸n. 13:127-133. https://doi.org/10.46583/nereis_2021.13.8171271331

    Evaluating the Antifungal Potential of Botanical Compounds to Contrl Botryotinia fuckeliana and Rhizoctonia solani

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    [EN] The European Union is promoting regulatory changes to ban fungicides because of the impact their use has on the ecosystem and the adverse effects they can pose for humans. An ecofriendly alternative to these chemicals to fight against fungal species with low toxicity is essential oils and their compounds extracted from aromatic plants. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antifungal capacity of the botanical compounds eugenol, carvacrol, thymol, and cinnamaldehyde, and the synergy or antagonism of their mixtures, against Botryotinia fuckeliana and Rhizoctonia solani. Different bioassays were performed at doses of 300, 200, 150, and 100 mu g/mL using pure commercial compounds and their combination in potato dextrose agar culture medium. Growth rate and the mycelium growth inhibition parameters were calculated. Phenolic compounds and their combination inhibited the development of species at the different concentrations, with fungicidal or fungistatic activity shown under almost all the tested conditions. When comparing the growth rates of the species in the control plates and treatments, the statistical analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences. The mixture of compounds improved fungicidal activity against the studied species and at a lower concentration of monoterpenes.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Programme-oriented Societal Challenges 2016-2019, grant number AGL2016-76699-R-AR.Sempere-Ferre, F.; Asamar, J.; Castell-Zeising, V.; Rosello Caselles, J.; Santamarina Siurana, MP. (2021). Evaluating the Antifungal Potential of Botanical Compounds to Contrl Botryotinia fuckeliana and Rhizoctonia solani. Molecules. 26(9):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26092472S11326

    Chemical composition of essential oils of three Mentha species and their antifungal activity against selected phytopathogenic and post-harvest fungi

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in All Life (Online) on 05 Jan 2022, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/26895293.2021.2022007[EN] The postharvest life of most fruit, vegetables and cereals is limited by fungal proliferation. The chemical composition of Mentha piperita, M. spicata and M. suaveolens essential oils (EO), and the antifungal activity against four pathogenic and post-harvest fungi isolated from food, were herein investigated to evaluate their potential as natural food preservatives. The EO were obtained by hydrodistillation of aerial parts leaves, stems and inflorescences (except for peppermint oil, which was purchased in a specialized store) and submitted to GC-MS and GC-FID analysis. Regarding the EO composition, carvone (41.1%) and limonene (14.1%) were the major compounds in M. spicata, menthol (47.0%) and menthone (23.1%), as well as other menthol derivatives (neomenthol -3.6%- and menthofurane -3.7%-) in M. piperita, and piperitone oxide (40.2%) and piperitenone oxide (31.4%) in M. suaveolens. Botryotinia fuckeliana was the most sensitive fungus. The three studied EO inhibited growth by 92驴100%. The highest dose of M. suaveolens EO, 400 驴g/mL, produced 100% MGI in all the studied fungi, except Fusarium oxysporum with 94.21%. The M. suaveolens EO can be considered to develop a low-risk enviro-friendly botanical biofungicide.The authors also thank the Spanish Type Culture Collection (CECT) for providing the molecular strain identification equipment. This study has been financed by MINECO, Ministerio de Econom铆a y competitividad `Materiales biodegradables multicapa de alta barrera para el envasado activo de alimentos驴 (AGL2016-76699-R).Santamarina Siurana, MP.; Llorens Molina, JA.; Sempere Ferre, F.; Santamarina Siurana, MC.; Rosello Caselles, J.; Gim茅nez Santamarina, S. (2022). Chemical composition of essential oils of three Mentha species and their antifungal activity against selected phytopathogenic and post-harvest fungi. All Life (Online). 15(1):64-73. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895293.2021.2022007647315

    Prevalence of the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome in Spain

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    Fundamentos: El S铆ndrome de Phelan-McDermid es una enfermedad poco frecuente de origen gen茅tico causada por la deleci贸n del extremo terminal del cromosoma 22 regi贸n q13.3 o por mutaciones puntuales que afectan al gen SHANK3. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron determinar la prevalencia de la enfermedad en la poblaci贸n espa帽ola, establecer la distribuci贸n geogr谩fica del s铆ndrome entre las distintas comunidades aut贸nomas, dilucidar el rango de edad en el que existen m谩s pacientes y estudiar la relaci贸n enfermedad-sexo as铆 como la edad media al diagn贸stico. M茅todos: Para la investigaci贸n se reclutaron pacientes diagn贸sticados con la enfermedad durante doce a帽os en todo el territorio espa帽ol. La informaci贸n cl铆nica de los pacientes se obtuvo de los m茅dicos de referencia mediante dos cuestionarios estandarizados completados con datos de los informes m茅dicos y la entrevista a los padres. El diagn贸stico molecular de la enfermedad se realiz贸 utilizando diferentes formatos de microarrays. Los datos se trataron utilizando Microsoft Excel y Statgraphics Centurion XVII. Resultados: Actualmente en Espa帽a existen 201 personas diagnosticadas con la enfermedad siendo su prevalencia de 4x10-4/10.000 habitantes. La comunidad con m谩s pacientes diagnosticados fue Madrid y no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto al sexo y la enfermedad, la edad media al diagn贸stico se sit煤a en torno a los 6,67 a帽os. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de la enfermedad en Espa帽a es muy baja pudi茅ndose afirmar que es muy probable que en la poblaci贸n existan m谩s personas con este s铆ndrome.Background: Phelan-McDermid syndrome is a rare genetic condition caused by a deletion of the terminal end of chromosome 22 in the 13.3 region, as well as, by point mutations within SHANK3 gene. The aims of this research were to determine the prevalence of the disease in the Spanish population, to establish the geographical distribution of the syndrome among the different autonomous communities, to elucidate the age range that affects more patients, to study the disease-sex relationship, as well as the age at diagnosis. Methods: For the research, patients diagnosed with the disease for twelve years were recruited throughout the Spanish territory. The clinical patient information was obtained from the referral doctors using two standardized questionnaires completed with data from the medical reports and the interview with the parents. The molecular diagnosis of the disease was carried out using different formats of microarrays. Data were processed using Microsoft Excel and Statgraphics Centurion XVII. Results: Currently in Spain there are 201 people diagnosed with the disease. Currently in Spain there are 201 people diagnosed with the disease, its prevalence being 4x10-4/10,000 inhabitants. The community with the most diagnosed patients was Madrid and there were no significant differences in terms of sex and disease, the mean age at diagnosis was around 6.67 years. Conclusions: The prevalence of the disease in Spain is very low, and it can be stated that it is very likely that there are more people with this syndrome in the population.Medicin

    The student as influencer: new educational models in the 21st century classroom

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    [EN] The term superfoods used in marketing in recent years has been used to describe foods with questionable health benefits, and there is no agreed definition. Television, internet, influencers, actors, etc. encourage and reinforce their consumption in the general population. The general objective of this project was to improve scientific knowledge of this type of food by transforming students into scientific influencers or popularisers. The experiment was carried out in the Bromatology subject of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente M谩rtir) during the 2018-2019 academic year with a population sample of 37 students. The title of the project was: "Superfoods: truth or lie? and it was subsidised by this university and awarded as good teaching practice. The project was carried out during the whole term as a group and was structured in two phases: delivery of a written document and editing of a video. The degree of participation in the work registered statistically significant differences when compared with other tasks carried out in different academic years. The implementation of this methodology contributed to the development of different competences through the learning outcomes established in the subject and the objectives initially set were met. The project improved the scientific knowledge of superfoods and led to an increase in motivation, enjoyment and involvement of the students.[ES] El t茅rmino superalimentos utilizado a nivel de marketing en los 煤ltimos a帽os, se 聽ha utilizado para describir alimentos con beneficios cuestionables sobre la salud, no existiendo una definici贸n consensuada al respecto. Televisi贸n, internet, influencers, actores, etc. propician y refuerzan su consumo en la poblaci贸n en general. El objetivo general de este proyecto fue mejoran 聽el conocimiento cient铆co de este tipo de alimentos mediante la transformaci贸n de los estudiantes en influencers o divulgadores cient铆ficos. El experimento se realiz贸 en la asignatura de Bromatolog铆a del Grado de Nutrici贸n Humana y Diet茅tica (Universidad Cat贸lica de Valencia San Vicente M谩rtir) durante el curso acad茅mico 2018-2019 con una muestra poblacional de 37 alumnos.聽 El t铆tulo del proyecto fue: 鈥淪uperalimentos: 驴verdad o mentira? y 聽fue subencionado por esta universidad 聽y galardonado como buena pr谩ctica docente. El proyecto se realiz贸 durante todo el cuatrimestre de forma grupal聽 y se estructur贸 en dos fases: entrega de un documento escrito y edici贸n de un v铆deo. El grado de participaci贸n en el trabajo registr贸 diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas cuando fue comparado con otras tareas realizadas en diferentes cursos acad茅micos. La implementaci贸n de esta metodolog铆a, contribuy贸 al desarrollo de diferentes competencias a trav茅s de los resultados de aprendizaje establecidos en la asignatura y se cumpliero los objetivos establecidos inicialmente. El proyecto mejor贸 el conocimiento cient铆fico de los superalimentos y produjo un aumento en la motivaci贸n, la diversi贸n y la implicaci贸n del alumnado.Sempere Ferre, F. (2023). El alumno como influencer: nuevos modelos educativos en el aula del siglo XXI. Editorial Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. 1443-1452. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2023.2023.166911443145