6,658 research outputs found
Redistribution as a Local Public Good Subject to Congestion
When analyzing migration policies, second best redistribution becomes a local public good subject to congestion. The remedial policy consists of a kind of second best finance for that good.migration, gains from trade.
The European Security Industry: A Research Agenda
The security industry can be defined, in the first instance, as the industry that produces the goods and services required to protect citizens from insecurity. Yet, this industry, as opposed to defence, has not been an area of intense research. Their boundaries are unclear and the industry is not well characterised. This paper analyses this knowledge gap and presents some ideas for a research agenda for this industry that could assist in unveiling the main features, the potential weaknesses and strengths, and the capability to solve the security needs of society in an efficient and effective way. The paper discusses a definition of this economic sector useful in setting its boundaries, and it briefly describes the main types of industries operating within the sector. It analyses methods for gathering information regarding the industry, customers, and other market agents. Finally, it outlines ways for assessing market performance in terms of the structure-conduct-performance paradigm.security industry, security market, terrorism and organised crime countermeasures, competition, market performance
Key Enablers of the European Security Industry Performance
One of the research areas of the New Agenda for European Security Economics (EUSECON) is society's response to insecurity. Solutions to enhance security often involve the development and supply of specific goods and services. This has led to an industry which has progressively evolved through the 20th century. Yet, after the 9/11 attacks, the security industry was subject to growing demand. Moreover, it raised the interest of academics and policy makers aimed at assessing its performance in terms of the efficient supply of sound security solutions. This briefing summarizes the main findings of the research already conducted, highlighting key issues for policies focused on enhancing this industry.
Trade of Permits for Greenhouse Gas Emissions; Bilateral Trade Need not Be the Answer
The Kyoto Protocol sets national quotas on CO2 emissions and allows international trade of these quotas. We argue that this trade is characterized by asymmetric, identity-dependent externalities, and show that bilateral trade may not be sufficient for an efficient allocation of emissions. We derive conditions under which bilateral trade does improve the allocation of permits. The conditions are strong. In this sense, we argue that, for emissions permits, market design matters.Terms of trade, asymmetric externalities, permits trade
Our analysis yields some conclusions about the political role of regions in the formation of supranational economic areas, which turns out to be quite different from the role of nations. The claim that regions have more incentives than nations to attain a fiscal agreement implying full economic integration is likely to be correct when nations are economic stable arrangements, i.e. when the rich region of a nation is not "exploited" by the poor region. When, on the other hand, it is not on the interest of a rich region to be part of a nation, attempts to achieve full economic integration among a group of nations is more likely to be successful if nations, instead of regions, are the decision makers.Federalism; Fiscal coinsurance; Migration.
R&D Networks Among Unionized Firms
We develop a model of strategic networks in order to analyze how trade unions will affect the stability and efficiency of R&D collaboration networks in an oligopolistic industry with three firms. Whenever firms settle wages, the complete network is always pairwise stable and the partially connected network is stable if and only if spillovers are large enough. If spillovers are small, the complete network is the efficient network; otherwise, the efficient network is the partially connected network. Thus, a conflict between stability and efficiency may occur: efficient networks are pairwise stable, but the reverse is not true. Strong stability even reinforces this conflict. However, once unions settle wages such conflict disappears: the complete network is the unique pairwise and strongly stable network and is the efficient network whatever the spillovers.Networks, R&D collaboration, Oligopoly, Unions
Networks of Manufacturers and Retailers
We study the endogenous formation of networks between manufacturers of differentiated goods and multi-product retailers who interact in a successive duopoly. Joint consent is needed to establish and/or maintain a costly link between a manufacturer and a retailer. We find that only three distribution networks are stable for particular values of the degree of product differentiation and link costs : (i) the non-exclusive distribtion & non-exclusive dealing network in which both retailers distribute both products is stable for intermediate degree of product differentiation and small link costs; (ii) the exclusive distribution & exclusive dealing network in which each retailer distributes a different product is stable for low degrees of product differentiation; (iii) the mixed distribution network in which one retailer distributes both products while the other retailer sells only one is stable for high degrees of product differentiation and large link costs. We show that the distribution networks that maximize social welfare are not necessarily stable. Thus, a conflict between stability and social welfare is likely to occur, even more if the degree of product differentiation is either low or high.Networks; Retailers; Manufacturers
La recreación de la biografía en el cine de Samuel Bronston. El caso de la preproducción de El Cid
Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine organizado por el Instituto de Cultura y Tecnología Miguel de Unamuno y celebrado del 9 al 11 de septiembre de 2010 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridCuando Bronston anunció que iba a llevar a las pantallas una figura mítica para España como el Cid, comenzó la polémica en España y después del estreno de El Cid (Anthony Mann, 1961), las críticas se centraron en la fidelidad del filme a la Historia de España o al Cantar de Mío Cid. En este trabajo voy a intentar justificar la pertinencia del tratamiento cinematográfico escogido en aquel momento, atendiendo a circunstancias contextuales, como la pertenencia del filme a un género consolidado, su inspiración en los textos del mito cidiano precedentes, su rodaje en la España franquista y la personalidad de los dos hombres que más influyeron en su realización: Samuel Bronston y Anthony Mann.When Bronston announced that he intended to make a movie about such a mythical figure for Spain as the Cid, the controversy began in Spain and after the release of El Cid (Anthony Mann, 1961), criticism focused on how faithful the film was to the national history or on its likeness to the Spanish epic poem Cantar de Mío Cid. In this work, I will try to justify the relevance of the film treatment chosen at that time, taking into account contextual circumstances, such as the fact that the movie belongs to a consolidated genre; its screenplay’s inspiration in the myth of Campeador; the shooting of the movie in Franco's Spain and, finally, the personality of Samuel Bronston and Anthony Mann, the most influential celebrities in the film.Publicad
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