10 research outputs found

    Особенности микробиологического состава вод реки Раздольной (южное Приморье)

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    Произведена оценка численности и ее сезонной изменчивости для различных индикаторных групп микроорганизмов в поверхностных водах р. Раздольной. Результаты исследования показали, что они подвержены высокому комплексному органическому, техногенному и микробиологическому загрязнению. В поверхностных водах р. Раздольной были выявлены эколого-трофические группы микроорганизмов, которые принимали участие в очищении вод реки. Однако из-за постоянного притока сточных вод бактерии не успевали перерабатывать поступающее органическое вещество, что указывает на неспособность данной экосистемы к полному самоочищению. Согласно классификатору качества вод, воды р. Раздольной по микробиологическим показателям отнесены к грязным в летний сезон, к загрязненным в весенний и осенний периоды и к чистым в зимний сезон

    Seasonal hydrological and hydrochemical surveys in the Voevoda Bay (Amur Bay, Japan Sea)

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    Hydrological and hydrochemical surveys were conducted in the Voevoda Bay in May, August, and October, 2011 and February, 2012, in total 140 stations. Free water exchange of the bay with the Amur Bay is observed, with exception of its inner bights Kruglaya and Melkovodnaya. The water exchange is maintained by anticyclonic circulation with the inflow along the southern coast and outflow along the northern coast of the Voyevoda Bay. However, the opposite cyclonic circulation is observed in the Melkovodanaya Bight because of its coastal line patterns and fresh water discharge by the river. Dissolved oxygen content and partial pressure of CO2 in the bay waters are determined mostly by intensive processes of production and destruction of organic matter. There are three main groups of primary producers there, as diatom algae, sea grass Zostera marina , and periphyton. Specific chemical regime is formed in the Melkovodnaya Bight, in particular in winter when primary production depends on the ice cover and is driven by variations of photosynthetically active radiation passed through the ice. Seasonal variability of production-destruction processes intensity is discussed on the data of chemical parameters changes

    MoNuSAC2020:A Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation and Classification Challenge

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    Detecting various types of cells in and around the tumor matrix holds a special significance in characterizing the tumor micro-environment for cancer prognostication and research. Automating the tasks of detecting, segmenting, and classifying nuclei can free up the pathologists' time for higher value tasks and reduce errors due to fatigue and subjectivity. To encourage the computer vision research community to develop and test algorithms for these tasks, we prepared a large and diverse dataset of nucleus boundary annotations and class labels. The dataset has over 46,000 nuclei from 37 hospitals, 71 patients, four organs, and four nucleus types. We also organized a challenge around this dataset as a satellite event at the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) in April 2020. The challenge saw a wide participation from across the world, and the top methods were able to match inter-human concordance for the challenge metric. In this paper, we summarize the dataset and the key findings of the challenge, including the commonalities and differences between the methods developed by various participants. We have released the MoNuSAC2020 dataset to the public

    Characterizing mmWave Radio Propagation at 60 GHz in a Conference Room Scenario

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    In this paper, we provide a shooting and bouncing ray (SBR) based simulation study of mmWave radio propagation at 60 GHz in a typical conference room. The room geometry, material types, and other simulation settings are verified against the results of the measurement campaign at 83 GHz in [15]. Here, we extend the evaluation scenario by randomly scattering several human-sized blockers as well as study the effects of human body blockage models. We demonstrate that multiple knife-edge diffraction (KED) models are capable of providing meaningful results while keeping the simulation duration relatively short. Moreover, we address another important scenario, where transmitters and receivers are located at the same heights and are moving according to a predefined trajectory that corresponds, for example, to device-to-device interactions or inter-user interference.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Basic salt composition and rare earth elements as indicators of ecological state of the rivers of southern Primorye

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    Relevance. Rare earth elements (REE) and parameters of the basic salt composition (BSC) are the indicators of the ecological state of river waters and they can be used for water subjects monitoring system. The aim of the research is a comprehensive study of the REE and BSC to identify the factors determining the anthropogenic load on the basins of the rivers of southern Primorye. Research methods. Concentration of major ions (Cl-, SO[2- 4], Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) were analyzed by ion chromatography (Shimadzu LC-20A), and REE were studied by mass spectrometry with an inductively coupled plasma (Thermo Finnigan Element 2). pH was measured by potentiometric method, total alkalinity was analyzed by direct titration by Bruyevich method, and total mineralization ([sigma]n) is the total concentration of major ions. Results. Seasonal hydrochemical study of the BSC of southern Primorye rivers showed that river water is low-mineralized, average annual [sigma]n does not exceed 100-150 mg/l. the investigation detected the significant increase in a part of sulfate ions in rivers Knevichanka, Razdolnaya and Artemovka during the spring flood, which is associated with fuel combustion in winter season, and household sewage. Regional level of total concentration of dissolved REE in the studied surface water varies from 0,16 to 2,72 mg/l. REE interval fluctuations in the water of some rivers is from 0,20 to 0,56 mg/l. High concentration of rare earth elements and dissolved salts in surface water of Razdolnaya, Artemovka, Knevichanka and Shkotovka rivers is associated with anthropogenic load on the basins of these rivers

    Role of downwelling/upwelling in formation/destruction of hypoxia in the bottom waters of the Amur Bay (Japan Sea)

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    Downwelling/upwelling influence on hypoxia at the bottom of the Amur Bay is determined on the data of oceanographic surveys conducted aboard RV Impulse in August 2012 and RV Malachite in August 2013 coupled with the data of monitoring oceanographic station in the bay. The hypoxia develops in the period of downwelling circulation driven by southern and southeastern winds and relaxes in conditions of upwelling induced by northern and northwestern winds

    O2 and CO2 Responses of the Synaptic Period to Under-Ice Phytoplankton Bloom in the Eutrophic Razdolnaya River Estuary of Amur Bay, the Sea of Japan

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    Hydrological conditions are an important factor for aquatic ecosystems. Their contribution to stimulating phytoplankton bloom in eutrophic estuaries is not quite clear. We present the results of an outbreak of a phytoplankton bloom event observed in the eutrophic Razdolnaya R. estuary in 2022 from January 22 to February 23, when the estuary was covered by ice. The bloom spreads over 21 km from the river mouth bar to upstream in the near-bottom layer below the halocline. The Chl-a concentration in the bloom area increased from 15 to 100 μg/L, and the dissolved oxygen concentration from 350 to 567 μmol/kg at a rate of 11 μmol/(kg day) over the study period, while the CO2 partial pressure was reduced to 108 µatm in the most oxygen-supersaturated waters. The Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve sea diatom was the dominant phytoplankton species in the bloom area. The opposite trend was observed near the boundary of the saline water wedge penetration over 29 km from the river mouth bar to upstream where the dissolved oxygen concentration decreased from 140 to 53 μmol/kg over a month, and partial pressure of CO2 reached 4454 μatm. We also present the results obtained in February 2016 before and after a snowfall, when the ability of PAR to penetrate through the ice was impeded by a layer of snow. After the snowfall, photosynthesis in the under-ice water stopped and the oxygen concentration decreased to almost zero due to the microbiological destruction of the phytoplankton biomass. As such, the main effect of phytoplankton bloom is the formation of superoxia/hypoxia (depending on the light conditions), during the period of maximum ice thickness and minimum river discharge. Thus, this study demonstrates that the eutrophication in the future could lead to unstable ecosystems and large synoptic variations of dissolved oxygen and CO2 partial pressure of the estuaries

    Radium Isotopes and Hydrochemical Signatures of Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in the Salt-Wedge Razdolnaya River Estuary (Sea of Japan) in the Ice-Covered Period

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    The interaction of surface water and groundwater is important in the ecology of coastal basins, affecting hydrological conditions, oxygen regime, carbon, and nutrient exchange. This study demonstrates a dynamic connection between the salt-wedge region and its underlying aquifer in the eutrophic estuary. In winter, this estuary is covered with ice, and the river flow is at its lowest; that is why the specific response to groundwater discharge is best marked in this season. Groundwater admixture was detected in the salt-wedge region by highly active radium isotopes: 223Ra—4.80 ± 0.42 dpm 100 L−1, 224Ra—55.37 ± 1.1 dpm 100 L−1, and 228Ra—189.71 ± 4.66 dpm 100 L−1. The temperature of groundwater and river water was about +4 °C and 0 °C, respectively; that of seawater was −1.6 °C, and temperature increased up to +2.3 °C in the surface water–groundwater interaction region. Groundwater admixture is accompanied by a lower level of oxygen concentration of 52 μmol/kg; at that time, the maximum oxygen concentration in the salt-wedge region was 567 μmol/kg. In waters with a high activity of radium isotopes, there was a maximum partial pressure of CO2—4454 μatm at the range 100–150 μatm in the salt-wedge region and also observed extremum of NH4+, NO2−, and dissolved phosphorus. The surface water–groundwater interaction through anoxic sediment can form localized anaerobic areas despite the general oxygen supersaturation of eutrophic estuary waters and also cause local recycling of nutrients from bottom sediments

    Basic salt composition and rare earth elements as indicators of ecological state of the rivers of southern Primorye

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    Актуальность работы. Редкоземельные элементы (РЗЭ) и параметры общего солевого состава (ОСС) являются индикаторами экологического состояния речных вод и могут применяться в системе мониторинга за водными объектами. Цель работы: комплексное исследование РЗЭ и параметров ОСС для выявления антропогенной нагрузки на бассейны рек юга Приморья. Методы исследований. Концентрации макро ионов (Cl-, SO[2- 4], Na+, K+, Ca[2+], Mg[2+]) были измерены методом ионно-обменной хроматографии (Shimadzu LC-20A), РЗЭ - масс-спектрометрическим методом с индуктивно связанной плазмой (Thermo Finnigan Element 2). рН измеряли потенциометрическим методом, общую щелочность анализировали прямым титрованием по методу Бруевича, общая минерализация речной воды ([сигма]n) определялась как сумма вкладов макро ионов. Результаты. Сезонные гидрохимические исследования основного солевого состава рек южного Приморья показали, что речные воды ультрапресные, среднегодовые значения [сигма]n не превышали 100-150 мг/л. Обнаружено значительное увеличение доли сульфат-ионов в реках: Кневичанке, Раздольной и Артемовке, в период весеннего половодья, что связано со сжиганием топлива в зимний сезон, бытовыми и канализационными стоками. Региональный уровень суммарных концентраций растворенных форм редкоземельных элементов в изученных пресных поверхностных водах изменяется от 0,16 до 2,72 мкг/л. Интервал колебаний содержаний РЗЭ в водах отдельных рек составляет от 0,20 до 0,56 мкг/л. Повышенные содержания растворенных редкоземельных элементов и растворенных солей в поверхностных водах рек Раздольной, Артемовки, Кневичанки и Шкотовки определяется антропогенной нагрузкой на бассейны этих рек.Relevance. Rare earth elements (REE) and parameters of the basic salt composition (BSC) are the indicators of the ecological state of river waters and they can be used for water subjects monitoring system. The aim of the research is a comprehensive study of the REE and BSC to identify the factors determining the anthropogenic load on the basins of the rivers of southern Primorye. Research methods. Concentration of major ions (Cl-, SO[2- 4], Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) were analyzed by ion chromatography (Shimadzu LC-20A), and REE were studied by mass spectrometry with an inductively coupled plasma (Thermo Finnigan Element 2). pH was measured by potentiometric method, total alkalinity was analyzed by direct titration by Bruyevich method, and total mineralization ([sigma]n) is the total concentration of major ions. Results. Seasonal hydrochemical study of the BSC of southern Primorye rivers showed that river water is low-mineralized, average annual [sigma]n does not exceed 100-150 mg/l. the investigation detected the significant increase in a part of sulfate ions in rivers Knevichanka, Razdolnaya and Artemovka during the spring flood, which is associated with fuel combustion in winter season, and household sewage. Regional level of total concentration of dissolved REE in the studied surface water varies from 0,16 to 2,72 mg/l. REE interval fluctuations in the water of some rivers is from 0,20 to 0,56 mg/l. High concentration of rare earth elements and dissolved salts in surface water of Razdolnaya, Artemovka, Knevichanka and Shkotovka rivers is associated with anthropogenic load on the basins of these rivers

    Basic salt composition and rare earth elements as indicators of ecological state of the rivers of southern Primorye

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    Актуальность работы. Редкоземельные элементы (РЗЭ) и параметры общего солевого состава (ОСС) являются индикаторами экологического состояния речных вод и могут применяться в системе мониторинга за водными объектами. Цель работы: комплексное исследование РЗЭ и параметров ОСС для выявления антропогенной нагрузки на бассейны рек юга Приморья. Методы исследований. Концентрации макро ионов (Cl-, SO[2- 4], Na+, K+, Ca[2+], Mg[2+]) были измерены методом ионно-обменной хроматографии (Shimadzu LC-20A), РЗЭ - масс-спектрометрическим методом с индуктивно связанной плазмой (Thermo Finnigan Element 2). рН измеряли потенциометрическим методом, общую щелочность анализировали прямым титрованием по методу Бруевича, общая минерализация речной воды ([сигма]n) определялась как сумма вкладов макро ионов. Результаты. Сезонные гидрохимические исследования основного солевого состава рек южного Приморья показали, что речные воды ультрапресные, среднегодовые значения [сигма]n не превышали 100-150 мг/л. Обнаружено значительное увеличение доли сульфат-ионов в реках: Кневичанке, Раздольной и Артемовке, в период весеннего половодья, что связано со сжиганием топлива в зимний сезон, бытовыми и канализационными стоками. Региональный уровень суммарных концентраций растворенных форм редкоземельных элементов в изученных пресных поверхностных водах изменяется от 0,16 до 2,72 мкг/л. Интервал колебаний содержаний РЗЭ в водах отдельных рек составляет от 0,20 до 0,56 мкг/л. Повышенные содержания растворенных редкоземельных элементов и растворенных солей в поверхностных водах рек Раздольной, Артемовки, Кневичанки и Шкотовки определяется антропогенной нагрузкой на бассейны этих рек.Relevance. Rare earth elements (REE) and parameters of the basic salt composition (BSC) are the indicators of the ecological state of river waters and they can be used for water subjects monitoring system. The aim of the research is a comprehensive study of the REE and BSC to identify the factors determining the anthropogenic load on the basins of the rivers of southern Primorye. Research methods. Concentration of major ions (Cl-, SO[2- 4], Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) were analyzed by ion chromatography (Shimadzu LC-20A), and REE were studied by mass spectrometry with an inductively coupled plasma (Thermo Finnigan Element 2). pH was measured by potentiometric method, total alkalinity was analyzed by direct titration by Bruyevich method, and total mineralization ([sigma]n) is the total concentration of major ions. Results. Seasonal hydrochemical study of the BSC of southern Primorye rivers showed that river water is low-mineralized, average annual [sigma]n does not exceed 100-150 mg/l. the investigation detected the significant increase in a part of sulfate ions in rivers Knevichanka, Razdolnaya and Artemovka during the spring flood, which is associated with fuel combustion in winter season, and household sewage. Regional level of total concentration of dissolved REE in the studied surface water varies from 0,16 to 2,72 mg/l. REE interval fluctuations in the water of some rivers is from 0,20 to 0,56 mg/l. High concentration of rare earth elements and dissolved salts in surface water of Razdolnaya, Artemovka, Knevichanka and Shkotovka rivers is associated with anthropogenic load on the basins of these rivers