36 research outputs found

    Integrasi Portal Sumberdaya Alam dengan Perpustakaan Agro Berbasis Internet

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    Perkembangan perpustakan di era digitalsudah saatnya memberikan kontribusisignifikan terhadap pertanian dari hulu kehilir. Bidang pertanian adalah bidang yangfaktanya sangat potensial (Sajad 2005) bagikelangsungan hidup manusia, namun masihmendapatkan perhatian yang belum memadaidari masyarakat modern, khususnya diIndonesia yang justru diakui sebagai negaraagraris. Perpustakaan yang merupakan sentrarepositori, organisasi, dan diseminasiinformasi perlu memainkan peran yang lebihbesar dalam mempromosikan berbagai aspekpertanian (dari hulu sampai ke hilir) yangdapat mengangkat citra pertanian dikalanganakademik, usahawan atau industriawan,pemerintahan, dan masyarakat umum.Paradigma perpustakaan telah berubah darifisik ke maya, dari lokal ke global, darimonomedia ke multimedia, dan dari isolasi kekolaborasi. Perpustakaan dituntut untuk lebihmendayagunakan teknologi informasi untukeksplorasi dan distribusi informasi yang lebihpadat isi dan bermutu (Seminar, 2002 &2004)

    Crude palm oil is one of export comodities of Indonesia. Theme, it is of crucial importance to improve the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) through the process of CPO production. This paper discusses the design and implementation of an automatic process control for crude palm oil clarification. The automatic control system proposed herein is suppoded by a computer which performs intensive computation to determine the correct volume of water required for a CPO clarification process. The computer is also used to monitor and maintain a desired temperature during the process. The implementation results indicate promising performance of the system control.

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    Crude palm oil is one of export comodities of Indonesia. Theme, it is of crucial importance to improve the quality of crude palm oil (CPO) through the process of CPO production. This paper discusses the design and implementation of an automatic process control for crude palm oil clarification. The automatic control system proposed herein is suppoded by a computer which performs intensive computation to determine the correct volume of water required for a CPO clarification process. The computer is also used to monitor and maintain a desired temperature during the process. The implementation results indicate promising performance of the system control

    Aplikasi Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan pada Sistem Deteksi Dini untuk Manajemen Krisis Pangan

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    Pemanfaatan teknologi komputasi cerdas seperti jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) dapat diterapkan dalam sektor ketahanan pangan. JST bekerja seperti layaknya otak manusia. Dalam hal ini JST digunakan untuk mendeteksi tingkat ketahanan pangan di suatu daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan meningkatkan kinerja JST pada sistem deteksi dini krisis pangan yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya melalui pelatihan tambahan. Pelatihan yang dilakukan menggunakan data sekunder dengan mempertimbangkan keterbaruan waktu dan wilayah. JST yang digunakan adalah multi-layer perceptron dua hidden layer dengan algoritma pelatihan backpropagation. Sepuluh parameter krisis pangan dijadikan sebagai input dan level krisis pangan menjadi output pada proses pengenalan pola oleh JST selama pelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pelatihan tambahan dapat menambah tingkat akurasi JST dari 70,55%menjadi 85,38%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bobot JST dapat diidentifikasi parameter penentu level krisis pangan diurutkan berdasarkan bobot tertinggi sampai bobot terendah, yaitu: (1) padi puso atau gagal panen (2) rasio konsumsi normatif, (3) harga beras, (4) IHSG, (5) angka kematian bayi, (6) tanpa hutan, (7) perubahan kurs dolar, (8) penduduk miskin, (9) berat badan balita dibawah standar dan (10) curah hujan 30 tahun. Hasil pengurutan tersebut dapat menjadi masukan serta prioritas dalam penanggulangan dan penyelamatan krisis pangan.  Kata kunci: JST, backpropagation, manajemen krisis pangan, ketahanan pangan

    Desain Konseptual Personalisasi Pencarian Pada Perpustakaan Online: Kasus Perpustakaan Pusat IPB

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    Current IPB Center Library search engine has been developed to serve all users, independent of the special needs of any individual user. Personalized search is to carry out retrieval for each user incorporating his/her interest. This research propose a novel technique to learn user profile from user lending history to represent long-term interest and user search history to represent short-term interest. The user profiles are then used to improve retrieval effectiveness in online search. A general profile are learned from a category hierarchy. These two profiles are combined to map a user query into a set of categories which represent the user’s search intention and serve as context to disambiguate the words in the user’s query. Online search is conducted based on both the user query and the set of categories. Several profile learning and category mapping algorithms and a merging algorithm are evaluated. Experimental results indicate that this technique to personalize search is effective

    Photosynthetic Rate of Lettuce Cultivated on Floating Raft Hydroponic with Controlled Nutrient Solution

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    Lettuce becomes the main ingredient of salad as one of the healthy foods. The lettuce cultivation in tropical areas is often performed in highland. To reduce soil erosion and pesticide contamination, the cultivation of lettuce plants in high open land needs to be reduced. The lettuce cultivation in hydroponic system at tropical lowland requires cooling. The root zone cooling requires enormous electrical energy. However, it can be solved by controlling the temperature based on the automatically. Therefore, it has been developed control and monitoring system for the root zone on floating raft hydroponic system. This study aimed to evaluate the photosynthetic rate of lettuce cultivated in floating raft hydroponic system whose nutrient solution was controlled by the developed control and monitoring system. Statistical analysis was performed to draw the conclusions about photosynthetic variance of lettuce on two hydroponic systems, namely controlled and uncontrolled system. Furthermore, this paper presents an artificial neural network (ANN) model to estimate the photosynthetic rate of lettuce cultivated in the hydroponic systems. The ANN model was comprised of eight input (nutrient temperature, EC, pH, DO, and ORP, air temperature, air humidity, and photon flux density of photosynthetic) and one output (photosynthetic rate). It was noted that the ANN model predicted accurately the photosynthetic rate of lettuce leaves whose R2 was 0.87 for plants cultivated in floating raft hydroponic system whose nutrient solution was controlled by control and monitoring system. The ANN was useful for identifying the photosynthetic rate of lettuce cultivated in floating raft hydroponic systems on tropical lowland

    Pengaruh Adopsi Teknologi PHSL (Pemupukan Hara Spesifik Lokasi) Berbasis Pertanian Presisi terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi di Desa Jembungan, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah

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    The highly increase of crop production in the future will be a compulsion and utilization of field will be more intensive. Therefore, precise pescription of crop fertilization is required. Site Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) application is an innovative technology for rice farming through fertilization recommendation based on the principles of precision farming. The SSNM web-based application was developed by IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) in Philippines in collaboration with Agricultural Research & Development Council (LITBANG Pertanian) .The aim of this research is to study the impact, paritcularly on farmers' income, in utilizing web-based version of SSNM. There was a significant differences in fertilization cost between the USAge of SSNM-based farming system and manual-based farming system.. The manual based fertilization cost is Rp 23,078. (12.93 % of total cost) whereas the SSNM-based fertilization cost is Rp 320,065 ( 20.62% of total cost. The application of SSNM was able to increase average rice production about 314.38 kg / hectare and thus farmers income raised to Rp 1,100,328 / hectare

    Expert System for Identification of Red Pepper Plant (Capsicum Annum L.)

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    Identification of plant disease is an important step to decide how it will control. This paper discusses the design and development of an expert system for identification of 12 general diseases of red pepper plant (Capsicum annum L.). Disease identification in this software system was based on the visual symptom of disease(s) in various plant growth stages, similar to the standard rules in plant protection science. The prototype of this software system was implemented by EXSYS Professional for Microsoft Windows (WINEXSYS) version 5.0 and worked under Windows '95 operation system. This software system is user-friendly and equipped by image-visualization that describe disease symptoms

    Internet Based Expert System for Hand Tractor Trouble Shooting

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    The final step of this research was uploading the system in virtual FTP (File Transfer Protocol directory address /www/smipipb, and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to access this site washttp://www.websamba.com/smipipb. The eveluation using the same browser engines indicutes that the system work as weN as in the local intranet. The knowledge base contains rules concerning the knowledge domain transformed and stored in the Microsoft Access data basejle. The main constribution of this research is to provide a multiuser software tool for hand tractor trouble shooting in the internet environment

    Akuisisi Spektrum Near Infrared Reflectance Pada Biji Kakao

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    Akuisisi spektrum Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) untuk produk olahan kakao telah banyak dilakukan dalam berbagai penelitian namun untuk biji kakao utuh masih belum dilakukan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan teknik akuisisi spektrum NIRS untuk mendeteksi tingkat fermentasi biji kakao dan menentukan selang panjang gelombang yang mengandung informasi kualitas biji kakao secara nondestruktif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia, Jember-Indonesia dan Georg August University of Göttingen di Göttingen-Jerman pada Juli 2012 sampai Februari 2013. Penelitian menggunakan Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC) dan Standard Normal Variate (SNV), Savitzky-Golay smoothing (SGs) dan derivative pertama (D1), derivative kedua (D2) sebagai metode koreksi spektrum dan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) sebagai metode pengolah data spektrum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akuisisi spektrum NIRS pada biji kakao tumpukan mampu menggantikan akuisisi NIRS pada biji kakao individu. NIRS juga diketahui mampu membedakan tingkat fermentasi pada biji dan bubuk kakao. Melalui studi ini ditemukan juga selang panjang gelombang yang dapat mengidentifikasikan kualitas kakao sehingga dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya dalam pengembangan model identifikasi kualitas kakao.Kata Kunci: Biji kakao, NIRS, metode nondestruktifNear Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) spectra acquisition for processed cocoa products has been widely applied in various studies. The application of this method for whole intact cocoa beans is however scarce. The objectives of this research were to develop a spectral acquisition technique of NIRS to detect fermentation level of cocoa beans and determine the wavelength range interval containing cocoa bean quality information nondestructively. This research was performed in Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember-Indonesia for fermentation treatment and Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany for spectra acquisition. These were conducted from July 2012 to February 2013. Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC), Standard Normal variate (SNV), Savitzky-Golay Smoothing (SGS) and spectra transformation into its first and second derivative (D1 and D2 respectively) were used as spectral pre-processing method whilst principal component analysis (PCA) was applied as a method of data processing. The results showed that NIRS spectrum acquisition on bulk of cocoa beans could replace NIRS acquisition on the individual beans. NIRS is able to distinguish the fermentation stages both in cocoa beans and cocoa powder. The study also found several NIR wavelength range interval associated with cocoa quality so that it can be used for further studies to develop cocoa quality attributes prediction models