5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of genital condyloma accuminata seen during pediatric age as for sexual abuse: Case report

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    Anogenital wart is the most frequently seen during sexually transmitted disease in sexually active adults caused by Human Papillomavirus. The transmission with sexual contact has been defined for anogenital warts which emerge during childhood, however other routes of infection are also considered. We presented a case of a female child who had two genital warts. There is no history or suspicion of sexual abuse and the girl was infected by her mother. In the cases of condyloma accuminata seen in childhood, taking history and physical examination for sexual abuse of the child should be done by the clinician in a detailed way. Opinions should be achieved from forensic experts about the case and the legal authorities should be notified of the suspicion

    The knowledge, attitude and mood effects of forensic autopsy education to the medical school students

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    Giriş ve Amaç: Otopsi uygulaması tıp eğitiminin vazgeçilmez bir parçası olmakla birlikte travmatize edici bir süreçtir. Dönem 5 öğrencilerimizin bilgi ve tutumları "Ölümün Medikolegal Yönü" TASK'ına katıldıktan sonra değişmekte ve adli otopsi uygulamasından fiziksel ve duygusal olarak etkilendikleri gözlenmektedir. Çalışmamızda Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dönem 5 öğrencilerinin, TASK uygulamasından sonra bilgi düzeyleri ve tutum değişiklikleri ile fiziksel ve duygusal olarak etkilenme durumlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: 2009-2010 ve 2010-2011 öğretim yılında Ölümün Medikolegal Yönü TASK'ına katılan Dönem 5 öğrencileri, kontrol grubu olarak 2009-2010 öğretim yılı Dönem 6 ve 2010-2011 öğretim yılı Dönem 1 öğrencileri çalışmaya alınmıştır. Hazırlanan anket formlarıyla dönem 5 öğrencilerinin sosyodemografik özellikleri, adli otopsi konusundaki bilgi ve tutumları, adli otopsi uygulamasına ilişkin görüşleri, otopsi uygulaması öncesi ve sonrası kaygı düzeyi ve somatizasyon bulguları yönünden araştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza katılan 422 tıp fakültesi öğrencisinin 86 (% 20)'sı Dönem 5, 227 (%54)'si Dönem 1 ve 109 (%26)'u Dönem 6 öğrencisi idi. Öğrencilerin %96,2'si adli otopsinin tıp eğitimine katkısı olduğunu ve %93,5'i adli tıp uzmanı olmayan hekimlerin adli otopsi uygulaması yapmasının uygun olmayacağını belirtmişlerdir. Dönem 5 öğrencilerinin kaygı düzeylerinin otopsi uygulaması ile ilk karşılaşmada arttığı, TASK'ın son günü ise kaygı düzeyinin azaldığı, kız öğrencilerin kaygı düzeylerinin erkek öğrencilere göre daha yüksek olduğu gözlenmiştir. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Çalışmamızda, öğrencilerin adli otopsi uygulamalarının olumsuz fiziksel koşullarda yapıldığını belirttikleri ve bu durumun öğrencilerin adli otopsi uygulaması hakkındaki düşüncelerini de olumsuz etkilediği gözlendi. Adli otopsilerin ulusal ve uluslararası protokollere uygun koşullarda gerçekleştirilmesi için gerekli maddi olanağın sağlanmasının ve bunun için karar mekanizmalarının, adli otopsilerin bireylerin haklarının korunması ve toplumun adalete güven duymasındaki yeri ve önemini göz önünde bulundurmalarının önemli olduğu kanaatindeyiz. Öğrencilerin ilk kez katıldıkları adli otopsi uygulamasından olumsuz etkilendikleri ve kaygı düzeylerinin arttığı gözlendi. Bu olumsuzlukların azaltmak için TASK öncesi yapılan tanıtım dersinin, Tıp Eğitimi ve Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalları'nın görüş ve destekleriyle yeniden gözden geçirilmesinin uygun olacağını düşünüyoruz. Aim: Class 5 student's knowledge and attitude are changed after joining "Medicolegal Aspects of Death" TASK programmeand autopsy are affected students physical and emotional. In this study, we aimed Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine of Class 5 students after the TASK application, changing of knowledge, attitudes and changes in the affected states to assess the physical and emotional. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of knowledge, addition, physical and emotional behavior changes after the TASK application on Class 5 students. Method: Our study is focused on Class 5 students who attended to "Medicolegal Aspects of Death" TASK programme in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 academic year, 2009-2010 academic year of Class 6 and 2010-2011 academic year of Class 1 students. We investigated the sociodemographic characteristics, knowledge and attitudes about autopsy, comments relating to the application of medicolegal autopsy, before and after application of the autopsy findings in terms of levels of anxiety and somatization of Class 5 students with the questionnaire. Results: 422 medicine students who are 86 (% 20) class 5, 227 (%54) class 1, 109 (%26) class 6, participate the questionnare. % 96,2 of them think that medicolegal autopsy contribution to their medical education and % 93,5 of them think that non- forensic expert physicians is not appropriate to the application of forensic autopsy. Class 5 students' anxiety levels increase in the first encounter with post-mortem practice, the last day of TASK's primary decrease in anxiety level, female students had higher anxiety levels than males. Somatization symptoms decreased after the application of autopsy. Discussion and Conclusion: In this study, students' said that forensic autopsy applications were performed in inappropriate conditions and this situation was adversely affected students' thoughts about implementation of forensic autopsies. We believe that in order to perform the forensic autopsies in suitable conditions according to national and international protocols, financial possibilities should be provided, and also forensic autopsies are very important for the protection of the rights of individuals and importance of society confidence in the justice should be considered. Students who participated for the first time to forensic autopsies, had increased levels of anxiety and adversely affected by the application of forensic autopsies. In order to reduce these negative situations, the education which made before TASK course, should be considered by the Medical Education and Psychiatry Departments again

    Evaluation of theses in the field of forensic medicine in Turkey

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the scientific efficacy of medical specialism theses prepared in the Forensic Medicine Departments of universities in Turkey, to examine how visible these are to the scientific community, and to determine the links between an academic career and thesis publication. In this retrospective cohort study, a total of 383 forensic medicine specialism theses were evaluated from The National Thesis Centre internet address between 1983 and 2020. The most common research subject was clinical forensic medicine and trauma with 58 (15.1%) theses. 307 (80.2%) of theses were published. While 307 (80.2%) of the theses were not presented as a publication in a scientific journal, 76 (19.8%) were converted to a scientific publication, of which75 (98.6%) were published in Google Scholar, 39 (51.3%) in SCI-E, 31 (40.8%) in PubMed, and 2 (2.6%) in SCI journals. The provision of courses including the process of thesis writing, applying for ethics committee approval, statistical analysis and evaluation, the rules of writing a scientific article, and the selection of a scientific journal, will encourage young researchers on the subject of scientific publication and will play an important role in the improvement of the quality of publications. [Med-Science 2022; 11(4.000): 1648-53

    Incest Relationship between a Sister and Mentally Retarded Brother which Resulted in Pregnancy and Birth: A Case Report

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    Incest is an illegal sexual relationship which is encountered in all societies and more often seen in childhood with psychologically destructive effects. The incest is presented between an antaomically virgin girl who experienced sexual relations resulting pregnancy and birth, with her older brother who didnt have adequate sexual relationship information and thought he was playing games, re-enacting what seen on films and television. The girl 12 year-old at the time of incest, didnt realise that she was pregnant so the pregnancy couldn't be terminated and she gave birth to a baby. Applied tests, the accused brother was determined with mild mental retardation, but he had been educated to high school level. The girl was determined to have developed a severe mental disorder because of the event. In this case of incest which resulted in a birth, the girl was found to be victim, the sister and the infants mother and the boy with mental retardation was the perpetrator. Our aim was to draw attention to destructive effects within the family of incest. In addition, incest cases are rarely seen, it should be pointed out that besides the girl as victim, the mentally-retarded brother and the newborn infant were also victims. [Med-Science 2016; 5(2.000): 709-14

    Cardiovascular effects of JWH-018 from synthetic cannabinoids [Sentetik kannabinoidlerden JWH-018in kardiyovaskuler etkileri]

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    The content of synthetic cannabinoids (SC) which are known in Europe as Spice, in the U.S.A. as K2, and in Turkey as Bonsai or Jamaica is not standard. Also SC are known to contain approximately 400 chemical compounds which vary from country to country. SC mimics the effect of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the major effective content of Cannabis or Marijuana by cannabinoid-1 (CB1) and cannabinoid-2 (CB2) receptors in the body cell. Although the new SC are synthesized and the number of new variants is increased in every day; JWH-018 among these variants exerts full agonist effect on both CB1 and CB2 receptors also it has a short-term effect as 2 hours. For this reason, JWH-018 is the most commonly used as SC. There are a few data in the literature regarding to the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of SC. Furthermore, most of the existing data are based on in vitro experiments. In the JWH-018 report, at Critical Review Report Agenda item 4.5 Expert Committee on Drug Dependence of World Health Organization (WHO), Thirty‐sixth Meeting Geneva, 16‐20 June 2014, is declared that despite a marked elevation of the heart rate is one of the clinical signs very often seen after intoxication with SC, there is no available study data regarding effects of SC on cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver, kidneys and genitourinary systems. The aim of this review is to highlight cardiovascular effects of JW-018 which is considered to be the prototype for synthetic cannabinoids to prepare the ground for new work to be done. [Med-Science 2016; 5(4.000): 1049-54